Quorum Definition of Quorum by Merriam-Webster

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2020 Year in Review -- As If You Wanted to Look Back At This One

Wow, is it time for the Year in Review already? It seems like only a couple decades have passed since January 1, 2020 -- a year some experts are now saying lasted a full double dog year, 14 human years, or about three stake conferences in length.
Although TSCC's shenanigans were overshadowed this year by outrageously insane behavior from every corner, TSCC nevertheless made its own valuable contributions to the insanity pile -- the icing on the cake, if you will, or perhaps more accurately, the dry heave on top of the stomach-emptying vomit.
But now, as 2020 comes to a close, let us sit back, reflect on the past year, and wonder what the hell was everyone smoking? Yet somehow, despite everything getting turned upside down this year, 2020 still began with . . .
Foreshadowing the year to come, 2020 attacks right from the start and scorches Australia with massive wildfires. Also foreshadowing the year to come, TBMs offer to help by skipping a couple of meals and donating the value of those meals to the church, which then used the donated money to pay the cable bill for Brother Richards in your ward. The logic behind this series of transactions is still somehow one of the least confusing aspects of the year to come.
Despite the Book of Mormon literally saying the Lamanites were cursed with dark skin, TSCC claims it was an "error" in the Come Follow Me manual that described the Lamanites' dark skin as a curse. Clarifying the clarification, Pres. Newsroom stressed that it wasn't the dark skin that was the curse, the curse was having to still defend the racist passages in the Book of Mormon in 20 freaking 20.
Finally in January, controversy erupts at BYU over, of all things, ballroom dancing, when BYU announced it would prohibit same sex couples from competing in the US Nationals Amateur Dancesport Championships it was hosting, despite national organization guidelines which allowed same sex couples to compete. Several prominent dancers announced they would boycott the BYU-hosted competition, but BYU stuck to its principles despite this withering pressure from super-intimidating ballroom dancers. Ha ha! But seriously though -- BYU predictably caved and allowed same sex couples to dance in the competition. Pres. Newsroom later defended BYU's changing stance, claiming the university had not sold its values for a mess of pottage but had done so for the glory of ballroom dance, which was a different matter altogether.
Two years after Ballard emphatically declared that church leaders weren't hiding anything, church leaders admit in a Wall Street Journal article that they've been hiding 100 billion dollars out of fear members would stop paying tithing if they knew about it. Following the example of shining role model, Enron, TSCC used more than a dozen shell companies to hide their investment portfolio from members. Shocked by this brazen deception, TBMs vigorously protest by continuing to pay a full tithe, keeping their mouths shut, and pretending this is all fine.
In an unusual move, BYU deletes the section prohibiting homosexual behavior from its honor code, leaving the impression that comparable hetero behaviors such as dating and kissing would now be permitted for homosexual students, with BYU's own Honor Code office privately telling students homosexual couples would now be held to the same morality standards as unmarried heterosexual couples. After a photo of two female students kissing outside the honor code office goes viral, BYU spokesperson Carrie Jenkins backpedaled and claimed there had been a "miscommunication", but refuses to say what the school's policy is. After much confusion, the matter is finally cleared up when Mormon church president Nelson issues a statement demanding the media stop referring to him as "Mormon church president Nelson" and insists the media instead refer to him as "brilliantly gifted heart surgeon Nelson".
A man wielding a knife is shot and killed by police after caught trespassing inside the MTC in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Afterward, police claimed the man was clearly suffering from mental illness, noting that he willingly entered a location known to be crawling with Mormon missionaries.
In March, absolutely nothing happened, so we can move on to April -- unless you consider the beginning of the apocalypse, the end of the world as we know it, and the imminent return of Jesus to be worth mentioning.
But first, in March: in the midst of continued confusion over the BYU honor code change, Ballard offers hope to the LGBT community when he delivers a BYU devotional speech condemning marginalizing anyone based on sexual orientation, calling it "evil and horrifying". Gay BYU students barely have time to applaud Ballard's speech when, the very next day, BYU -- which aspires to the level of evil and horrifying -- marginalizes LGBT students by issuing a formal letter stating that no, they are still not allowed any form of romantic expression because such behaviors still violate the "principles", if not the actual language, of the honor code. Clarifying the matter further, BYU spokesperson Carrie Jenkins said LGBT students should have known all along the honor code changes were meant for the Big 12 Conference and not for them.
TSCC gets pummeled from all sides in March, with God hitting Salt Lake City with a 5.7 earthquake that breaks the angel Moroni statue on top of the temple, and Covid forcing TSCC to cancel church services, close its temples, recall missionaries from overseas missions, close the MTCs, and cancel all BYU sports, just as the basketball team looked to have its best showing in the NCAA tournament in years. Summing up the disastrous month, Pres. Newsroom said TSCC hasn't taken a beating that bad since the last BYU-Utah football game.
In a historic first, TSCC cancels the live audience for general conference. The precaution was necessary, Pres. Newsroom said, to prevent panicky Mormons from stealing all the toilet paper in the Conference Center.
