Is it Best to Bet a Few Numbers or Bet Many - Roulette 17

can you bet on multiple numbers in roulette

can you bet on multiple numbers in roulette - win

Old fart advice for young investors

There seems to be a lot of interest in stocks from young investors. I imagine that many will make their way from WSB to this sub because WSB is a bunch of monkeys flinging poo. You may have lost some money and now you want to explore stocks from less of a Meme and emotional perspective.
There is nothing wrong with Meme stocks. Meme stocks can be fun. I have had fun with it. I am also a 42-year-old man with rental properties, commercial properties, and a few small businesses. BB, NOK, AMC, and even GME are all fine. The DD is fine behind all of them. The issue is that if I lose $1,000 then I can write myself a check from one of my businesses for $10,000 to make myself feel better. That is not a is simply sharing that people come from different places in life.
You are just starting off life and probably have far fewer resources and every dollar matters more.
I challenge anyone to CMV but I am not a big proponent of stocks as a core investment strategy. Here are my reasons why.
  1. Information has a time-decay of value. Meaning that information becomes less valuable over time. Data is what is mined to often produce new Information. You are at a disadvantage when it comes to both data and information. The information that you get on a retail level has already lost much of its value. This is where the saying "if you read it in the news you are already too late"
  2. You have no power. You simply cannot compete with whales and whales don't become whales by letting people glean the crumbs that are leftover. They have the power to move markets, you don't.
  3. You have no control over outcomes. You have no control over the success of a company. You have no control over other investors. You have no control over anything.
  4. The odds on options are not that great. Even compared to blackjack our betting the outside of a roulette table they are just not that good.
  5. Many people that are far more intelligent than you are, lose money at stock investing.
  6. Your emotions and FOMO will be a hindrance and problematic.
  7. Most stock investors are too young to understand the market cycles
I like stocks as a small part of an overall investment strategy for young people for the following reasons.
  1. Time is valuable and you have the most time
  2. Compound interest is the "force" behind all investing and compound interest compliments the stock market very well
  3. Certain strategies can complement long-term wealth building
Building wealth through stocks is like trying to build a house one brick at a time...just you, and you are gathering the straw, digging the mud, and pressing each brick by hand. When it rains many of your bricks will wash away. If the sun shines for enough days then you will make good progress.
The problem is that all markets cycle. The housing market cycles. Petroleum and natural gas cycles. The stock market cycles. I believe that a full market cycle is around 18 years with around 7-12 years in an up cycle and 6-11 in a down cycle. In the stock market, they call these bull and bear markets. We are currently in one of the longest bull markets on record due to interest rates and the feds printing money. No one has a crystal ball but sooner or later the market will peak. When this happens Boomers will be the first to pull money out and put it into bonds or CDs. Boomers are as big of a whale as retail can get. Anyone and I mean anyone could have made money in the current market. If ten years ago you had asked a five-year-old to pick five of their favorite things and invested in their choices you would have made money. That could be Barbies, YouTube, Pizza, Sprite, and their Dog. They would have made money on any stocks you picked around those five things.
There will come a day sooner or later when Boomers and GenX will see trends in the market that they don't like. Boomers own multiple houses and are deep into retirement. GenX is a small but powerful generation that is now on the back Nine Holes of life. Gen X will largely inherit the wealth of the Boomers. There will come a shift towards mitigating losses and that shift is not far away. When they move their money from markets so goes the market.
Is it fair to say that one of the longest bull cycles on record could transition to one of the longest bear cycles?
Let's look at Millenials...a generation that is struggling to just buy a home. Boomers own a few. GenX may own a couple and Millenials that are now entering into their forties struggle with one. Millenials are a massively sized generation that I believe is now bigger than both GenX and Boomers combined because Boomers are dying at a rapid pace. Millenials are the generation that were adults starting life and careers in 2008 and full-blown families with Covid-19. Maybe one of the unluckiest generations.
GenZ is this very talented and intelligent generation. Y'all are creating disruptions in culture, in politics, and in Wall Street. You are savvy and demanding. Giving billionaires the finger while pissing on the front door of their mansions.
But you need to be careful.
Stocks are not the key to your success. They are just a single tool in your toolbox. A better tool may be early homeownership or owning a small business. Life is about options...and I am not talking about the gambling options of Wall Street. I am talking about the options of having equity in a home to adapt to economic swings. I am, talking about the options of owning a small business where your day to day decisions make you smarter and more valuable. Where you own assets that make you money. Most importantly you have control over your own destiny.
I am not telling you not to invest in stocks. I am just telling you that it should be a limited part of your overall strategy in life. Unless someone has been through two complete cycles of the stock markets then I would take their advice with a grain of salt.
General advice:
  1. Don't sell stocks that you have taken a loss on
  2. Buy when everyone is selling and sell when everyone is buying
  3. Invest in stocks with a strategy based on your knowledge and experience
  4. Invest only what you can afford to lose
  5. Stocks work best with time. Leave them alone
  6. Be a value investor
  7. Invest with a purpose
Number seven is important. For example, I like Robotics, AI, and Automation. I like these is two specific areas....transportation and mining. I operate in the Transportation industry. I know that very soon human drivers will be eliminated and self-driving trucks will take over. Trucks will be loaded, driven, and unloaded without a single human being doing any of that work. With that will come an entire supporting industry. Tow trucks will need to be automatically dispatched when trucks break down or in accidents. AI will need to be involved in decision making. I will see these changes before I am dead and I am 42.
I like underwater mining. Our oceans are the next frontier and the next gold rush. We have areas of sea bottom that has very little life but is rich in gasses, minerals, and thermal energy. Automation, AI, and robotics will play a huge role in underwater mining. I will see this transition start in my lifetime and I am 42.
Beyond that, once we have machines that are capable of underwater mining then we have the basics for machines that can mine inner-system planetary objects. From nearby asteroids to the moon, to thermal energy collection closer to the sun, to Mars and beyond. The wealthiest person in existence will be the person that is able to start the first off-planet mining operation. Where there is no EPA, no taxes on land, where we are not building sub-divisions next to mines. Where we don't have to worry about the ecosystem. Where gasses and pollutants are not pollutants because there is nothing of consequence to pollute. The largest land-owners in existence will be the owner of off-world mining operations. That may not happen in my lifetime...but it may in yours.
I like investing in Meme stocks because they are fun. But I also invest in Robotics, AI, and automation with one-single this company taking humanity one-step close to automated transportation or underwater mining? I invest with a purpose.
Sure I will grab up some value stocks every now and then. People are going to be flying more than ever in a few years. People are going to be more social than ever in a few years. Shoot Condom manufacturers are a buy right now because people will get the idea.
The whole reason that I wrote this excessively long post is to maybe get you into thinking about your strategy....what is it? And to caution you on being "all-in" on stocks.
Stonks don't always go up.
submitted by TheMeistervader to stocks [link] [comments]

TIFU for falling for a guy on Tinder during Covid and got scammed out of life savings

TLDR: Met a guy on Tinder while lonely and depressed. We talked every day on the phone, but couldn't meet because of Covid. He invited me to join him on a Chinese investing app. I didn't question him because I was attached and blindly trusted him. Invested my entire life savings and took debt into the app to invest into "our future". I now can't withdraw that money and also found out I was catfished. Heart-broken, depressed, and will probably be homeless. The guy doesn't know this, and is still taking to me trying to get me to invest more.

I met a guy on Tinder, he seems really nice and smart. We quickly moved to talking every day on the phone. He would frequently send me pictures of himself or what he's doing. We also started talking about hobbies and one of our common ones was investing. He lured me with screenshots of this Usdt investing / betting app, and all the hundreds of thousands of dollars he made.
I wanted in since he said that he analyses the data, and only bets when he has good data. He was very dodgy when I kept asking him what the data he is using is - and only saying he will teach me later down the road. So the betting app (yes he marketed as investing USDT, but it's purely betting roulette) has multiple tiers with min balance requirements - 0,20k,50k,150k. Over time , I made 10-15% principle each time I traded with him, so eventually I invested over 150k into the apo because he convinced me that the larger players have more steady volume for analysis. I'm so dumb, and it was all through bitcoins to an app that has no information other than the customer service whatsapp that takes my questions and deposits. He even encouraged me by continually matching my deposits in order to 'help' me earn more. He was such a sweet talker, painting the future we could have together traveling and buying houses around the world.
A couple hiccups - I tried to outsmart the system and placed bets on 4 different options, and since they had positive odds at the 150k tier, would have been guaranteed profits. This caused me to get flagged for money laundering where I then I had to cough up 3% of my balance as a penalty fee within 24 hours or risk my account getting frozen forever. Fine, I thought it was unreasonable, but my fault. I scrambled, asked for favors, and borrowed money to pay the 17k ransom (yes the amount grew with my and his deposits combined). After that resolved, we were ready to make some big money in Dec - since my tinder date says Dec has historically great data for betting. He also showed me a promotion the app was running where we could wnter as a couple, and win prizes depending on how much we deposited. The only one we were eligible for was the 500k deposit one, and of course, we both just needed 1-200k more to finish the challenge and win "free" money. I never should have agreed to this either, but my tinder date's optimism won me over. Now we are stuck in another drama where my tinder date convinced me to participate in the couples challenge, where if we deposit 500k each, we get rewarded 125k. Too good to be true? Yes, but I was blinded. Little did I know as well, that if you don't complete the challenge by the end of 2020, apparently the penalty is losing 3% of the balance every day until you lose 60%.
I'm at such a lost in trying to borrow more funds, as my tinder date continues to pressure me and guilt trip me as he helps me contribute tens of thousands in as well. It's a scam, I'm pretty sure he can manipulate the numbers. The pivot point that woke me up, was when I was forced to ask friends to lend me money (and that they were also going to get loans to help me out). In order to not screw over friends I decided to do more due diligence again. Then I found it, I finally found some of the pictures he used in our WhatsApp conversations online from a chinese real life people photo bank. I haven't revealed that I know about the scam and am still in conversation, but I'm still trying to figure out how i can possible get my money back on this.
I've literally deposited my life savings as well as took out loans and debt to try to complete the deposit challenge. I'm going to be in debt and living paycheck to paycheck for awhile. This is a good lesson - I was emotionally blinded by a guy that would sweet talk with me every day, asking about me, and caring about me. I so efficiently found money to deposit into this scam app, without doing my normal due diligence because I was blinded by .. love? I feel like crap and am just hoping to resolve this well somehow...
Update: I really appreciate the support from redditors here, and I hope this provides a story that others can remember that getting catfished sucks. I've contacted police, IC3, FTC, and a couple of lawyers. The only advise is to see if police will investigate, but I was told chances are slim to none because the culprit is probably not in the country. I'm still chatting with my scammer, and am so far holding family troubles as an excuse to not have any more money to give. He's very persistent though, and still has that silver tongue. Honestly I'm not sure what kind of outcome I am hoping for by not simply blocking him at this point.
submitted by aspiring-minimalist to tifu [link] [comments]

