Free Dota 2 Bet Items: Second VPgame Roll with Code

dota 2 vpgame bet prediction

dota 2 vpgame bet prediction - win


cignal vs lowkey gaming on the 11th of feb 2020

Vpgame's got this literally in the first section of their rulebook ;

4.Gaming in Dota 2 matches - Under normal circumstances (except for Best of One match), the leading team that quits/disconnect/forfeits the rest of the games, the match will be canceled.

lowkey was up 10k+ but all 5 of them randomly disconnected, after a pause cignal was given a default win.

This isnt the first time vpgame is doing this, in addition to this once i won about 140$ worth of pa heads and the fucking site made it disappear from my inventory out of nowhere and said the items were probably stolen so we took it out of your inventory????? Like fuckers those were my 140$ smh. I guess what im tryna ask is what can we do to stop this bullshitry and get someone of importance to take this issue up.

my conversation with the 'live chat' which is literally one kid who keeps on ending my conversations.

my transcript of the convo with him incase anyone's interested.

Dear users,the Prediction Rebate will be available from Feb. 9 to Mar. 2.Learn more
Hello ! How could I help you,sir?
the lowkey vs cignal gaming bet
according to the rules if the team with the lead loses in such a fashion u cancel the bet
you went against your own rules
📷According to the rules, we settled the game.📷
can i get an explanation for this
according to the rules, lowkey was winning
was in a 10k lead which is massive
according to the rules, the bet should get cancelled,
📷According to our rules, the game is going on normally.
The game was officially sanctioned.
So we're not going to cancel, settle📷
this is not the first time ive lost a substantial sum because of vpgame not following rules
📷According to our rules, the game is going on normally.
The game was officially sanctioned.
So we're not going to cancel, settle📷
this is your rule number 4
4.Gaming in Dota 2 matches - Under normal circumstances (except for Best of One match), the leading team that quits/disconnect/forfeits the rest of the games, the match will be canceled.
please open your rulebook
📷According to our rules, the game is going on normally.
The game was officially sanctioned.
So we're not going to cancel, settle📷
and read it
📷According to our rules, the game is going on normally.
The game was officially sanctioned.
So we're not going to cancel, settle📷
you are just copy pasting
📷According to our rules, the game is going on normally.
The game was officially sanctioned.
So we're not going to cancel, settle📷
please end the chat if u do not wish to read my messages
📷According to our rules, the game is going on normally.
The game was officially sanctioned.
So we're not going to cancel, settle📷
4.Gaming in Dota 2 matches - Under normal circumstances (except for Best of One match), the leading team that quits/disconnect/forfeits the rest of the games, the match will be canceled.
4.Gaming in Dota 2 matches - Under normal circumstances (except for Best of One match), the leading team that quits/disconnect/forfeits the rest of the games, the match will be canceled.
4.Gaming in Dota 2 matches - Under normal circumstances (except for Best of One match), the leading team that quits/disconnect/forfeits the rest of the games, the match will be canceled.
We’re not able to provide you with any assistance in this case, sorry for the inconvenience.
4.Gaming in Dota 2 matches - Under normal circumstances (except for Best of One match), the leading team that quits/disconnect/forfeits the rest of the games, the match will be canceled.
rule. book
your own rule book
您好,当前正在排队,请先简单描述您的问题 / You are currently in a queue, please wait patiently.


Dear users,the Prediction Rebate will be available from Feb. 9 to Mar. 2.Learn more
Hello ! How could I help you,sir?
4.Gaming in Dota 2 matches - Under normal circumstances (except for Best of One match), the leading team that quits/disconnect/forfeits the rest of the games, the match will be canceled.
u didnt cancel the cignal vs lowkey bet
您好,当前正在排队,请先简单描述您的问题 / You are currently in a queue, please wait patiently.
you are going against your own rulebook
4.Gaming in Dota 2 matches - Under normal circumstances (except for Best of One match), the leading team that quits/disconnect/forfeits the rest of the games, the match will be canceled.
4.Gaming in Dota 2 matches - Under normal circumstances (except for Best of One match), the leading team that quits/disconnect/forfeits the rest of the games, the match will be canceled.