Recalling that last October Nelson promised a conference unlike any other, TBMs feverishly share wild rumors in the run-up to April conference, ranging from Jesus Christ personally appearing at conference to the prophet solemnly ordering members to pack up and move to Missouri. Realizing the conference had been a deep disappointment compared to expectations, Nelson tried to spin the narrative by insisting the conference had achieved a historic first: for the first time ever, not a single live audience member had fallen asleep during a session.
In the midst of a global pandemic, economic collapse, apocalyptic rumors, and widespread unemployment, TSCC demonstrates how keenly they are in touch with members' needs when they . . . rollout a new church logo. Dubbed "Snow Globe Jesus", the new logo design barely won out over top contenders Bobblehead Jesus and 70s Playgirl Centerfold Jesus.
Having failed in their first fasting attempt to eradicate Coronavirus, Nelson announces a second, more powerful fast to be held on Good Friday, for an extra spiritual power-up. Cases in Utah -- which averaged 100 positive cases per day prior to the fast -- promptly doubled, then tripled, then increased 5x, then increased 10x, then increased 20x, then increased 30x . . . Alarmed at the exponential increase in cases, Utah lawmakers hurriedly pass legislation preventing Mormons from conducting a third fast.
TSCC -- long accused of being a money-seeking corporation masquerading as a religion --releases plans for the Tooele Utah temple, including a master planned community of high-priced homes surrounding the temple which will be developed, and profited by, TSCC. When asked about the comparison to Jesus driving the money changers at the temple, Pres. Newsroom happily cited the prepositional loophole of "at" vs. "around" to justify TSCC's money changing behavior. When informed that the same Hebrew preposition means "at, in, by, or near" in English and therefore the church is technically still in violation of Jesus's injunction, Pres. Newsroom claimed his religious freedom was under attack from linguistics.
In the midst of a global pandemic, economic collapse, apocalyptic rumors, and widespread unemployment, TSCC again demonstrates how keenly they are in touch with members' needs when they . . . proudly release updated standards for the artwork permitted in church foyers. Although Caucasian Jesus predictably won the coveted approval, Pres. Newsroom let it be known there was stiff competition from top contenders Catholic Sacred Heart Jesus and Fat Buddha.
In what many observers regarded as a somewhat controversial move, two BYU students, Jeff and Steve, are disciplined by the honor code office for failing to say "no homo" after engaging in a handshake that lingered a bit too long.
In the midst of a global pandemic, economic collapse, apocalyptic rumors, and widespread unemployment, TSCC again demonstrates how keenly they are in touch with members' needs when Rebrand Rusty makes a fashion update to that most recognizable symbol of Mormonism, the missionary in the white shirt. Although missionaries may now wear blue shirts, over-zealous elders quorum presidents everywhere want you to know you will still be looked down upon if you wear a blue shirt to quorum meeting.
Three months after Ballard condemned persecution of the LGBT community as "evil and horrifying", TSCC files an amicus brief in a Supreme Court case, arguing in favor of the right to fire LGBT employees simply for being LGBT and not for any job violation. When asked whether the church was now "evil and horrifying" or whether Ballard had been wrong in his devotional address, Pres. Newsroom wondered aloud how difficult it would be to find another job in this weak economy.
In the face (ha ha!) of rising anti-mask sentiment, a coalition of Utah religious leaders sign a joint statement urging Utahns to wear face masks. TSCC is represented in the coalition by a counselor in the Utah area presidency, who ranks on the Mormon authority meter somewhere around the assistant secretary of the Beehive class.
In a fiery online speech, Bednar complains about the loss of religious freedom during the pandemic, claiming that governments had forced TSCC to shut down. When pointed out to him that other churches adapted by conducting online services, and that Alma 32:10 specifically says that meeting in a church is not required, Bednar doubled-down on his complaint, insisting that his religious freedom to sit on the stand and be adored by the congregation each week had most definitely been infringed.
In an all-out attack on exmos, the July Ensign boldly claims that truth will never be found on exmormon sites. Exmos quickly compiled a list of truths hidden by TSCC that were revealed on exmo sites, such as the $100 billion Ensign Peak investment, general authority pay, the seer stone translation method, the LGBT policy of exclusion, the multiple versions of the first vision, and church tithing money being invested in City Creek. When confronted by this list, the Ensign published a follow-up article claiming its religious freedom to lie about its religion was under attack.
Looking to send a stronger signal on the mask mandate, the full Utah area presidency now issues an official statement to members, urging them to wear masks in public. This upgraded authoritative mandate now ranks on the Mormon power meter somewhere around a ward PEC meeting with half the attendees asleep.
Finally in July, Utah County Mormons make national news when, in the midst of the pandemic, they crowd into a packed Utah County Commission meeting, purposefully not wearing masks, to demand that area schools reopen without requiring students to wear masks, because -- given the size of their excessively large families -- the least the school district could do is help them trim the number back a bit.
In the midst of a global pandemic, economic collapse, apocalyptic rumors, and widespread unemployment, TSCC again demonstrates how keenly they are in touch with members' needs when Rebrand Rusty renames the church magazines. The Ensign will be rebranded as The Liahona and The New Era will now be called For the Strength of Youth, because "New Era" simply wasn't weird enough. TSCC also dropped the old fashioned term "garments", now calling its special underwear For The Strength of Your Loins.
Colleges across the country begin to reopen, but with modified sports schedules, leaving independent football school BYU scrambling to fill its schedule at the last minute. Announcing its modified schedule, BYU noted that the 200,000 U.S. Covid deaths, while tragic, were a small price to pay to guarantee that BYU would not lose to Utah in football again this year.
