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"Family tree: chapter 1, bloody roots" (fiction)

Have you ever heard the saying “It’s in my blood”? Well, it is. I come from a long line of serial killers, technically my grandfather (Pedro) was a mass murderer. His reign of terror claimed 298 victims somewhere in the Andes, it was near the end of his run he impregnated the prostitute who would give birth to my father after fleeing to America. My father (Felix) was a truck driver but in his spare time he would kidnap and murder women and young girls. During his active years he was given a lot of names, The I-70 killer, the freeway Phantom and the Parkway stalker to name a few. He and my mother were killed by a drunk driver in 1990 and I was turned over to child protective services. Despite the circumstances I had a fairly happy childhood, I was adopted quickly by Oliver and Gail Campbell. They were good people, Oliver was Professor at the local college and Gail was an artist. They gave me a great life, they never harmed me in any way and did their best to keep me safe but no matter how hard they tried they couldn’t protect me from myself.
I suppose by now you’re wondering who I am, well boys and girls that’s my little secret. For now you may call me Dante, there’s a lot to unpack here so I guess I’ll start at the beginning. My first kill well human kill anyway was a kid named Billy McCarthy, he was what you would consider one of the popular kids if there is such a thing in the fifth grade. I guess here is where you would get the stereotypical popular bully routine but no, that’s not how this story goes. I wasn’t picked on or pushed around, hell, for the most part people barely noticed I was around and before you go jumping to conclusions that has nothing to do with it either.
The why probably isn’t as interesting as the how but I’ll tell you anyway, I picked him because I didn’t like his shoes. I know, I know, that’s petty as hell, but for 10 year old me that was enough. I watched him for days, I didn’t have a clue back then I had no idea what I was doing or how I was going to do it I just knew I wanted it done. It was a Friday afternoon, Billy and his friends walked through Stone Park every day but on Fridays he had soccer practice and would be late so he would be by himself. I told my mother I was going to the park about an hour before I knew he would be there. On the way I stopped by old man Hudson’s place and broke into the toolshed behind his house, there wasn’t much to pick from and being so young I chose the only thing I could fit into my pocket a flathead screwdriver. When I got to the park I spent a little too long looking for the perfect spot and by the time I found one it was too late. I spotted Billy already on the far end of the park, I’d missed my chance. I know that’s a little anticlimactic but it turned out to be for the best, that night I was up late watching an old movie I can’t recall the name of it but in it there was a man who poisoned his wife by crushing up pills and mixing it into her food. This gave me an idea, now being 10 I didn’t have access to pills and wouldn’t have known what to use even if I did. What I did have was my father’s workshop in the garage, there were lots of chemicals I couldn’t begin to tell you what half of them were but there were quite a few that had warnings on them. I poured a little from each one into a water bottle and saved it till I went back to school.
That Monday while we were in gym I asked to use the restroom, while I was gone I went to Billy’s locker and pulled his thermos out of his backpack. I poured out about a cup or so of the sweet smelling juice out then replaced it with the cocktail I’d mixed up, when I was done I sniffed it just to see if I could detect it and much to my surprise there was only a slight difference. Later that day when we went to lunch I sat at my usual table and pretended not to know what was about to happen, after about 15 minutes people started screaming. There was a sudden panic and the cafeteria exploded into chaos, Billy was violently seizing on the floor spewing bloody foam from his mouth as teaches rushed to his aid. He died later that night in the hospital, it was all over the news when they found he’d been poisoned everyone was looking for someone to blame. There were all sorts of rumors on who it could have been and kids being kids made up stories that grew into urban legends. The case went unsolved, but I was hooked I spent the rest of that school year riding the high till the buzz started to fade away and by the start of the next year no one was talking about it anymore.
I tried to go without it, I really did, but every day I walked the halls and didn’t feel the fear in the air, I felt sick. I wanted it back, I needed to feel that power again but if there was one thing I’d learned, it was to not rush the process. If one death fed me for a year two would get me to the 8th grade, looking back I have to laugh at my reasoning it was all so silly now that I reflect on those moments. Nevertheless I spent my first semester picking out targets luckily for me there was no shortage of people I didn’t like but one in particular “Coach Philips” gave me the best reason of all.
Mr. Philips was the head coach of the football team, he was a large muscular man with a head full of grey hair. Everyone loved Coach Philips, when parents and staff were around he put on an act that made them believe he was a genuine good guy. But when it was just him and the team, he was a brutal dictator with a foul mouth and a quick temper. I’d heard the stories but because I wasn’t on the team I’d never seen it for myself, one afternoon I had to stay after school for detention I wasn’t a trouble maker or anything like that I just got caught talking to my friend Caleb and the teacher punished me for it. When detention was finally over I was walking through the building near the gym and stopped to tie my shoe, while I was kneeling down I started hearing someone arguing and got a little nosey. I crept into the locker room following the voices till I got to this area everyone called “The Cage” it was where the football teams lockers were and no one besides them was allowed inside.
Once I passed the cage I came to the hall that leads to the Coaches office, that’s where the yelling was coming from. As quietly as I could I crept down the hall and got as close as possible without being seen, from where I was I could see a part of his office through the window but I couldn’t see everything. The coach barked out “Are you fucking stupid Denton?! I told you to get your shit together or there would be consequences!” I caught a glimpse of one of the older kids standing near the door as coach stormed over and grabbed him by the arm pulling him in the office before closing the door. Now all I could see was the Coaches back and hear him yelling but only for a moment before the sound of him slapping whoever that Denton kid was. There was a crash from the kid slamming into the desk then a struggle that only lasted for a few seconds, the hall went quiet I waited for a moment before I started to get out of there then I heard muffled screams and whimpering. I had to know what was happening, I slowly crept around the corner and made my way over to the window, when I peeped inside I nearly threw up. Coach had that boy bent over his desk violating him in the worst way imaginable, I never saw the kids face I turned tail and got out of there as fast as possible. I ran all the way home, I thought about telling my parents or maybe the police but something stopped me, I knew in that moment it had to be me, it was up to me to stop this. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea I didn’t want to stop him out of some need to be the hero. I wanted to stop him because he was on my turf and even then I didn’t like sharing. It would take me a while to come up with a plan for the coach but in the meantime I had my sights set on one Eliza Stuart, she was a grade above me I couldn’t really tell you why I sniffed her out. She wasn’t popular or even a standout student for all intents and purposes she was just another face in the crowd but for some reason that made her perfect.
Finding her pattern wasn’t easy, I only really saw her once or twice a day during school so there was no way I could get to her bag. I needed another approach, I watched her for days, eventually I found out she rode the bus and what side of town she lived on but none of that was any help. I was getting close to giving up on her, then on a Tuesday afternoon there was a fire. Faulty wiring lit the insulation inside the walls and before anyone knew what was going on a large section of the building was on fire. The alarms blared while the halls filled with smoke and all that organized fire drill shit flew straight out the window. Students and teachers alike flooded into the halls headed for the exits and in that chaos I spotted her, she was standing near the janitor’s closet talking with another girl. By the time I got close the other girl was walking away, keeping my back to Eliza I moved with the crowd till I was standing directly in front of her then pretended to get thrown off balance stumbling into her causing her to fall landing just inside the doorway. Without looking back I slammed the door shut and locked it still facing the surging crowd, no one noticed. I joined the crowd and filed out to the courtyard where we were all gathered watching the school burn, I stared at that door till they moved us away and she never came out. Her body was discovered later that day and once again that feeling of power surged through me but as good as it felt it wasn’t enough, I needed more.
No one panicked, there was no fear just sadness it felt like a hollow victory. They wrote it off as a tragic accident so there was no muttering or wondering, no fantastic stories or boogie-men bumping off the townsfolk it was utterly disappointing. The rest of that year was a wash, but the next year when things got back to normal I’d already made up my mind, “Coach” was first on the list. I’d hit a little growth spurt and put on weight so I tried out for the team and made it. I hated every second of it, there were some benefits like discipline, strength, stamina and speed but seeing his face knowing what he was made me sick.
We had lost two of our last three games and Coach was not happy, I knew sooner or later he would start taking it out on the players and I was right. The Monday after our last loss he started having one on one player meetings in his office, I can’t say he did what he did to all the players. I don’t know that as a fact, but I do know there were a couple I’d seen him being tough on and I’m almost certain they were victims. I made sure I skipped my meeting and dodged him all day till after school, over the summer I’d found a knife in an old trunk of my fathers. It wasn’t that big but it was heavy and sharp I made sure of that, there’s an unmarked pet grave filled with fur to prove it. In any case once I was sure no one was around I went to Coach Philips office and knocked on the door, his office smelled like a combination of foot fungus spray and Old spice cologne. He grimaced at me when he opened the door, “Well it’s about god damn time you showed up, do you think I have all day to wait on your sorry ass? Get in here and close my door.” My heart was pounding so hard I could barely hear him scolding me for wasting his time, he slammed his ham sized fist on the desk and jolted towards me asking if I was listening. (I wasn’t) The second he grabbed my shirt I pulled my blade and plunged it into his neck spraying my face with blood. Coach’s eyes went wide, he gasped and gurgled releasing his grip thrashing back away from me swinging wildly. Grasping at the gushing hole in his throat he staggered back and stumbled over a chair then crashed to the ground wheezing, I hadn’t realized the knife was still in my hand till he started reaching for me. I swung that blade as hard as I could at his outreaching hand slicing off one of his fingers but he kept coming. Slipping in his own blood he crawled towards me, I maneuvered around in his office to stay out of reach but he was a big man, I couldn’t dodge forever. Getting up off the floor and grabbing me by the throat he snatched me off my feet he hoisted me into the air, I struggled against his grip thinking I was going to die till I jabbed that knife into his eye and felt the blade scrape bone. He let out a groan and dropped me then staggered back over to his desk mumbling something I couldn’t make out before taking a seat in his chair. Tilting his head back and resting his hands on his knees he let out one last gurgling breath and went still. Time stopped, it felt like electricity was running through my veins, instinct took over and the next thing I know I’m pulling the knife free from Coach’s eye socket. Everything seemed out of step like the frames of reality were lagging by a second causing the world around me to have a distorted glare. I moved through the hall quickly to the locker room and got in the shower clothes and all, I stood there watching the hot water washing away the blood when I was done I changed into my gym clothes and stole a pair of shoes out of the cage. Once I was all cleaned up I put my clothes in a trash bag then took towels and cleaned the hallway and went home.
I ate dinner, played video games and watched television till it was time for bed and I slept like a baby. The next morning when I got to school police were everywhere, the crowd was buzzing. The word was out, everyone was talking about it I could feel the energy vibrating through everyone around me it was intoxicating. I was too young to understand what I was feeling, my mind couldn’t process the overpowering emotions that were pulsing through me so I did the only thing I could think of to calm myself down, I hummed Old McDonald under my breath and for some reason it worked. I made it through the day listening to all the different versions of what everyone thought happened and managed not to burst out laughing. As the weeks went by and no one was being arrested for the murder the legend grew. Rumors started to go around about some shady drifter that wandered into town and was hiding, waiting to pick us off one by one, it was hilarious. I even heard it was the mob and Coach Philips was in witness protection or some nonsense but the best one and my personal favorite was one of the school staff was a killer. It created this weird vibe that had all of the student’s edge, I loved every second of it.
By Christmas break the rumors had become full on ghost stories but the buzz was calming down it was time for more. Since I wouldn’t be back in school for a week I started looking around the neighborhood for anyone that caught my eye but for the first few days there was nothing. For time’s sake I’ll gloss over the next couple of years, mainly because I didn’t kill anyone else till high-school, well there was a homeless guy but I don’t count that one because it was an accident.
By the time I was in high-school I’d become what you would call “The quiet kid” but it was by design. I’d come up with a plan, I wanted to see if I could control someone else and get them to do my dirty work without them knowing it. First I had to pick my subjects, they weren’t hard to find. The first was a boy named Dennis, he was lanky and tall with pale skin and bright red hair. In a way you could say he made himself stick out but no one deserves to be pushed around for being different. Dennis had a best friend that he hung out with named Chris, they dressed alike and listened to the same music so naturally the two became targets together. Freshman year for them was hell, they were chased home, beaten up and constantly the subject of random rumors. I watched them long enough to learn some of their likes and dislikes, and one thing they both had in common was some band called “L7”. It took me a month to get a concert shirt but the day I wore it to school I met Chris, he was blown away by the shirt. “Holy shit, how’d you get that?” his eyes were so wide I thought they might pop out of his head. “You have to let me buy that off you. I’ll give you 50 bucks for it right now.” I made up some story about getting it from one of the band members and it wasn’t for sale but from that day on we started to become friends. It wasn’t long before he introduced me to Dennis and from there we hung out every day.
One afternoon we were supposed to meet up at this little hideout they had been using for years. It wasn’t much to look at, it was a clearing deep in the woods where they would get high and shoot their fathers guns when they could sneak them out of the house. I got there early that day so I had to wait for them, when they made it they were both clearly hurt. Dennis had a swollen eye and a busted lip, Chris had a bloody nose and his shirt was torn. They ranted and raved about being tired of it all and how they were going to take off, they wanted to drop out and run away. I convinced them that was the wrong move, “Running doesn’t change who you are. It just changes where you’re at. Stand up for yourselves, force them to change how they treat you.”
Wiping blood from his chin Dennis snapped, “Don’t you think we’ve tried?! That just makes it worse! Look at my fucking face! Do you think I stood there and let this happen?! Do you think Chris wanted to get the shit kicked out of him by some asshole who decided today was a good day to pick on somebody? Come on man, we shouldn’t have to live like this!”
I had to choose my next words very carefully, I didn’t want to push the envelope too fast. “I get it. I know you fight back. What I’m saying is, maybe you’re fighting back the wrong way. What we need is a way to level things out, you know, make it a fair fight.” Once the wheels were turning there was no stopping the machine, they quickly grabbed hold to the idea and ran with it, at first it was sticks and bats then knives finally landing on guns. By the end of that day they were just talking about it, imagining scenarios and cracking jokes. By the end of the month after several more incidents, we were making actual plans. We set up P.O. boxes and ordered weapons using false information we got from different places, before long we were practicing after school every day for weeks. We never wrote anything down and never told a soul what we were planning, the idea was simple we would wipe them all out and show the world what happens when you push someone too far.
In order for my plan to work I couldn’t be involved, this part was actually a lot easier than you may think my father had already planned on having me miss school for a trip to Texas so all I had to do was time it out and it worked out to perfection. The day before we were supposed to do it I had to break it to them that my dad sprung a trip on me and I would have to miss it, we argued a little but in the end they vowed to go through with the plan. What happened next would become one of the worst mass shootings in history, I got a bad feeling from it. I didn’t like the attention, it was too much and it ended badly for both of them. I never attempted that one again, the idea was better than the reality, in the end it was a lesson learned.
I didn’t do anything for years after that, the whole experience was upsetting for me. I went on with my life and made it through college without a single incident. For the most part I’d written it off as just a really fucked up phase of my life, then I started working for a company that will remain nameless because mistakes like that get you caught. I was invited to a New Year’s Eve party one day after work and since I didn’t really have any plans I went. The party was amazing, great food, great music and nice people for the most part. I had just finished my first beer when I ran into an old friend of mine, Caleb. We laughed and talked about the old days for a moment then went our separate ways. It was good to see him again, but as the night progressed I started catching him in different spots watching me. I brushed it off the first few times but as we got closer and closer to midnight I would find him closer to me.
Feeling uncomfortable I wound up leaving early, walking through the parking lot Caleb caught up to me. “I’ve been looking for you for a long time now, you want to hear something funny? I thought you would have at least thanked me for cleaning up your messes, but no, instead you ignored me and left me behind. Why!?” Before I could process what he was saying he launched forward clubbing me across the head with something heavy and everything went black.