Trading Subscriptions or other Paid Services

I used to be a Financial Advisor for a very brief period almost 10 years ago for Peter Schiff. At the time I was in my early 20s and liked a lot of what he said. He frustrates me a lot more now and fails to adapt accordingly. Anyhow, I now run Mostly a website researching US macro and discussing the worst institution ever created: The Federal Reserve.
Here’s some quick advice for beginners and even further on up I’m sure.
I've seen an unbelievable amount of these advertisements in the last few weeks. I just came across a comment in this room about just beginning and who to trust for paid services.
This may seem counterintuitive but if you're just beginning in the stock market DO NOT buy anything for education or trading. All the material you need is available for free online. Investopedia and YouTube have everything.
If you're just beginning you need to educate yourself and make small purchases. Education is the easiest part of trading in the stock market. The hard part is educating yourself about yourself. I've seen a few beginners that trade frequently and have done very well - in all likelihood they'll eventually lose all of their gains(+95% chance at bare minimum).
Stay away from paid services that claim they can help you trade. 99% are bullshit. Only experienced individuals should use these services because those individuals most likely know the few real people or firms that actually provide value. Experienced traders use these services for insight, education, and to help their process. Beginners have other obstacles to deal with first before these would properly benefit them.
Fuck Tim Sykes, those raging bull fucks, and others. They're full of shit. They are just a salesman using flashy marketing. It doesn't mean they haven't ever done well themselves - I think Tim Sykes actually did - but they realize selling hope, making millions, along with a little education is not just more profitable but it also eliminates risk.
In my opinion, I believe I could start a very “successful” subscription service. It’s aggravating seeing these guys because fooling beginners is almost like shooting fish in a barrel. But I’m not going to start a business where 95% of profits are based off of fooling others with slick marketing.
If anybody comes across a service you may be interested in but aren’t sure of its validity, feel free to send it to me and I’ll provide my two cents.
I’m going to explain trading by summarizing how I go about it. I’m not a day trader - I’m not making multiple trades a day and I recommend you do not do that either unless you want to lose money.
Before joining Euro Pacific Capital I would make a few trades a day. 50% of my portfolio was for long term investments 1+ years and the other for my speculation. I was fortunate enough to begin these investments at end of 2008 and early 2009. The long term side would do well and my speculations did alright too. The problem was I had big goals and desires for more wealth even though I had almost doubled the 12500 in less than a year. This led me to abandon stock speculating/trading because gains were too small and slow. However, stock options provided the leverage needed and I thought I had a trading process that would work.
Btw... “back in those days” I was paying 5.99 to buy and then 5.99 again to sell every trade! In 2010 my commissions were well above 2gs.
Reflecting on it now my process was abysmal and I’m surprised I was able to hold up for time I did. I was making reckless trades but one in particular really boosted my confidence. I bought far OTM calls on VXX(volatility) that expired in a few days. It was only a 100 dollars or so.
The market got slaughtered the next day. My calls were up over 4000%. I was up 4,950 dollars at 1205pm and then 4,150 a few minutes later. I believe I exited with a return of just over 4,300% which was a close figure to the actual dollars I made.
Here’s one of the most important points I’ll make: a PROFITABLE trade does not make it a GOOD trade by any means. That’s still one of the largest returns I’ve ever had and certainly the quickest but it was foolish.
It’s like going up to the roulette table and placing money on any number. The outcome of the spin does not change the fact this is a bad decision. Do not fool yourself by thinking your gains are all good decisions or investments. The only way you can have a good bet playing roulette is if you have knowledge or insight which puts the odds in your favor. And the only way you can do that is through some illegal con I believe. However, the market is not roulette. It can be. It can be worse if you make it that way.
Moving on... A few months after the big gain I had steadily lost money and I was getting a bit frustrated ——-
understanding how your emotions impact your thought processes and decision making is fundamental. There’s no manual for this part because every tradeperson is different. Happiness can and will influence your decisions. For some people it may cause them to be less disciplined or open to taking a risk and for others it will do the opposite. Traders create a process to eliminate the effects emotions can have - a simple example is to set a stop loss on a trade so you aren’t trying to guess when or if should prevent further losses or risk it. It’s important for beginners to do this. Do not enter trades where the losses cause worry and stress and you have no idea whether or not to sell. I don’t always have pre determined actions when I trade these days but I’ve also been doing this for over a decade and there are trades where it’s not as important or just not a good strategy. Again, if you’re a beginner please do not do this.
Back to my frustration... I entered an abnormally large call option order attempting to make up some losses - another stupid and beginner mistake. Unfortunately, the next day my parents needed help moving to Florida from Iowa. I had a 5g option that expired in 4 days and I wasn’t at my computer so I put in an order to (stop)sell if it so happens to fall quite a bit. This stock was amazon and it just so happens a negative headline came out right before opening bell. I had no idea bc I was still sleeping and dealing with moving.
The option price was around 5.20 and I had 10. My stop was at 4.
At 1030am we were going out for lunch and I went to check my position.
I was down 4,700 dollars.... because I put a LIMIT at 3.85.
You see, On this trade I went through ETRADE for whatever reason and I knew these sleezy guys sell their order flow - oh, btw Robinhood also sells their stock option orders but it’s really only important for a very small% of ppl - basically ETRADE profits from selling orders to other brokers who then complete your trade. So if these guys can see a price quickly drop and pop back up they’ll execute your order at worst price and then sell it for a profit a second later. Free money.
I was trying to limit any excessive scalping by putting a limit but amazon dropped quickly so E*TRADE of course did not get my order executed. If they were an honest and customer first company the order would’ve been executed and I wouldn’t have lost thousands of dollars. However, ultimately it is my fault and once again a stupid trade.
Trading is different from investing. Being an advisor certainly doesn’t make you a good trader. Advisors are typically there to plan long term investments and get to know their client so they’re able to adjust the risk in their portfolio accordingly.
A year or so after amazon I was working for Peter Schiff. He had really exploded in popularity because his predictions about the housing bubble all came to fruition. As an advisor you can’t trade. I was only there for a year because my mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and I left to be with her. I had to save funds and for a few years after didn't trade either.
These days I'm back trading but its much different. I enjoy macro research and writing so i use this to my advantage. In 2020, I made around 40 trades total. Some of these are still open. Most of my trades are options and last a few weeks to months but two open positions don't expire until Jan 2022. Last year I made a return of 135%. I made a few huge mistakes and one out of laziness. Earlier in the year I was up 200%. I believe my process is solid but also needs improvement.
I try to limit my trades and find areas I'm most confident in. I also recommend you do not make hasty decisions. MISSING TRADES can be hard but it's a much better result. 135% really isn't that great of a gain considering how well the market did and the style of my trading. I missed many trades I was really confident in and thought were easy bc I have a strategy that may require 100% of my proceeds into Few positions. It sucks knowing I should've and could've easily had a 400/500% year if I chose to be aggressive. But I stick to my game plan because I'm confident later this year or next my returns will be multiple 1000s of percent. Maybe I'm wrong. We will see. I do best when Im unbelievably confident in an outcome and yet able to remain patient. I find I can do better or much worse if I change these.
My friend that's a girl did better than me because she bought her first and only stock this year which was Tesla. Does it suck underperforming your beginner girl friend having been in this trade for 10 years?
But all of that noise must be drowned out lol. Everybody has to find their own way and what works best for them. I don't use reddit too often but for some reason I received an invitation to this board and joined tonight. I figured I'd share my thoughts and story and I hope this helped. I didn't proofread this.
My website is and you can find me on @Twitter at @junkiebonds - I started both in 2020 but am just really beginning to take off.
I'm always willing to help anybody with questions. Thanks for reading
submitted by 9Basel9 to MoonGangCapital [link] [comments]

Minigames to play with NPCs, with your Dice only. (Idea+rules)

  1. Blackjack: Each player get's to roll every dice besides the double didget D10 once. Whoever reaches 21 first, wins.
  2. Sabacc: Same as blackjack, but you try to reach 23 and the player can add or subtrackt the die. They have to decide before throwing. After one player won, everyone can roll two dice that are left. If they roll a 2 and a 3, they steal the win.
  3. Shell game: The NPC and the player both roll a D4, the player wins, if both numbers are the same.
  4. Betting on Horse Races: The players roll on initiative and then play three rounds of rolling an D20 for their horse. Highest total wins. The horses have different modifiers, the higher the modifier, the lesser the winnings.
  5. Knife Game: You have to roll a D4, then a D6, then, D8, D10, D12 and add your Dex bonus. The roll always has to be higher then the previous roll or you cut yourself.
  6. Drinking Game: The player and NPC roll a consave each round, the DC starts at 10 and then gets higher with each round.
  7. Armwrestling: Roll strengh against each other for three rounds.
  8. Russian Roulette: You roll a D6. If the number is the same as the one the DM rolled, you die instantly.
  9. Regular Roulette: DM rolls 4d10. If he hits 4 or 40 the house wins automatically unless the player specifically bet on 4 or 40. The player bets on odd or even. If they guess correctly, they double their bet. A player can bet on a number. If they guess correctly they win 35x.
  10. Three-Dragon Ante: Each player buys into the game, then secretly rolls 3d6 and records the result of each of their dice (threes are equal to zero). Then players may place their bets or yield. Once all bets are equal between the remaining players, the players reveal their dice. The player with the lowest total result wins the game.
  11. Blisters: Each player places their bet, then rolls 1d12 in public and 1d12 in secret and totals their results. The highest total result, without going over 24, will win the game. After their initial roll, a player may choose to stay with their total or they may choose to add 1d12 to their results until they reach a satisfying total or go over 24. Each additional d12 is rolled publicly.
  12. Cho-Han: You roll 2d6 secretly and guess if the total is Cho (Even) or Han (Odd). Players could gamble against an NPC or against eachother!
  13. The Hunt: Before play can begin, players must agree on the value of a ‘swing’ and a ‘miss’. The swing is usually assigned a lower value. For example: a ‘swing’ may costs 1 GP, and a ‘miss’ may costs 2 GP. Then, each player ‘swings’ by rolling 2d4. If the roll result is a double, the player ‘Hits’, any other result is a ‘miss’. Each time a player 'swings' they must place the agreed upon value in front of them in a stack. Each time a player 'misses' they must place the agreed upon value in front of them in a separate stack. Once a player has scored a total of three hits they have finished and may stop ‘swinging’. When all the players have finished, the player who has placed the least amount of money on the table wins. In the event of a tie, those players divide the winnings evenly.
  14. Golf: Each player in Turn rolls a D20. Whoever gets 18 different numbers first, wins. (Different numbers equal missed shots)
  15. Hydra: A dice game where the two players begin by rolling opposed d4s, and whoever has the lower number now rolls a d6. The game continues, escalating the die size until someone rolls an 11 or more, at which point they win.
  16. Forty Two Knights of Nidar: From 3 or more rounds, select the die result which gets your total closest to 42 without going over. Using at most 1 instance of each of the following set: Roll Initiative, or a skill (and narratively framing said use in game) using INT, WIS, or CHA as base, your opponent then chooses a skill from the set (framing skill-use in game), as an opposed check. No skill may be used twice by the same player. The DM may apply a modifier to each roll, for the effective difficulty of using said skills in a fantasy gambling card-game. For each opposed roll, save the result of each die rolled (Before bonuses; If a roll uses Advantage or Disadvantage, etc, use both dice.) The results on the dice (before bonuses) are placed in a list. The winner of each opposed match may choose which value to apply to their total from the list, or may exchange one of their previously selected dice with a newly selected one from the list. Once used, the die roll in the list is discarded. After the winner of the round chooses, then the loser chooses from the remaining set to either add or swap one element from the list. The rounds continue until one player chooses to fold, fails to match an ante, or gets higher than 42 as their total. More than 2 players may play in this fashion.
  17. Swindle stones: Each player has 2 to 5 d4, and roll in secret. They then guess or “bid” on what was rolled that must increase, first by value then by repeated numbers. As an example: one 3, then two 2s, then two 3s, three 1s etc... until a player believes the other has busted and calls. The dice are then revealed, if the dice show what was bid they win and the one who called loses a die, if the dice do not the one who last bid loses a die. The game ends when a player is out of dice. And the one who has dice left at the end wins the game.
  18. Orc Roulette: 1d10 rolls, a 1 means you chop off one of your own fingers, a 10 means your opponent of your choosing has to roll a 10 or chop off one of their own fingers
  19. Viper's Kiss: A venomous snake is kept in a bag on the table. The pot increases until someone rolls snake-eyes (0s on 2D10s). Whoever rolls snake-eyes has to reach into the bag, pull out the snake, and kiss it. (Roll dex higher then the snake) If theyre bitten, the last roller gets the pot, if not, the snake-kisser gets the pot.
  20. Acey-duecey: 2D6. Every roll of 7 or 11 ups the pot by at least the ante, rolling a 1 and 2 (acey-duecey,) wins the pot and all other players finish their current container of drink
  21. Who Buys: Everyone rolls a 1D6, lowest roll buys the next round. Ties go to 1v1 roll-offs
  22. Cheat-to-win: Two players roll equal-sided dice simultaneously for the high value after the roll they can decide to roll themselves or make the apponent reroll. Loser takes two shots of hard drink or a full mug of ale/wine.
  23. Familiar pocket-monster battle: Those who can summon a familiar (demon/elemental/beast) must summon their familiar to roll the dice for them, highest roll familiar gets to inflict damage against all other familiars. First incapacitated or dead familiar loses and the summoner must summon a new familiar and lend it, for one task only, to the winner of the last round at a later date, OR the summoner must gift the familiar of the winner of the last round with a magical charm/trinket of at least +1 strength in any attribute
  24. Middle's 7: The player makes their bet/ante and chooses between Upper, Lower, or Middle 7. The house rolls 2d6 and if the player correctly guessed the sum was above or below 7, they double their money, and triple it if they correctly guessed it'd be exactly 7.
  25. Weighted Scales: This game heavily favors the house, but the odds can be made better by changing the dice to d4s. The player makes their bet/ante, and then chooses a number from 1-6. The house rolls 3d6, and the player wins their bet back once for each roll that matches their number. (So they can win up to triple their bet)
  26. Five to One: Player Rolls d4+d20 If d4 Equals d20 x$5 Pay-out. If d4 Greater than d20 x$2 Pay-out. Otherwise Lose.
  27. Race to 30: Each Turn Every Player Rolls 2d6, if any Dice Roll a One (1) instead it is treated as 2d6 from now on. Ei, if a 1,4 was Rolled, it would be 2d6+4 for that Turn, and next Turn onwards that Player would Roll 3d6 (if they didn't Roll any more 1s). First Player to 30 Wins! (They will need to have Rolled Multiple 1s, though they can be on separate Turns, as they are Cumulative).
  28. Stones: The player(s) are given a pair of bone dice.. 1d6 and 1d4 If the player rolls above a 7 they double their bet. If they roll under 7 they lose their bet.. If a player manages to roll the same number on both dice.. (1,1 2,2 3,3 or 4,4) They win triple their bet.
submitted by _DarthSyphilis_ to d100 [link] [comments]

Tinder Romance and Investment Scam

I met a guy on Tinder, he seems really nice and smart. We quickly moved to talking every day on the phone. He would frequently send me pictures of himself or what he's doing. We also started talking about hobbies and one of our common ones was investing. He lured me with screenshots of this Usdt investing / betting app, and all the hundreds of thousands of dollars he made.
I wanted in since he said that he analyses the data, and only bets when he has good data. He was very dodgy when I kept asking him what the data he is using is - and only saying he will teach me later down the road. So the betting app (yes he marketed as investing USDT, but it's purely betting roulette) has multiple tiers with min balance requirements - 0,20k,50k,150k. Over time , I made 10-15% principle each time I traded with him, so eventually I invested over 150k into the apo because he convinced me that the larger players have more steady volume for analysis. I'm so dumb, and it was all through bitcoins to an app that has no information other than the customer service whatsapp that takes my questions and deposits. He even encouraged me by continually matching my deposits in order to 'help' me earn more. He was such a sweet talker, painting the future we could have together traveling and buying houses around the world.
A couple hiccups - I tried to outsmart the system and placed bets on 4 different options, and since they had positive odds at the 150k tier, would have been guaranteed profits. This caused me to get flagged for money laundering where I then I had to cough up 3% of my balance as a penalty fee within 24 hours or risk my account getting frozen forever. Fine, I thought it was unreasonable, but my fault. I scrambled, asked for favors, and borrowed money to pay the 17k ransom (yes the amount grew with my and his deposits combined). After that resolved, we were ready to make some big money in Dec - since my tinder date says Dec has historically great data for betting. He also showed me a promotion the app was running where we could wnter as a couple, and win prizes depending on how much we deposited. The only one we were eligible for was the 500k deposit one, and of course, we both just needed 1-200k more to finish the challenge and win "free" money. I never should have agreed to this either, but my tinder date's optimism won me over. Now we are stuck in another drama where my tinder date convinced me to participate in the couples challenge, where if we deposit 500k each, we get rewarded 125k. Too good to be true? Yes, but I was blinded. Little did I know as well, that if you don't complete the challenge by the end of 2020, apparently the penalty is losing 3% of the balance every day until you lose 60%.
I'm at such a lost in trying to borrow more funds, as my tinder date continues to pressure me and guilt trip me as he helps me contribute tens of thousands in as well. It's a scam, I'm pretty sure he can manipulate the numbers. The pivot point that woke me up, was when I was forced to ask friends to lend me money (and that they were also going to get loans to help me out). In order to not screw over friends I decided to do more due diligence again. Then I found it, I finally found some of the pictures he used in our WhatsApp conversations online from a chinese real life people photo bank. I haven't revealed that I know about the scam and am still in conversation, but I'm still trying to figure out how i can possible get my money back on this.
I've literally deposited my life savings as well as took out loans and debt to try to complete the deposit challenge. I'm going to be in debt and living paycheck to paycheck for awhile. This is a good lesson - I was emotionally blinded by a guy that would sweet talk with me every day, asking about me, and caring about me. I so efficiently found money to deposit into this scam app, without doing my normal due diligence because I was blinded by .. love? I feel like crap and am just hoping to resolve this well somehow...
Edit: Really appreciate some of the responses here. I know that this is a scam in my head, but I was tricked emotionally and wanted so hard to believe that this was true (I found someone, we were going to work hard together to make money and live a great life). Frankly, if I didnt find his pictures online proving that he was a catfish, a part of me still wants it to be true and test it out...
For those that might have helpful ideas for tracking money : I've sent money to the scammer app in 2 ways. First was a small wire transfer to a bank in Puerto Rico. The second was just using bitcoin.
Things over tried: - submitted a report to the ICCC for cyber crime - submitted a report to FTC - called up some lawyers in China who's only helpful advice was to call the police
I have not actually talked to anyone about this. It's so embarrassing and hard to speak up about. I have not called local police, for example, thinking that it's a lot of embarassment for not much they can do.
Anything else I can do? What might work?
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Casino Superlines - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Casino Superlines - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Casino Superlines Free Spins and Welcome Bonus
Claim 25 free spins on registration at Casino Superlines! This is our exclusive no deposit bonus for new players. Also, get 175 free spins and €1800 welcome bonus on your first 3 deposits. Good luck!
Enjoy fast payments! Bitcoins accepted! No download required! Mobile play OK!
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Casino Superlines Review