And August wraps up with the First Presidency issuing a letter forbidding bishops and stake presidents from testifying in court cases, because the last people TSCC wants on the stand are leaders who have pledged to be honest in all their dealings.
Always striving to use the full name of the church and emphasize the name of Jesus Christ, Rebrand Rusty renames LDS Business College to Ensign College, after the itself recently rebranded Ensign magazine, with neither rebranding using the full name of the church or of Jesus Christ. This series of name changes is still, somehow, one of the least confusing aspects of 2020.
With the Covid epidemic worsening by the day, TBMs plead with God in fervent prayer to please let them die of Covid before they have to eat the 40 year old buckets of wheat in the basement.
Feeling like 2020 hasn't kicked enough people while they are down, Christofferson attacks a vulnerable group in his general conference talk by insulting single women who choose to have their baby rather than have an abortion, calling their children "bitter fruit." When asked about his choice of words, Christofferson defended himself, saying that he couldn't very well call them "bastards" over the conference center pulpit, now could he?
Two years after gaslighting church youth about polygamy at a Face 2 Face broadcast in Nauvoo, Master Gaslighter Cook uses his general conference address to gaslight the entire church over slavery and Native American relations. Boldly claiming the church was always against slavery and had great relations with the Native Americans, Cook spun a beautiful but demonstrably false narrative. It was somewhat surprising then, when independent fact checkers awarded Cook's talk the exact same credibility level as the other conference addresses.
The Book of Mormon becomes the surprise publishing hit of the Fall, with copies flying off the shelves, after Mormon Senator Mike Lee compares serial adulterer, porn-star banging, own-daughter-lusting Donald Trump to Book of Mormon fictional character Captain Moroni. Publishing experts scrambled to proclaim the Book of Mormon the next big hit in the popular billionaire porn genre, adding that a powerful, shirtless military captain in the early Americas breathed new life into the somewhat tired genre. Negative reviews soon killed book sales, however, with reviewers slamming Captain Moroni as "even more vanilla than my parents", with one reviewer tartly noting that even if all the "coming to passes" were replaced with "coming with lasses", the book would still be boring beyond belief.
With a contested US election, rumors and accusations flying on all sides, and the Constitution hanging by a thread, Mormon Senator Mitt Romney fulfills the long-awaited "White Horse" prophecy by saving the Constitution and the election by acknowledging that Trump lost the election and there is no legal path to overturn it. TBMs rejoice in the prophecy's fulfillment and delight in their role at preserving the US Constitution in such a critical moment. Ha ha! No. TBMs start a petition calling for Romney's impeachment, continue to call for overthrowing the election result, and demand that God himself reissue the white horse prophecy, with the "right" side winning this time. For his part, God answered the prayers of the right-wing petitioners in exactly the same way he answered Joseph Smith's prayer in 1820.
With the Covid epidemic worsening by the day, Nelson addresses the full church and kind of, sort of hints that members should maybe follow medical advice and wear masks. TBMs, who only last March were waxing poetic about God calling a doctor -- a doctor! -- to be president of the church during a pandemic, promptly ignore Nelson's counsel and turn to the real experts: some anonymous guy on Youtube and Aunt Phyllis on Facebook.
In what many observers regarded as a somewhat controversial move, BYU roommates Emma and Madison are disciplined by the honor code office for sitting too close together on the couch while watching a romcom on Netflix.
December opens with the traditional First Presidency Christmas devotional, but with the unusual sight this year of the first presidency seated in a socially distant arrangement. Noting the seating change, Nelson likened the social distancing to the Savior himself, who -- as in all things -- had led by example by socially distancing himself from the church for 200 years now.
In a final effort stressing the importance of masks, Elder Renlund -- himself a Covid survivor -- releases a video unambiguously instructing members to wear masks, calling it a sign of Christlike love. TBMs, many of whom opposed mask-wearing, thoughtfully ponder this clear counsel from one of God's chosen mouthpieces and reflect how to bring their lives in harmony with . . . Ha ha! No. TBMs excoriate Renlund for being too political and grumble that if everyone wears a mask, they might have to start going back to church soon, and no one wants that.
Fairmormon -- already sufficiently embarrassing thanks to its own tortured apologetics -- sinks to a new level of shame by releasing clownish videos attacking the CES letter on a Youtube show called This Is The Show, or TITS for short. As if that weren't juvenile enough, show host Kwaku El, in a fit of bravado, threatens to kill John Dehlin -- which even stiff-necked exmos know violates at least one of the commandments. Fairmormon's behavior is so appalling that even Tapir Dan Peterson, former Fairmormon shill and staunch defender, distances himself from the group and resigns from its board. Fairmormon's antics -- disturbing as they are -- somehow still provide a comforting assurance that even in 2020, when everything is upside down, some things still remain the same: the best weapon against the church isn't the CES letter, it's a passionate Mormon believer with a microphone.
And now, fellow exmos, as 2020 -- finally! -- comes to a close, let us gather our families together in the fallout bunkers where we are hiding, and wish each other a better and brighter 2021. It can't get any worse, can it?
No, really -- can it?
Happy New Year, exmos.
submitted by JosephHumbertHumbert to exmormon [link] [comments]