When I woke up I was in the backseat of my car parked under an overpass near the river. There’s a yellow sticky note attached the steering wheel that said, “Call me” with a phone number written in blue ink. I ignored it, got myself together and went home, everything went back to normal for a couple of days till I started noticing a bad odor in my car. After a quick search I found a badly butchered young woman’s body, wrapped in plastic rotting in my trunk. I hadn’t had to deal with anything like this before, I’d never given any thought to getting rid of bodies. I wound up driving as far away as I could and dumping her in the bog, the body was never recovered as far as I know.
The next morning before I could leave for work, I got a phone call. “It’s your turn, let’s see how you like it.” Before I could yell my response into the receiver the line went dead. Hanging it up out of anger I grabbed my keys and stormed out the front door, I don’t even remember if I locked it. I was in my car and headed for work in a daze, I couldn’t get his words out of my head. When I got there I spent most of the day just going through the motions but right around lunch I caught sight of Caleb watching me from across the office. (How the hell did he know where I worked?) I got up from my desk and quickly headed in his direction, I never took my eyes off him but somehow between me getting up from my desk and walking to where he was standing, he’d vanished.
I don’t scare easy but something about this was getting under my skin. I couldn’t remember where or when I’d met Caleb, as far back as I could think he’d always been around. I had to put him out of my mind and get back to work but for the rest of the day odd things kept happening. I was sitting at my desk when Tracey one of the office managers stopped to talk to me. “I’ll have you know, I’ve won several awards for my innovations with this company and I don’t appreciate you saying I contribute nothing to this project.” I was shocked by her tone, she seemed genuinely upset but I had no idea what she was talking about. “For you to call my work into question in front of the regional lead was inexcusable, I should fire you.” I was completely caught off guard, I didn’t know how to respond to something I had no memory of doing. Before I could come up with a response she was called away, random people passed by my desk for the rest of the day smiling and giving me the thumbs up. Everyone hated Tracey, she was a self-absorbed blow hard that took credit for other peoples work and never once defended the people under her. As happy as it made me to see her squirm I was still left with this horrible sinking feeling and a gap in my memory. The more I thought about it I couldn’t remember leaving for lunch, I could clearly recall seeing 11:45 on the clock and thinking I only had 15 minutes left. The very next thing I remembered was seeing Caleb and getting up from my desk, by the time my work day was over I’d had at least four conversations with four different people I had no memory of meeting. The truly disturbing part was they all seemed to know me really well, I couldn’t wrap my mind around it.
When I made it home that evening there was a note taped to my front door, it read. “There is no darkness without light, no wrong without right.” It was nonsense, just more scare tactics Caleb was using to get under my skin. Tossing the note in the garbage I went inside and got some rest, if he wanted the old me he would get it. I started making plans for the next time I saw him, the idea was simple the next time we were face to face I was planning on ending his pathetic life. I began carrying a few of my favorite new toys like an overpowered taser and zip-ties, it wasn’t long before I would get my chance.
The following week I used my vacation time to take off from work for a while and set my plan in motion. I jog every morning along the same route, there’s a long stretch of paths that cut through the woods if he was going to ambush me that would be the perfect spot. At 5:30 a.m. I was just hitting the trail, I could feel him out there somewhere watching, waiting on his moment. I’d been on the trail for ten minutes when he sprung his trap, I spotted the trip-line a mile away but I played along just for fun. When I snagged the line I slammed into the ground and pretended to be hurt, Caleb predictably rushed in as I rolled to my back, pulled the taser and fired hitting him square in the chest.
The second he dropped I got up and hog-tied him before dragging him off the path, when I was sure we were out of sight I checked him for weapons and found he was carrying a combat knife. He smiled at me holding it in my hand. “Feels good, doesn’t it?” before he could say another word I clamped my left hand over his mouth and using my right drove the blade through his throat. Turning my wrist to open the hole, I stared into his eyes and as he wheezed out a long breath I inhaled deeply sucking in his last gasp of life. Once I was sure it was over I pulled my hand away from his face, he was still smiling. I had to move fast, other people jog that path and someone could be coming at any moment. I took off my sweat shirt, rolled the knife up in it and stuffed it in the sport bag I carry my water in. Using the water I washed my hands and face before getting back on the path just in time to see a pair of women turning onto the trail, I still had to get rid of the trip-line. I pretended to be stretching then took a step towards the tree and acted like I was tying my shoe, in one motion I slipped my fingers through the loop and snatched back snapping the line and slightly cutting into my fingers at the same time. I stood and stretched one last time before jogging passed them headed back to my apartment, that old feeling washed over me as I moved along the sidewalk and I realized in that moment how much I’d missed it. The electricity in my veins, the fire in my lungs the outright blissful euphoria of it all surged through me and I smiled. I laughed and picked up my pace feeling more energized than I had in years, I was back.
That night I went out bar hopping, I’m not a heavy drinker but that wasn’t the point, I was fishing. I wasn’t getting anything for the first couple of hours, I moved from place to place waiting for someone to catch my eye but for the most part it was a dud. I called for a cab and stepped outside to wait, “Excuse me, can I get a light?” a sweet sounding voice called to me as a beautiful young woman with long dark hair stepped up beside me. “I’m sorry, I don’t smoke.” She looked at me and smiled slipping her cigarette back in the pack, “That’s ok, you wouldn’t happen to have the time would you? I’ve been waiting on this cab forever.” I gave her the time and we stood there making small talk for a while till the cab finally arrived, we agreed to split the fare and hopped in. Something about her made me happy maybe it was her energy or possibly that wicked little smirk but I wanted to know her. We exchanged numbers before I got to my stop and went our separate ways.
The next night I went out again, I roamed around driving from spot to spot hoping to catch that urge but this time it didn’t take long. I was passing through uptown when I spotted him, your run of the mill neighborhood tough guy standing on the corner talking to a lady that was clearly uninterested in the conversation. I parked on the other end of the building then got out and crept through the alley coming out behind him. I decided to use a gun this time, I watched from the shadows waiting on the chance, there’s nothing like that feeling when you’re waiting for someone to step into your trap. I love it almost as much as the fallout, he walked past the alley not knowing I was there, I stepped out behind him silently raised the gun aimed at the back of his head and fired. It was over in an instant and I was racing through the alley back to my car. When I got there I calmly got in and drove away as people started to gather around the body, no one saw me, it happened so fast no one had a clue, thanks to the revolver there were no shells to find, it was quick and clean.
I had another two days left on my vacation and I was going to make the most of it. I wanted something special this time, I traveled to an upscale shopping center and wondered around buying little things while fishing for another fix. A grey haired older woman sat on a bench near the shoe store talking to someone on the phone. (Perfect.) I walked over and sat on the bench next to her, in my left pocket I was holding a syringe filled with paint thinner, I intentionally bumped her with my leg and injected her with the full dose then excused myself and walked away. I didn’t wait to see the outcome but I found out later through the news the woman died. With two down I was feeling like a kid again, and on my last day of vacation I decided that was exactly what I wanted.
Before I go further I just want it to be known, I’m not a sexual predator, I haven’t ever and will never rape anyone. As a point of pride I go out of my way to eliminate those types when I come across them, but I’ll save that for later. In any case I drove to the other side of the city for my last day and spent it looking for a victim. It took hours to finally find a good fishing hole but when I did it took less than 15 minutes to find what I was looking for. He was just a little younger than I was around the time of my first kill, he’d wandered away from the playground and was off playing by himself. The park sits on the edge of a natural bayou the water is deep and dark, it’s separated from the playground by a dense section of trees which is where I had been watching from the entire time. I didn’t hesitate, the moment he was out of view from the playground I rushed him and snapped his neck before he could scream then weighed down the body with rocks and dumped him in the water.
My vacation was over, on Monday morning I stepped through those doors still riding the buzz off the last week of my life and it felt amazing. I breezed through the day and even managed to log some programing time before I clocked out and headed home. I was feeling so good I finally decided to make a call I should have made days ago.
Her name is Tabitha, since the day I met her I couldn’t stop thinking about her, even when I was getting my fix her name rattled around in my brain every day. I actually felt nervous waiting for her to pick up, I couldn’t believe it, I was in the middle of rehearsing what I would say when the line clicked over. “Hello.” that one little word set my nerves at ease, smiling to myself I cleared my throat and the words just seemed to spill out. We talked for hours, about everything and nothing, laughing and connecting on the things we had in common, it was the most joy I’d ever felt from a stranger in my life.
We took it slow, only talking on the phone for weeks before finally seeing each other in person. The energy didn’t change, it was still so comfortable and natural with her that it felt like we’d always known one another. One date led to another and another but the odd thing was I didn’t feel that urge anymore. Weeks passed hell months passed, and we had become a legit couple, and in that entire time I didn’t kill a single person.
Then on a Wednesday evening it came back, I don’t know what triggered it, I was havening a good day. But as I pulled up to a stop light on the way home I turned and looked at the car next to me. The guy behind the wheel looked young, he was nodding his head to some song on the radio. I took the gun from under my seat then motioned for him to roll down the window keeping it out of sight. When he let it down I brought the gun up and fired as the light turned green, then I drove off. When I got home I disassembled the gun and put my bike in the car, that night I drove out to the bog burying pieces of the gun along the way. When I got there I cleaned out the car before torching it then rolled it into the swamp. It was a long ride home I didn’t make it back till the next morning, when I got there I reported my car stolen and went on with my day.
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"Family Tree: CH 1, bloody roots." (fiction)

Have you ever heard the saying “It’s in my blood”? Well, it is. I come from a long line of serial killers, technically my grandfather (Pedro) was a mass murderer. His reign of terror claimed 298 victims somewhere in the Andes, it was near the end of his run he impregnated the prostitute who would give birth to my father after fleeing to America. My father (Felix) was a truck driver but in his spare time he would kidnap and murder women and young girls. During his active years he was given a lot of names, The I-70 killer, the freeway Phantom and the Parkway stalker to name a few. He and my mother were killed by a drunk driver in 1990 and I was turned over to child protective services. Despite the circumstances I had a fairly happy childhood, I was adopted quickly by Oliver and Gail Campbell. They were good people, Oliver was Professor at the local college and Gail was an artist. They gave me a great life, they never harmed me in any way and did their best to keep me safe but no matter how hard they tried they couldn’t protect me from myself.
I suppose by now you’re wondering who I am, well boys and girls that’s my little secret. For now you may call me Dante, there’s a lot to unpack here so I guess I’ll start at the beginning. My first kill well human kill anyway was a kid named Billy McCarthy, he was what you would consider one of the popular kids if there is such a thing in the fifth grade. I guess here is where you would get the stereotypical popular bully routine but no, that’s not how this story goes. I wasn’t picked on or pushed around, hell, for the most part people barely noticed I was around and before you go jumping to conclusions that has nothing to do with it either.
The why probably isn’t as interesting as the how but I’ll tell you anyway, I picked him because I didn’t like his shoes. I know, I know, that’s petty as hell, but for 10 year old me that was enough. I watched him for days, I didn’t have a clue back then I had no idea what I was doing or how I was going to do it I just knew I wanted it done. It was a Friday afternoon, Billy and his friends walked through Stone Park every day but on Fridays he had soccer practice and would be late so he would be by himself. I told my mother I was going to the park about an hour before I knew he would be there. On the way I stopped by old man Hudson’s place and broke into the toolshed behind his house, there wasn’t much to pick from and being so young I chose the only thing I could fit into my pocket a flathead screwdriver. When I got to the park I spent a little too long looking for the perfect spot and by the time I found one it was too late. I spotted Billy already on the far end of the park, I’d missed my chance. I know that’s a little anticlimactic but it turned out to be for the best, that night I was up late watching an old movie I can’t recall the name of it but in it there was a man who poisoned his wife by crushing up pills and mixing it into her food. This gave me an idea, now being 10 I didn’t have access to pills and wouldn’t have known what to use even if I did. What I did have was my father’s workshop in the garage, there were lots of chemicals I couldn’t begin to tell you what half of them were but there were quite a few that had warnings on them. I poured a little from each one into a water bottle and saved it till I went back to school.
That Monday while we were in gym I asked to use the restroom, while I was gone I went to Billy’s locker and pulled his thermos out of his backpack. I poured out about a cup or so of the sweet smelling juice out then replaced it with the cocktail I’d mixed up, when I was done I sniffed it just to see if I could detect it and much to my surprise there was only a slight difference. Later that day when we went to lunch I sat at my usual table and pretended not to know what was about to happen, after about 15 minutes people started screaming. There was a sudden panic and the cafeteria exploded into chaos, Billy was violently seizing on the floor spewing bloody foam from his mouth as teaches rushed to his aid. He died later that night in the hospital, it was all over the news when they found he’d been poisoned everyone was looking for someone to blame. There were all sorts of rumors on who it could have been and kids being kids made up stories that grew into urban legends. The case went unsolved, but I was hooked I spent the rest of that school year riding the high till the buzz started to fade away and by the start of the next year no one was talking about it anymore.
I tried to go without it, I really did, but every day I walked the halls and didn’t feel the fear in the air, I felt sick. I wanted it back, I needed to feel that power again but if there was one thing I’d learned, it was to not rush the process. If one death fed me for a year two would get me to the 8th grade, looking back I have to laugh at my reasoning it was all so silly now that I reflect on those moments. Nevertheless I spent my first semester picking out targets luckily for me there was no shortage of people I didn’t like but one in particular “Coach Philips” gave me the best reason of all.
Mr. Philips was the head coach of the football team, he was a large muscular man with a head full of grey hair. Everyone loved Coach Philips, when parents and staff were around he put on an act that made them believe he was a genuine good guy. But when it was just him and the team, he was a brutal dictator with a foul mouth and a quick temper. I’d heard the stories but because I wasn’t on the team I’d never seen it for myself, one afternoon I had to stay after school for detention I wasn’t a trouble maker or anything like that I just got caught talking to my friend Caleb and the teacher punished me for it. When detention was finally over I was walking through the building near the gym and stopped to tie my shoe, while I was kneeling down I started hearing someone arguing and got a little nosey. I crept into the locker room following the voices till I got to this area everyone called “The Cage” it was where the football teams lockers were and no one besides them was allowed inside.
Once I passed the cage I came to the hall that leads to the Coaches office, that’s where the yelling was coming from. As quietly as I could I crept down the hall and got as close as possible without being seen, from where I was I could see a part of his office through the window but I couldn’t see everything. The coach barked out “Are you fucking stupid Denton?! I told you to get your shit together or there would be consequences!” I caught a glimpse of one of the older kids standing near the door as coach stormed over and grabbed him by the arm pulling him in the office before closing the door. Now all I could see was the Coaches back and hear him yelling but only for a moment before the sound of him slapping whoever that Denton kid was. There was a crash from the kid slamming into the desk then a struggle that only lasted for a few seconds, the hall went quiet I waited for a moment before I started to get out of there then I heard muffled screams and whimpering. I had to know what was happening, I slowly crept around the corner and made my way over to the window, when I peeped inside I nearly threw up. Coach had that boy bent over his desk violating him in the worst way imaginable, I never saw the kids face I turned tail and got out of there as fast as possible. I ran all the way home, I thought about telling my parents or maybe the police but something stopped me, I knew in that moment it had to be me, it was up to me to stop this. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea I didn’t want to stop him out of some need to be the hero. I wanted to stop him because he was on my turf and even then I didn’t like sharing. It would take me a while to come up with a plan for the coach but in the meantime I had my sights set on one Eliza Stuart, she was a grade above me I couldn’t really tell you why I sniffed her out. She wasn’t popular or even a standout student for all intents and purposes she was just another face in the crowd but for some reason that made her perfect.