Casino Superlines is a relatively new online casino, established in 2017. It is owned and operated by Equinox Dynamic N.V., a company registered in Curacao. Equinox Dynamic is also certified by the local gambling authorities to conduct gambling operations and carries a license from the government.
The Superlines brand is one of the main properties of the company and one of their more successful online casinos. Since it was released to the general public, Casino Superlines has only increased in popularity. This is due to the fact that it offers a solid gambling experience and is available to a wide player base. There are hundreds of slots and table games on offer, allowing anyone to have a good time. Moreover, the casino also provides players with worthwhile promotions and supports a large number of payment services, thereby making it easy for anyone to quickly come on board. In this review, we will take a look at the major aspects of Casino Superlines and provide you with our honest feedback.

Casino Superlines Promotions and Bonuses

The Welcome Package Casino Superlines will give you the opportunity to greatly increase your bankroll over the first few deposits. Your first deposit will be matched an amazing 400% up to €1,000. Effectively, you will have five times the deposit amount to play with. When you make your second deposit, the percentage match is humbler than the previous one but still pretty good. The second part of the offer involves a 100% match up to €1,000, while the third bonus is a 200% match up to €1,000. All in all, you can get up to €3,000 in bonus funds and that is absolutely great. Of course, you will need to deposit a minimum of €20 each time to get your bonus.
Additionally, there are certain rules that you have to follow if you want to get the most out of your bonus. For one, there is a wagering requirement that you have to fulfil before you are allowed to withdraw the funds which amounts to 45 times the value of the bonus. For the purposes of the wagering, your maximum bet will be limited to €5.00 at a time and exceeding this cap may result in the invalidation of the bonus. Moreover, the requirement can only be met while playing slots and scratchcards, with table games and other game types being excluded. Additionally, specific slot titles have reduced contributions while others are altogether excluded. As far as withdrawals are concerned, you can only cash in a sum resulting from your bonus that does not exceed 20x the original deposit amount.
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Casino Superlines Software Providers

One thing that many gamblers overlook when considering an online casino is where the games of the given casino come from. Software providers are an essential part of the online gambling industry, developing the games that we all love to play. However, there are many such companies out there, each offering specific titles. Casino Superlines has partnered up with some of the most respected software providers in the business and was able to acquire a substantial library of casino games. Among the list of software providers, we find large names such as NetEnt, NextGen Gaming, Betsoft, Play’n GO, 1×2 Games, Amaya, Thunderkick, Elk Studios and others.
Each of these software providers has a history of creating high-quality slots and table games, allowing customers to have a great time gambling on the Internet. Their names alone should speak volumes regarding the quality of their product and with hundreds of games to choose from, you will be able to play to your heart’s content.

Casino Superlines Banking

Managing your bankroll is an important skill for any gambler and you also need to be able to easily move funds between your personal balance and your casino account. At Casino Superlines, you will not be able to use physical cash and as a result, you will be required to utilize one of the many online payment solutions supported by the casino.
These are available in several different forms – credit cards, eWallets, online banking, prepaid solutions and mobile payments. Typically the minimum deposit, regardless of what method you use, begins at €20. The maximum limits, however, will vary depending on the service.
If you choose to make your deposit with a credit card, you will be able to use the three most popular brands out there – Visa, MasterCard and Maestro. Alternatively, you may also opt to use an eWallet service due to their many advantages. In such a case, you will be able to manage your bankroll with Skrill, Neteller, Qiwi Wallet, and Przelewy24. These allow for instant deposits and quick withdrawals, where supported. Moreover, they also allow you to maintain some degree of anonymity on the Internet.
As far as online banking services are concerned, Casino Superlines gives you a lot of options. More specifically, you will have at your disposal UseMyServices, EPS, PostePay, TrustPay, POLi, EasyEFT, Sofort, GiroPay, Interac Online, and Trustly. While these can make instant deposits, you need to consider that many are regional services and may not be available to you. Prepaid solutions are available in the form of ecoPayz and Paysafecard, whereas mobile payments can be made via Zimpler and Siru Mobile. Alternatively, you may also make a deposit in Bitcoin if you are a crypto enthusiast.
Withdrawals are available, though not via all the above-listed services. You will be able to cash in your balance with Neteller, Visa, Skrill, Qiwi Wallet and Bitcoin. If you made a deposit with a service that does not support withdrawals, the casino will be more than happy to send you your money via Bank Transfer. The processing times will vary significantly between the different withdrawal solutions. Credit card withdrawals can take several days to clear, whereas transactions issued to eWallets will process almost instantly once they are sent. The minimum withdrawal starts at €100 and the maximum goes up to €5,000 per month.
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Casino Superlines Mobile Features

Playing from a mobile device has become the norm for millions of gamblers from all over the globe and online casinos can scarcely afford to ignore this tendency. To this end, they offer fully-functioning mobile versions of their gambling services and Casino Superlines does the same. Should you wish to take your favorite slots and table games with you, the casino gives you the opportunity to play from anywhere that you like. The only requirement is a working smartphone or tablet and a stable Internet connection.
Accessing the mobile version is completely easy and you can do so on just about any device. All you need to do is load the casino website within your browser and continue as you would on a desktop computer. It is that simple. You will be able to navigate any section of the casino and still have the same features at your disposal, namely, promotions, customer support, banking options and the full extent of the gaming library. You will not be limited in any way should you choose to play from your mobile device. In fact, the mobile version also comes with some features to make your experience better on a small-screen device. You will notice that all the menus have been adjusted for better functionality from a smartphone while some games include different user interfaces for improved usability. All in all, the mobile casino does not lack any features and we are sure that you will have a great time.
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Casino Superlines Games

The games selection is the primary reason why you would want to join Casino Superlines. It comes with more than 600 unique titles and each gives you the opportunity to experience something new and exciting. These span multiple different game types, including but not limited to slots, roulette, blackjack, progressive jackpots, live dealer titles and others. There is always something new to play so you will be occupied for quite a long time if you choose to join Casino Superlines. Below, we will outline some of the more popular genres and also make mention of the worthwhile titles that you can play.


If you are into slots then Casino Superlines certainly has something for you. The majority of the gaming library consists of slot games and there are more than 500 unique titles for you to enjoy. They come in a variety of different forms – video slots, classic slots, with 20 paylines, with 25 paylines, with 40 lines, etc. Regardless of what your preference is, you will find it here without a doubt.
As for the specific titles that you can enjoy, there is a large variety of themes and aesthetics in the slots category. Classic-themed games are always popular with prominent examples including Sevens & Fruits, Fruity Wild, Golden 7 Fruits, and more. Alternatively, you can also have a lot of fun with the animal-themed titles as well. Particularly, Golden Mane, Nuts Commander, Safari Spin, and Birds being among the more interesting. Of course, we also recommend that you try out some of the games with the Asian culture theme, namely Dragon King, Xing Guardian, Dragon Lady, 12 Animals and others.
Slots inspired by mythology are always popular and for good reason. At Casino Superlines, you will be able to play Viking Gods: Thor and Loki, Medusa II, Thunder Zeus, Miss Midas, Zeus the Thunderer II and others. Crime is also a popular theme at Casino Superlines, with notable games like The Slotfather 2, Cosa Nostra, Yakuza, Art of the Heist and others. Of course, these are only a few examples of what awaits you at this online casino. There are hundreds of titles at your disposal and they are only a few clicks away.

Table Games

The table games selection is downright humble when compared to the slots one, yet still, there are some excellent titles awaiting you at Casino Superlines. These come in the form of blackjack, roulette and other table game types.
If roulette is your game of choice, you will have several titles to choose from. These include the classic variations – European and American Roulette – as well as some more interesting ones that put an additional twist on the original roulette formula. The second type can be played in the form of Zero Spin Roulette, Solen Prive Roulette, Micro Roulette, Premium Roulette and more. Regardless of what you choose to play, we are sure that you will have a great time with the available games. The betting limits are quite permissive across the board and you will be able to make good use of your bankroll.
Insofar as blackjack is concerned, there are a handful of variations that you can try your luck on. These are available in the form of American Blackjack, VIP Blackjack, and Classic Blackjack. The more intricate variations come in the form of Blackjack Switch, which allows you to exchange cards between two hands, and Blackjack Surrender where you can easily forfeit your hand and reclaim some of your original stake should things take a turn for the worst. Much like the roulette titles, the available blackjack games are also suitable for both high rollers and casual players on account of the wide betting limits.
Of course, you should also not ignore the casino poker offerings either. While not the most popular game type, casino poker can certainly deliver an excellent gambling experience. At Casino Superlines, you will have the opportunity to several variations of casino poker, namely, Caribbean Poker, Casino Hold’em Poker and Poker Three. If casino poker is not to your liking, then you can also consider Baccarat, Baccarat 777 or Keno.

Progressive Jackpots

If you are looking to one large lump sum all at once, then the only game type that can meet this expectation is the progressive jackpot genre. Featuring large prize pools, these games give you the opportunity to win a small fortune if your luck is good enough. They typically come in the form of slots and this is also the case at Casino Superlines. You will be able to try your luck on some highly entertaining games, such as Dark Harbour Jackpot, Magic Destiny, Fear the Zombies, The Giant, Lagertha, Sunset and more. Even if you do not win the jackpot during your first session, you can be sure that you will have a great time simply spinning the reels.

Live Casino

When it comes to online casino gaming you will rarely find a better experience than in the Live Casino section. Live dealer titles represent the best that the industry has to offer and each game allows you to experience a different classic game type. At Casino Superlines, you have the opportunity to try out some live dealer titles, hosted by professional dealers and offering the genuine land-based casino experience. More specifically, you will be able to play Baccarat, Casino Hold’em, European Roulette, and Blackjack. Usually, live dealer games have slightly higher minimums than the typical virtual title, however, this should not prevent casual players from participating in the fun.
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Casino Superlines Licensing and Regulations

Licensing is a major factor when it comes to choosing an online gambling website. There are only a few ways to determine the legitimacy of a given online casino and you want to make sure that any website you frequent is a legal and trustworthy operation. To this end, you wish to avoid casinos without licensing or from institutions with a bad reputation. Fortunately, Casino Superlines does not fall in either of those categories. The operator behind this casino is licensed by the Government of Curacao, one of the major regulators of online gambling websites outside of Europe. As a result of this, you can be sure that you will have a fair betting experience. In order to acquire this license, Casino Superlines has had to undergo strict audits of the RNG systems to make sure that everything is above board and that the results from games are truly random. With this in mind, you can be sure that when you play at Superlines you will be treated fairly and any winning or losing streak will be solely the product of chance.

Casino Superlines Customer Support

Something that you should take seriously is the customer support available at the casino. Depending on how long you play, there will come a time that you may need to contact customer service to resolve something or to simply ask a question. In such a scenario, you want to make sure that there will be someone on the other side who will take you seriously and provide genuine help.
At Casino Superlines, you will have several methods of contacting customer support. The live chat system is the best means at your disposal. It allows for instant communication in real time and is the most efficient way to reach the support staff. Alternatively, you may also opt-in for phone support. The casino maintains a direct line that you can call, available at +421 2330 560 65. Keep in mind that charges may apply depending on your carrier plan. Finally, if neither of those methods is suitable for you, consider contacting the casino by email. You can forward all of your messages to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and you expect a response within the next 24 hours.
Additionally, there is also a detailed FAQ section, where you will find the answers to the most commonly asked questions.
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Rush Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Rush Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Rush Casino Free Spins and Welcome Bonus
Create your gaming account at Rush Casino and receive free spins without deposit! Besides, get up to 900 EUR or 1600 USD as a welcome bonus. The casino offers the best slots, live games and jackpots! It's fully licensed (MGA) and offers 24./7 withdrawals! Give it a try, bet, spin or whirl!
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At Rush Casino, launched in January 2021, a large range of casino is provided. At the moment, the game portfolio includes titles from 6 popular game providers, that offer a total sum of more than 1.000 top games. There might be a varying amount of games provided to you, depending on the country that you live in. The Malta Gaming Authority watches over fairness and security of Rush Casino. Alongside English, the casino gives the option to switch the site’s language to 3 further options (i.e. Finnish or German). Continue reading our Rush Casino review for more info on the casino.