My opinion on the History of the Word of Wisdom in re its adoption as a commandment

This is just my thinking, based on some input, and there's always more input out there, waiting... So while I don't mind you quoting me to ghawd, let him know that open to amending this, okay?
The WoW bans "all hot drinks". That's it for ghawd's input to JoJu regarding what later became the ban on coffee and black/green tea. And of course, it wasn't a "ban", it was a suggestion... I had always thought that from February 27, 1833 until Sept. 09, 1851, the WoW remained merely a suggestion and a person's standing in the church had no relationship to the person's obedience to Sec. 89. But that appears not to be the case.
"...the Word of Wisdom was nevertheless regularly emphasized in the early years of the Church. In February 1834, the High Council of the Church resolved that: 'No official member in this Church is worthy to hold an office, after having the Word of Wisdom properly taught him, and he, the official member, neglecting to comply with or obey it...
"This statement was later reprinted in the November 1, 1836 issue of the Messenger and Advocate to answer "frequent applications ... for advice respecting official members of this Church relative to their observance of the Word of Wisdom.
In May of 1837, the Messenger and Advocate reaffirmed its previous stand and stressed obedience to all of God's commandments.
"The Quorum of Seventies voted to withdraw fellowship from non-observers (so far as not recognizing them as preachers of the Gospel) in July of 1837, and five months later this same group covenanted to keep the Word of Wisdom." --An Historical Analysis Of The Word Of Wisdom, pgs 27 & 28 https://archive.org/details/AnHistoricalAnalysisOfTheWordOfWisdom/page/n26/mode/1up?q=church+of+jesus+christ+of+latter+day+saints+conference+reports
But it appears that WoW violations, while cited as reasons for disfellowshipping, seem never to have been solely the cause: "In all cases where membership or fellowship was taken away, -- there were other accusations that were directed at the offender. In many cases, the Word of Wisdom violation appeared to have been considered less important than the other infractions. In fact, the evidence strongly suggests that Mormons were not expelled solely for violations of the Word of Wisdom except in the case of extreme drunkenness. --ibid., page 30
Then during September Conference, 1851 (Yeah, September! What’s up with that?), while John Smith, the then church patriarch was giving a talk on the WoW, BY got up and asked the ladies to agree to keep the Wow. The ladies voted in the affirmative. Then BY asked "...all the boys under 90..." to also vote to do the same. The record states that the voting was unanimous. (This is when the church's website it became a Commandment...)
But... "A later acceptance date seems more logical for the following reasons: (1) Brigham Young himself did not strictly live the Word of Wisdom until the early 1860’s. For example, Jules Remy, an English traveler, observed Brigham preparing "a quid of Virginia tobacco" in late September 1855 and in 1862 the Mormon President alluded strongly to the fact that he had recently over-come habits contrary to Word of Wisdom teachings.
"(2) Young said as late as 1861 that he never chose to make observance to the Word of Wisdom a test of Church fellowship.
"(3) The Mormon reformation of 1856-1857 was characterized by sermons advocating a return to a more strict adherence to Christian principles. During this period, a type of inquisitional catechism was formulated to provide an index to a Mormon’s faithfulness. The only question having to do with the Word of Wisdom was an inquiry concerning whether or not an individual had been drunk. The inference is obvious" --ibid, pages 51-53
Now we get to the point that has always been ascendant in my mind for the Big Three WoW items being labeled as the bad guys, Coffee, Tea & alcohol: From the moment of their arrival and settling of the Great Basin Kingdom, what they couldn’t grow had to be imported. And the importation of goods required hard money: gold and silver. The Saints could not use the territorial script with East Coast vendors. Here’s the view of Leonard Arrington:
“Separated as they were from the United States by over 1,500 miles of treeless plains, hounded as they had been by hating mobocrats, it was necessary for the Latter-day Saints to develop and maintain a self-sufficient economy in their Rocky Mountain retreat. Economic independence was a necessary goal of the group and every program of the Church tended toward that end. Economic independence meant developing all the agricultural, mineral, and industrial resources of the community under proper (i.e. church) leadership for the purchase of machinery and equipment needed in building a prosperous commonwealth. There must be no waste of liquid assets on imported consumer’s goods … Saints who used their cash to purchase imported Bull Durham, Battle-Axe plugs, tea, coffee, and similar ‘wasteful’ (because not productive) products were taking an action which was opposed to the economic interest of the territory. In view of this situation, President Young came to be unalterably opposed to the expenditure of money by the Saints on imported tea, coffee, and tobacco. It was consistent with the economics of the time that he should have had no great objection to tobacco chewing if the tobacco was grown locally. It was also consistent that he should have successfully developed a locally produced ‘Mormon’ tea to take the place of the imported article. Something more permanent and productive than tea, coffee, and tobacco was wanted for the building of the Kingdom, in view of the limited funds at the disposal of the Saints.” --Leonard J. Arrington, "An Economic Interpretation of the Word of Wisdom," Brigham Young University Studies Vol. 1 (Winter, 1959), p. 37.
With the coming of the railroad, the opportunities for the Saints to spend even more money for East Coast goods increased. Here’s a part of a BY’ sermon in September of 1861. Please note the lack of a will to enforce the WoW, but to please stop sending money out-of-state!:
“You know that we all profess to believe the Word of Wisdom. There has been a great deal said about it, more in former than in latter years. We, as Latter-day Saints, care but little about tobacco; but as ‘Mormons’ we use a great deal. How much do you suppose goes annually from this Territory, and has for ten or twelve years past, in gold and silver, to supply the people with tobacco? I will say $60,000.
“Brother William H. Hooper, our Delegate in Congress, came here in 1849, and during about the eight years he was selling goods his sales for tobacco alone amounted to over $28,000 a year. At the same time there were other stores that sold their share and drew their share of the money expended yearly, besides what has been brought in by the keg and by the half keg. The traders and passing emigration have sold tons of tobacco, besides what is sold here regularly. I say that $ 60,000 annually is the smallest figure I can estimate the sales at.
"Tobacco can be raised here as well as it can be raised in any other place. It wants attention and care. If we use it, let us raise it here. I recommend for some man to go to raising tobacco. One man, who came here last fall, is going to do so; and if he is diligent, he will raise quite a quantity. I want to see some man go and make a business of raising tobacco and stop sending money out of the Territory for that article.” --Brigham Young, Sermon of September 29, 1861, JD, IX, 35
The record shows that after the 1861 sermon, BY and others ramped up their efforts to get the Saints to agree to observe the WoW. There was increased hectoring from the pulpit and in church publications. But it was apparently for naught:
On October 30, 1870, Brigham Young indicated that tea and coffee sales were increasing among Church members. --Brigham Young, Sermon of October 30, 1870, JD. XIV, 20
In November 1871, Orson Pratt expressed regret that many Mormons remained unfaithful regarding the Word of Wisdom --“Minutes of the Salt Lake School of the Prophets”, November 25, 1871, HDC
Brigham Young, Jr., an Apostle, stated that the majority of Saints disregarded the Word of Wisdom. --Brigham Young, Jr., Sermon of October 8, 1872, JD, XV, 193-195
In October 1873, George A. Smith somewhat cynically remarked that not all of the tobacco sold in co-operative stores was being used to kill sheep ticks. --George A. Smith, Sermon of October 7, 1873, JD, XVI, 238
Back in the early 1860s, in recognition that the Saints were not heeding the WoW, BY had suggested that the St. George area start growing wine grapes. Things went well and tithing, being paid in kind, resulted in the St. George tithing office having 6,000 barrels of wine on hand! --Juanita Brooks, "St. George, Utah— A Community Portrait," Symposium on Mormon Culture held at Utah State University, November 14, 1952, p.4
Here’s one view of how the WoW was doing, as of March 25, 1877: “Do we as a people realize the importance of those precious words? Do we accept them as the word of God unto us? Are they observed by this people as they should be? Could we find fifty Latter-day Saints in the Territory who abstain from tea, coffee, whiskey and tobacco or consider that it is worthwhile to even give it a thought?
“Is it not high time to wake up and open our eyes and look about us. If the Lord had no purpose in giving the Word of Wisdom, why did he take the trouble to give it? And if it is not necessary for us to observe it, what is the use of having it? Do we not know that all stimulants taken into the stomach are unhealthy? We see our little ones swept from our midst, one here two there, and four and five of one family stricken down one after the other with this dreadful diphtheria. Do we realize that there is a cause and also a remedy for these things? Does not common sense tell us that their little bodies are charged with impurities ...?
“I do not address the ladies because I think the remedy lays altogether with them. No. The gentlemen are more culpable, they take for more poison into their systems than the women. I have heard of one or two women who drink whiskey to excess. And it may be that a few old ladies smoke their pipes; but I have seen nothing of the kind for years; and as to chewing tobacco (the worst poison of all) I do not think one lady can be found in our whole community that indulges in the filthy ... practice. Of course, it is not our province to teach the elders their duty, but we can plead and importune with them; but if they will persist in polluting with these filthy poisons, the Lord may find a remedy they think not of.” --Emily Dow Partridge Young, "Diary of Emily Dow Partridge Young, March 25, 1877, pg. 10, copy located in the Special Collections Library, Brigham Young University
Now here’s a weird thing I never knew: In a book titled “I was Called to Dixie”, Andrew Karl Larson reported that John Taylor, BY’s successor, asserted he received a revelation on October 13, 1882, which upgraded Sec. 89 to Commandment status! But no attempt to clue in the Saints was made for about a year. And the specifics of that 10/13/1882 revelation have not been preserved, at least for the commoners’ eyes. --Andrew Karl Larson, “I was Called to Dixie” (Salt Lake City: Deseret News Press, 1961), p. 607. Larson’s source citation read: By a revelation through President John Taylor, October 13, 1882. This writer wrote Dr. Larson, desiring more precise information, and soon afterward receive word that the original reference had been lost but most probably was found among papers in the St. George Temple.
Viewed as a ‘Second Reformation’, involving not only the WoW, but Plural Marriage and tithing, its success was likely the result of all the leaderships adherence to the following a new order. On September 28, 1883, Wilford Woodruff, as president of the Quorum of the Twelve, declared:
“I want to say to the First Presidency that we have been together as a quorum since this morning's meeting except for one hour. We have had a free and full talk upon our individual affairs-upon our family matters, upon the word of wisdom, the duties and responsibilities that devolve upon us as Apostles, etc. And we have come to the conclusion that we will more fully observe the word of wisdom, as we have all more or less been negligent upon that point.” --Minutes of the Salt Lake School of the Prophets, September 28, 1883, p. 52.
So observation of the WoW was ramping up in the church! Hearts were buoyed! The WoW was spoken of as being as important as the Celestial Order of Marriage!!
And therein lay the problem, beginning with the 1885 Supreme Court decision that allowed for the prosecution of men who practiced polygamy. Between 1885 and 1893, nothing of note was mentioned regarding observation of the WoW, basically, because most of the leadership was in hiding. They did not dare to schedule meetings that had notice of their attendance.
But things were not yet perfect. At April Conference, 1886, the First Presidency referred to those who officiated or participated in Temple functions, noting that it was "most inconsistent to carry in the smell of whiskey and tobacco.” In 1893 the general membership of the Church was chided for excessive use of tea, coffee, and tobacco.
Things were finally set straight during October Conference, 1894, when Wilford Woodruff declared, “The Word of Wisdom applies to Wilford Woodruff, the President of the Church, and it applies to all the leaders of Israel as well as to the members of the Church; and if there are any of these leading men who cannot refrain from using tobacco or liquor in violation of the Word of Wisdom, let them resign and others take their places. As leaders of Israel, we have no business to indulge in these things. There may be things contrary to the Word of Wisdom that we indulge in, and that we think we cannot live without; if we cannot, let us die.”
During that same conference, a young pup of an Apostle, Heber J. Grant, said to male members, “If you think more of a cup of tea or coffee, or a cigarette, or a chew of tobacco than your Priesthood, to resign your Priesthood.”
But there was still a lack of complete unanimity among the brethren! Here’s the written record of a meeting in May of 1898 regarding enforcement of the WoW:
“The subject of the Word of Wisdom and its strict enforcement was brought up for discussion. Pres, L. Snow having raised the question whether Bishops were justified in refusing to give members of the Church recommends to the Temple because they did not observe the Word of Wisdom. Brother J. H. Smith inquired what was meant by hot drinks. President J. F. Smith said it was defined by Hyrum Smith in the Times and Seasons; also that he (Bro. Smith) had heard President Brigham Young say that at the time the revelation on the Word of Wisdom was given prominent men in the Church were inveterate tobacco users and tea and coffee drinkers and that it was because of those practices that the Word of Wisdom was given.
“President L. Snow read the revelation on the Word of Wisdom and drew special attention to that part which relates to the use of meats, which he considered as that which relates to the use of liquors and hot drinks. He also referred to the revelation which says that he forbids the use of meat is not of God. He went on to state that President Taylor had expressed the view that some of the brethren talked too strongly against the drinking of tea and coffee. Brother Snow said he was convinced that the killing of animals when unnecessary was wrong and sinful, and that it was not right to neglect one part of the Word of Wisdom and be too strenuous in regard to other parts. President Woodruff said he regarded the Word of Wisdom in its entirety as given of the Lord for the Latter-day Saints to observe, but he did not think that Bishops should withhold recommends from persons who did not adhere strictly to it. --Journal History, March 11, 1898, p. 2
Obviously, the standard under which all of us grew up with in the church was not yet set. They were trying, but an outsider has to wonder, why didn’t they, prophets one and all, hit their knees and ask of ghawd, who giveth liberally and upbraidth not…?
People who tried to ‘lawyer’ their way out of compliance urged the point of view that pepper and ginger drinks were what ghawd referred to when he said ‘hot drinks’, not tea and coffee, which are just heated drinks…
And the initial language was examined and used as an excuse, because the first phrase says, “A Word of Wisdom, for the benefit of the council of high priests, assembled in Kirkland…” So only they might be subject to the greetings, which then says, “…not by commandment or constraint…” We’ve all tried to weasel our way out of something based on what we viewed as ‘flexible’ language.
In October 1902, President Joseph F. Smith wrote John Hess, a Stake President at Farmington, Utah, in answer to an inquiry regarding the granting of recommends to Church members who did not observe the Word of Wisdom. President Smith advised Hess to:
“(1) Use his own discretion in most cases,
“(2) Refuse recommends to flagrant violators,
“(3) Work with those having weaknesses,
“(4) Be somewhat liberal with very old men who had contracted the tobacco habit but insist that they refrain from using tobacco those days they are in the temple, and
“(5) Draw the line on drunkenness.”
All of which supports the contention that it’s not a hard and fast law of ghawd, right?
Politically speaking, Mormonism was in the dumpster, even in Utah, in the aftermath of polygamy, and the trifling with rules carried out by Apostles Cowley and Taylor, both of whom were sealed to ‘spare’ wives in 1905 and 1909, respectively, despite the 1890 Declaration and the 1904 Second Manifesto. Yeah, Mormonism as a dumpster fire…
And the leadership knew it. At October Conference, 1908, George F. Richards gave the keynote theme: "I am sorry to say that I do not believe there is another revelation contained in this book, the Doctrine and Covenants or another commandment given of the Lord that is less observed or honored than this Word of Wisdom, and that, too, by members and officers of the Church . . .”