Finding her pattern wasn’t easy, I only really saw her once or twice a day during school so there was no way I could get to her bag. I needed another approach, I watched her for days, eventually I found out she rode the bus and what side of town she lived on but none of that was any help. I was getting close to giving up on her, then on a Tuesday afternoon there was a fire. Faulty wiring lit the insulation inside the walls and before anyone knew what was going on a large section of the building was on fire. The alarms blared while the halls filled with smoke and all that organized fire drill shit flew straight out the window. Students and teachers alike flooded into the halls headed for the exits and in that chaos I spotted her, she was standing near the janitor’s closet talking with another girl. By the time I got close the other girl was walking away, keeping my back to Eliza I moved with the crowd till I was standing directly in front of her then pretended to get thrown off balance stumbling into her causing her to fall landing just inside the doorway. Without looking back I slammed the door shut and locked it still facing the surging crowd, no one noticed. I joined the crowd and filed out to the courtyard where we were all gathered watching the school burn, I stared at that door till they moved us away and she never came out. Her body was discovered later that day and once again that feeling of power surged through me but as good as it felt it wasn’t enough, I needed more.
No one panicked, there was no fear just sadness it felt like a hollow victory. They wrote it off as a tragic accident so there was no muttering or wondering, no fantastic stories or boogie-men bumping off the townsfolk it was utterly disappointing. The rest of that year was a wash, but the next year when things got back to normal I’d already made up my mind, “Coach” was first on the list. I’d hit a little growth spurt and put on weight so I tried out for the team and made it. I hated every second of it, there were some benefits like discipline, strength, stamina and speed but seeing his face knowing what he was made me sick.
We had lost two of our last three games and Coach was not happy, I knew sooner or later he would start taking it out on the players and I was right. The Monday after our last loss he started having one on one player meetings in his office, I can’t say he did what he did to all the players. I don’t know that as a fact, but I do know there were a couple I’d seen him being tough on and I’m almost certain they were victims. I made sure I skipped my meeting and dodged him all day till after school, over the summer I’d found a knife in an old trunk of my fathers. It wasn’t that big but it was heavy and sharp I made sure of that, there’s an unmarked pet grave filled with fur to prove it. In any case once I was sure no one was around I went to Coach Philips office and knocked on the door, his office smelled like a combination of foot fungus spray and Old spice cologne. He grimaced at me when he opened the door, “Well it’s about god damn time you showed up, do you think I have all day to wait on your sorry ass? Get in here and close my door.” My heart was pounding so hard I could barely hear him scolding me for wasting his time, he slammed his ham sized fist on the desk and jolted towards me asking if I was listening. (I wasn’t) The second he grabbed my shirt I pulled my blade and plunged it into his neck spraying my face with blood. Coach’s eyes went wide, he gasped and gurgled releasing his grip thrashing back away from me swinging wildly. Grasping at the gushing hole in his throat he staggered back and stumbled over a chair then crashed to the ground wheezing, I hadn’t realized the knife was still in my hand till he started reaching for me. I swung that blade as hard as I could at his outreaching hand slicing off one of his fingers but he kept coming. Slipping in his own blood he crawled towards me, I maneuvered around in his office to stay out of reach but he was a big man, I couldn’t dodge forever. Getting up off the floor and grabbing me by the throat he snatched me off my feet he hoisted me into the air, I struggled against his grip thinking I was going to die till I jabbed that knife into his eye and felt the blade scrape bone. He let out a groan and dropped me then staggered back over to his desk mumbling something I couldn’t make out before taking a seat in his chair. Tilting his head back and resting his hands on his knees he let out one last gurgling breath and went still. Time stopped, it felt like electricity was running through my veins, instinct took over and the next thing I know I’m pulling the knife free from Coach’s eye socket. Everything seemed out of step like the frames of reality were lagging by a second causing the world around me to have a distorted glare. I moved through the hall quickly to the locker room and got in the shower clothes and all, I stood there watching the hot water washing away the blood when I was done I changed into my gym clothes and stole a pair of shoes out of the cage. Once I was all cleaned up I put my clothes in a trash bag then took towels and cleaned the hallway and went home.
I ate dinner, played video games and watched television till it was time for bed and I slept like a baby. The next morning when I got to school police were everywhere, the crowd was buzzing. The word was out, everyone was talking about it I could feel the energy vibrating through everyone around me it was intoxicating. I was too young to understand what I was feeling, my mind couldn’t process the overpowering emotions that were pulsing through me so I did the only thing I could think of to calm myself down, I hummed Old McDonald under my breath and for some reason it worked. I made it through the day listening to all the different versions of what everyone thought happened and managed not to burst out laughing. As the weeks went by and no one was being arrested for the murder the legend grew. Rumors started to go around about some shady drifter that wandered into town and was hiding, waiting to pick us off one by one, it was hilarious. I even heard it was the mob and Coach Philips was in witness protection or some nonsense but the best one and my personal favorite was one of the school staff was a killer. It created this weird vibe that had all of the student’s edge, I loved every second of it.
By Christmas break the rumors had become full on ghost stories but the buzz was calming down it was time for more. Since I wouldn’t be back in school for a week I started looking around the neighborhood for anyone that caught my eye but for the first few days there was nothing. For time’s sake I’ll gloss over the next couple of years, mainly because I didn’t kill anyone else till high-school, well there was a homeless guy but I don’t count that one because it was an accident.
By the time I was in high-school I’d become what you would call “The quiet kid” but it was by design. I’d come up with a plan, I wanted to see if I could control someone else and get them to do my dirty work without them knowing it. First I had to pick my subjects, they weren’t hard to find. The first was a boy named Dennis, he was lanky and tall with pale skin and bright red hair. In a way you could say he made himself stick out but no one deserves to be pushed around for being different. Dennis had a best friend that he hung out with named Chris, they dressed alike and listened to the same music so naturally the two became targets together. Freshman year for them was hell, they were chased home, beaten up and constantly the subject of random rumors. I watched them long enough to learn some of their likes and dislikes, and one thing they both had in common was some band called “L7”. It took me a month to get a concert shirt but the day I wore it to school I met Chris, he was blown away by the shirt. “Holy shit, how’d you get that?” his eyes were so wide I thought they might pop out of his head. “You have to let me buy that off you. I’ll give you 50 bucks for it right now.” I made up some story about getting it from one of the band members and it wasn’t for sale but from that day on we started to become friends. It wasn’t long before he introduced me to Dennis and from there we hung out every day.
One afternoon we were supposed to meet up at this little hideout they had been using for years. It wasn’t much to look at, it was a clearing deep in the woods where they would get high and shoot their fathers guns when they could sneak them out of the house. I got there early that day so I had to wait for them, when they made it they were both clearly hurt. Dennis had a swollen eye and a busted lip, Chris had a bloody nose and his shirt was torn. They ranted and raved about being tired of it all and how they were going to take off, they wanted to drop out and run away. I convinced them that was the wrong move, “Running doesn’t change who you are. It just changes where you’re at. Stand up for yourselves, force them to change how they treat you.”
Wiping blood from his chin Dennis snapped, “Don’t you think we’ve tried?! That just makes it worse! Look at my fucking face! Do you think I stood there and let this happen?! Do you think Chris wanted to get the shit kicked out of him by some asshole who decided today was a good day to pick on somebody? Come on man, we shouldn’t have to live like this!”
I had to choose my next words very carefully, I didn’t want to push the envelope too fast. “I get it. I know you fight back. What I’m saying is, maybe you’re fighting back the wrong way. What we need is a way to level things out, you know, make it a fair fight.” Once the wheels were turning there was no stopping the machine, they quickly grabbed hold to the idea and ran with it, at first it was sticks and bats then knives finally landing on guns. By the end of that day they were just talking about it, imagining scenarios and cracking jokes. By the end of the month after several more incidents, we were making actual plans. We set up P.O. boxes and ordered weapons using false information we got from different places, before long we were practicing after school every day for weeks. We never wrote anything down and never told a soul what we were planning, the idea was simple we would wipe them all out and show the world what happens when you push someone too far.
In order for my plan to work I couldn’t be involved, this part was actually a lot easier than you may think my father had already planned on having me miss school for a trip to Texas so all I had to do was time it out and it worked out to perfection. The day before we were supposed to do it I had to break it to them that my dad sprung a trip on me and I would have to miss it, we argued a little but in the end they vowed to go through with the plan. What happened next would become one of the worst mass shootings in history, I got a bad feeling from it. I didn’t like the attention, it was too much and it ended badly for both of them. I never attempted that one again, the idea was better than the reality, in the end it was a lesson learned.
I didn’t do anything for years after that, the whole experience was upsetting for me. I went on with my life and made it through college without a single incident. For the most part I’d written it off as just a really fucked up phase of my life, then I started working for a company that will remain nameless because mistakes like that get you caught. I was invited to a New Year’s Eve party one day after work and since I didn’t really have any plans I went. The party was amazing, great food, great music and nice people for the most part. I had just finished my first beer when I ran into an old friend of mine, Caleb. We laughed and talked about the old days for a moment then went our separate ways. It was good to see him again, but as the night progressed I started catching him in different spots watching me. I brushed it off the first few times but as we got closer and closer to midnight I would find him closer to me.
Feeling uncomfortable I wound up leaving early, walking through the parking lot Caleb caught up to me. “I’ve been looking for you for a long time now, you want to hear something funny? I thought you would have at least thanked me for cleaning up your messes, but no, instead you ignored me and left me behind. Why!?” Before I could process what he was saying he launched forward clubbing me across the head with something heavy and everything went black.
When I woke up I was in the backseat of my car parked under an overpass near the river. There’s a yellow sticky note attached the steering wheel that said, “Call me” with a phone number written in blue ink. I ignored it, got myself together and went home, everything went back to normal for a couple of days till I started noticing a bad odor in my car. After a quick search I found a badly butchered young woman’s body, wrapped in plastic rotting in my trunk. I hadn’t had to deal with anything like this before, I’d never given any thought to getting rid of bodies. I wound up driving as far away as I could and dumping her in the bog, the body was never recovered as far as I know.
The next morning before I could leave for work, I got a phone call. “It’s your turn, let’s see how you like it.” Before I could yell my response into the receiver the line went dead. Hanging it up out of anger I grabbed my keys and stormed out the front door, I don’t even remember if I locked it. I was in my car and headed for work in a daze, I couldn’t get his words out of my head. When I got there I spent most of the day just going through the motions but right around lunch I caught sight of Caleb watching me from across the office. (How the hell did he know where I worked?) I got up from my desk and quickly headed in his direction, I never took my eyes off him but somehow between me getting up from my desk and walking to where he was standing, he’d vanished.
I don’t scare easy but something about this was getting under my skin. I couldn’t remember where or when I’d met Caleb, as far back as I could think he’d always been around. I had to put him out of my mind and get back to work but for the rest of the day odd things kept happening. I was sitting at my desk when Tracey one of the office managers stopped to talk to me. “I’ll have you know, I’ve won several awards for my innovations with this company and I don’t appreciate you saying I contribute nothing to this project.” I was shocked by her tone, she seemed genuinely upset but I had no idea what she was talking about. “For you to call my work into question in front of the regional lead was inexcusable, I should fire you.” I was completely caught off guard, I didn’t know how to respond to something I had no memory of doing. Before I could come up with a response she was called away, random people passed by my desk for the rest of the day smiling and giving me the thumbs up. Everyone hated Tracey, she was a self-absorbed blow hard that took credit for other peoples work and never once defended the people under her. As happy as it made me to see her squirm I was still left with this horrible sinking feeling and a gap in my memory. The more I thought about it I couldn’t remember leaving for lunch, I could clearly recall seeing 11:45 on the clock and thinking I only had 15 minutes left. The very next thing I remembered was seeing Caleb and getting up from my desk, by the time my work day was over I’d had at least four conversations with four different people I had no memory of meeting. The truly disturbing part was they all seemed to know me really well, I couldn’t wrap my mind around it.
When I made it home that evening there was a note taped to my front door, it read. “There is no darkness without light, no wrong without right.” It was nonsense, just more scare tactics Caleb was using to get under my skin. Tossing the note in the garbage I went inside and got some rest, if he wanted the old me he would get it. I started making plans for the next time I saw him, the idea was simple the next time we were face to face I was planning on ending his pathetic life. I began carrying a few of my favorite new toys like an overpowered taser and zip-ties, it wasn’t long before I would get my chance.
The following week I used my vacation time to take off from work for a while and set my plan in motion. I jog every morning along the same route, there’s a long stretch of paths that cut through the woods if he was going to ambush me that would be the perfect spot. At 5:30 a.m. I was just hitting the trail, I could feel him out there somewhere watching, waiting on his moment. I’d been on the trail for ten minutes when he sprung his trap, I spotted the trip-line a mile away but I played along just for fun. When I snagged the line I slammed into the ground and pretended to be hurt, Caleb predictably rushed in as I rolled to my back, pulled the taser and fired hitting him square in the chest.
The second he dropped I got up and hog-tied him before dragging him off the path, when I was sure we were out of sight I checked him for weapons and found he was carrying a combat knife. He smiled at me holding it in my hand. “Feels good, doesn’t it?” before he could say another word I clamped my left hand over his mouth and using my right drove the blade through his throat. Turning my wrist to open the hole, I stared into his eyes and as he wheezed out a long breath I inhaled deeply sucking in his last gasp of life. Once I was sure it was over I pulled my hand away from his face, he was still smiling. I had to move fast, other people jog that path and someone could be coming at any moment. I took off my sweat shirt, rolled the knife up in it and stuffed it in the sport bag I carry my water in. Using the water I washed my hands and face before getting back on the path just in time to see a pair of women turning onto the trail, I still had to get rid of the trip-line. I pretended to be stretching then took a step towards the tree and acted like I was tying my shoe, in one motion I slipped my fingers through the loop and snatched back snapping the line and slightly cutting into my fingers at the same time. I stood and stretched one last time before jogging passed them headed back to my apartment, that old feeling washed over me as I moved along the sidewalk and I realized in that moment how much I’d missed it. The electricity in my veins, the fire in my lungs the outright blissful euphoria of it all surged through me and I smiled. I laughed and picked up my pace feeling more energized than I had in years, I was back.
That night I went out bar hopping, I’m not a heavy drinker but that wasn’t the point, I was fishing. I wasn’t getting anything for the first couple of hours, I moved from place to place waiting for someone to catch my eye but for the most part it was a dud. I called for a cab and stepped outside to wait, “Excuse me, can I get a light?” a sweet sounding voice called to me as a beautiful young woman with long dark hair stepped up beside me. “I’m sorry, I don’t smoke.” She looked at me and smiled slipping her cigarette back in the pack, “That’s ok, you wouldn’t happen to have the time would you? I’ve been waiting on this cab forever.” I gave her the time and we stood there making small talk for a while till the cab finally arrived, we agreed to split the fare and hopped in. Something about her made me happy maybe it was her energy or possibly that wicked little smirk but I wanted to know her. We exchanged numbers before I got to my stop and went our separate ways.
The next night I went out again, I roamed around driving from spot to spot hoping to catch that urge but this time it didn’t take long. I was passing through uptown when I spotted him, your run of the mill neighborhood tough guy standing on the corner talking to a lady that was clearly uninterested in the conversation. I parked on the other end of the building then got out and crept through the alley coming out behind him. I decided to use a gun this time, I watched from the shadows waiting on the chance, there’s nothing like that feeling when you’re waiting for someone to step into your trap. I love it almost as much as the fallout, he walked past the alley not knowing I was there, I stepped out behind him silently raised the gun aimed at the back of his head and fired. It was over in an instant and I was racing through the alley back to my car. When I got there I calmly got in and drove away as people started to gather around the body, no one saw me, it happened so fast no one had a clue, thanks to the revolver there were no shells to find, it was quick and clean.