Rush Casino Games

The Rush Casino games selection offers a large number of games to content players of different experience levels. Popular software studios like Big Time Gaming, Play’n GO and Microgaming are accessible just like the best slots created by further well-established names. You are able to test out video slots & classic slots. Among the most popular slot games at Rush Casino are Who wants to be a Millionaire created by Big Time Gaming, TNT Tumble from Relax Gaming as well as Book of Oz developed by Microgaming.
If you would like to test out table games, the games selection also includes casino war, poker, american roulette, baccarat as well as french roulette. However, that’s not all – Players also have the opportunity to try out scratch cards, keno and wheel games. Do, however, not forget that the availability of games may be different for your location.
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Rush Casino Payments

At Rush Casino, you have the possibility to make use of 4 payment methods to make a deposit. Paying in using e-wallets is not allowed, instead, you have the chance to make use of credit cards like MasterCard or Visa. On top of that, prepaid payments cannot be selected, but you have the possibility to deposit with bank transfer payments like Trustly. Depending on your residence the exact range of deposit and withdrawal options can vary. Good to know: There may be deposit limitations per the given payment method. You can contact customer support or view the Rush Casino deposit limits in the payment section.
Rush Casino offers 4 withdrawal methods. The casino provides you with withdrawal options like MasterCard, Visa and Trustly. At Rush Casino, players can carry out an unlimited amount of free withdrawals. Hence, regardless of the number of your initiated withdrawals, no withdrawal fees are charged by the casino. Every payout that you initiate is checked manually by Rush Casino. It should be noted that the casino also transacts payouts on the weekend.

Registration and Verification

The registration process at Rush Casino is uncomplicated. Initially, you are required to fill in some personal details into the registration form. When you added all personal information to the Rush Casino registration form, a validation of your account is essential. Therefore, casinos often provide a confirmation link via email that players must click on. Finalizing the confirmation enables you to begin playing.
Before transacting your first payout, you will need to undergo account verification. To this end, providing a scan of an official document (driving license, id card or passport) is necessary. Additionally, a confirmation of your residence, which can be fulfilled by uploading a receipt (bank statement, gas bill or electricity bill) or a bank document (credit card photo, e-wallet photo or bank account screenshot), is needed. When uploading a provider receipt, check if it was issued less than 90 days ago. The aforementioned documents for the verification have to be provided to Rush Casino via an upload through your account.
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Security and Support

Contacting the Rush Casino customer support is possible in several ways. You can send an email to the customer support ([[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])) as an example. Normally, the reply of the support staff should be in your inbox within a short time period after your request. the Rush Casino live chat is available directly on the casino website. During our tests the customer support staff always provided quick and helpful responses. Moreover, common questions are covered in the that the casino offers.
In order to keep their licenses, casinos must be fair and provide the highest levels of safety. Coding the site with SSL128 is one of the safety procedures that Rush Casino implements. The reliability is tested on a regular basis by the Malta Gaming Authority, who is the according regulatory commission in this case.
At Rush Casino responsible gaming is brought forward through player protection measures. The options give you the option to:
  • Define a turnover limit
  • Cap your losses
  • Limit your sessions
Additionally, in case of a problem with gambling, you can reach out to the NGO Gamcare that Rush Casino is referring to.

Rush Casino Bonus

New customers have the chance to activate the Rush Casino deposit offer. You can profit from up to €500 additional money if you utilize the 100% bonus. 100 Free Spins are another component of the offer. €20 is the least required amount, that you can pay in using payment methods like MasterCard, Trustly or Visa. A transaction of €500 will activate the maximal bonus. Then you can profit from a total amount of €1,000 to play with. You are not required to key in a bonus code.
As the credit process of the bonus takes place automatically, it should not last long until the bonus is credited to your account. Cancellation of the bonus is possible if you decide not to utilize it. Using your bonus funds is permitted once you have used your cash funds. Making use of your bonus funds is permitted for slots from Gamomat, Relax Gaming and Microgaming, as well as other well-known game providers in the present selection. At Rush Casino, the use of multiple new customer bonus simultaneously is not possible.
The bonus and your deposit have to be wagered 50 times in order to cash out any winnings. Additionally, fulfilling the wagering criteria of 10 times, that apply to any winnings from the Free Spins, must be completed. If you request a withdrawal prior to meeting the turnover conditions it will lead to the termination of the bonus. Exceeding the time limit without finishing the conditions will mean that you will forfeit your bonus and your winnings. The money that you payed in, of course, will not expire.
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In sum, Rush Casino provides an entertaining gaming experience for newcomers as well as skilled players. As the games section offers games from 6 popular gaming studios, the game variation can be described as average. The variety of withdrawals and deposits could be slightly broader, but some common options are provided. Furthermore, rewarding offers can be claimed by every player. So, create an account at Rush Casino now to convince yourself!
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GoodWin Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promo codes

GoodWin Casino Review & Free Spins
Here is our exclusive review for GoodWin Casino. Click on the link below and receive 20 free spins which is a no deposit bonus. Later, get one of the welcome bonuses: 200% + 50 FS, 150% + 100 FS, or 100% + 50 FS on your first deposit. No donload needed! Play and win real money! Fast cashout!
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About GoodWin Casino

Goodwin Casino is a new operator founded in 2018 and licensed by the government of Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles. They work with half a dozen software developers and are specialized in supplying slots to their players, while also offering live dealer table games and video pokers. The games are proven fair and can be played on mobile devices and players can enjoy them in the browser with no download.
There are three Goodwin Casino welcome bonuses to choose from, each of them with wagering requirements that have to be met within a week after being awarded. The casino chose to offer three distinct bonuses based on the amount invested by players, to provide new members with greater freedom. They even offer a no deposit bonus that consists of 20 free spins, whose profits are subject to 40 times wagering requirements. These are offered exclusively to those who have registered and verified their account by providing certain documents that will confirm their identity.
The bigger Goodwin Casino bonuses are offered to real money depositors and the amounts differ depending on how much they deposit. New players who can only afford to deposit €15 or currency equivalent will qualify for the Scarecrow`s Brains package. The deposit will be matched by 200% and players will also receive 35 free spins on the Elements: The Awaiking slots. The bonus has to be cleared within seven days after being awarded, otherwise they will expire.
“Woodman’s Heart” will match the first deposit of at least €50 by 150% and will throw in 50 free spins on the slot. Blood Suckers “The Lion`s Courage“ is the biggest welcome bonus available, consisting of a 100% match deposit and 200 free spins on King of Slots. Only deposits of at least €100 will qualify for this bonus, so this package is better suited for highrollers. These bonuses are mutually exclusive and players can apply for new ones after meeting the wagering requirements on active bonuses.
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How do I start playing?

Both real money and virtual currency games will require players to have a registered account. Signing up for one shouldn’t take more than a few minutes, as the casino asks for only the basic information. This is standard procedure at online casinos, who want to prevent bonus abuse and mitigate the risks of players opening multiple accounts at the same bookmaker or casino.
New players must state their name, country of origin and gender, before selecting a payment method. They don’t have to make a deposit right away and can deposit at a later date, to claim the bonus. In order to cash out winnings, players are also expected to complete the verification process by proving their identity. In order to pass the verification, one has to send an email to their official address and provide the documents required. Under normal circumstances, this should take between five and 15 minutes.

Goodwin Casino Games and Software

GoodWin Casino works with several software developers and the most important ones are Microgaming, NetEnt, Playson, Quickspin and Endorphina. These are leading suppliers of slots, but they are well versed in the art of developing video pokers, scratch cards and specialty games. The casino also has a live dealer section, where players can bet real currency on different types of blackjack, roulette and baccarat.
There are plenty of games to choose from, but navigation is a breeze and that’s because the games available are conveniently grouped based on genre. In the section reserved to virtual games, players can expect to find hundreds of slots with classic and modern game mechanics. Immortal Romance, Gonzo’s Quest, Dragon Shrine and Dia de Los Muertos are some of the most popular slots available. Next to them, players can find the high paying progressive jackpot slots developed by NetEnt and Microgaming.
This is also the place to go if you’re in the market for video pokers, as GoodWin Casino games include All Aces Poker, Jacks or Better, Aces and Faces, and Fruit Poker. These are games with a high return to player that can return as much as 99% of the stakes, if proper strategies used. Table games such as roulette, baccarat and blackjack can be played here against the random number generator, or players can switch to the live dealer section.
Action is usually focused on American and European roulette, but the French version of the game and multiwheel roulette are also featured. The same diversity is enjoyed by baccarat fans, who can play the classic version of the game or Baccarat Gold. American blackjack and several variants of the famous card game can be played in the company of real croupiers in the GoodWin live casino. Mobile devices can be used to play any of the games they supply and also to sign up for an account, make a deposit and cash out.
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Website layout and interface

GoodWin casino is a fresh face in the competitive online gambling industry and it attracts new players with its cool looking website. Simple, yet elegant, it has colorful pages that load quickly on mobile devices, as it was optimized for the use on smartphones and tablets. Useful information about promotions, bonuses, as well as the games available is clearly displayed on the main page.
Players can go over the detailed FAQ section and learn more about the new casino, instead of having to talk to customer support. The website is fitted with filters allowing players to browse by game developer or genre, so in spite of having so many games on display, they won’t have a problem in finding the ones they’re interested in.

Contact options

As stated above, the information page is comprehensive and those who choose to look for answers in the FAQ area won’t be disappointed. They always have the alternative of contacting a customer support specialist directly via telephone, email and live chat.
GoodWin casino has even listed the address of its headquarters, so those who prefer to write a letter and send it via traditional mail, can do it.
Live chat: Yes (English, German, Russian, Finnish)
E-mail: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
Phone: +31 20 201 8186
Address: Office 29 Clifton House, Fitzwilliam Street Lower Dublin 2, Ireland

Other promotions and offers at GoodWin Casino

GoodWin casino promotions don’t end with the welcome bonus, even though the introductory offer is the most generous. Future deposits will also be matched by 50% through the “Emerald Potion” campaign, with 30 times wagering requirements and a maximum payout of 15 times the deposit. In addition to matching the deposit, the casino will also offer 50 free spins to be used on the Fairytale Legends: Mirror Mirror slots. Players shouldn’t have any other bonus active and meet the play through demands in 7 days.
The GoodWin casino loyalty program is centered on the accumulation and spending of loyalty points. Depending on how many they’ve earned, players can convert them for free spins on one of the many popular games. They can turn in 10,000 points for 50 free spins on the Gonzo Quest slot and then wager the profits 25 times before cashing out. Time is of the essence and they have to meet the wagering requirements in three days for a chance to withdraw a maximum amount of €150.
The alternative would be to convert 100,000 loyalty points into €50 which have to be wagered five times before cashing out. In this case, the ceiling for the winnings consists of €300 and players can activate this promotion in conjunction with other bonuses. New players and those who have significantly fewer loyalty points can opt in for the promotion converting 2000 points for €1. The play through demands have been toned down to only 10 times the amount, but the downside is that players can’t withdraw in excess of €15.
A similar proposition is made to players who own 10,000 loyalty points and are willing to convert them for €5.5. This is an intermediary promotion, with seven times wagering requirements and a maximum bet of €4 which can be used together with other offers. At the upper end of the spectrum. highrollers can take full advantage of the GoodWin casino loyalty program and convert 1 million points into €500. Perhaps not surprisingly, the wagering requirements have been reduced to three times the amount, while the maximum win was increased to €1500.
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Currencies and payment options

Currencies accepted: EUR, RUB, USD
All deposit withdrawal methods: Visa, Mastercard, iWallet, Tele2, MegaFon, Beeline, MTS, Qiwi, WebMoney, Yandex, Neteller, Skrill (Moneybookers)
The list of GoodWin casino payment methods used to be shorter when the casino opened its doors, but today it includes most of the frequently used banking options. Credit and debit cards from Visa and MasterCard can be used to deposit funds and players have the option to switch to e-wallets and wire transfers. iWallet, Tele2, Beeline, Megafon, MTS, QIWI, Webmoney, Yandex.Money, Neteller and Skrill are all accepted and players can deposit a minimum of €10 or $10. Rubles are also accepted and there is no minimum withdrawal amount, while players can cash out a maximum of $20,000 per month.


GoodWin casino took the gambling market by storm in 2018 and already has an impressive lineup of games covering all genres. They offer excellent welcome bonuses to new players and reward dedicated members through a generous loyalty program. They don’t have the experience of established online casinos, but are quickly catching up and should be able to close the gap separating them from the leaders.
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Omni Slots Casino Review gratis spins and free bonus money!

Omni Slots Casino Review gratis spins and free bonus money!

Omni Slots Casino No Deposit Bonus
Here at Omni Slots Casino, you get 50 gratis spins after sign-up! Yes, it's a no deposit bonus upon successful registration. Besides, you get a hefty welcome bonus pack with 500 EUR and 100 free spins!
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About Omni Slots Online Casino

Keep On Spinning is Omni Slots slogan printed on the brand logo. And this slogan is well justified. Just imagine seeing over 500 pokies in the lobby and they are all yours! Hosting games from 10+ vendors, the reviewed gambling destination is a real paradise for Australian users who love pokies. Besides purely game content, Omni Slots has an omnidirectional bonus kit that comprises many types of bonuses, from reload deals to generous cashback, all neatly packed into a catchy monthly bonus calendar. Curious players who are set to improve their gambling skills and deepen their knowledge of gambling are encouraged to jump to the casino blog where over a hundred of relevant articles are posted. Signup process is nothing exceptional – it is safe, goes smoothly and requires the minimum personal details from a player. Once signed up, the player interacts with the casino straight in a browser, no app downloads needed. Findings reveal that Omni Slots have many positive ratings on professional forums, that is why the online casino cannot but be recommended to everyone.

Depositing and withdrawing funds

AUD and other currencies (bitcoins are not in the whitelist) can be deposited using any of the six safe and trusted methods including Visa, MasterCard, Neosurf vouchers, Skrill, Neteller and paysafecard. Min/max transaction limits at depositing are $10/$1000. The max deposit does not restrict the number of daily transfers.
Quite predictably, withdrawals are less comfortable than deposits because their choices are narrower with only Skrill, Neteller and bank transfer used. Anyway, Australians seem to have gotten used to tight cashout options and shrug off this inconvenience. The minimum amount that the player has the right to withdraw is $20. The max amount that the casino is able to process per day (per user) is $5000, but a monthly limit is $25,000. The pending period is 24 hours during which a player can revoke the cashout.
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Omni Slots mobile casino for Australians

When at home or out and away, Omni Slots is always at hand thanks to the well-designed mobile casino that fits almost every mobile device. Thanks to a wide variety of game providers present in Omni Slots, players have lots of HTML5 mobile-optimized pokie choices to suit everyone’s taste.