Following the keynote talk, Anthon H. Lund, a member of the First Presidency, declared that General Authorities were now insisting that individuals accepting positions in Wards, Priesthood Quorums, etc., live the Word of Wisdom! Wowsers! BAM! In your faces, losers!
Then Apostle George Albert Smith sort of tempered things in the next talk, when he provided a note of positive encouragement to Saints with Word of Wisdom weaknesses by reporting that in the St. George Stake, (an area formerly plagued with some wine abuse) all members of the Stake Presidency, High Council, and Ward Bishoprics, with two exceptions, were living the Word of Wisdom. - I bet is sucked to be those two!
Adding to the muddy swirl of ‘what the hell is going on’ was the fact that the church, by all the evidence, was against Prohibition! State efforts to make Prohibition a state law were thwarted in 1908 and 1909, which caused confusion. If the Church was against alcohol, why not support Prohibition?
In 1915 the State Legislature tried again and a law was passed. But then Governor Spry, an active member, vetoed it. Later it was claimed by people supposedly in the know that he was ordered to do so by President Joseph F. Smith! Given an opportunity to refute this claim, Joseph F. Smith did not do so. But the word on the street was that Smith was just reluctant to meddle in Gentile affairs. But Prohibition did pass in Utah, in 1917.
Finally, FINALLY!, with the arrival of Heber J. Grant in 1919, the church (Heber) began to emphasize the WoW with constant firmness and fervor. It had become the binding principle all of us grew up with. But as to picking out a date when that switch was flipped is difficult, other than to point to the ascendancy of Heber J. Grant. Of course, there are those who want to maintain it was always binding, such as the church’s website, which identifies September Conference, 1851 as the date it became official. But that’s bullshize as historical events clearly show.
Heber J. Grant was always staunch in his support of the WoW as a gospel principle, but he wasn’t given the support he desired by those under whom he served, even as an Apostle.
In 1894 he wrote the following: “I confess to you, my friends and fellow-laborers in the cause of God, that I have been humiliated beyond expression to go to one of the Stakes of Zion, to stand up and preach to the people and call upon them to obey the Word of Wisdom, and then to sit down to the table of a President of a Stake, after having preached with all the zeal, energy, and power that I possessed, calling upon the people to keep the commandments of God, and to have his wife ask me if I would like a cup of tea or a cup of coffee; I have felt in my heart that it was an insult, considering the words that I had spoken, and I have felt humiliated to think that I had not sufficient power, and enough of the Spirit of God to enable me to utter words that would penetrate the heart of a President of a Stake, that he at least would be willing to carry out the advice which I had given.
“l remember going to a Stake of Zion but a short time ago and preaching with all the energy I possessed and with all the Spirit that God would give me upon the necessity of refraining from the drinking of tea and coffee, and I heard also at that conference a very eloquent appeal to the Latter-day Saints by a man who, I understood, was a president of a quorum of Seventy. But when we came to take our meal, he jokingly said that he could not do without his tea and coffee and he proposed to have it and suffer the consequences.
“I remember going to another Stake of Zion and preaching to the people on the necessity of refraining from tea and coffee and giving some figures upon the wasting of the people's means} and the president of the Stake remarked, after I got through, that he thought the Lord would forgive them if they did drink their coffee, because the water in that stake of Zion was very bad. I did not say anything, but I thought a good deal, and I had to pray to the Lord and to bite’ my tongue to keep from getting up and doing something that I never have done in my life, and that is, to pick out a man and thrash him from the public stand. I felt that God owed me a blessing for not publicly reproving that man, because I wanted to do it so badly.
“Now I had made up my mind before I came to this Conference that I would not open my mouth upon the Word of Wisdom. I have become so discouraged, so disheartened, so humiliated in my feelings, after preaching year after year both by precept and example, to realize that there are Bishops, Bishops’ Counselors, Presidents of Stakes, and Patriarchs among the Church of God whose hearts I have not been able to touch, that I had about made up my mind that I would never again say Word of Wisdom to the Latter-day Saints. I felt that it was like pouring water on a duck, s back.” --Journal of History, October 6,1894
That about wraps it up. We have ONLY Heber J. Grant to thank for making Sec. 89 a commandment. No other leader, prior to him, had a compelling notion that it was ghawd’s law. BY only got involved for economic reasons; he didn’t want the Saints sending money to the East Coast!.
Ghawd never visited a single soul with the realization that it was a Law, until the unique personality of Heber J. Grant made the endeavor a personal crusade.
So, YAY Heber!!
Anyone tells you differently, have them email me. F—k the church’s website explanation. It’s all bullshiz. Even if a ghawd spoke to JoJu back in 1833, that confused son of a bitch (either one, both!) never had another effective word on the subject.
Men: it's all the doings of unadorned male bullshittery. And you can quote me.
(The guy on the SCMC who has my file will be pleased with this effort; I've slacked off lately, but now he can be relevant again! You're welcome, and Merry Christmas!)
submitted by ElderOldDog to exmormon [link] [comments]