I had another two days left on my vacation and I was going to make the most of it. I wanted something special this time, I traveled to an upscale shopping center and wondered around buying little things while fishing for another fix. A grey haired older woman sat on a bench near the shoe store talking to someone on the phone. (Perfect.) I walked over and sat on the bench next to her, in my left pocket I was holding a syringe filled with paint thinner, I intentionally bumped her with my leg and injected her with the full dose then excused myself and walked away. I didn’t wait to see the outcome but I found out later through the news the woman died. With two down I was feeling like a kid again, and on my last day of vacation I decided that was exactly what I wanted.
Before I go further I just want it to be known, I’m not a sexual predator, I haven’t ever and will never rape anyone. As a point of pride I go out of my way to eliminate those types when I come across them, but I’ll save that for later. In any case I drove to the other side of the city for my last day and spent it looking for a victim. It took hours to finally find a good fishing hole but when I did it took less than 15 minutes to find what I was looking for. He was just a little younger than I was around the time of my first kill, he’d wandered away from the playground and was off playing by himself. The park sits on the edge of a natural bayou the water is deep and dark, it’s separated from the playground by a dense section of trees which is where I had been watching from the entire time. I didn’t hesitate, the moment he was out of view from the playground I rushed him and snapped his neck before he could scream then weighed down the body with rocks and dumped him in the water.
My vacation was over, on Monday morning I stepped through those doors still riding the buzz off the last week of my life and it felt amazing. I breezed through the day and even managed to log some programing time before I clocked out and headed home. I was feeling so good I finally decided to make a call I should have made days ago.
Her name is Tabitha, since the day I met her I couldn’t stop thinking about her, even when I was getting my fix her name rattled around in my brain every day. I actually felt nervous waiting for her to pick up, I couldn’t believe it, I was in the middle of rehearsing what I would say when the line clicked over. “Hello.” that one little word set my nerves at ease, smiling to myself I cleared my throat and the words just seemed to spill out. We talked for hours, about everything and nothing, laughing and connecting on the things we had in common, it was the most joy I’d ever felt from a stranger in my life.
We took it slow, only talking on the phone for weeks before finally seeing each other in person. The energy didn’t change, it was still so comfortable and natural with her that it felt like we’d always known one another. One date led to another and another but the odd thing was I didn’t feel that urge anymore. Weeks passed hell months passed, and we had become a legit couple, and in that entire time I didn’t kill a single person.
Then on a Wednesday evening it came back, I don’t know what triggered it, I was havening a good day. But as I pulled up to a stop light on the way home I turned and looked at the car next to me. The guy behind the wheel looked young, he was nodding his head to some song on the radio. I took the gun from under my seat then motioned for him to roll down the window keeping it out of sight. When he let it down I brought the gun up and fired as the light turned green, then I drove off. When I got home I disassembled the gun and put my bike in the car, that night I drove out to the bog burying pieces of the gun along the way. When I got there I cleaned out the car before torching it then rolled it into the swamp. It was a long ride home I didn’t make it back till the next morning, when I got there I reported my car stolen and went on with my day.
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"Family Tree: CH 1, bloody roots." (fiction)

Have you ever heard the saying “It’s in my blood”? Well, it is. I come from a long line of serial killers, technically my grandfather (Pedro) was a mass murderer. His reign of terror claimed 298 victims somewhere in the Andes, it was near the end of his run he impregnated the prostitute who would give birth to my father after fleeing to America. My father (Felix) was a truck driver but in his spare time he would kidnap and murder women and young girls. During his active years he was given a lot of names, The I-70 killer, the freeway Phantom and the Parkway stalker to name a few. He and my mother were killed by a drunk driver in 1990 and I was turned over to child protective services. Despite the circumstances I had a fairly happy childhood, I was adopted quickly by Oliver and Gail Campbell. They were good people, Oliver was Professor at the local college and Gail was an artist. They gave me a great life, they never harmed me in any way and did their best to keep me safe but no matter how hard they tried they couldn’t protect me from myself.
I suppose by now you’re wondering who I am, well boys and girls that’s my little secret. For now you may call me Dante, there’s a lot to unpack here so I guess I’ll start at the beginning. My first kill well human kill anyway was a kid named Billy McCarthy, he was what you would consider one of the popular kids if there is such a thing in the fifth grade. I guess here is where you would get the stereotypical popular bully routine but no, that’s not how this story goes. I wasn’t picked on or pushed around, hell, for the most part people barely noticed I was around and before you go jumping to conclusions that has nothing to do with it either.
The why probably isn’t as interesting as the how but I’ll tell you anyway, I picked him because I didn’t like his shoes. I know, I know, that’s petty as hell, but for 10 year old me that was enough. I watched him for days, I didn’t have a clue back then I had no idea what I was doing or how I was going to do it I just knew I wanted it done. It was a Friday afternoon, Billy and his friends walked through Stone Park every day but on Fridays he had soccer practice and would be late so he would be by himself. I told my mother I was going to the park about an hour before I knew he would be there. On the way I stopped by old man Hudson’s place and broke into the toolshed behind his house, there wasn’t much to pick from and being so young I chose the only thing I could fit into my pocket a flathead screwdriver. When I got to the park I spent a little too long looking for the perfect spot and by the time I found one it was too late. I spotted Billy already on the far end of the park, I’d missed my chance. I know that’s a little anticlimactic but it turned out to be for the best, that night I was up late watching an old movie I can’t recall the name of it but in it there was a man who poisoned his wife by crushing up pills and mixing it into her food. This gave me an idea, now being 10 I didn’t have access to pills and wouldn’t have known what to use even if I did. What I did have was my father’s workshop in the garage, there were lots of chemicals I couldn’t begin to tell you what half of them were but there were quite a few that had warnings on them. I poured a little from each one into a water bottle and saved it till I went back to school.
That Monday while we were in gym I asked to use the restroom, while I was gone I went to Billy’s locker and pulled his thermos out of his backpack. I poured out about a cup or so of the sweet smelling juice out then replaced it with the cocktail I’d mixed up, when I was done I sniffed it just to see if I could detect it and much to my surprise there was only a slight difference. Later that day when we went to lunch I sat at my usual table and pretended not to know what was about to happen, after about 15 minutes people started screaming. There was a sudden panic and the cafeteria exploded into chaos, Billy was violently seizing on the floor spewing bloody foam from his mouth as teaches rushed to his aid. He died later that night in the hospital, it was all over the news when they found he’d been poisoned everyone was looking for someone to blame. There were all sorts of rumors on who it could have been and kids being kids made up stories that grew into urban legends. The case went unsolved, but I was hooked I spent the rest of that school year riding the high till the buzz started to fade away and by the start of the next year no one was talking about it anymore.
I tried to go without it, I really did, but every day I walked the halls and didn’t feel the fear in the air, I felt sick. I wanted it back, I needed to feel that power again but if there was one thing I’d learned, it was to not rush the process. If one death fed me for a year two would get me to the 8th grade, looking back I have to laugh at my reasoning it was all so silly now that I reflect on those moments. Nevertheless I spent my first semester picking out targets luckily for me there was no shortage of people I didn’t like but one in particular “Coach Philips” gave me the best reason of all.
Mr. Philips was the head coach of the football team, he was a large muscular man with a head full of grey hair. Everyone loved Coach Philips, when parents and staff were around he put on an act that made them believe he was a genuine good guy. But when it was just him and the team, he was a brutal dictator with a foul mouth and a quick temper. I’d heard the stories but because I wasn’t on the team I’d never seen it for myself, one afternoon I had to stay after school for detention I wasn’t a trouble maker or anything like that I just got caught talking to my friend Caleb and the teacher punished me for it. When detention was finally over I was walking through the building near the gym and stopped to tie my shoe, while I was kneeling down I started hearing someone arguing and got a little nosey. I crept into the locker room following the voices till I got to this area everyone called “The Cage” it was where the football teams lockers were and no one besides them was allowed inside.
Once I passed the cage I came to the hall that leads to the Coaches office, that’s where the yelling was coming from. As quietly as I could I crept down the hall and got as close as possible without being seen, from where I was I could see a part of his office through the window but I couldn’t see everything. The coach barked out “Are you fucking stupid Denton?! I told you to get your shit together or there would be consequences!” I caught a glimpse of one of the older kids standing near the door as coach stormed over and grabbed him by the arm pulling him in the office before closing the door. Now all I could see was the Coaches back and hear him yelling but only for a moment before the sound of him slapping whoever that Denton kid was. There was a crash from the kid slamming into the desk then a struggle that only lasted for a few seconds, the hall went quiet I waited for a moment before I started to get out of there then I heard muffled screams and whimpering. I had to know what was happening, I slowly crept around the corner and made my way over to the window, when I peeped inside I nearly threw up. Coach had that boy bent over his desk violating him in the worst way imaginable, I never saw the kids face I turned tail and got out of there as fast as possible. I ran all the way home, I thought about telling my parents or maybe the police but something stopped me, I knew in that moment it had to be me, it was up to me to stop this. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea I didn’t want to stop him out of some need to be the hero. I wanted to stop him because he was on my turf and even then I didn’t like sharing. It would take me a while to come up with a plan for the coach but in the meantime I had my sights set on one Eliza Stuart, she was a grade above me I couldn’t really tell you why I sniffed her out. She wasn’t popular or even a standout student for all intents and purposes she was just another face in the crowd but for some reason that made her perfect.
Finding her pattern wasn’t easy, I only really saw her once or twice a day during school so there was no way I could get to her bag. I needed another approach, I watched her for days, eventually I found out she rode the bus and what side of town she lived on but none of that was any help. I was getting close to giving up on her, then on a Tuesday afternoon there was a fire. Faulty wiring lit the insulation inside the walls and before anyone knew what was going on a large section of the building was on fire. The alarms blared while the halls filled with smoke and all that organized fire drill shit flew straight out the window. Students and teachers alike flooded into the halls headed for the exits and in that chaos I spotted her, she was standing near the janitor’s closet talking with another girl. By the time I got close the other girl was walking away, keeping my back to Eliza I moved with the crowd till I was standing directly in front of her then pretended to get thrown off balance stumbling into her causing her to fall landing just inside the doorway. Without looking back I slammed the door shut and locked it still facing the surging crowd, no one noticed. I joined the crowd and filed out to the courtyard where we were all gathered watching the school burn, I stared at that door till they moved us away and she never came out. Her body was discovered later that day and once again that feeling of power surged through me but as good as it felt it wasn’t enough, I needed more.
No one panicked, there was no fear just sadness it felt like a hollow victory. They wrote it off as a tragic accident so there was no muttering or wondering, no fantastic stories or boogie-men bumping off the townsfolk it was utterly disappointing. The rest of that year was a wash, but the next year when things got back to normal I’d already made up my mind, “Coach” was first on the list. I’d hit a little growth spurt and put on weight so I tried out for the team and made it. I hated every second of it, there were some benefits like discipline, strength, stamina and speed but seeing his face knowing what he was made me sick.
We had lost two of our last three games and Coach was not happy, I knew sooner or later he would start taking it out on the players and I was right. The Monday after our last loss he started having one on one player meetings in his office, I can’t say he did what he did to all the players. I don’t know that as a fact, but I do know there were a couple I’d seen him being tough on and I’m almost certain they were victims. I made sure I skipped my meeting and dodged him all day till after school, over the summer I’d found a knife in an old trunk of my fathers. It wasn’t that big but it was heavy and sharp I made sure of that, there’s an unmarked pet grave filled with fur to prove it. In any case once I was sure no one was around I went to Coach Philips office and knocked on the door, his office smelled like a combination of foot fungus spray and Old spice cologne. He grimaced at me when he opened the door, “Well it’s about god damn time you showed up, do you think I have all day to wait on your sorry ass? Get in here and close my door.” My heart was pounding so hard I could barely hear him scolding me for wasting his time, he slammed his ham sized fist on the desk and jolted towards me asking if I was listening. (I wasn’t) The second he grabbed my shirt I pulled my blade and plunged it into his neck spraying my face with blood. Coach’s eyes went wide, he gasped and gurgled releasing his grip thrashing back away from me swinging wildly. Grasping at the gushing hole in his throat he staggered back and stumbled over a chair then crashed to the ground wheezing, I hadn’t realized the knife was still in my hand till he started reaching for me. I swung that blade as hard as I could at his outreaching hand slicing off one of his fingers but he kept coming. Slipping in his own blood he crawled towards me, I maneuvered around in his office to stay out of reach but he was a big man, I couldn’t dodge forever. Getting up off the floor and grabbing me by the throat he snatched me off my feet he hoisted me into the air, I struggled against his grip thinking I was going to die till I jabbed that knife into his eye and felt the blade scrape bone. He let out a groan and dropped me then staggered back over to his desk mumbling something I couldn’t make out before taking a seat in his chair. Tilting his head back and resting his hands on his knees he let out one last gurgling breath and went still. Time stopped, it felt like electricity was running through my veins, instinct took over and the next thing I know I’m pulling the knife free from Coach’s eye socket. Everything seemed out of step like the frames of reality were lagging by a second causing the world around me to have a distorted glare. I moved through the hall quickly to the locker room and got in the shower clothes and all, I stood there watching the hot water washing away the blood when I was done I changed into my gym clothes and stole a pair of shoes out of the cage. Once I was all cleaned up I put my clothes in a trash bag then took towels and cleaned the hallway and went home.
I ate dinner, played video games and watched television till it was time for bed and I slept like a baby. The next morning when I got to school police were everywhere, the crowd was buzzing. The word was out, everyone was talking about it I could feel the energy vibrating through everyone around me it was intoxicating. I was too young to understand what I was feeling, my mind couldn’t process the overpowering emotions that were pulsing through me so I did the only thing I could think of to calm myself down, I hummed Old McDonald under my breath and for some reason it worked. I made it through the day listening to all the different versions of what everyone thought happened and managed not to burst out laughing. As the weeks went by and no one was being arrested for the murder the legend grew. Rumors started to go around about some shady drifter that wandered into town and was hiding, waiting to pick us off one by one, it was hilarious. I even heard it was the mob and Coach Philips was in witness protection or some nonsense but the best one and my personal favorite was one of the school staff was a killer. It created this weird vibe that had all of the student’s edge, I loved every second of it.
By Christmas break the rumors had become full on ghost stories but the buzz was calming down it was time for more. Since I wouldn’t be back in school for a week I started looking around the neighborhood for anyone that caught my eye but for the first few days there was nothing. For time’s sake I’ll gloss over the next couple of years, mainly because I didn’t kill anyone else till high-school, well there was a homeless guy but I don’t count that one because it was an accident.
By the time I was in high-school I’d become what you would call “The quiet kid” but it was by design. I’d come up with a plan, I wanted to see if I could control someone else and get them to do my dirty work without them knowing it. First I had to pick my subjects, they weren’t hard to find. The first was a boy named Dennis, he was lanky and tall with pale skin and bright red hair. In a way you could say he made himself stick out but no one deserves to be pushed around for being different. Dennis had a best friend that he hung out with named Chris, they dressed alike and listened to the same music so naturally the two became targets together. Freshman year for them was hell, they were chased home, beaten up and constantly the subject of random rumors. I watched them long enough to learn some of their likes and dislikes, and one thing they both had in common was some band called “L7”. It took me a month to get a concert shirt but the day I wore it to school I met Chris, he was blown away by the shirt. “Holy shit, how’d you get that?” his eyes were so wide I thought they might pop out of his head. “You have to let me buy that off you. I’ll give you 50 bucks for it right now.” I made up some story about getting it from one of the band members and it wasn’t for sale but from that day on we started to become friends. It wasn’t long before he introduced me to Dennis and from there we hung out every day.