Video pokies

The casino has integrated some 500 pokies (and counting) from an array of famous providers such as Amatic, Betsoft, Gamomat, Leander, StakeLogic and Wazdan. Three-reel pokies are located in the Fruit Slots section, while 5-reelers are found in the Video Slots tab. First off, a noticeable downside to the game list arrangement is the lack of filters. There is one that helps readjust the list by provider yet it is hidden under the Looking Glass icon for some reason. Some gamblers may not guess to click on that icon because it looks like a Game Search widget.
Pokies from Betsoft are most numerous in the casino collection. Every game from this provider carries the mix of exciting gameplay and visual perfection more typical of modern animated cartoons. Being one of unmatched leaders in the field, Betsoft provides Omni Slots players with a big inventory of fabulous pokies which are full of fantastic bonus features. It is hard to pick the best pokie from many titles; apparently, most of them show excellence in many aspects. Anyway, some of the most tried and true titles are Gladiator, Good Girl Bad Girl, The Slotfather, Mega Gems and The Tipsy Tourist.
Pokies from Gamomat, a German company, are poorly promoted in Australia and they are almost unknown to the general public. Yet their portfolio deserves attention for a few reasons. First, Omni Slots offers Gamomat pokies of the Fire Pot series, among others. These games are known to have six progressive jackpots each: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and others. Second, there is a Golden Nights series that provides for a side bet that unlocks a unique bonus feature with huge prizes. Examples include Royal Seven, Book of Moorhuhn and Fruit Mania.
Leander’s pokies give other vendors some competition thanks to high-quality graphics and interactive bonus features. Some of the most sought-after solutions are Megadeth, Trick Or Treat and Little Pigs. Many of their games have 20 paylines but there are also pokies with 25, 30 and 40 variable lines. Wild symbols in Leander’s pokies usually bring high prizes, for example, in Jean Wealth, five wilds win x5000 times ($50,000 at max).
StakeLogic with their branded Megaways technology are a young and ambitious company offering a variety of highly animated pokies to Omni Slots users. Spectacular graphics and animations are combined with some interesting bonus solutions such as side-by-side games with double reels, double symbols and reel modifiers. Their pokies are on a par with the industry giants and even exceed them in some respect. The most enticing and incredible pokies from StakeLogic are Wild Genie, Space Stallion and Mystical Santa Megaways.
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Table games and live casino

The game of 21 comes in multiple variations including Super Fun 21, Pontoon, Vegas Strip, 21 Burn, Pirate 21 and others. Most games in the catalogue have side bets that pay out hefty wins. Concerning roulette, European, American and French tables are the centerpiece of the Table Games section, yet the casino also features some minor variations of this game such as Multi Wheel roulette and Common Draw roulette.
Live tables in the reviewed online casino are served by Pragmatic Play that offers the most popular table games with realistic and thrilling gameplay. Players get access to quick bets and full betting history, while enjoying the true atmosphere of land-based casinos. Their offer currently includes Live Roulette, Live Blackjack, Live Speed Roulette and Live Baccarat. Combining fun with impeccable state-of-the-art technologies, Pragmatic Play delivers highly immersive games to all AU users who have signed up with Omni Slots.

Omni Slots Casino Bonuses for new users

On depositing the qualifying sum, an Australian player will get a 100% first deposit bonus up to $300 plus 50 free spins. FS’s are not accrued automatically – to receive them, a player needs to send a message to the Support and let them know what kind of platform is used for playing (desktop or mobile). The WR for the welcome bonus is x35 (d+b), whilst FS winnings are subject to a WR of x50. Note that that the bonus is sticky. In addition, all new players who have placed $30 (or greater) to the casino balance are eligible for a 50% second deposit bonus up to $200 (plus 20 free spins) – this has the same WR as above.
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Bonuses and promotions for regular bettors

Players who deposited $20 in the previous week, may claim 10 free spins on Monday, and these bonus spins will be used on the pokie of the week handpicked by the casino. WR for free spins winnings are x50 and winnings are capped at $250.
Every first day of a month, the casino releases a Promotions Calendar that features reload bonuses, free spins, special bonus events, Pokie of the Week promotions, tournaments and other unique perks for each day of the month. The calendar is refreshed at the beginning of every month.

The bottom line on Omni Slots Casino

This is a legal and licensed online casino that invites Australian users to join in, claim two welcome bonuses and play over 500 pokies from a bunch of top-ranked providers. Banking methods are Australia-specific (bitcoins are noy accepted). Being a reliable place with fast and easy payouts, the online casino is recommended for visiting and playing at.
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An Online Casino That Has Poker Games

Are you a fan of online casino games and want to know more about the Ethroll Casino? If so, this article may interest you. The Ethroll Casino has become one of the most popular casinos when it comes to online casino gambling. It is a top ranked online casino that offers great deals to players who want to play online casino games. This article will explain why this casino is so good, and what players should expect when they play at the Ethroll Casino.
As you can see from the above image, the website is fairly new. In fact, the website was launched just three months ago. Although there are many other online casinos that offer free gaming to visitors, players will have to spend money to get into these games. You can also find out more about how to play at the Ethroll Casino by visiting their online casino site. If you want to play free poker, you simply have to sign up on the website, give personal details, and then you are ready to go.
Another great thing about this online casino is that there is no deposit needed to play. Players who want to play in the casino need only to create an account. Once you create an account, you can start playing. There are no limits as to how much money you can play, and no risk of losing any money at all. This means that players who like to play high stakes can take advantage of this feature as well.
To take full advantage of this fantastic offer, it is important to remember that you need to make sure you have a computer with enough processing power to handle the graphics on the Ethroll website. Although you can use your broadband internet connection to play at the casino, you may not be able to use the best graphics. This is a problem that affects many people, and it is one of the reasons that this casino offers a free option.
There are numerous games available at the Ethroll Casino, so players do not have to spend a lot of time choosing the ones they want to play. The games include slots, blackjack, roulette, baccarat, craps, and even video poker. The graphics are very smooth and attractive, so it is easy for players to make use of their PC to win. Since most of the slots are Progressive slot games, it is possible to place a number of bets after pulling the handle. The same is true for the baccarat tables, where players can choose between multiple denominations.
To play at the casino, all you need to have is a valid email address. You will also need a valid credit card, or PayPal account. This is because of a few problems that may occur if you don't have either one of these. Most of the problems that may occur at the casino are due to your credit card or PayPal not being valid, so make sure that you have these things before entering any online game. Once you have successfully made a payment through your email account or PayPal, you will be able to access the Ethroll Casino, where you can start enjoying the games, including the popular roulette game.
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Ego Casino 20 Free Spins Bonus No Deposit Required

Ego Casino 20 Free Spins Bonus No Deposit Required

Ego Casino Exclusive Bonus
Get 20 No Deposit Free Spins at Ego Casino! Simply, click on the promotional link below and register your account. Then, play free spins on popular slot machines. In addition, get a 180% Welcome Bonus up to 1500 EUR + 150 Gratis Spins. Good Luck!
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Ego Casino Review - Bonus Codes, Free Spins & More

In today's review of Ego Casino, we'll be doing a thorough analysis of their most important features and see exactly why this casino has the potential to become one of the greatest. It is available in a couple of languages like English, German, Polish, Chinese and Russian, making it one of the most popular international online casinos on the m arket. Along with that, it is available in various currencies such as Euros, Polish zlotys, and Russian rubles, making it a popular casino amongst European and Russian players. It also needs to be said that US and UK players are restricted from using this casino.
Regardless of the country restrictions, there is a lot to research and review about this casino. In the past few months, it got on a good foot with new players thanks to a generous no deposit free spins offer. But, there is much more to review and uncover. So let's get this review started and find out what earned Ego Casino their review ratings so fast amongst the online gambling communities.

Ego Casino Sign-Up Bonus And Promos

We thought it would be a great way to start this review on a positive note, so we've decided to review the promos like no deposit free spins and reloads available at Ego Casino. Upon our review of their promo selection, we were quite impressed by their offer. Being a new online casino they have to be able to attract new members and no deposit free spins promotions and rewards are a great strategy. Let's have a look at some of the most sought-after rewards and their availability in this exciting casino.
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No Deposit Bonus/Free Spins Bonus

One of the most requested bonus rewards amongst new players is the no deposit bonus. The no deposit bonus gives new players a chance to play some casino games right after they signup, no deposit needed. The no deposit bonus mainly includes free spins, but in some cases, the no deposit bonus might include free chips or cash instead of free spins. The purpose of the no deposit promo remains the same though - to promote games and offer players a chance to test the casino and review the game selection. Upon our review of the bonus section at Ego Casino, we've noted that they do not have an active any deposit bonus at this time.
If you are specifically looking for a no deposit promo like free spins or cash, make sure to wait a bit and review the casino's website. No deposit free spins promos become often available as a part of new promotions for new game releases.
However, we've also noted that in order to make up for their lack of a no deposit bonus, they offer a fairly generous welcome offer. Namely, the Ego Casino welcome promo is a 100% first deposit bonus for up to €500 and an additional 50 free spins, no bonus code required. Furthermore, there are three versions of this reward: Basic, Silver, and Gold. All of them differ in terms of how big of a deposit you make, resulting in a larger reward and more free spins. If you want to learn more about this and other promo rewards, head over to the Ego website and review it under the Promotions tab.

Cashback Bonus

Another promo that is popular amongst online casinos and their players is the cashback bonus. This promo gives players part of their wager back when they lose, giving them a fighting chance. Upon our review of the Promotions section at Ego Casino, we've noted that they do in fact have a cashback bonus. There are two types as well. The first one is called Weekly Cashback, where depending on your member status you either get 10-15% cashback which is calculated according to the deposits you've made. The cash is put back in your account every Sunday. The other one is called the Weekly 50% VIP Bonus. To activate it you'll need a bonus code which you can find on their website under the Promotions tab. There you can also learn more about this promo as it is thoroughly reviewed and explained in detail.
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High Roller Bonus

The High Roller bonus is a promo that is reserved for a special group of casino members that like to spend big bucks. These are also known as VIP members and VIPs often receive special treatment in terms of additional rewards such as a higher cashback bonus, more free spins or even priority when it comes to withdrawing funds. Upon our review of EgoCasino, we've noted that they have a Loyalty Program, where depending on your level, you get extra benefits. You gain levels by collecting E-coins that can later be spent for other bonus rewards. If you want to learn more about the Ego Casino loyalty program head over to their website and review it under the Promotions tab.

Weekly Reload Bonus

The Weekly Reload bonus can be any kind of benefit that players can get a hold on during a specific day of the week. Upon our review of the available bonus rewards at Ego Casino, we've noted that they have a couple of interesting weekly offers. We've already mentioned the Weekly Cashback bonus in this review, but there are more offers.
For instance, Ego Casino offers a Morning Up Bonus and a Twilight Bonus. Both are active from Monday through Friday but during different time frames. The Morning promo is active from 4 am -8 am, while the Twilight Bonus is active between 12 AM-4 AM. They also differ in terms of feature, the Twilight promo offers 50% for up to €1,000, while the morning offers the same, plus additional 20 free spins. In addition to these Weekly offers, Ego includes a weekend promo called Upgraded Weekend. Here you'll be able to get a 40% deposit bonus for up to €500. Overall, Ego Casino is very generous when it comes to bonuses.
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EGO Casino Games & Software Providers Available

We've mentioned in this review that Ego Casino can brag about having a large games library. We did a review of the game selection at Casino Ego and to be honest we were quite impressed. They include some of the most popular game categories like slot games, table games, sports betting, and even live games. The games at Ego Casino are provided a courtesy to world-renown software providers like Play'n GO, Microgaming, Quickspin, Big Time Gaming, Evolution Gaming and many more.

Slot Games

First of all, let's have a look at their slots selection. Ego Casino offers a wide range of slot games that meet the needs of every slots lover. Over here you can find classical 3-reel slots for those who love retro games, as well as modern slot games, with state of the art visual and graphics. The latter also includes cool in-game bonus features like wilds, free spins and scatter symbols. Upon our review, we've noted that some of their most popular titles include games like Book of Dead, Vikings Go Wild, Big Bad Wolf, and many more.
Live Dealer games are run in real-time via a live video stream by a real human dealer. Players can join the table and play against other players or against the dealer, depending on the game. Games that saw the biggest change for the better with this innovation are traditional casino games that could not have been imagined without a dealer in the first place. These include the likes of Roulette, Baccarat, Blackjack, and Poker. Upon our review of the games at Ego Casino, we've noted that they in fact include live dealer games and in the following part of this review, we're going to have a look at some of the available choices they have to offer.
Live Baccarat - Live Baccarat is amongst the many live games choices at Ego. Upon our review, we've noted that they include variants like the game Classical Baccarat, Dragon Tiger, and many more It has to be mentioned that there are betting limits in place, in order to accommodate players from different economic backgrounds.
Live Blackjack - Live Blackjack is another live game option at Ego Casino. Upon our review of the live games at this casino, we've noted that Blackjack is available in multiple variants, such as: Classical Blackjack, Common Draw Blackjack, Blitz Blackjack, and more. Naturally, there are various tables with different betting limits, in order to provide a fun experience for all players, regardless of their financial status.
Live Roulette - Live Roulette is probably the live game with the most choices at Ego. You can choose from variants like European or American Roulette, in addition to that, you can choose rooms with specific languages, such as Turkish, Russian, and German. It goes without saying that there are betting limits here as well in order to provide a fair gambling experience for all players, regardless of their pocket size.
Other Table Games - There are other table game choices available too, with the most popular being Poker. Upon our review, we've noted that they include variants like 3 Card Stud and Hold'Em. There are betting limits in place here as well, so you can expect High Roller and Low Roller tables.
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Compatibility: Desktop & Ego Casino's Mobile Casino App

Since there are a lot of different devices on the market today, it is extremely important for an online casino to be compatible with all of them in order to be accessible to more users. Upon our review of Ego, we've learned that they are a mobile-friendly site, compatible with all devices, including PC, tablet, and mobile as well as operating systems such as iOS and Android.
The Ego Casino games are available in instant play, which means that you won't need to download any additional app or software. All you got to do is use your device and open the browser to access the casino. The experience quality remains the same regardless of what device you use.