Dear users,the Prediction Rebate will be available from Feb. 9 to Mar. 2.Learn more
Hello ! How could I help you,sir?
4.Gaming in Dota 2 matches - Under normal circumstances (except for Best of One match), the leading team that quits/disconnect/forfeits the rest of the games, the match will be canceled.
cignal vs lowkey
submitted by RedEdgeRTZ to Dota2Betting [link] [comments]

Memories of CN dota elders..

There was a recent event driven by VPGAME(the Chinese company not Russian lol) trending among CN dotaers.
The event message was:
"When was the first time you've ever played DotA? How many years have you played?
At first, we played DotA 1. Before we realized, DotA 2 came out. And now we have MK, Octarine, Echo Sabre and so on... We stayed around this game for so many years, and now even TI7 is in the past.
You must have lost in all kinds of fashion. There has to be too many times that you got megas and still lost the game.
You must have been sneered at. Even when you bought all the support items as an int hero, your teammates still shat all over you.
You must have been forced to give up. You tried so hard to create vision on the map in hope of turning the game around. You stood on your highground and waited for the enemies to come, but then you saw your teammate in chat: 'ff, no def.'
At times you realize that you invested most of your off-work time into DotA, even though the game lets you down a lot. You still stay up late to watch the TI matches, even when you have work in the morning.
So, tell me. You are almost 30. What is YOUR reason to keep on playing DotA?"
Here are some of my favorite replies:
松鼠大队长zhan (a DotA fan):
B God hasn't given up yet, why should I?
X-23 (a DotA fan):
和刀塔的缘最早发生在七年前,那会同学们疯狂的迷恋这个游戏,我就求着哥们带我玩,他让我玩axe去打野,我就一个人傻兮兮的走去打野,瞄见地图上最大的野,嗯,这个打完钱和经验肯定多,一次一次死一次一次去,我的执着让对面都惊呆了,因为他们怕也是没见过出门就单挑肉山的axe吧...自从这盘以后我觉得这游戏真是难玩就放弃了。到了do2时代,特地翻了翻自己的战绩,第一盘用了冰女2-15-8。出了竭尽全力想憋个金箍棒出来,最后打到队友都退了,我还在一个人野区farm。到后来觉得这游戏越来越好玩,也越来越想把这个游戏玩好,那段时间天天在背英雄的技能,看教你做大人系列的视频,一天一集,天天偷偷摸摸的出去上网,现在回想起来,热爱这个游戏,虽然嘴上说着dead game还是每天都想玩的,可能就是舍不得那一段无知但热血,菜B但坚持的青春岁月吧。
My first relationship with DotA happened 7 years ago. At the time, all my schoolmates were so crazy about this game, so I asked my bro to bring me along. He told me to play Axe and jungle, so I just went and jungled like a fool. I looked over the map and found the biggest camp, thought if I could finish that, it'd probably give a bunch of money and EXP. So I went and went again, died and died again, my persistence shocked my opponents; I bet they've never seen an axe that goes to solo Rosh at lvl 1. After that game I thought this game was too hard and I gave up. Fast forward to DotA 2 era. I looked at my records; my first game was as CM with a score 2-15-8. In that game I was trying so hard to grind out an MKB; until all my teammates left the game, I was still farming in the jungle. Eventually I started to feel the fun of DotA, and I started to want to play better, so I recited heroes' skills every day. And I watched all the "*** teaches you how to be a real man" series, one episode a day. I also snuck out every day to internet cafe to learn the game. Now that I think about it, I really love this game. Even though I would say "dead game" all the time, I still want to play every day. Maybe it is because I couldn't let go of my ignorant but ardent, noob ass but persistent youth times.
再不让起名我不玩了(a DotA fan):
I was born in 1987, so I'm exactly 30. When I watch BurNIng play I feel like I'm watching myself, and I would imagine that I'm also competing on the big stage. So please BurNIng, keep up your motherfucking good work! The more years you play, the more years we 30-year-old kids can watch, and the more years our dreams can continue [tears]
我和队友1换1 (a DotA fan):
Why do I still play DotA when I'm almost 30? Because I still have brothers that are fighting in that world. The 4 stack of my college dorm, the 5 man gang sitting in a row at an internet cafe.. These are all the memories that tie us to the times of our youth. We have scolded one another, we have argued with one another, we have experienced the long silence after losing a game, and we also have screamed and yelled with excitement and joy after a huge comeback. These are all irreplaceable memories that we hold dear. DotA, it's a 5 man game. If you ask me what I'm afraid of the most, the answer is not that DotA is a dying game, and it's not that maybe one day the game will stop updating. What I fear is the darkened avatars of my friends that would never light up again. It is a world in which I'm alone that I'm afraid of. After graduation, we scattered to all around the country. But when we all come online, team up and join the voice chat, I then recall all the laughing good nights that we had. Yes, we're still together.