One afternoon we were supposed to meet up at this little hideout they had been using for years. It wasn’t much to look at, it was a clearing deep in the woods where they would get high and shoot their fathers guns when they could sneak them out of the house. I got there early that day so I had to wait for them, when they made it they were both clearly hurt. Dennis had a swollen eye and a busted lip, Chris had a bloody nose and his shirt was torn. They ranted and raved about being tired of it all and how they were going to take off, they wanted to drop out and run away. I convinced them that was the wrong move, “Running doesn’t change who you are. It just changes where you’re at. Stand up for yourselves, force them to change how they treat you.”
Wiping blood from his chin Dennis snapped, “Don’t you think we’ve tried?! That just makes it worse! Look at my fucking face! Do you think I stood there and let this happen?! Do you think Chris wanted to get the shit kicked out of him by some asshole who decided today was a good day to pick on somebody? Come on man, we shouldn’t have to live like this!”
I had to choose my next words very carefully, I didn’t want to push the envelope too fast. “I get it. I know you fight back. What I’m saying is, maybe you’re fighting back the wrong way. What we need is a way to level things out, you know, make it a fair fight.” Once the wheels were turning there was no stopping the machine, they quickly grabbed hold to the idea and ran with it, at first it was sticks and bats then knives finally landing on guns. By the end of that day they were just talking about it, imagining scenarios and cracking jokes. By the end of the month after several more incidents, we were making actual plans. We set up P.O. boxes and ordered weapons using false information we got from different places, before long we were practicing after school every day for weeks. We never wrote anything down and never told a soul what we were planning, the idea was simple we would wipe them all out and show the world what happens when you push someone too far.
In order for my plan to work I couldn’t be involved, this part was actually a lot easier than you may think my father had already planned on having me miss school for a trip to Texas so all I had to do was time it out and it worked out to perfection. The day before we were supposed to do it I had to break it to them that my dad sprung a trip on me and I would have to miss it, we argued a little but in the end they vowed to go through with the plan. What happened next would become one of the worst mass shootings in history, I got a bad feeling from it. I didn’t like the attention, it was too much and it ended badly for both of them. I never attempted that one again, the idea was better than the reality, in the end it was a lesson learned.
I didn’t do anything for years after that, the whole experience was upsetting for me. I went on with my life and made it through college without a single incident. For the most part I’d written it off as just a really fucked up phase of my life, then I started working for a company that will remain nameless because mistakes like that get you caught. I was invited to a New Year’s Eve party one day after work and since I didn’t really have any plans I went. The party was amazing, great food, great music and nice people for the most part. I had just finished my first beer when I ran into an old friend of mine, Caleb. We laughed and talked about the old days for a moment then went our separate ways. It was good to see him again, but as the night progressed I started catching him in different spots watching me. I brushed it off the first few times but as we got closer and closer to midnight I would find him closer to me.
Feeling uncomfortable I wound up leaving early, walking through the parking lot Caleb caught up to me. “I’ve been looking for you for a long time now, you want to hear something funny? I thought you would have at least thanked me for cleaning up your messes, but no, instead you ignored me and left me behind. Why!?” Before I could process what he was saying he launched forward clubbing me across the head with something heavy and everything went black.
When I woke up I was in the backseat of my car parked under an overpass near the river. There’s a yellow sticky note attached the steering wheel that said, “Call me” with a phone number written in blue ink. I ignored it, got myself together and went home, everything went back to normal for a couple of days till I started noticing a bad odor in my car. After a quick search I found a badly butchered young woman’s body, wrapped in plastic rotting in my trunk. I hadn’t had to deal with anything like this before, I’d never given any thought to getting rid of bodies. I wound up driving as far away as I could and dumping her in the bog, the body was never recovered as far as I know.
The next morning before I could leave for work, I got a phone call. “It’s your turn, let’s see how you like it.” Before I could yell my response into the receiver the line went dead. Hanging it up out of anger I grabbed my keys and stormed out the front door, I don’t even remember if I locked it. I was in my car and headed for work in a daze, I couldn’t get his words out of my head. When I got there I spent most of the day just going through the motions but right around lunch I caught sight of Caleb watching me from across the office. (How the hell did he know where I worked?) I got up from my desk and quickly headed in his direction, I never took my eyes off him but somehow between me getting up from my desk and walking to where he was standing, he’d vanished.
I don’t scare easy but something about this was getting under my skin. I couldn’t remember where or when I’d met Caleb, as far back as I could think he’d always been around. I had to put him out of my mind and get back to work but for the rest of the day odd things kept happening. I was sitting at my desk when Tracey one of the office managers stopped to talk to me. “I’ll have you know, I’ve won several awards for my innovations with this company and I don’t appreciate you saying I contribute nothing to this project.” I was shocked by her tone, she seemed genuinely upset but I had no idea what she was talking about. “For you to call my work into question in front of the regional lead was inexcusable, I should fire you.” I was completely caught off guard, I didn’t know how to respond to something I had no memory of doing. Before I could come up with a response she was called away, random people passed by my desk for the rest of the day smiling and giving me the thumbs up. Everyone hated Tracey, she was a self-absorbed blow hard that took credit for other peoples work and never once defended the people under her. As happy as it made me to see her squirm I was still left with this horrible sinking feeling and a gap in my memory. The more I thought about it I couldn’t remember leaving for lunch, I could clearly recall seeing 11:45 on the clock and thinking I only had 15 minutes left. The very next thing I remembered was seeing Caleb and getting up from my desk, by the time my work day was over I’d had at least four conversations with four different people I had no memory of meeting. The truly disturbing part was they all seemed to know me really well, I couldn’t wrap my mind around it.
When I made it home that evening there was a note taped to my front door, it read. “There is no darkness without light, no wrong without right.” It was nonsense, just more scare tactics Caleb was using to get under my skin. Tossing the note in the garbage I went inside and got some rest, if he wanted the old me he would get it. I started making plans for the next time I saw him, the idea was simple the next time we were face to face I was planning on ending his pathetic life. I began carrying a few of my favorite new toys like an overpowered taser and zip-ties, it wasn’t long before I would get my chance.
The following week I used my vacation time to take off from work for a while and set my plan in motion. I jog every morning along the same route, there’s a long stretch of paths that cut through the woods if he was going to ambush me that would be the perfect spot. At 5:30 a.m. I was just hitting the trail, I could feel him out there somewhere watching, waiting on his moment. I’d been on the trail for ten minutes when he sprung his trap, I spotted the trip-line a mile away but I played along just for fun. When I snagged the line I slammed into the ground and pretended to be hurt, Caleb predictably rushed in as I rolled to my back, pulled the taser and fired hitting him square in the chest.
The second he dropped I got up and hog-tied him before dragging him off the path, when I was sure we were out of sight I checked him for weapons and found he was carrying a combat knife. He smiled at me holding it in my hand. “Feels good, doesn’t it?” before he could say another word I clamped my left hand over his mouth and using my right drove the blade through his throat. Turning my wrist to open the hole, I stared into his eyes and as he wheezed out a long breath I inhaled deeply sucking in his last gasp of life. Once I was sure it was over I pulled my hand away from his face, he was still smiling. I had to move fast, other people jog that path and someone could be coming at any moment. I took off my sweat shirt, rolled the knife up in it and stuffed it in the sport bag I carry my water in. Using the water I washed my hands and face before getting back on the path just in time to see a pair of women turning onto the trail, I still had to get rid of the trip-line. I pretended to be stretching then took a step towards the tree and acted like I was tying my shoe, in one motion I slipped my fingers through the loop and snatched back snapping the line and slightly cutting into my fingers at the same time. I stood and stretched one last time before jogging passed them headed back to my apartment, that old feeling washed over me as I moved along the sidewalk and I realized in that moment how much I’d missed it. The electricity in my veins, the fire in my lungs the outright blissful euphoria of it all surged through me and I smiled. I laughed and picked up my pace feeling more energized than I had in years, I was back.
That night I went out bar hopping, I’m not a heavy drinker but that wasn’t the point, I was fishing. I wasn’t getting anything for the first couple of hours, I moved from place to place waiting for someone to catch my eye but for the most part it was a dud. I called for a cab and stepped outside to wait, “Excuse me, can I get a light?” a sweet sounding voice called to me as a beautiful young woman with long dark hair stepped up beside me. “I’m sorry, I don’t smoke.” She looked at me and smiled slipping her cigarette back in the pack, “That’s ok, you wouldn’t happen to have the time would you? I’ve been waiting on this cab forever.” I gave her the time and we stood there making small talk for a while till the cab finally arrived, we agreed to split the fare and hopped in. Something about her made me happy maybe it was her energy or possibly that wicked little smirk but I wanted to know her. We exchanged numbers before I got to my stop and went our separate ways.
The next night I went out again, I roamed around driving from spot to spot hoping to catch that urge but this time it didn’t take long. I was passing through uptown when I spotted him, your run of the mill neighborhood tough guy standing on the corner talking to a lady that was clearly uninterested in the conversation. I parked on the other end of the building then got out and crept through the alley coming out behind him. I decided to use a gun this time, I watched from the shadows waiting on the chance, there’s nothing like that feeling when you’re waiting for someone to step into your trap. I love it almost as much as the fallout, he walked past the alley not knowing I was there, I stepped out behind him silently raised the gun aimed at the back of his head and fired. It was over in an instant and I was racing through the alley back to my car. When I got there I calmly got in and drove away as people started to gather around the body, no one saw me, it happened so fast no one had a clue, thanks to the revolver there were no shells to find, it was quick and clean.
I had another two days left on my vacation and I was going to make the most of it. I wanted something special this time, I traveled to an upscale shopping center and wondered around buying little things while fishing for another fix. A grey haired older woman sat on a bench near the shoe store talking to someone on the phone. (Perfect.) I walked over and sat on the bench next to her, in my left pocket I was holding a syringe filled with paint thinner, I intentionally bumped her with my leg and injected her with the full dose then excused myself and walked away. I didn’t wait to see the outcome but I found out later through the news the woman died. With two down I was feeling like a kid again, and on my last day of vacation I decided that was exactly what I wanted.
Before I go further I just want it to be known, I’m not a sexual predator, I haven’t ever and will never rape anyone. As a point of pride I go out of my way to eliminate those types when I come across them, but I’ll save that for later. In any case I drove to the other side of the city for my last day and spent it looking for a victim. It took hours to finally find a good fishing hole but when I did it took less than 15 minutes to find what I was looking for. He was just a little younger than I was around the time of my first kill, he’d wandered away from the playground and was off playing by himself. The park sits on the edge of a natural bayou the water is deep and dark, it’s separated from the playground by a dense section of trees which is where I had been watching from the entire time. I didn’t hesitate, the moment he was out of view from the playground I rushed him and snapped his neck before he could scream then weighed down the body with rocks and dumped him in the water.
My vacation was over, on Monday morning I stepped through those doors still riding the buzz off the last week of my life and it felt amazing. I breezed through the day and even managed to log some programing time before I clocked out and headed home. I was feeling so good I finally decided to make a call I should have made days ago.
Her name is Tabitha, since the day I met her I couldn’t stop thinking about her, even when I was getting my fix her name rattled around in my brain every day. I actually felt nervous waiting for her to pick up, I couldn’t believe it, I was in the middle of rehearsing what I would say when the line clicked over. “Hello.” that one little word set my nerves at ease, smiling to myself I cleared my throat and the words just seemed to spill out. We talked for hours, about everything and nothing, laughing and connecting on the things we had in common, it was the most joy I’d ever felt from a stranger in my life.
We took it slow, only talking on the phone for weeks before finally seeing each other in person. The energy didn’t change, it was still so comfortable and natural with her that it felt like we’d always known one another. One date led to another and another but the odd thing was I didn’t feel that urge anymore. Weeks passed hell months passed, and we had become a legit couple, and in that entire time I didn’t kill a single person.
Then on a Wednesday evening it came back, I don’t know what triggered it, I was havening a good day. But as I pulled up to a stop light on the way home I turned and looked at the car next to me. The guy behind the wheel looked young, he was nodding his head to some song on the radio. I took the gun from under my seat then motioned for him to roll down the window keeping it out of sight. When he let it down I brought the gun up and fired as the light turned green, then I drove off. When I got home I disassembled the gun and put my bike in the car, that night I drove out to the bog burying pieces of the gun along the way. When I got there I cleaned out the car before torching it then rolled it into the swamp. It was a long ride home I didn’t make it back till the next morning, when I got there I reported my car stolen and went on with my day.
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"Family Tree: CH 1, Bloody roots" (fiction)

Have you ever heard the saying “It’s in my blood”? Well, it is. I come from a long line of serial killers, technically my grandfather (Pedro) was a mass murderer. His reign of terror claimed 298 victims somewhere in the Andes, it was near the end of his run he impregnated the prostitute who would give birth to my father after fleeing to America. My father (Felix) was a truck driver but in his spare time he would kidnap and murder women and young girls. During his active years he was given a lot of names, The I-70 killer, the freeway Phantom and the Parkway stalker to name a few. He and my mother were killed by a drunk driver in 1990 and I was turned over to child protective services. Despite the circumstances I had a fairly happy childhood, I was adopted quickly by Oliver and Gail Campbell. They were good people, Oliver was Professor at the local college and Gail was an artist. They gave me a great life, they never harmed me in any way and did their best to keep me safe but no matter how hard they tried they couldn’t protect me from myself.
I suppose by now you’re wondering who I am, well boys and girls that’s my little secret. For now you may call me Dante, there’s a lot to unpack here so I guess I’ll start at the beginning. My first kill well human kill anyway was a kid named Billy McCarthy, he was what you would consider one of the popular kids if there is such a thing in the fifth grade. I guess here is where you would get the stereotypical popular bully routine but no, that’s not how this story goes. I wasn’t picked on or pushed around, hell, for the most part people barely noticed I was around and before you go jumping to conclusions that has nothing to do with it either.
The why probably isn’t as interesting as the how but I’ll tell you anyway, I picked him because I didn’t like his shoes. I know, I know, that’s petty as hell, but for 10 year old me that was enough. I watched him for days, I didn’t have a clue back then I had no idea what I was doing or how I was going to do it I just knew I wanted it done. It was a Friday afternoon, Billy and his friends walked through Stone Park every day but on Fridays he had soccer practice and would be late so he would be by himself. I told my mother I was going to the park about an hour before I knew he would be there. On the way I stopped by old man Hudson’s place and broke into the toolshed behind his house, there wasn’t much to pick from and being so young I chose the only thing I could fit into my pocket a flathead screwdriver. When I got to the park I spent a little too long looking for the perfect spot and by the time I found one it was too late. I spotted Billy already on the far end of the park, I’d missed my chance. I know that’s a little anticlimactic but it turned out to be for the best, that night I was up late watching an old movie I can’t recall the name of it but in it there was a man who poisoned his wife by crushing up pills and mixing it into her food. This gave me an idea, now being 10 I didn’t have access to pills and wouldn’t have known what to use even if I did. What I did have was my father’s workshop in the garage, there were lots of chemicals I couldn’t begin to tell you what half of them were but there were quite a few that had warnings on them. I poured a little from each one into a water bottle and saved it till I went back to school.
That Monday while we were in gym I asked to use the restroom, while I was gone I went to Billy’s locker and pulled his thermos out of his backpack. I poured out about a cup or so of the sweet smelling juice out then replaced it with the cocktail I’d mixed up, when I was done I sniffed it just to see if I could detect it and much to my surprise there was only a slight difference. Later that day when we went to lunch I sat at my usual table and pretended not to know what was about to happen, after about 15 minutes people started screaming. There was a sudden panic and the cafeteria exploded into chaos, Billy was violently seizing on the floor spewing bloody foam from his mouth as teaches rushed to his aid. He died later that night in the hospital, it was all over the news when they found he’d been poisoned everyone was looking for someone to blame. There were all sorts of rumors on who it could have been and kids being kids made up stories that grew into urban legends. The case went unsolved, but I was hooked I spent the rest of that school year riding the high till the buzz started to fade away and by the start of the next year no one was talking about it anymore.