Top Security Protocols & Customer Service at Ego Casino

When it comes to security Ego Casino are doing a pretty good job. Even though they are a new and not so experience casino, their security isprotocols are pretty tight. Upon our review of Ego and their security measures, we've noted that they are using high-level SSL encryption in order to protect their players' transactions and their data from harm. It has to be mentioned that Ego Casino is licensed and falls under the regulations of Curacao.
As far as customer support goes, Ego Casino is doing the most that they can in order to be available to their players. Their website includes a 24/7 live chat where English and Russian speaking players can ask for help. In addition to that, there is a support e-mail and a phone number if there is a need for any further assistance.

Ego Casino Complaints Reviewed

Closely tied to the customer care is the willingness of a casino to review and resolve complaints filed against them. At the time of writing this review, we weren't able to find a single complaint filed against this casino. To be fair, it is a new casino and it will take time to see how they handle themselves in the long run.
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ZigZagSport €10 free bet bonus no deposit required

ZigZagSport €10 free bet bonus no deposit required

ZigZagSport No Deposit Bonus
Claim €10 Free Bet Bonus to ZigZagSport Casino! They offer this special promotion to new players who register via a special landing page (click on the link below). Plus, get a 100% match bonus and 200 free spins on popular slot machines. Good luck!
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ZigZagSport Overvieww

Modern yet minimalistic, ZigZagSport certainly has a style that will appeal to many, especially those who love their bookmakers with a classic look. But when we look deeper, will we find a site that is just as timeless?
It’s tough to know what to think about ZigZagSport at first. Your initial impression will either be of relief at seeing a site that isn’t overflowing with gimmicks, or concern that the space found on the homepage is indicative of a lack of content.
A closer inspection suggests that this is unlikely to be the case, with plenty of promising options clearly present. This includes their 100% Bonus on Sport offer, alongside the site’s availability in multiple languages such as Danish, Polish, Swedish, Russian, Chinese, Turkish, Romanian and English.
These are all clear indications that there’s far more beneath the site’s classically designed surface. But there’s still plenty more to uncover so let’s zig zag through the ups and downs of this betting site to see if it can rise above the competition.
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While we appreciate that ZigZagSport feels confident enough in its product to not have their promotions plastered all over the betting sheets, we do have to point out, that at the time of writing, they do only have three available to customers.
Of course, how much a huge promotions list matters to you down to personal preference and we would much rather have three excellent promotions than 10 bad ones. With that being said, more could not hurt. But we are optimistic in this regard because ZigZagSport is still a new betting site and the promotional page is one area which is more likely to change than anything else.
With that in mind, we’ll be taking a look at what is available bonus wise at the time of writing. Do keep in mind that terms and conditions are subject to change at the discretion of the site, but we will do everything we can here to provide you with as comprehensive a look at what to expect as possible.
First off, we have that that 100% Welcome Bonus on Sport. You’ll need to deposit a minimum of €10 to a maximum of €50 to receive a bonus matching that amount. This is only available for those who are depositing for the first time and can only be redeemed within the first 48 hours from when the deposit is made.
The wagering requirement here is 8x, which is very competitive. The bonus remains on the account for 14 days, with minimum odds of 1.90 on single bets. Express bets also qualify with a minimum of two events with minimum odds of 1.50 for each to qualify. One important, and rather unusual note, here is that you have to contact customer service to receive the bonus.
The next sports-based promotion is Express Race. It’s a promotion aimed at users betting on what they call “express bets” but are generally known as accumulator bets. This is where you bet on several unrelated events to gain larger odds and potential winnings. This promotion further boosts your odds by up to 25% based on how many bets you have made. For instance, 3-5 bets will net you a 10% boost, while over 15 bets will get you the full percentage.
You will need a minimum of three bets to qualify, with each requiring a minimum of 1.50 odds. This is an excellent promotion which is both creative and provides real value. Do note though that the promotion is only available on weekends.
Although some people will no doubt want more, we are impressed by the promotions that ZigZagSport have, and it does show that quality is more important than quantity.
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We mentioned before that one of our key concerns was that ZigZagSport’s minimalist design might be one which is there to help facilitate a lack of content, even though first impressions were good. Happily, that appears to not be the case.
There’s a fine selection of sports to bet on here, including tennis, football, ice hockey, basketball, volleyball and much, much more. Just as important is that in the coverage of these sports, they don’t just stick to the major leagues. This means that there’s plenty of options within those sports categories. Using football as one example, they cover the Champions League, Europa League, Premier League, Bundesliga, Serie A, Primera Division, Ligue 1 and the Euro league, to give you just a few options.
Not only that but there’s just as much choice when it comes to bet types. For instance, in the Champions League, they have over 900 options for bets on a single event. How do they reach those kinds of numbers? By including markets like Race to Two Goals, Both Teams to Score, Total Goals, Goal from 1 to 35 minutes, Asian Handicap Bets, Winning Margins and much more. The amount of choice here is truly staggering and when you combine that with e-sports and specials selections, you have a very well-rounded set of options.
In addition to the sportsbook, the site also is a bit of a jack-of-all-trades, with slots, casual games and even a live casino. However, there is one area in which ZigZagSport is unfortunately lacking and that’s virtual sports. How much that matters to you depends on your personal tastes, as virtuals aren’t for everyone. But having them included can only increase their demographic and appeal.
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Unfortunately, there is no mobile app at the time of writing, which is something we honestly expected from a website this early on in the market. While these things are preferable, we are more forgiving when a smaller site doesn’t have something like an app because the reasons are usually practical rather than due to a lack of effort.
That is especially the case when there’s a dedicated mobile version of the site via your browser which works as well as this one does – with nothing, as far as we can, being lost in the switch to the smaller screen. The kind of minimalist design which ZigZagSport favours lends itself to an intuitive, easy to use mobile experience.
Of course, having an app would be preferable. Whether or not that is something in line for the future remains unknown, because as polite as customer service was, they were unable to give us any kind of timeline in this regard.


Much of what we said in the previous section also applies here. Generally speaking, it would be quite unusual for a site at this early stage to have extensive live streaming, especially when it comes to bigger tournaments. This is because there is often issues with licensing, which means that often, only the most successful and established brands are capable of providing such a service.
However, ZigZagSport clearly does the best it can it this regard, providing constant updates and even graphics so you can get an idea of the action that is unfolding as you place your live bets. The amount of effort that has gone into this element of the site is obvious and is also complimented by the excellent website design. This allows them to provide such fast-paced information in a setting which makes it easy to digest and doesn’t feel overwhelming.
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There’s a wide variety of banking options for customers at ZigZagSport, providing the site with a truly international appeal. These include ecoPayz, WebMoney, Visa, Mastercard, PaySafeCard, Neteller, SoFort, SafetyPay, Euteller, MBMULTIBANCO, TrustPay, Skrill, Neosurf and Poli. Several currencies are also accepted including EU, PLN, RUB & SEK, which should also give you a clear idea of the target markets here.
While the selection is good, more information should be included in the FAQ regarding things like fees and transaction times. The site has a good reputation in this regard though, so we will view this as a rare structural oversight.


One area in which ZigZagSport deserves massive praise is in its customer service. We’ve reviewed countless sites and we would put the customer service team here amongst the absolute best we have come across. For example, when we asked them to explain what an Express Bet was, their response managed to be both detailed and thoughtfully put so we could easily understand the concept while not being bombarded by technical detail.
Fast, friendly and informative, we really couldn’t have asked for more. Not only that but the team are available 24/7 via e-mail, live chat or phone. Top marks all around for our interactions with the staff at ZigZagSport.
Unfortunately, they are slightly let down by their FAQ section, which could be more detailed in certain areas than it is – particularly in banking which is an issue we mentioned in our previous section. One last flaw is that the live chat is only available in English and Russian and can’t make the site translations for variety. We understand that having such diversity on the customer service team is a tall order, but considering how impressive ZigZagSport have been elsewhere, we hoped they would pull another one out of the bag here.
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In terms of reliability, with this being a relatively new site and a lack of feedback we could find in our research means we don’t think we can say anything too conclusive about the general consensus from customers. However, the signs are all looking good.
What we can find is positive and perhaps more important than that is a lack of negative feedback. This is because people – especially when it comes to betting sites – are far quicker to criticise than compliment. When you combine that with our overwhelmingly positive experience with the site, we would say that – while reputation comes with time – ZigZagSport is well on its way in the regard.
We can’t speak for anyone else but we had no issues during our time with ZigZagSport in terms of reliability or security. Everything from banking to customer service was all world-class and if this can be considered a typical experience with the site, then we think we will see that positive reputation become more and more well known as the years roll by.
Moving onto the more practical side of things, ZigZagSport is licensed by Curacao and has an extensive privacy policy ensuring that your data is handled responsibly. They are also RNG certified, so their games are proven fair by an independent body. Finally, they are clearly committed to responsible gaming, providing advice and sources to help those who may need assistance. The only improvement we’d suggest is to make these options available at the deposit stage.


We were impressed by the welcome bonus for the sportsbook, and there’s more of the same on the casino side of things. This is a 100% welcome bonus up to €200 but does come with a wagering requirement of 40x. The minimum deposit is €10, which is also the maximum stakes for active bonus wagering per game. Additionally, bets on roulette, card games, baccarat and craps do not count towards the bonus.
The wagering requirement is a jump from what we saw on the sportsbook but that is always the case when comparing casino to sportsbook promotions. All in all, this is a very competitive offer considering what else is out there, if not as impressive as the sportsbook promotions.
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There are areas which could be improved at ZigZagSport. However, these are generally either oversights which, although annoying – like a need for a more detailed FAQ section – shouldn’t ruin anyone’s gaming experience. Or they are in an area which will only affect a certain part of their potential user base, like the lack of virtual sports. Of course, if the latter is very important to you, then you should look elsewhere. But for most other people, we think that ZigZagSport has more than enough to justify them as your pick as your preferred bookmaker.
This is simply a case where a site does so many things well that the few areas which could be improved pale in comparison. When you combine this with – what for many people will be – the very compelling classic design, then you might not have a perfect site, but you could have the perfect site for you. If you’re looking for a straightforward but in-depth gaming experience, and aren’t interested in too many bells and whistles, then ZigZagSport makes for an excellent choice.
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Omni Slots Casino 100 free spins + 100% bonus + €500 gratis

Omni Slots Casino 100 free spins + 100% bonus + €500 gratis

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Omni Slots Casino Review

Host to all manner of slots and other games, Omni Slots stands among the most interesting online casinos on the Internet. This brand is owned and operated by DialInvest International N.V., a Curacao-based company that is also licensed by the same government to provide online gambling services to the general public. The operator has been active since 2015 but it has already distinguished itself from the competition, earning critical acclaim from both critics and fans.
The excellence of this casino is partly due to the wonderful selection of games, available to all who register and partly to the worthwhile promotions which users seem to love. Moreover, this online casino accepts payment via a variety of popular transaction services, including credit cards, eWallets, prepaid cards and others. Users can also rely on high-quality customer support during all hours of the day. All of this and more awaits those who register.
In this review, we will discuss all important aspects and features of this operator and give you some insight why this online casino is so beloved by users.

Software Provider

The games on offer are of the highest importance for any online casino and with so many of them trying to outdo each other, the companies running them have little resources to spare for the development of new games. This is where software providers come in. These are companies dedicated to the creation of online casino software, more specifically games. This operator has entered a partnership with some of the most respected software providers in the industry, whose games have been judged to be of the highest quality.
Going into detail, we notice games from companies such as Microgaming, NetEnt, Betsoft, Amatic Industries and several others. Each of the companies mentioned has had a substantial presence in the market for many years and their product is nothing if not excellent. By choosing to deal with so many software providers at once, the operator has secured a massive selection of games for its player base and users get to reap all of the benefits. In terms of quantity, we can safely say that you will need a lot of time to simply browse through the selection, let alone to play through it.
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Play Omni Slots Casino Games

Available Games

As we have already mentioned above, the gaming library present here is truly exemplary and the sheer number of games is staggering. However, do not let the name of the casino fool you. There is much more here than slot games. Among the selection, you will find plenty of high-quality slots, table games, video poker and more. Since the gaming portfolio is so large, we can safely say that just about everyone will be satisfied with what is on offer.


Slots enjoy a major following in the online casino world, with millions of players indulging in the entertainment that is spinning the reels. This game genre is known for its amazing diversity and the sheer recreational value that it brings to the table. Slots come in many shapes and sizes, featuring all manner of themes and aesthetics, making them accessible to a wide audience.
Moreover, playing slots will give you immense entertainment and excitement the likes of which you have never seen. The operator is host to a number of very popular games such as the Twighlight-esque title, Immortal Romance, Twin Spin, Warlords: Crystals of Power, Starburst, Pharao’s Riches, Sizzling 777 and many more.


Among the more popular table games, we come across blackjack. This casino game is one of the most engaging of them out there, offering players the opportunity to have the time of their lives. Blackjack is unlike most other games featured at casinos, both online and land-based. Whereas most other games are based on luck, blackjack rewards those who know the game and understand the rules.
With a relatively low house edge, blackjack is as fair as a casino game ever was. The presentation of the games is nothing to scoff at either. Modern games feature high definition graphics, making the game come to life, while typical classy music plays in the background, fully immersing you in the casino atmosphere. This online casino features many of these kinds of games, more specifically Single Deck Blackjack, Punto Banco, European Blackjack, American Blackjack, and other similar titles.


Roulette has long been considered the face of casino gambling, being an inseparable part of any gambling hall. Logically, this trend continues to this day in virtual casinos across the globe. This game comes in many styles both classical and new ones, each slightly different than the previous. Today we as users get to enjoy a wide range of games like never before. Moreover, roulette is suitable for most kinds of players, from the high rollers to casual users, who wager their spare change.
Additionally, there are many betting options to choose from, with odds varying between 1:1 to 35:1. Here, you will be spoiled for choice where roulette is concerned, with a variety of options such as VIP European Roulette, Multi Wheel Roulette, Zoom Roulette, Advanced Roulette, and many more await you.

Video Poker

Video poker is another fan-favorite genre and relatively new to the casino scene. Being introduced in the 1970s, this game combines elements from slots and poker to form a one-of-a-kind experience. The selection of video poker games here can be considered somewhat scarce, but what is available is nothing but the best.
Here you will find some of the most beloved styles of the genre, all available at the click of a button. With games such as All American Poker, Deuces Wild, Bonus Poker, Poker Pursuit, or Jacks or Better you cannot go wrong.