典狱长 (a DotA fan):
I started playing DotA in 8th grade, and now I'm graduating college. All these years that I've played, DotA transformed from a game into a faith. As a game, DotA's balance and replayability are far superior to other games of the genre. The games that are close to or even over one hour in length, always make me feel so fully satisfied. The game teaches us that to achieve our goal, we need to take one step at a time, just like in a game of DotA, we need to get one last hit at a time. When the time is hard, do you simply surrender, or do you strive for a stronger emulative spirit than your opponents. As a faith, DotA accompanied us for so many years. It's not only that it spans over our youth, but also it represents the encouragement you feel when four TP beams appear behind you, with your friends coming to your aid. The most perfect DotA team is never a team of just strong players. Instead, it's a team that when we're together, then there's nothing that can stop us. Afterall, we put our dreams at stake, how could we let ourselves lose?
蜀山MC (a DotA fan)
I first got to know Warcraft 3 in elementary school, then I tried DotA 1. At the time I transcribed a lot of item recipies onto my notebook to remember them. I also watched a lot of guides and practiced certain heroes. In 2012 I spent 100 RMB and bought a DotA 2 activation code; with that, I could only play on overseas servers with 200 ping. DotA holds so much of my time, and beliefs. DotA is my faith. I'm 20 years old right now. Don't even mention 30 years old. I will be playing dota even when I'm 50, teaming with my kids and grand kids and keep on the action.
MintyBlue 藏马 (IG Vice President):
I started playing DotA on and off since 2007. Now it's 2017 and I'm 32. Skill in the game didn't really change much, but DotA changed my life. It was because of DotA I joined IG. There was no way for me to predict how my life and career would change when I first downloaded this RPG map 10 years ago; it feels a bit fateful. No matter how much I still play, DotA is always going to be a part of my life.
Mumu 木木爱画画 (DotA 2 community artist):
I first touched DotA when I was 30. I played DotA 1 for 10 years, then DotA 2 came out. Now that I've played 7 years of DotA 2, I'm almost 18. Kappa.
GL (DotA 2 community artist):
So if I make a count, from when I first started drawing nonsense about DotA before Perfect World, to drawing battlefield reports for TI3, which I kept doing till today... I've been drawing DotA stuff for 7, 8 years. [二哈][二哈][二哈] That's why they say "time flies" I bet. [二哈][二哈][二哈]
*[二哈] is the Husky variant of the twitch emote BrokeBack on weibo
Here I shared with you some of the CN players' DotA memories.
I know there's a call from the CN community for western stories as well.
I would love to translate and share your stories with the CN community by sending my translations to a VPGAME reporter.
So please, share your memories, feelings and stories in this thread. The top 10 upvoted comments (and maybe a couple extra of my favorites) will be translated and shared with the Chinese DotA community.
Oh and, if anyone needs a link to the original post, there are 2 sources I used:
and 2,
Update: I have picked out 11 (because one of them is so short) most upvoted responses (some that should have been included were sadly deleted by the time I was able to get back to this), translated them and sent them to a VPGAME reporter. Once they're posted, I will do a final update with the link to the Chinese site.
No bamboozles.
update update: At first I translated all replies from oliver_smith_dota to LayfonAlseif, 11 in total. However the editors at VPGAME only selected 5 as the final post. Sorry to the rest of you. I still have the translation if you want them.
Here's the Chinese version on VPGAME site:
Here's the English:
submitted by Frosa9252 to DotA2 [link] [comments]