I tried to go without it, I really did, but every day I walked the halls and didn’t feel the fear in the air, I felt sick. I wanted it back, I needed to feel that power again but if there was one thing I’d learned, it was to not rush the process. If one death fed me for a year two would get me to the 8th grade, looking back I have to laugh at my reasoning it was all so silly now that I reflect on those moments. Nevertheless I spent my first semester picking out targets luckily for me there was no shortage of people I didn’t like but one in particular “Coach Philips” gave me the best reason of all.
Mr. Philips was the head coach of the football team, he was a large muscular man with a head full of grey hair. Everyone loved Coach Philips, when parents and staff were around he put on an act that made them believe he was a genuine good guy. But when it was just him and the team, he was a brutal dictator with a foul mouth and a quick temper. I’d heard the stories but because I wasn’t on the team I’d never seen it for myself, one afternoon I had to stay after school for detention I wasn’t a trouble maker or anything like that I just got caught talking to my friend Caleb and the teacher punished me for it. When detention was finally over I was walking through the building near the gym and stopped to tie my shoe, while I was kneeling down I started hearing someone arguing and got a little nosey. I crept into the locker room following the voices till I got to this area everyone called “The Cage” it was where the football teams lockers were and no one besides them was allowed inside.
Once I passed the cage I came to the hall that leads to the Coaches office, that’s where the yelling was coming from. As quietly as I could I crept down the hall and got as close as possible without being seen, from where I was I could see a part of his office through the window but I couldn’t see everything. The coach barked out “Are you fucking stupid Denton?! I told you to get your shit together or there would be consequences!” I caught a glimpse of one of the older kids standing near the door as coach stormed over and grabbed him by the arm pulling him in the office before closing the door. Now all I could see was the Coaches back and hear him yelling but only for a moment before the sound of him slapping whoever that Denton kid was. There was a crash from the kid slamming into the desk then a struggle that only lasted for a few seconds, the hall went quiet I waited for a moment before I started to get out of there then I heard muffled screams and whimpering. I had to know what was happening, I slowly crept around the corner and made my way over to the window, when I peeped inside I nearly threw up. Coach had that boy bent over his desk violating him in the worst way imaginable, I never saw the kids face I turned tail and got out of there as fast as possible. I ran all the way home, I thought about telling my parents or maybe the police but something stopped me, I knew in that moment it had to be me, it was up to me to stop this. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea I didn’t want to stop him out of some need to be the hero. I wanted to stop him because he was on my turf and even then I didn’t like sharing. It would take me a while to come up with a plan for the coach but in the meantime I had my sights set on one Eliza Stuart, she was a grade above me I couldn’t really tell you why I sniffed her out. She wasn’t popular or even a standout student for all intents and purposes she was just another face in the crowd but for some reason that made her perfect.
Finding her pattern wasn’t easy, I only really saw her once or twice a day during school so there was no way I could get to her bag. I needed another approach, I watched her for days, eventually I found out she rode the bus and what side of town she lived on but none of that was any help. I was getting close to giving up on her, then on a Tuesday afternoon there was a fire. Faulty wiring lit the insulation inside the walls and before anyone knew what was going on a large section of the building was on fire. The alarms blared while the halls filled with smoke and all that organized fire drill shit flew straight out the window. Students and teachers alike flooded into the halls headed for the exits and in that chaos I spotted her, she was standing near the janitor’s closet talking with another girl. By the time I got close the other girl was walking away, keeping my back to Eliza I moved with the crowd till I was standing directly in front of her then pretended to get thrown off balance stumbling into her causing her to fall landing just inside the doorway. Without looking back I slammed the door shut and locked it still facing the surging crowd, no one noticed. I joined the crowd and filed out to the courtyard where we were all gathered watching the school burn, I stared at that door till they moved us away and she never came out. Her body was discovered later that day and once again that feeling of power surged through me but as good as it felt it wasn’t enough, I needed more.
No one panicked, there was no fear just sadness it felt like a hollow victory. They wrote it off as a tragic accident so there was no muttering or wondering, no fantastic stories or boogie-men bumping off the townsfolk it was utterly disappointing. The rest of that year was a wash, but the next year when things got back to normal I’d already made up my mind, “Coach” was first on the list. I’d hit a little growth spurt and put on weight so I tried out for the team and made it. I hated every second of it, there were some benefits like discipline, strength, stamina and speed but seeing his face knowing what he was made me sick.
We had lost two of our last three games and Coach was not happy, I knew sooner or later he would start taking it out on the players and I was right. The Monday after our last loss he started having one on one player meetings in his office, I can’t say he did what he did to all the players. I don’t know that as a fact, but I do know there were a couple I’d seen him being tough on and I’m almost certain they were victims. I made sure I skipped my meeting and dodged him all day till after school, over the summer I’d found a knife in an old trunk of my fathers. It wasn’t that big but it was heavy and sharp I made sure of that, there’s an unmarked pet grave filled with fur to prove it. In any case once I was sure no one was around I went to Coach Philips office and knocked on the door, his office smelled like a combination of foot fungus spray and Old spice cologne. He grimaced at me when he opened the door, “Well it’s about god damn time you showed up, do you think I have all day to wait on your sorry ass? Get in here and close my door.” My heart was pounding so hard I could barely hear him scolding me for wasting his time, he slammed his ham sized fist on the desk and jolted towards me asking if I was listening. (I wasn’t) The second he grabbed my shirt I pulled my blade and plunged it into his neck spraying my face with blood. Coach’s eyes went wide, he gasped and gurgled releasing his grip thrashing back away from me swinging wildly. Grasping at the gushing hole in his throat he staggered back and stumbled over a chair then crashed to the ground wheezing, I hadn’t realized the knife was still in my hand till he started reaching for me. I swung that blade as hard as I could at his outreaching hand slicing off one of his fingers but he kept coming. Slipping in his own blood he crawled towards me, I maneuvered around in his office to stay out of reach but he was a big man, I couldn’t dodge forever. Getting up off the floor and grabbing me by the throat he snatched me off my feet he hoisted me into the air, I struggled against his grip thinking I was going to die till I jabbed that knife into his eye and felt the blade scrape bone. He let out a groan and dropped me then staggered back over to his desk mumbling something I couldn’t make out before taking a seat in his chair. Tilting his head back and resting his hands on his knees he let out one last gurgling breath and went still. Time stopped, it felt like electricity was running through my veins, instinct took over and the next thing I know I’m pulling the knife free from Coach’s eye socket. Everything seemed out of step like the frames of reality were lagging by a second causing the world around me to have a distorted glare. I moved through the hall quickly to the locker room and got in the shower clothes and all, I stood there watching the hot water washing away the blood when I was done I changed into my gym clothes and stole a pair of shoes out of the cage. Once I was all cleaned up I put my clothes in a trash bag then took towels and cleaned the hallway and went home.
I ate dinner, played video games and watched television till it was time for bed and I slept like a baby. The next morning when I got to school police were everywhere, the crowd was buzzing. The word was out, everyone was talking about it I could feel the energy vibrating through everyone around me it was intoxicating. I was too young to understand what I was feeling, my mind couldn’t process the overpowering emotions that were pulsing through me so I did the only thing I could think of to calm myself down, I hummed Old McDonald under my breath and for some reason it worked. I made it through the day listening to all the different versions of what everyone thought happened and managed not to burst out laughing. As the weeks went by and no one was being arrested for the murder the legend grew. Rumors started to go around about some shady drifter that wandered into town and was hiding, waiting to pick us off one by one, it was hilarious. I even heard it was the mob and Coach Philips was in witness protection or some nonsense but the best one and my personal favorite was one of the school staff was a killer. It created this weird vibe that had all of the student’s edge, I loved every second of it.
By Christmas break the rumors had become full on ghost stories but the buzz was calming down it was time for more. Since I wouldn’t be back in school for a week I started looking around the neighborhood for anyone that caught my eye but for the first few days there was nothing. For time’s sake I’ll gloss over the next couple of years, mainly because I didn’t kill anyone else till high-school, well there was a homeless guy but I don’t count that one because it was an accident.
By the time I was in high-school I’d become what you would call “The quiet kid” but it was by design. I’d come up with a plan, I wanted to see if I could control someone else and get them to do my dirty work without them knowing it. First I had to pick my subjects, they weren’t hard to find. The first was a boy named Dennis, he was lanky and tall with pale skin and bright red hair. In a way you could say he made himself stick out but no one deserves to be pushed around for being different. Dennis had a best friend that he hung out with named Chris, they dressed alike and listened to the same music so naturally the two became targets together. Freshman year for them was hell, they were chased home, beaten up and constantly the subject of random rumors. I watched them long enough to learn some of their likes and dislikes, and one thing they both had in common was some band called “L7”. It took me a month to get a concert shirt but the day I wore it to school I met Chris, he was blown away by the shirt. “Holy shit, how’d you get that?” his eyes were so wide I thought they might pop out of his head. “You have to let me buy that off you. I’ll give you 50 bucks for it right now.” I made up some story about getting it from one of the band members and it wasn’t for sale but from that day on we started to become friends. It wasn’t long before he introduced me to Dennis and from there we hung out every day.
One afternoon we were supposed to meet up at this little hideout they had been using for years. It wasn’t much to look at, it was a clearing deep in the woods where they would get high and shoot their fathers guns when they could sneak them out of the house. I got there early that day so I had to wait for them, when they made it they were both clearly hurt. Dennis had a swollen eye and a busted lip, Chris had a bloody nose and his shirt was torn. They ranted and raved about being tired of it all and how they were going to take off, they wanted to drop out and run away. I convinced them that was the wrong move, “Running doesn’t change who you are. It just changes where you’re at. Stand up for yourselves, force them to change how they treat you.”
Wiping blood from his chin Dennis snapped, “Don’t you think we’ve tried?! That just makes it worse! Look at my fucking face! Do you think I stood there and let this happen?! Do you think Chris wanted to get the shit kicked out of him by some asshole who decided today was a good day to pick on somebody? Come on man, we shouldn’t have to live like this!”
I had to choose my next words very carefully, I didn’t want to push the envelope too fast. “I get it. I know you fight back. What I’m saying is, maybe you’re fighting back the wrong way. What we need is a way to level things out, you know, make it a fair fight.” Once the wheels were turning there was no stopping the machine, they quickly grabbed hold to the idea and ran with it, at first it was sticks and bats then knives finally landing on guns. By the end of that day they were just talking about it, imagining scenarios and cracking jokes. By the end of the month after several more incidents, we were making actual plans. We set up P.O. boxes and ordered weapons using false information we got from different places, before long we were practicing after school every day for weeks. We never wrote anything down and never told a soul what we were planning, the idea was simple we would wipe them all out and show the world what happens when you push someone too far.
In order for my plan to work I couldn’t be involved, this part was actually a lot easier than you may think my father had already planned on having me miss school for a trip to Texas so all I had to do was time it out and it worked out to perfection. The day before we were supposed to do it I had to break it to them that my dad sprung a trip on me and I would have to miss it, we argued a little but in the end they vowed to go through with the plan. What happened next would become one of the worst mass shootings in history, I got a bad feeling from it. I didn’t like the attention, it was too much and it ended badly for both of them. I never attempted that one again, the idea was better than the reality, in the end it was a lesson learned.
I didn’t do anything for years after that, the whole experience was upsetting for me. I went on with my life and made it through college without a single incident. For the most part I’d written it off as just a really fucked up phase of my life, then I started working for a company that will remain nameless because mistakes like that get you caught. I was invited to a New Year’s Eve party one day after work and since I didn’t really have any plans I went. The party was amazing, great food, great music and nice people for the most part. I had just finished my first beer when I ran into an old friend of mine, Caleb. We laughed and talked about the old days for a moment then went our separate ways. It was good to see him again, but as the night progressed I started catching him in different spots watching me. I brushed it off the first few times but as we got closer and closer to midnight I would find him closer to me.
Feeling uncomfortable I wound up leaving early, walking through the parking lot Caleb caught up to me. “I’ve been looking for you for a long time now, you want to hear something funny? I thought you would have at least thanked me for cleaning up your messes, but no, instead you ignored me and left me behind. Why!?” Before I could process what he was saying he launched forward clubbing me across the head with something heavy and everything went black.
When I woke up I was in the backseat of my car parked under an overpass near the river. There’s a yellow sticky note attached the steering wheel that said, “Call me” with a phone number written in blue ink. I ignored it, got myself together and went home, everything went back to normal for a couple of days till I started noticing a bad odor in my car. After a quick search I found a badly butchered young woman’s body, wrapped in plastic rotting in my trunk. I hadn’t had to deal with anything like this before, I’d never given any thought to getting rid of bodies. I wound up driving as far away as I could and dumping her in the bog, the body was never recovered as far as I know.
The next morning before I could leave for work, I got a phone call. “It’s your turn, let’s see how you like it.” Before I could yell my response into the receiver the line went dead. Hanging it up out of anger I grabbed my keys and stormed out the front door, I don’t even remember if I locked it. I was in my car and headed for work in a daze, I couldn’t get his words out of my head. When I got there I spent most of the day just going through the motions but right around lunch I caught sight of Caleb watching me from across the office. (How the hell did he know where I worked?) I got up from my desk and quickly headed in his direction, I never took my eyes off him but somehow between me getting up from my desk and walking to where he was standing, he’d vanished.
I don’t scare easy but something about this was getting under my skin. I couldn’t remember where or when I’d met Caleb, as far back as I could think he’d always been around. I had to put him out of my mind and get back to work but for the rest of the day odd things kept happening. I was sitting at my desk when Tracey one of the office managers stopped to talk to me. “I’ll have you know, I’ve won several awards for my innovations with this company and I don’t appreciate you saying I contribute nothing to this project.” I was shocked by her tone, she seemed genuinely upset but I had no idea what she was talking about. “For you to call my work into question in front of the regional lead was inexcusable, I should fire you.” I was completely caught off guard, I didn’t know how to respond to something I had no memory of doing. Before I could come up with a response she was called away, random people passed by my desk for the rest of the day smiling and giving me the thumbs up. Everyone hated Tracey, she was a self-absorbed blow hard that took credit for other peoples work and never once defended the people under her. As happy as it made me to see her squirm I was still left with this horrible sinking feeling and a gap in my memory. The more I thought about it I couldn’t remember leaving for lunch, I could clearly recall seeing 11:45 on the clock and thinking I only had 15 minutes left. The very next thing I remembered was seeing Caleb and getting up from my desk, by the time my work day was over I’d had at least four conversations with four different people I had no memory of meeting. The truly disturbing part was they all seemed to know me really well, I couldn’t wrap my mind around it.
When I made it home that evening there was a note taped to my front door, it read. “There is no darkness without light, no wrong without right.” It was nonsense, just more scare tactics Caleb was using to get under my skin. Tossing the note in the garbage I went inside and got some rest, if he wanted the old me he would get it. I started making plans for the next time I saw him, the idea was simple the next time we were face to face I was planning on ending his pathetic life. I began carrying a few of my favorite new toys like an overpowered taser and zip-ties, it wasn’t long before I would get my chance.