Omni Slots Live Casino

Live dealer games are a relatively recent addition to the online casino industry. They were developed in the second half of the previous decade and have been going strong ever since they were released to the general public. This type of game is highly immersive due to the live video stream, featuring a professional dealer hosting a game. Every action you take will be directly reflected on the screen and you will start to think that you are playing at an actual land-based venue.
At this particular online casino you will have the opportunity to play some of the most popular live dealer titles such as Live Blackjack, Live Roulette, Live Casino Hold’em, or Live Baccarat.
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Supported Devices

The operator has put in a lot of effort making the online casino to be as accessible as possible. For this reason, you can load up the virtual casino on just about any computer with a reliable Internet connection.
Basically, all you have to do is go to the casino website and you will be able to play any of the available games without any preparation beforehand. The instant play interface allows you to start any games directly within the window of your browser. However, please keep in mind that you need to have a relatively modern Internet browser since it needs to support Java and Flash Player. As it happens, all commercial browsers, such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, etc., come with this functionality built-in, so unless you are running ancient software, you should have no issue in this respect.
Additionally, there is also the option to use your mobile device, e.g. a smartphone or a tablet, to carry out your gaming sessions. The online casino has been very thorough in designing the mobile interface, allowing users to carry out all of their usual activities without ever experiencing any issues. The mobile version of the casino has been adapted to fit on any and all screen sizes, just like the games have been tweaked to be playable on a smartphone or tablet device. As a result, you will be able to enjoy a seamless transition from desktop to mobile. On your mobile device, you will still be able to access all of the usual features such as banking, customer support, promotional offers, etc.
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Omni Slots Casino Payment Methods

Since Omni Slots is an online casino you will not be able to use hard cash to make a deposit. Instead, you will have to make use of one of the many supported online payment services. These are varied and each one will suit your needs differently, but all of them will get the job done. The operator accepts players from a multitude of countries and therefore works in multiple currencies. At this online casino, you can deposit in EUR, NOK, USD and CAD.
Credit cards are a common payment method, not only at online casinos but in general. They give you the opportunity to use your funds for any online service and that includes this one. You can use several of the most popular credit card brands when making a deposit at this online casino, more specifically, Visa, MasterCard, and Diners Club. When using a credit card to deposit, you will notice how the transaction goes through immediately and there is no downtime. Withdrawals, however, are only possible for Visa cardholders.
Another popular deposit method are eWallets. These services allow you to store and move money in an online balance and can be used on any website that supports them. In the case of this online casino, you can utilize Skrill, Neteller and Przelewy24. When you make a deposit using any of these payment solutions, the transaction will clear through instantly. Withdrawals are also possible and will usually take up to 2 business days at most to clear.
Prepaid services are highly preferred by online gamblers due to the anonymity they provide and little setup that is required. Paysafecard is the primary method to use here and you can get one at many retail locations across the globe. Unfortunately, this payment method only goes one way and can be used exclusively for deposits.
Bitcoin has recently risen to high popularity on the Internet. This decentralized online currency will provide you with maximum anonymity and quick transaction times. This virtual casino accepts payment via Bitcoin, but it does not offer withdrawals in the same fashion.
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Omni Slots Casino Customer Support

Customer support is a major aspect of any online service and we are happy to report that this operator has employed a highly competent and dedicated team of experts who will assist you in any way possible should the need arise. There are several different ways that you can contact agents, live chat being the most convenient. This system will allow you to reach the customer service team in a manner of minutes and you can chat with them in real-time. All that will be required of you is to submit your username, name, email and your question.
Alternatively, you could always explain your problem via email. To do this, simply click on the support button located on the lower right corner of your screen and select the email option. From then on, you will be asked to enter your name, email address and your question or issue. The support team strives to respond to all inquiries within 24 hours of receiving them and so far it has not had any problems in that regard.
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Licensing and Restricted Countries

Online gambling may be considered by some individuals to be a shady practice, run by scammers and cheats. This could not be further from the truth. All over the world, there are government institutions responsible for the oversight of online gambling operations. These regulatory bodies audit each company and hold them to high standards, thereby ensuring that everything is above board.
In this case, we see a Curacao-issued license to operate. The Government of Curacao is known for its high demands on companies and the rigidness of its audits. Any company in possession of a Curacao certificate can be fully trusted to provide a safe and fair gambling experience. So far, online casinos licensed by Curacao have had a great track record and this particular operator is no exception to this rule.
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Whamoo Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Whamoo Casino Review & Free Bonus
Sign up with Whamoo Casino and test slots in freeplay - No Deposit Required! Additionally, take advantage of 300 Free Spins and up to 600 EUUSD Welcome Bonus. Exclusive promo codes apply. Click on the link below and start playing for free!
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About Whamoo Casino [Full Review]

Whamoo is a brand new, fun-loving online casino that has recently opened its premises for gamblers from many countries around the world. It does however promise to be more than just an online casino, as Whamoo describes itself as a lifestyle and feeling.
The rush you feel when the reels spin. The sound you make when that spin turns into a huge win. That’s Whamoo. Yet Whamoo is so much more than that. This online casino promises all you would expect from a reputable online casino – but then improved further. A massive game library? Check. Live casino? Check. Full mobile compatibility? Check. An entire VIP bonus programme for loyal customers? Check. Whamoo is a casino which comes with the entire package which players have come to expect of a casino provider.
On paper Whamoo sounds like a great online casino. But being a newcomer on the scene, there are of course always some open questions. How reliable is Whamoo? What can you expect from this brand new casino when it comes to the available games? How cooperative is their online help desk? What kind of welcome bonuses are there for new players who wish to open an online account?
In our extensive Whamoo review, we will try to answer all of the above questions and guide you through this brand new casino. So do read on and let’s explore this exciting new addition to the world of online gambling!
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A fully licenced online casino

Whamoo is a fully licenced online casino and a safe place for gamblers to put down their wagers. The website of is operated by DialMedia Ltd, a company registered by the Malta Business Registry with number C86642, on the registered address of Depiro Point, Block A2, Triq Mons G. Depiro, Sliema, Malta.
As gambling operator, DialMedia Ltd. fully licensed and regulated by the Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) under licence number MGA/B2C/542/2018 issued on 10/04/2019.
What does this say about the reliability of Whamoo?
The MGA licence is one of the better ones you can find in the online casino world as Malta is the major European nation when it comes to online gambling. It is home not only to most of the world’s top online casinos, but also to many software providers and other businesses providing auxiliary services in the gambling industry.
A Malta Gaming Authority licence is not handed out with ease, as a company needs to fulfil many criteria before being granted one. The national gambling authorities of this Mediterranean island and EU member state check for example if all games which are made available are indeed fair and honest. They also check whether a company has enough cash reserves to pay out lucky winners of casino games and hold regular audits to ensure that there are no irregularities.
If an online casino has a MGA licence, it means that all the important criteria when it comes to safety, honesty and reliability are fulfilled and that it is a safe place to gamble. For us, the online casino licence is always a first thing we check before we even would consider playing somewhere. With this crucial criteria being fulfilled, we can thus move forward in our Whamoo review and look at all the other things this casino has to offer. And to be honest, the whole Whamoo package looks quite promising! Three of the main selling points of the Whamoo online casino are:
Whamoo clearly sounds like a promising casino when looking at the selling points, but do these points hold up when we test out the casino in real? Let’s continue our review of Whamoo with one of the most important aspects of every online casino: its game library. Which casino games can we find back in the Whamoo game collection? How honest and fair are these games? These are all legit questions which must be looked into before you can decide whether or not an online casino is suitable or not.
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Games from top software developers

When checking the list of Whamoo’s software providers you can only feel relieved as this brand new online casino only has games from the world’s top casino games developers. Especially for a newly opened online casino it is important to show to the public that you are talking serious – and you can only do that by adding the most popular games from the top software providers to your game library.
It’s not only about fun. Sure, these top software developers are known for making some of the most fantastic video slots, stellar table games. They have the most exhilarating and professional live casino tables to which you can connect in just a few clicks. But it’s more than just playing fun, graphics and game design.
By only having games from the top software companies, you are giving your players a clear message that you are only satisfied with the best quality games. Perhaps the most important aspect is game reliability, honesty and fairness. All games from the top software companies are fully tested and accredited by regulatory bodies. These gaming authorities check whether games indeed turn out completely random results and give gamblers a honest shot at winning. This is perhaps even more important than just a fantastically designed game, as in the end what matters most is reliability and honesty inside a casino.


The games which can be played at Whamoo Casino all have a piece of code called a Random Number Generator (RNG). With a random number generator, the outcome of every game is completely random and independent from previous results. It means that every card being dealt on the table, all dice which are thrown during a game, and every ball spinning around in the roulette wheel is never predetermined. Let’s put it this way: if you throw a single dice with the numbers 1 to 6 on it, you have indeed an exact 1 out of 6 chance that it will land on your predicted number.
A random number generator is absolutely crucial when it comes to delivering fair game results and giving gamblers a honest chance at winning. By having games from the top software providers, Whamoo makes sure that you can trust the fairness of every casino game you play. The good thing is that not only are the game results subject to occasional audits by regulatory authorities, but that these software providers also pro-actively test their own games to ensure they fulfil the highest industry standards. They hire independent testing agencies such as eCOGRA to check their games, both in virtual simulations and real-time results.
Let’s take a look at the software providers whose games have already been added to the Whamoo game library. As these are some of the best known software developers in the world, chances are that you have heard about some of these names before!
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Also known by its full name of Net Entertainment, NetEnt is one of the largest casino game developers in the world. NetEnt is a Swedish company which was founded in 1996, which makes it one of the oldest companies in the relatively young world of online casino gaming. It is so big, that the company is even listed on the local NASDAQ stock exchange in Stockholm, Sweden!
NetEnt is best known for its vast video slot portfolio, of which many games are also playable at Whamoo. Having NetEnt games in your casino game library is almost a must for every online casino, as besides Whamoo some 300 or so more online casinos have NetEnt games available, which tells you something about the popularity of this company. Just like Whamoo itself, NetEnt has a full gambling licence in the EU member state of Malta, which means that all games are subject to regulatory oversight and can be trusted for their fairness. NetEnt also works closely together with independent testing labs to ensure that their games meet the highest standards.
Some popular NetEnt games which you can play at Whamoo are Jack and the Beanstalk, BerryBurst, Twin Spin, The Vikings, Wings of Riches, Aloha!, Fruit Shop, Jacks or Better, Gonzo’s Quest, Dazzle Me, Wild Bazaar and of course the eternal favourite of Starburst.


Pragmatic Play is another major company in the online gaming world. The casino games of Pragmatic Play are always popular with the players, so it is no surprise that Whamoo has chosen to add quite a few Pragmatic Play games to its online collection. Pragmatic Play focuses mostly on online video slots, although they also make some exciting live casino games which are hosted in their own studios.
Being only founded in 2015, Pragmatic Play is a relative newcomer within the game developing industry. Yet in those few years time, the company already managed to reach to top heights with Pragmatic Play being considered to rank among the top game providers. Quality and safety are of immense importance for Pragmatic Play. Therefore, all games are documented and tested by independent auditors and testing labs such as QUINEL, BMM and Gaming Labs.
Popular Pragmatic Play games which can be played at Whamoo are John Hunter and the Aztec Treasure, Great Rhino Megaways, Leprechaun Song, Lucky Dragons, Mustang Gold, The Champions, Vegas Nights, Aztec Gems, Buffalo King, Starz Megaways, Triple Jokers, Magic Crystals, Sugar Rush, Beowulf and many more exciting video slots.
Of course, many baccarat, blackjack and roulette variants are available in Whamoo’s Live Casino which is powered by Pragmatic Play software. You are connected by high resolution video feed to professional dealers and croupiers in one of the Pragmatic Play casino studios where you can experience the thrills of a real life casino behind your computer or mobile phone. It’s almost like you are standing in Vegas!


Stakelogic is another popular software developer which has added its games to the Whamoo game library. As one of the best-known developers in the software industry, it is always a good sign that Stakelogic games are available to play given that this company has made some exciting video slots.
Using HTML5, Stakelogic games are of course fully mobile compatible, which means you can play them on your smartphone as well. The company has also made some exciting new 3D slots which are not only gorgeous to look at but also wild fun to play. As an off-shoot company from gaming giants Novomatic, Stakelogic certainly is a reputable software developer which can be trusted when it comes to fairness and reliability.
Popular Stakelogic games are Epic Slam, Wild Stallion, Magic Wheel, Super Wild Arcade, Fruit Spinner, Lucky Gems Deluxe, Hot Fruits, Grand Slam Deluxe, Runner Runner, Turbo 4 Player Jackpot, Dragons and Magic, Big 5 Jungle Jackpot, Mariachi and The Big Cash Game.
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High limit gaming options

Whamoo is an online casino which is not only suitable for gamblers on a tight budget, but also for the true high rollers. You can place bets as low as a few cents, or as high as several thousands of euros or dollars at this online casino. Depending on your game of choice, whether its a jackpot video slot or classic table game, there are countless of options to bet big for maximum excitement and chances of winning top prizes. Further down in this Whamoo review, we will discuss some of the high limit games which are available.
Highrollers should also note that Whamoo comes with its own VIP programme in which you can quickly work yourself to the top category if you bet big. You can get instant access to your own dedicated casino manager and will get invites to high stakes tournaments. There are special weekly cashback bonuses as well for the true high roller gamblers at Whamoo. We will discuss the VIP program more in depth a bit further down this Whamoo review.
For now, let’s take a look at all the high roller games which are available at Whamoo Online Casino!

Endless rows of jackpot video slots

If you are a real lover of video slots you will be glad to hear that Whamoo has several hundreds of online video slots available. Although some of these slots are more suitable for beginning players or those on a tight budget, there are plenty of slots available where you can bet up to 100 euro/dollar per spin. This makes for some exhilarating and thrilling slot game action which will please any high stakes gambler out there!
Of course, Whamoo also has its share of jackpot slots where you have a shot at winning the progressive jackpot which can run well above a million euro or dollar! These premium slots, such as those using the famous Megaways system, offer countless of opportunities to place maximum bets at your video slot of choice.
Check the Whamoo game library whether or not your favourite slot is available as well, or try one of the many exciting new game additions! It is easy to browse through the Whamoo website. You can sort slots by software provider, or use the search function to check for your beloved title.