Dota 2 Bet Guides

My new Dota 2 Prediction page "Bet Prophet. 90% winrate on vpgame.
Visit and follow me here :
submitted by dota2betprophet to DotA2 [link] [comments]

SmartDotaBetting - VPGame now supported, new upcoming site and naming competition!

VPGame now supported
I just added support for VPGame to the website. This was one of the biggest feature requests. This page displays live VPGame odds alongside the model's calculated odds and gives recommendations for betting, much like the Pinnacle and Dota2Lounge pages.
If you're using a bookmaker other than Pinnacle, D2L or VPGame, you can use the Manual Bet% Calculator which I added to the site yesterday.
New Site
After TI5 I will be creating a new site that will replace SmartDotaBetting. It will have the following:
The new site will be more like Aligulac. Most of the pages will be focused towards the ratings and stats. The betting section will be separate, but will be the main focus from a development perspective.
Users of SmartDotaBetting will be migrated to the new site when it's live. Lifetime SmartDotaBetting users will get a free upgrade to Lifetime membership on the new site.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions for the new site.
Name the New Site Competition
I am running a competition to name the new site. If you suggest a name that I use for the new site or a name that I think is quite good (and may use) I will give you a free lifetime membership to SmartDotaBetting and the new site. If you're already a lifetime member I will give you an equivalent prize.
Contact me to submit a name. You can submit as many as you like.
The competition will end when the new site is released (probably a couple of months).
Thanks guys, and good luck in TI5!
Update: I also posted the model's calculation for the TI5 winner, winning region and wildcard qualifier here:
submitted by savinoxo to dota2loungebets [link] [comments]


Game Show Global | Pasukan Panglima vs MVP Phoenix

Pos. Team Win Loss
1 Pasukan Panglima 7 1
2 MVP Phoenix 7 3
3 Signature.Trust 5 1
4 PewPewVN 3 3
5 First Departure 3 5
6 Spac_ Creators 2 4
7 Execration 1 11
Recent form:
Team W D L
Pasukan Panglima 3 2 0
MVP Phoenix 1 3 1
I watched pang5's game versus FD and to be honest it was really solid. Expected clean 2-0 swipe by Meracle- and company but these guys took first game by surprise. Ever since, they have solid performance throughout the group stage and so far they are holding first position. MVP Phoenix is second and this should be last series for Koreans. I expect them to put extra effort so overall I expect a close games and solid dota.
As for prediction, I will take handicap bet on pang5. The odds are nice and ATM VPgame is giving around 68% on pang5 with -0,5 on MVP.P. Malaysian team have solid chance to take one game from Korean team.
Given the circumstances I'd say it's definitely worth a try. So, for pang5(+0,5)-MVP.P I'll go on pang5

Game Show Global | Spac_ Creators vs First Departure

Pos. Team Win Loss
1 Pasukan Panglima 7 1
2 MVP Phoenix 7 3
3 Signature.Trust 5 1
4 PewPewVN 3 3
5 First Departure 3 5
6 Spac_ Creators 2 4
7 Execration 1 11
Recent form:
Team W D L
Spac_ Creators 0 2 3
First Departure 1 1 3
Both teams are in a pretty bad form as of recent and even tough FD have some really talented players they were not able to capitalize on that. Despite bad form and lack of better results I'll give an advantage to Singaporean team. The quality and execution should be on Meracle-'s team side and they should show it in this match. They still have 2 series to go and should give their best.
submitted by dreadwingdota to PostPreview [link] [comments]

dota 2 vpgame bet prediction video

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100:1 BET ODDS — WTF OG vs random pub stack

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dota 2 vpgame bet prediction

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