The following week I used my vacation time to take off from work for a while and set my plan in motion. I jog every morning along the same route, there’s a long stretch of paths that cut through the woods if he was going to ambush me that would be the perfect spot. At 5:30 a.m. I was just hitting the trail, I could feel him out there somewhere watching, waiting on his moment. I’d been on the trail for ten minutes when he sprung his trap, I spotted the trip-line a mile away but I played along just for fun. When I snagged the line I slammed into the ground and pretended to be hurt, Caleb predictably rushed in as I rolled to my back, pulled the taser and fired hitting him square in the chest.
The second he dropped I got up and hog-tied him before dragging him off the path, when I was sure we were out of sight I checked him for weapons and found he was carrying a combat knife. He smiled at me holding it in my hand. “Feels good, doesn’t it?” before he could say another word I clamped my left hand over his mouth and using my right drove the blade through his throat. Turning my wrist to open the hole, I stared into his eyes and as he wheezed out a long breath I inhaled deeply sucking in his last gasp of life. Once I was sure it was over I pulled my hand away from his face, he was still smiling. I had to move fast, other people jog that path and someone could be coming at any moment. I took off my sweat shirt, rolled the knife up in it and stuffed it in the sport bag I carry my water in. Using the water I washed my hands and face before getting back on the path just in time to see a pair of women turning onto the trail, I still had to get rid of the trip-line. I pretended to be stretching then took a step towards the tree and acted like I was tying my shoe, in one motion I slipped my fingers through the loop and snatched back snapping the line and slightly cutting into my fingers at the same time. I stood and stretched one last time before jogging passed them headed back to my apartment, that old feeling washed over me as I moved along the sidewalk and I realized in that moment how much I’d missed it. The electricity in my veins, the fire in my lungs the outright blissful euphoria of it all surged through me and I smiled. I laughed and picked up my pace feeling more energized than I had in years, I was back.
That night I went out bar hopping, I’m not a heavy drinker but that wasn’t the point, I was fishing. I wasn’t getting anything for the first couple of hours, I moved from place to place waiting for someone to catch my eye but for the most part it was a dud. I called for a cab and stepped outside to wait, “Excuse me, can I get a light?” a sweet sounding voice called to me as a beautiful young woman with long dark hair stepped up beside me. “I’m sorry, I don’t smoke.” She looked at me and smiled slipping her cigarette back in the pack, “That’s ok, you wouldn’t happen to have the time would you? I’ve been waiting on this cab forever.” I gave her the time and we stood there making small talk for a while till the cab finally arrived, we agreed to split the fare and hopped in. Something about her made me happy maybe it was her energy or possibly that wicked little smirk but I wanted to know her. We exchanged numbers before I got to my stop and went our separate ways.
The next night I went out again, I roamed around driving from spot to spot hoping to catch that urge but this time it didn’t take long. I was passing through uptown when I spotted him, your run of the mill neighborhood tough guy standing on the corner talking to a lady that was clearly uninterested in the conversation. I parked on the other end of the building then got out and crept through the alley coming out behind him. I decided to use a gun this time, I watched from the shadows waiting on the chance, there’s nothing like that feeling when you’re waiting for someone to step into your trap. I love it almost as much as the fallout, he walked past the alley not knowing I was there, I stepped out behind him silently raised the gun aimed at the back of his head and fired. It was over in an instant and I was racing through the alley back to my car. When I got there I calmly got in and drove away as people started to gather around the body, no one saw me, it happened so fast no one had a clue, thanks to the revolver there were no shells to find, it was quick and clean.
I had another two days left on my vacation and I was going to make the most of it. I wanted something special this time, I traveled to an upscale shopping center and wondered around buying little things while fishing for another fix. A grey haired older woman sat on a bench near the shoe store talking to someone on the phone. (Perfect.) I walked over and sat on the bench next to her, in my left pocket I was holding a syringe filled with paint thinner, I intentionally bumped her with my leg and injected her with the full dose then excused myself and walked away. I didn’t wait to see the outcome but I found out later through the news the woman died. With two down I was feeling like a kid again, and on my last day of vacation I decided that was exactly what I wanted.
Before I go further I just want it to be known, I’m not a sexual predator, I haven’t ever and will never rape anyone. As a point of pride I go out of my way to eliminate those types when I come across them, but I’ll save that for later. In any case I drove to the other side of the city for my last day and spent it looking for a victim. It took hours to finally find a good fishing hole but when I did it took less than 15 minutes to find what I was looking for. He was just a little younger than I was around the time of my first kill, he’d wandered away from the playground and was off playing by himself. The park sits on the edge of a natural bayou the water is deep and dark, it’s separated from the playground by a dense section of trees which is where I had been watching from the entire time. I didn’t hesitate, the moment he was out of view from the playground I rushed him and snapped his neck before he could scream then weighed down the body with rocks and dumped him in the water.
My vacation was over, on Monday morning I stepped through those doors still riding the buzz off the last week of my life and it felt amazing. I breezed through the day and even managed to log some programing time before I clocked out and headed home. I was feeling so good I finally decided to make a call I should have made days ago.
Her name is Tabitha, since the day I met her I couldn’t stop thinking about her, even when I was getting my fix her name rattled around in my brain every day. I actually felt nervous waiting for her to pick up, I couldn’t believe it, I was in the middle of rehearsing what I would say when the line clicked over. “Hello.” that one little word set my nerves at ease, smiling to myself I cleared my throat and the words just seemed to spill out. We talked for hours, about everything and nothing, laughing and connecting on the things we had in common, it was the most joy I’d ever felt from a stranger in my life.
We took it slow, only talking on the phone for weeks before finally seeing each other in person. The energy didn’t change, it was still so comfortable and natural with her that it felt like we’d always known one another. One date led to another and another but the odd thing was I didn’t feel that urge anymore. Weeks passed hell months passed, and we had become a legit couple, and in that entire time I didn’t kill a single person.
Then on a Wednesday evening it came back, I don’t know what triggered it, I was havening a good day. But as I pulled up to a stop light on the way home I turned and looked at the car next to me. The guy behind the wheel looked young, he was nodding his head to some song on the radio. I took the gun from under my seat then motioned for him to roll down the window keeping it out of sight. When he let it down I brought the gun up and fired as the light turned green, then I drove off. When I got home I disassembled the gun and put my bike in the car, that night I drove out to the bog burying pieces of the gun along the way. When I got there I cleaned out the car before torching it then rolled it into the swamp. It was a long ride home I didn’t make it back till the next morning, when I got there I reported my car stolen and went on with my day.
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"Family Tree: CH.1 Bloody roots." (Fiction)

Have you ever heard the saying “It’s in my blood”? Well, it is. I come from a long line of serial killers, technically my grandfather (Pedro) was a mass murderer. His reign of terror claimed 298 victims somewhere in the Andes, it was near the end of his run he impregnated the prostitute who would give birth to my father after fleeing to America. My father (Felix) was a truck driver but in his spare time he would kidnap and murder women and young girls. During his active years he was given a lot of names, The I-70 killer, the freeway Phantom and the Parkway stalker to name a few. He and my mother were killed by a drunk driver in 1990 and I was turned over to child protective services. Despite the circumstances I had a fairly happy childhood, I was adopted quickly by Oliver and Gail Campbell. They were good people, Oliver was Professor at the local college and Gail was an artist. They gave me a great life, they never harmed me in any way and did their best to keep me safe but no matter how hard they tried they couldn’t protect me from myself.
I suppose by now you’re wondering who I am, well boys and girls that’s my little secret. For now you may call me Dante, there’s a lot to unpack here so I guess I’ll start at the beginning. My first kill well human kill anyway was a kid named Billy McCarthy, he was what you would consider one of the popular kids if there is such a thing in the fifth grade. I guess here is where you would get the stereotypical popular bully routine but no, that’s not how this story goes. I wasn’t picked on or pushed around, hell, for the most part people barely noticed I was around and before you go jumping to conclusions that has nothing to do with it either.
The why probably isn’t as interesting as the how but I’ll tell you anyway, I picked him because I didn’t like his shoes. I know, I know, that’s petty as hell, but for 10 year old me that was enough. I watched him for days, I didn’t have a clue back then I had no idea what I was doing or how I was going to do it I just knew I wanted it done. It was a Friday afternoon, Billy and his friends walked through Stone Park every day but on Fridays he had soccer practice and would be late so he would be by himself. I told my mother I was going to the park about an hour before I knew he would be there. On the way I stopped by old man Hudson’s place and broke into the toolshed behind his house, there wasn’t much to pick from and being so young I chose the only thing I could fit into my pocket a flathead screwdriver. When I got to the park I spent a little too long looking for the perfect spot and by the time I found one it was too late. I spotted Billy already on the far end of the park, I’d missed my chance. I know that’s a little anticlimactic but it turned out to be for the best, that night I was up late watching an old movie I can’t recall the name of it but in it there was a man who poisoned his wife by crushing up pills and mixing it into her food. This gave me an idea, now being 10 I didn’t have access to pills and wouldn’t have known what to use even if I did. What I did have was my father’s workshop in the garage, there were lots of chemicals I couldn’t begin to tell you what half of them were but there were quite a few that had warnings on them. I poured a little from each one into a water bottle and saved it till I went back to school.
That Monday while we were in gym I asked to use the restroom, while I was gone I went to Billy’s locker and pulled his thermos out of his backpack. I poured out about a cup or so of the sweet smelling juice out then replaced it with the cocktail I’d mixed up, when I was done I sniffed it just to see if I could detect it and much to my surprise there was only a slight difference. Later that day when we went to lunch I sat at my usual table and pretended not to know what was about to happen, after about 15 minutes people started screaming. There was a sudden panic and the cafeteria exploded into chaos, Billy was violently seizing on the floor spewing bloody foam from his mouth as teaches rushed to his aid. He died later that night in the hospital, it was all over the news when they found he’d been poisoned everyone was looking for someone to blame. There were all sorts of rumors on who it could have been and kids being kids made up stories that grew into urban legends. The case went unsolved, but I was hooked I spent the rest of that school year riding the high till the buzz started to fade away and by the start of the next year no one was talking about it anymore.
I tried to go without it, I really did, but every day I walked the halls and didn’t feel the fear in the air, I felt sick. I wanted it back, I needed to feel that power again but if there was one thing I’d learned, it was to not rush the process. If one death fed me for a year two would get me to the 8th grade, looking back I have to laugh at my reasoning it was all so silly now that I reflect on those moments. Nevertheless I spent my first semester picking out targets luckily for me there was no shortage of people I didn’t like but one in particular “Coach Philips” gave me the best reason of all.
Mr. Philips was the head coach of the football team, he was a large muscular man with a head full of grey hair. Everyone loved Coach Philips, when parents and staff were around he put on an act that made them believe he was a genuine good guy. But when it was just him and the team, he was a brutal dictator with a foul mouth and a quick temper. I’d heard the stories but because I wasn’t on the team I’d never seen it for myself, one afternoon I had to stay after school for detention I wasn’t a trouble maker or anything like that I just got caught talking to my friend Caleb and the teacher punished me for it. When detention was finally over I was walking through the building near the gym and stopped to tie my shoe, while I was kneeling down I started hearing someone arguing and got a little nosey. I crept into the locker room following the voices till I got to this area everyone called “The Cage” it was where the football teams lockers were and no one besides them was allowed inside.
Once I passed the cage I came to the hall that leads to the Coaches office, that’s where the yelling was coming from. As quietly as I could I crept down the hall and got as close as possible without being seen, from where I was I could see a part of his office through the window but I couldn’t see everything. The coach barked out “Are you fucking stupid Denton?! I told you to get your shit together or there would be consequences!” I caught a glimpse of one of the older kids standing near the door as coach stormed over and grabbed him by the arm pulling him in the office before closing the door. Now all I could see was the Coaches back and hear him yelling but only for a moment before the sound of him slapping whoever that Denton kid was. There was a crash from the kid slamming into the desk then a struggle that only lasted for a few seconds, the hall went quiet I waited for a moment before I started to get out of there then I heard muffled screams and whimpering. I had to know what was happening, I slowly crept around the corner and made my way over to the window, when I peeped inside I nearly threw up. Coach had that boy bent over his desk violating him in the worst way imaginable, I never saw the kids face I turned tail and got out of there as fast as possible. I ran all the way home, I thought about telling my parents or maybe the police but something stopped me, I knew in that moment it had to be me, it was up to me to stop this. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea I didn’t want to stop him out of some need to be the hero. I wanted to stop him because he was on my turf and even then I didn’t like sharing. It would take me a while to come up with a plan for the coach but in the meantime I had my sights set on one Eliza Stuart, she was a grade above me I couldn’t really tell you why I sniffed her out. She wasn’t popular or even a standout student for all intents and purposes she was just another face in the crowd but for some reason that made her perfect.
Finding her pattern wasn’t easy, I only really saw her once or twice a day during school so there was no way I could get to her bag. I needed another approach, I watched her for days, eventually I found out she rode the bus and what side of town she lived on but none of that was any help. I was getting close to giving up on her, then on a Tuesday afternoon there was a fire. Faulty wiring lit the insulation inside the walls and before anyone knew what was going on a large section of the building was on fire. The alarms blared while the halls filled with smoke and all that organized fire drill shit flew straight out the window. Students and teachers alike flooded into the halls headed for the exits and in that chaos I spotted her, she was standing near the janitor’s closet talking with another girl. By the time I got close the other girl was walking away, keeping my back to Eliza I moved with the crowd till I was standing directly in front of her then pretended to get thrown off balance stumbling into her causing her to fall landing just inside the doorway. Without looking back I slammed the door shut and locked it still facing the surging crowd, no one noticed. I joined the crowd and filed out to the courtyard where we were all gathered watching the school burn, I stared at that door till they moved us away and she never came out. Her body was discovered later that day and once again that feeling of power surged through me but as good as it felt it wasn’t enough, I needed more.
No one panicked, there was no fear just sadness it felt like a hollow victory. They wrote it off as a tragic accident so there was no muttering or wondering, no fantastic stories or boogie-men bumping off the townsfolk it was utterly disappointing. The rest of that year was a wash, but the next year when things got back to normal I’d already made up my mind, “Coach” was first on the list. I’d hit a little growth spurt and put on weight so I tried out for the team and made it. I hated every second of it, there were some benefits like discipline, strength, stamina and speed but seeing his face knowing what he was made me sick.
We had lost two of our last three games and Coach was not happy, I knew sooner or later he would start taking it out on the players and I was right. The Monday after our last loss he started having one on one player meetings in his office, I can’t say he did what he did to all the players. I don’t know that as a fact, but I do know there were a couple I’d seen him being tough on and I’m almost certain they were victims. I made sure I skipped my meeting and dodged him all day till after school, over the summer I’d found a knife in an old trunk of my fathers. It wasn’t that big but it was heavy and sharp I made sure of that, there’s an unmarked pet grave filled with fur to prove it. In any case once I was sure no one was around I went to Coach Philips office and knocked on the door, his office smelled like a combination of foot fungus spray and Old spice cologne. He grimaced at me when he opened the door, “Well it’s about god damn time you showed up, do you think I have all day to wait on your sorry ass? Get in here and close my door.” My heart was pounding so hard I could barely hear him scolding me for wasting his time, he slammed his ham sized fist on the desk and jolted towards me asking if I was listening. (I wasn’t) The second he grabbed my shirt I pulled my blade and plunged it into his neck spraying my face with blood. Coach’s eyes went wide, he gasped and gurgled releasing his grip thrashing back away from me swinging wildly. Grasping at the gushing hole in his throat he staggered back and stumbled over a chair then crashed to the ground wheezing, I hadn’t realized the knife was still in my hand till he started reaching for me. I swung that blade as hard as I could at his outreaching hand slicing off one of his fingers but he kept coming. Slipping in his own blood he crawled towards me, I maneuvered around in his office to stay out of reach but he was a big man, I couldn’t dodge forever. Getting up off the floor and grabbing me by the throat he snatched me off my feet he hoisted me into the air, I struggled against his grip thinking I was going to die till I jabbed that knife into his eye and felt the blade scrape bone. He let out a groan and dropped me then staggered back over to his desk mumbling something I couldn’t make out before taking a seat in his chair. Tilting his head back and resting his hands on his knees he let out one last gurgling breath and went still. Time stopped, it felt like electricity was running through my veins, instinct took over and the next thing I know I’m pulling the knife free from Coach’s eye socket. Everything seemed out of step like the frames of reality were lagging by a second causing the world around me to have a distorted glare. I moved through the hall quickly to the locker room and got in the shower clothes and all, I stood there watching the hot water washing away the blood when I was done I changed into my gym clothes and stole a pair of shoes out of the cage. Once I was all cleaned up I put my clothes in a trash bag then took towels and cleaned the hallway and went home.