Join for some high stakes blackjack action

Blackjack has always been one of the most popular games among high rollers and the reasons why are quite clear. You can often bet high amounts of money on a single play and you can as a player slightly influence the outcome of a game as you need to decide whether you want to stand or hit another card.
At Whamoo, there is plenty of high stakes blackjack action. There are both normal blackjack games such as American Blackjack and multihand Blackjack, as well as blackjack tables in the live casino. In the live casino, which is powered by Pragmatic Play software, you can play several blackjack variants. Bets of up to several hundreds of euros or dollars, or even higher for the real VIPs, are possible.
Beat the hand of the dealer and hit that score of 21. Maybe it will be your lucky day playing blackjack at Whamoo Online Casino!

Grab a seat at the roulette table

There is plenty of roulette action at Whamoo as well. You can choose between virtual roulette versions, or opt for a seat at a roulette table in the live casino, where you are connected to a real-time croupier by video feed. Especially in the live casino high bets of up to a thousand dollar or more are possible, making roulette a big favourite among the real high stake gamblers.
Of course, Whamoo Casino has all of the the standard roulette versions of American Roulette, French Roulette and European Roulette. Most of these games are developed by software giants NetEnt.
In the live casino, there is also Roulette Macao Live, where you will be connected to a gaming environment which makes you feel like you are playing in the famous casinos of this Chinese gambling mecca. Live Speed Roulette, Live Roulette Auto and Roulette Azure are popular Pragmatic Play live casino versions of roulette which are available to Whamoo players.
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Whamoo's unique bonus package

One area in which Whamoo stands out as online casino is its great bonus package. Of course, there is a great welcome bonus for newly registered users. But the fun doesn’t stop there! At Whamoo casino, it is bonus day almost every single day of the week. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays the casino has recurring bonus offers if you reload you bankroll on one of those days. This makes Whamoo not only an attractive casino at the moment you sign up, but also at all those moments when you come back to play again.
300 free spins or a €200 deposit bonus

The Whamoo welcome bonus

We start of discussing the Whamoo welcome bonus which is called the “Welcombo” bonus by the casino. On a picture the Welcombo might not look too appealing as its packed in a carton takeaway box you might get at a certain fast food restaurant, but trust us on this: its contents are truly fantastic.
The Welcombo box contains a combination of goodies you get with your very first deposit at Whamoo. And what is best of all? You can decide what combo you want to receive! If you sign up at Whamoo for a free online casino account, you can determine your own bonus by adjusting the slide until you have found a combination which matches your idea of a perfect bonus.
This is a great option as it allows people to choose the bonus which best suits them. You can choose between free spins and a deposit bonus – or a combination of both. If you are an avid video slot gamer and do not care much about table games, you may want to slide all the way to the maximum free spins bonus. In that case, you will receive 300 free spins, but your deposit bonus will be 0%. The free spins in the Welcombo package are valid on the popular Amatic Industries slot Book of Fortune.
On the other hand, if you only care about table games and are not really interested in free spins and playing video slots, you want to adjust the slide to the maximum deposit bonus. This is a 100% deposit bonus of up to 200 euro. This means that if you deposit 200 euro of your own money to your newly created online casino account, Whamoo will top this up by another 200 euro from the house! If you select the full 100% deposit bonus, you will however not receive any free spins at all.
Of course, you can also opt for a mix between free spins and a deposit bonus. If you leave the slider in the middle, you will get 150 free spins and a 50% deposit bonus, for example. You can tweak this in any direction you want, for example to a 70% deposit bonus and 90 free spins. The higher your deposit bonus, the less free spins you receive. Want more free spins? Then your deposit bonus will decrease.

Welcombo bonus terms and conditions

Only one bonus is allowed per household and/or per player account. Do note that Whamoo’s bonuses remain valid until seven days after the required deposit has been made. Once this period ends, the bonus is automatically flagged as expired by the system and can no longer be released. The expired bonus funds are then automatically removed from the player’s account.
Of course, there is a wagering requirement which must be met in order to withdraw your bonus money and any winnings which may derive from it. Real money balance is used prior to bonus balance. The bonus balance will only be used when there is no real money available in your account. Only real money funds and released bonus funds can contribute towards the wagering requirement of the bonus. The wagering requirement for the Welcombo deposit bonus and free spins is thirty times (30x) the deposit + bonus.
Do note that players that deposit money using Paysafecard, Skrill or Neteller are not eligible for the Welcombo. To assure fair gaming and prevent fraud, Whamoo has placed a maximum cap on bonus money wagers, which are limited to a maximum per round/bet of €5 or its equivalent in other currencies. You should also be aware that certain games cannot be played using bonus money. There is a full overview of these games on the Whamoo bonus page.
Bets placed in certain games might not contribute fully to the wagering requirements.

Recurring bonuses at Whamoo

The bonus fun does not stop at the welcome bonus when you play at Whamoo! You can count on a constant stream of promotional campaigns and bonus offers. The casino has recurring promo offers every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. If you deposit some extra money to your online casino bankroll on one of those days, you are eligible for a bonus. It therefore pays off to wait for these days before you decide to reload your online funds.
On Monday it is Pick ‘n’ Play day to start off the week with some good vibes. On this day, the casino basically tops up your deposited money You can:
It is even possible to combine these bonuses if you want to deposit a larger sum! Alternatively, you can use the bonus codes of WHPICK5, WHPICK15 and WHPICK35 by putting these into the promo code field on the cashier page every Monday.

Whoa Wednesday

Wednesday is for many a difficult day in the week, it being right in the middle of another long week of work. To spice up things, Whamoo has come with an unusual bonus which it calls “Whoa Wednesday”.
Every Wednesday you get to uncover your secret gift – for free, no strings attached. The casino will add this gift to your next deposit. This can be a bonus, a set of free spins, or even both. You’ll get all the details once you’ve pulled off the cover and logged into your account. You will receive the bonus details and promotional code, which you can use in the promo field at the payment page to receive your hard-earned Wednesday bonus.

Freeday bonus

Friday is the favourite day of the week for many people – and the reason why is quite obvious. It marks the end of another working week and the start of some well-deserved weekend R&R! For many people this involves paying a visit to a land-based or online casino to get their kicks at their favourite game, whether it is a card game, roulette or video slot.
Whamoo knows that many people cannot wait for the days off work to start and therefore has come up with a special Friday bonus to welcome in the weekend! This bonus day is called ‘Freeday’ by Whamoo. The casino basically hands you a bunch of free spins if you are a regular customer. For every weekday from the previous week (Friday through Thursday) that you’ve deposited 30 euro or more, you get 10 free spins. For every weekend day you even get 20 Free Spins! That means up to 90 Free Spins are yours to play with. That’s a great start to a weekend full of partying and fun!

Wagering requirements

Do note that wagering requirements do apply to all daily promo offers. These are more or less the same as we outlined above in the description of the welcome package, but do take a look at the bonus terms and conditions page on the Whamoo website to know precisely what you can expect! As always, it is important to read the small print in order not to face any surprises later on.
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A fully mobile compatible casino

As a brand new online casino, Whamoo knows that already a majority of gamblers nowadays play on their mobile phones rather than on computers. Because of this, the Whamoo casino is fully compatible with mobile devices and tablets. If you load the Whamoo website on your smartphone, it looks just as good as on your laptop of computer. It’s equally accessible and orderly too! The mobile website is a breeze to browse through and you can easily access all the important pages such as the game library and payment page.
The same counts for the actual games themselves. Whamoo only works with software providers which are known to offer full mobile gaming support. These games are made in code such as HTML5, which means that the games can simply be played in your (mobile) internet browser. There is no download or special app required to play these games. Whether you are playing on your computer, tablet or smartphone, you simply surf to and select your favourite game from the library. This game will then open in your internet browser – and you can play instantly. It does not matter whether your phone runs on Android or is an iPhone, nor does it matter whether you have Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari or any other internet browser. Whamoo will function just fine!
This is absolutely great as you can now play at Whamoo wherever you are, whenever you want. Want to put down some wagers on the roulette table while you are sitting in public transport on your way to work? That’s easily doable! Just take out your smartphone on the train or bus, and surf to to play at your favourite roulette table. Are you sitting on your couch at home and want to play a few hands of blackjack before going to sleep? Just take out your laptop, tablet or phone and within seconds you can have some of the most exhilarating blackjack fun on your screen.

The Whamoo Live Casino

Whamoo’s live casino is powered by Pragmatic Play and NetEnt software – which are two of the biggest, most reputable software providers in the world. This is great news for the players, as you can access high quality tables in just a few clicks.
In the live casino, you are connected with a live video feed to a real-time casino table in one of the casino studios of these software providers. You can play games like baccarat, blackjack and roulette like you are standing in a real land-based casino in Vegas or Monaco! Thanks to the high definition video stream, you have a great overview of all the action which unfolds on and around the table.
All table games are led by experienced, professional croupiers and dealers who are not only well-trained, but entertaining as well. By all means, feel free to open your microphone or the chat window to have a talk with them, or even with other players from around the world. This is what makes the live casino such a great invention. Even though you might be sitting at home in front of your laptop or computer, it does almost feel like you are standing in a casino for real!
Especially for high rollers the live casino is a worthwhile addition as table limits are often much higher than in regular games. Of course, if you are on a tight budget there will definitely be live casino tables where low minimum bets are allowed too – no worries there. But it is the experienced, high stakes gambler who probably feels most at home in the live casino.
There are multiple baccarat, blackjack and roulette variants which you can play. For roulette, there is American Roulette, European Roulette, French Roulette, Speed Roulette, Live Roulette Auto and Roulette Macao Live. If you prefer the casino classic of blackjack, you will find plenty of different tables all with slightly different betting limits. Baccarat is perhaps the game with the highest betting limit. Besides the regular version, there are also Speed Baccarat tables. A fourth casino game which can be played live at the Whamoo Live Casino is Sic Bo. Just browse through the list of live casino games, or use the search function to find your favourite table!
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can you bet on multiple numbers in roulette video

Best Roulette Strategies - Highest Winning Rate Fast Multiplication Trick 5 - Trick to Directly Multiply ... Casino Roulette Trick  12 Numbers Straight UP with 1$ Bet Best Roulette Strategy Ever !!! 100% sure win !! - YouTube roulette ! roulette best strategy ! how to win at roulette Red or Black? - Betting your whole life on one roulette ... Create an Excel Lottery Number Generator - YouTube Roulette strategy - High probability of winning with just 1 strategy ! MAN WINS 3.500.000$ WITH ROULETTE! - YouTube Best FX Trading Strategies (THE Top Strategy for Forex ...

But if you have a little more gamble in you, and maybe don’t have much time, then you can place bets with a 35:1 payout, by merely putting your bet on a single number. You can place bets on many single numbers, and if one comes in, the payout sure will look good as the croupier pushes it your way. But unless you can win 5 times out of 9 on even money bets you’ll lose your stake. That’s the problem with roulette. You always have to win at least 1 more time than you lose no matter how you place your bets. The “2 to 1” bets pay better than the “1 to 1” bets because they cover fewer numbers. You have less of a chance of winning. An extreme example of this would be if you bet on 35 numbers, say £1 a number. If your number came in (highly likely), then you would win £35 plus you’d get your winning bet back- so you would be £1 up. While this seems like a great way of eeking out a profit, I think you can probably see the problem with this system. You still have 2 You can bet on the 37 numbers, black or red, or even or uneven. You can also combine bets by placing chips on black and on a number, or you can also bet on multiple numbers at once. In theory, you can place as many bets as you want. But we advise starters at roulette to take it slowly and to not place too many bets at a time. Also as now you can play online roulette for real money in India, much of our audience is from India. Unfortunately we don’t have writers for all languages. And most websites offering betting tips are incredibly inaccurate, we suggest using Google translate to convert our website to your native language. This way you’ll at least have accurate advice, rather than relying on websites that Sure, the casino will be very happy to get a guaranteed profit. When you press the ‘spin’ button, the RNG creates algorithms made of multiple-digit numbers. In order to determine the outcome (where the ball will land on the wheel), the multi-digit numbers are reduced to one of the numbers on the wheel. To ensure fair play, gambling sites usually work with independent audit firms to test and monitor the RNGs regularly so as to ensure randomness of If you think of the roulette wheel as a pizza, the Call bets are a way of covering a slice or multiple slices if you want to. Voisins Du Zero This is a bet that covers 17 consecutive numbers on the roulette wheel, starting from 25 and working your way around the wheel to 22. So should you bet multiple numbers on roulette ? EV-wise, it doesn't matter. But from a gambling point of view, the game is played because there is the possibiltiy of a win despite being a negative EV game. For that gambling purpose you should maximize variance as much as possible (for same EV), because it is the variance which gives the gambler the utility to play. Then no, you should never You can do this in multiple ways. You can bet without a certain conscious reason behind is, or just “going for it”, some people choose to bet on their “lucky number”, or a number that they feel inclined to on that day, while others have certain patterns that they follow, whether it’s due to superstitions or a strategy. Betting on numbers roulette strategy: Straight up betting

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Best Roulette Strategies - Highest Winning Rate

In the game, players may choose to place bets on either a single number, various groupings of numbers, the colors red or black, whether the number is odd or even, or if the numbers are high (19 ... How to Earn Playing Casino Roulette (12 Numbers Straight UP with 1$ Bet) How to Earn Playing Casino Roulette Game Real Account Strategy.100% Wining Strategy.... The best FX trading strategies out there aren't some magic indicator, some weird hack, or quick little tip. Stop looking for those, you're going to lose. I... Win Roulette Easily - Best and Easy Strategy, Now Winnings in Roulette is on finger tips !!! Best Roulette Strategy 1 Color 6 Numbers - Duration: 4:55. iceman340h 721,760 views. ... BEST SYSTEM/STRATEGY IN ROULETTE #2015 - Explanation (No money or Scam involved) ... Crazy gamble with entire life savings on one roulette spin! Get a job!- For more videos visit GUY WINS 3.500.000$ WITH ROULETTE! A dude bets 100000 dollars (hondred thousend) on one number and hits it. The 100000 dollars get multiplied by 35x! The ca... Create an Excel lottery number generator to produce 6 random lottery balls. Click a button and get your weekly lottery numbers. Download the file http://www.... Bet $10 on 1-18, then bet $10 on RED and bet $10 on ODD 1-18 odds 1:1 RED odds: 1:1 ODD odds: 1:1 The overall win rate covers 48.6% See the real gameplay right away! If you like my sharing, you ...

can you bet on multiple numbers in roulette

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