I ate dinner, played video games and watched television till it was time for bed and I slept like a baby. The next morning when I got to school police were everywhere, the crowd was buzzing. The word was out, everyone was talking about it I could feel the energy vibrating through everyone around me it was intoxicating. I was too young to understand what I was feeling, my mind couldn’t process the overpowering emotions that were pulsing through me so I did the only thing I could think of to calm myself down, I hummed Old McDonald under my breath and for some reason it worked. I made it through the day listening to all the different versions of what everyone thought happened and managed not to burst out laughing. As the weeks went by and no one was being arrested for the murder the legend grew. Rumors started to go around about some shady drifter that wandered into town and was hiding, waiting to pick us off one by one, it was hilarious. I even heard it was the mob and Coach Philips was in witness protection or some nonsense but the best one and my personal favorite was one of the school staff was a killer. It created this weird vibe that had all of the student’s edge, I loved every second of it.
By Christmas break the rumors had become full on ghost stories but the buzz was calming down it was time for more. Since I wouldn’t be back in school for a week I started looking around the neighborhood for anyone that caught my eye but for the first few days there was nothing. For time’s sake I’ll gloss over the next couple of years, mainly because I didn’t kill anyone else till high-school, well there was a homeless guy but I don’t count that one because it was an accident.
By the time I was in high-school I’d become what you would call “The quiet kid” but it was by design. I’d come up with a plan, I wanted to see if I could control someone else and get them to do my dirty work without them knowing it. First I had to pick my subjects, they weren’t hard to find. The first was a boy named Dennis, he was lanky and tall with pale skin and bright red hair. In a way you could say he made himself stick out but no one deserves to be pushed around for being different. Dennis had a best friend that he hung out with named Chris, they dressed alike and listened to the same music so naturally the two became targets together. Freshman year for them was hell, they were chased home, beaten up and constantly the subject of random rumors. I watched them long enough to learn some of their likes and dislikes, and one thing they both had in common was some band called “L7”. It took me a month to get a concert shirt but the day I wore it to school I met Chris, he was blown away by the shirt. “Holy shit, how’d you get that?” his eyes were so wide I thought they might pop out of his head. “You have to let me buy that off you. I’ll give you 50 bucks for it right now.” I made up some story about getting it from one of the band members and it wasn’t for sale but from that day on we started to become friends. It wasn’t long before he introduced me to Dennis and from there we hung out every day.
One afternoon we were supposed to meet up at this little hideout they had been using for years. It wasn’t much to look at, it was a clearing deep in the woods where they would get high and shoot their fathers guns when they could sneak them out of the house. I got there early that day so I had to wait for them, when they made it they were both clearly hurt. Dennis had a swollen eye and a busted lip, Chris had a bloody nose and his shirt was torn. They ranted and raved about being tired of it all and how they were going to take off, they wanted to drop out and run away. I convinced them that was the wrong move, “Running doesn’t change who you are. It just changes where you’re at. Stand up for yourselves, force them to change how they treat you.”
Wiping blood from his chin Dennis snapped, “Don’t you think we’ve tried?! That just makes it worse! Look at my fucking face! Do you think I stood there and let this happen?! Do you think Chris wanted to get the shit kicked out of him by some asshole who decided today was a good day to pick on somebody? Come on man, we shouldn’t have to live like this!”
I had to choose my next words very carefully, I didn’t want to push the envelope too fast. “I get it. I know you fight back. What I’m saying is, maybe you’re fighting back the wrong way. What we need is a way to level things out, you know, make it a fair fight.” Once the wheels were turning there was no stopping the machine, they quickly grabbed hold to the idea and ran with it, at first it was sticks and bats then knives finally landing on guns. By the end of that day they were just talking about it, imagining scenarios and cracking jokes. By the end of the month after several more incidents, we were making actual plans. We set up P.O. boxes and ordered weapons using false information we got from different places, before long we were practicing after school every day for weeks. We never wrote anything down and never told a soul what we were planning, the idea was simple we would wipe them all out and show the world what happens when you push someone too far.
In order for my plan to work I couldn’t be involved, this part was actually a lot easier than you may think my father had already planned on having me miss school for a trip to Texas so all I had to do was time it out and it worked out to perfection. The day before we were supposed to do it I had to break it to them that my dad sprung a trip on me and I would have to miss it, we argued a little but in the end they vowed to go through with the plan. What happened next would become one of the worst mass shootings in history, I got a bad feeling from it. I didn’t like the attention, it was too much and it ended badly for both of them. I never attempted that one again, the idea was better than the reality, in the end it was a lesson learned.
I didn’t do anything for years after that, the whole experience was upsetting for me. I went on with my life and made it through college without a single incident. For the most part I’d written it off as just a really fucked up phase of my life, then I started working for a company that will remain nameless because mistakes like that get you caught. I was invited to a New Year’s Eve party one day after work and since I didn’t really have any plans I went. The party was amazing, great food, great music and nice people for the most part. I had just finished my first beer when I ran into an old friend of mine, Caleb. We laughed and talked about the old days for a moment then went our separate ways. It was good to see him again, but as the night progressed I started catching him in different spots watching me. I brushed it off the first few times but as we got closer and closer to midnight I would find him closer to me.
Feeling uncomfortable I wound up leaving early, walking through the parking lot Caleb caught up to me. “I’ve been looking for you for a long time now, you want to hear something funny? I thought you would have at least thanked me for cleaning up your messes, but no, instead you ignored me and left me behind. Why!?” Before I could process what he was saying he launched forward clubbing me across the head with something heavy and everything went black.
When I woke up I was in the backseat of my car parked under an overpass near the river. There’s a yellow sticky note attached the steering wheel that said, “Call me” with a phone number written in blue ink. I ignored it, got myself together and went home, everything went back to normal for a couple of days till I started noticing a bad odor in my car. After a quick search I found a badly butchered young woman’s body, wrapped in plastic rotting in my trunk. I hadn’t had to deal with anything like this before, I’d never given any thought to getting rid of bodies. I wound up driving as far away as I could and dumping her in the bog, the body was never recovered as far as I know.
The next morning before I could leave for work, I got a phone call. “It’s your turn, let’s see how you like it.” Before I could yell my response into the receiver the line went dead. Hanging it up out of anger I grabbed my keys and stormed out the front door, I don’t even remember if I locked it. I was in my car and headed for work in a daze, I couldn’t get his words out of my head. When I got there I spent most of the day just going through the motions but right around lunch I caught sight of Caleb watching me from across the office. (How the hell did he know where I worked?) I got up from my desk and quickly headed in his direction, I never took my eyes off him but somehow between me getting up from my desk and walking to where he was standing, he’d vanished.
I don’t scare easy but something about this was getting under my skin. I couldn’t remember where or when I’d met Caleb, as far back as I could think he’d always been around. I had to put him out of my mind and get back to work but for the rest of the day odd things kept happening. I was sitting at my desk when Tracey one of the office managers stopped to talk to me. “I’ll have you know, I’ve won several awards for my innovations with this company and I don’t appreciate you saying I contribute nothing to this project.” I was shocked by her tone, she seemed genuinely upset but I had no idea what she was talking about. “For you to call my work into question in front of the regional lead was inexcusable, I should fire you.” I was completely caught off guard, I didn’t know how to respond to something I had no memory of doing. Before I could come up with a response she was called away, random people passed by my desk for the rest of the day smiling and giving me the thumbs up. Everyone hated Tracey, she was a self-absorbed blow hard that took credit for other peoples work and never once defended the people under her. As happy as it made me to see her squirm I was still left with this horrible sinking feeling and a gap in my memory. The more I thought about it I couldn’t remember leaving for lunch, I could clearly recall seeing 11:45 on the clock and thinking I only had 15 minutes left. The very next thing I remembered was seeing Caleb and getting up from my desk, by the time my work day was over I’d had at least four conversations with four different people I had no memory of meeting. The truly disturbing part was they all seemed to know me really well, I couldn’t wrap my mind around it.
When I made it home that evening there was a note taped to my front door, it read. “There is no darkness without light, no wrong without right.” It was nonsense, just more scare tactics Caleb was using to get under my skin. Tossing the note in the garbage I went inside and got some rest, if he wanted the old me he would get it. I started making plans for the next time I saw him, the idea was simple the next time we were face to face I was planning on ending his pathetic life. I began carrying a few of my favorite new toys like an overpowered taser and zip-ties, it wasn’t long before I would get my chance.
The following week I used my vacation time to take off from work for a while and set my plan in motion. I jog every morning along the same route, there’s a long stretch of paths that cut through the woods if he was going to ambush me that would be the perfect spot. At 5:30 a.m. I was just hitting the trail, I could feel him out there somewhere watching, waiting on his moment. I’d been on the trail for ten minutes when he sprung his trap, I spotted the trip-line a mile away but I played along just for fun. When I snagged the line I slammed into the ground and pretended to be hurt, Caleb predictably rushed in as I rolled to my back, pulled the taser and fired hitting him square in the chest.
The second he dropped I got up and hog-tied him before dragging him off the path, when I was sure we were out of sight I checked him for weapons and found he was carrying a combat knife. He smiled at me holding it in my hand. “Feels good, doesn’t it?” before he could say another word I clamped my left hand over his mouth and using my right drove the blade through his throat. Turning my wrist to open the hole, I stared into his eyes and as he wheezed out a long breath I inhaled deeply sucking in his last gasp of life. Once I was sure it was over I pulled my hand away from his face, he was still smiling. I had to move fast, other people jog that path and someone could be coming at any moment. I took off my sweat shirt, rolled the knife up in it and stuffed it in the sport bag I carry my water in. Using the water I washed my hands and face before getting back on the path just in time to see a pair of women turning onto the trail, I still had to get rid of the trip-line. I pretended to be stretching then took a step towards the tree and acted like I was tying my shoe, in one motion I slipped my fingers through the loop and snatched back snapping the line and slightly cutting into my fingers at the same time. I stood and stretched one last time before jogging passed them headed back to my apartment, that old feeling washed over me as I moved along the sidewalk and I realized in that moment how much I’d missed it. The electricity in my veins, the fire in my lungs the outright blissful euphoria of it all surged through me and I smiled. I laughed and picked up my pace feeling more energized than I had in years, I was back.
That night I went out bar hopping, I’m not a heavy drinker but that wasn’t the point, I was fishing. I wasn’t getting anything for the first couple of hours, I moved from place to place waiting for someone to catch my eye but for the most part it was a dud. I called for a cab and stepped outside to wait, “Excuse me, can I get a light?” a sweet sounding voice called to me as a beautiful young woman with long dark hair stepped up beside me. “I’m sorry, I don’t smoke.” She looked at me and smiled slipping her cigarette back in the pack, “That’s ok, you wouldn’t happen to have the time would you? I’ve been waiting on this cab forever.” I gave her the time and we stood there making small talk for a while till the cab finally arrived, we agreed to split the fare and hopped in. Something about her made me happy maybe it was her energy or possibly that wicked little smirk but I wanted to know her. We exchanged numbers before I got to my stop and went our separate ways.
The next night I went out again, I roamed around driving from spot to spot hoping to catch that urge but this time it didn’t take long. I was passing through uptown when I spotted him, your run of the mill neighborhood tough guy standing on the corner talking to a lady that was clearly uninterested in the conversation. I parked on the other end of the building then got out and crept through the alley coming out behind him. I decided to use a gun this time, I watched from the shadows waiting on the chance, there’s nothing like that feeling when you’re waiting for someone to step into your trap. I love it almost as much as the fallout, he walked past the alley not knowing I was there, I stepped out behind him silently raised the gun aimed at the back of his head and fired. It was over in an instant and I was racing through the alley back to my car. When I got there I calmly got in and drove away as people started to gather around the body, no one saw me, it happened so fast no one had a clue, thanks to the revolver there were no shells to find, it was quick and clean.
I had another two days left on my vacation and I was going to make the most of it. I wanted something special this time, I traveled to an upscale shopping center and wondered around buying little things while fishing for another fix. A grey haired older woman sat on a bench near the shoe store talking to someone on the phone. (Perfect.) I walked over and sat on the bench next to her, in my left pocket I was holding a syringe filled with paint thinner, I intentionally bumped her with my leg and injected her with the full dose then excused myself and walked away. I didn’t wait to see the outcome but I found out later through the news the woman died. With two down I was feeling like a kid again, and on my last day of vacation I decided that was exactly what I wanted.
Before I go further I just want it to be known, I’m not a sexual predator, I haven’t ever and will never rape anyone. As a point of pride I go out of my way to eliminate those types when I come across them, but I’ll save that for later. In any case I drove to the other side of the city for my last day and spent it looking for a victim. It took hours to finally find a good fishing hole but when I did it took less than 15 minutes to find what I was looking for. He was just a little younger than I was around the time of my first kill, he’d wandered away from the playground and was off playing by himself. The park sits on the edge of a natural bayou the water is deep and dark, it’s separated from the playground by a dense section of trees which is where I had been watching from the entire time. I didn’t hesitate, the moment he was out of view from the playground I rushed him and snapped his neck before he could scream then weighed down the body with rocks and dumped him in the water.
My vacation was over, on Monday morning I stepped through those doors still riding the buzz off the last week of my life and it felt amazing. I breezed through the day and even managed to log some programing time before I clocked out and headed home. I was feeling so good I finally decided to make a call I should have made days ago.
Her name is Tabitha, since the day I met her I couldn’t stop thinking about her, even when I was getting my fix her name rattled around in my brain every day. I actually felt nervous waiting for her to pick up, I couldn’t believe it, I was in the middle of rehearsing what I would say when the line clicked over. “Hello.” that one little word set my nerves at ease, smiling to myself I cleared my throat and the words just seemed to spill out. We talked for hours, about everything and nothing, laughing and connecting on the things we had in common, it was the most joy I’d ever felt from a stranger in my life.
We took it slow, only talking on the phone for weeks before finally seeing each other in person. The energy didn’t change, it was still so comfortable and natural with her that it felt like we’d always known one another. One date led to another and another but the odd thing was I didn’t feel that urge anymore. Weeks passed hell months passed, and we had become a legit couple, and in that entire time I didn’t kill a single person.
Then on a Wednesday evening it came back, I don’t know what triggered it, I was havening a good day. But as I pulled up to a stop light on the way home I turned and looked at the car next to me. The guy behind the wheel looked young, he was nodding his head to some song on the radio. I took the gun from under my seat then motioned for him to roll down the window keeping it out of sight. When he let it down I brought the gun up and fired as the light turned green, then I drove off. When I got home I disassembled the gun and put my bike in the car, that night I drove out to the bog burying pieces of the gun along the way. When I got there I cleaned out the car before torching it then rolled it into the swamp. It was a long ride home I didn’t make it back till the next morning, when I got there I reported my car stolen and went on with my day.
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Today's Free football predictions 24th January 2021. Save ...

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