H. Res. 160: Correcting Disorder in the House Resolution - Floor Vote

H. Res. 160

The Correcting Disorder in the House Resolution

6/29/2020 Speaker of the House Ninjjadragon (D-CH-2) authored and introduced the following piece of legislation.


Be it enacted by the House of Representatives here assembled,


(1) This legislation shall be known as the “Correcting Disorder in the House Resolution.”


(1) The House of Representatives here assembled does find that:
(a) on June 25th, 2020 there was a clear effort made by members of the House to disrupt the legislative process through the proposal of bad faith and dilatory amendments;
(b) in this show of discontent, there was a record number of over 1,500 statements entered into the record between proposed amendments, rulings of the Speaker, and votes cast by the membership;
(c) behavior such as this is detrimental to the normal order of the fundamental operations of the House of Representatives;
(d) clarification is necessary for some portions of the Rules of the House of Representatives to promote proper discourse; and
(e) American democracy is, by design, built in a manner that allows for the minority caucus to have a voice but not in such a manner whereby they can prevent the majority caucus from governing effectively.


(1) The Rules, for the purposes of this piece of legislation, shall refer to H. Res. 158: The Rules of the 123rd House of Representatives.


(1) Rule XII of the Rules is struck in its entirety and replaced with the following:
Rule XII
Disorderly Amendments
  1. No member shall submit an amendment which seeks to:
1.1. strike significant portions of a piece of legislation;
1.1.1. A significant portion shall be taken to refer to multiple sections of a piece of legislation or a singular section wherein the Speaker of the House believes is a major portion of the pice of legislation.
1.1.2. Multiple amendments proposed by the same member or members of the same caucus that seek to strike individual sections may be deemed paired by the Speaker of the House and considered a violation of Rule XII, section 1.1.
1.2. strike the enactment clause of a piece of legislation, amends the enactment date to be further than five years after the original enactment clause, or otherwise attempts to significantly delay the enactment of a piece of legislation beyond what could be considered fair or reasonable;
1.3. strike particular tenses, letters, or other grammatical functions to make the legislation incoherent;
1.4. add non-germane or otherwise absurd sections to a piece of legislation that would likely ensure its failure; OR
1.5. alter the language of a piece of legislation to be unduly severe or contrary to its original purpose.
  1. The Speaker of the House, should they determine a member has submitted an amendment contrary to the regulations stipulated by Rule XII, section 1.1., shall have the right to unilaterally rule an amendment to be in bad and strike it out of order until the end of the amendment voting period.
  2. The Minority Leader, should they disagree with the assessment of the Speaker of the House as it pertains to Rule XII, section 1.1., shall solely have the right to object to a ruling issued by the Speaker. In such a case, the Speaker of the House shall be required to cite specifically which portion of Rule XII, section 1.1. the amendment is in violation of.
3.1. Should the Speaker of the House state which portion of Rule XII, section 1.1. the amendment is in violation of in their initial ruling then the Minority Leader’s right to object shall be null.
  1. The Speaker of the House shall have the right to unilateral rule an amendment dilatory and strike it out of order until the end of the amendment voting period.
4.1. For the Speaker of the House to deem an amendment dilatory, it must clearly be proposed with the sole intention of delaying the legislation process.
  1. Members shall permit no more than 2 amendments for consideration on the House Floor and no more than 3 amendments for consideration whilst it is being considered in Committee.
  2. It shall be the sole duty of the Speaker of the House to enforce the provisions of Rule XII once a piece of legislation reaches the House Floor.
  3. While a piece of legislation is in Committee, Rule XII shall still stand with the only alterations being that all references to the Speaker of the House shall be swapped for Committee Chair and all references to the Minority Leader shall be swapped for Ranking Member.


(1) Rule IV, section 1 of the Rules is struck in its entirety and replaced with the following:
  1. There shall be three types of committees, those being:
1.1. Standing Committees: Permanent committees of the House wherein the members address a particular set of policy issues and regularly meet to discuss and vote on relevant pieces of legislation as determined by the Speaker of the House.
1.2. Select Committees: Permanent committees of the House wherein the members focus on oversight of a particular group, meet as needed to discuss disputes and/or the need for investigations into a particular matter, and, as needed, meet to discuss and vote on pieces of legislation that pertain to the committee’s jurisdiction as determined by the Speaker of the House.
1.3. Conference Committees: A temporary joint committee of the House and Senate wherein the members address conflicting versions of the same piece of legislation passing both chambers and determine the final language of said piece of legislation.


(1) Rule VI, section 5 of the Rules is struck in its entirety and replaced with the following:
  1. Committee Chairs shall have comparable powers to the Speaker of the House as it pertains to the leadership of their committee and its regular scheduling.
5.1. This shall not be taken to mean that a Committee Chair may unilaterally move legislation into their committee, as per Rule VIII, section 7 that power falls to the Speaker of the House.
(2) Rule VI, section 6 of the Rules is struck in its entirety and replaced with the following:
  1. In the event of temporary leave of absence of a particular Committee Chair, the Speaker of the House shall appoint a Chair Pro-Tempore for a period of no longer than 10 days.
6.1. A Committee Chair must notify the Speaker of the House in writing with no less than 24 hours notice if they intend to take a temporary leave of absence.
6.1.1. The Speaker of the House may wave this provision in the event of an emergency at their discretion.


(1) All the sections of Rule VIII are renumbered with the section previously labeled 5 becoming section 1., so on and so forth.
(2) Nothing the freshly renumbered sections of Rule VIII, the following is inserted after section 2.2.:
2.3. Any resolution sponsored by the Speaker of the House and the House Majority Leader which seeks to amend these Rules shall supersede the standard procedures of the House and be automatically rushed to a Floor Vote.
(3) Noting the freshly renumbered sections of Rule VIII, the following is inserted following section 9.:
  1. A quorum, as used throughout these Rules, refers to 50% plus 1 of all members present and voting.


(1) Section II presents the House of Representatives’ findings as it pertains to the Rules of the House.
(2) Section III provides that any references to the “Rules” refer to the Rules of the House of Representatives passed at the beginning of the 123rd Congress.
(3) Section IV amends the Rules to provide for a more clear process whereby amendments are deemed out of order by the Speaker of the House. Additionally, it expands the definition of bad faith amendments and clarifies the concept of dilatory amendments.
(4) Section V amends the Rules to explain the types of committees in the House of Representatives as previous Rules were silent on the matter.
(5) Section VI amends the Rules to clarify the powers of Committee Chairs and ensure that a proper Chair Pro-Tempore is selected as needed.
(6) Section VII amends the Rules to provide that amendments to the Rules are privileged, corrects misnumbers of that particular Rule, and defines a quorum.


(1) This resolution shall come into force immediately upon its adoption by the House of Representatives.
Voting on this piece of legislation shall be open for 48 hours unless specified otherwise by the relevant House leadership.
submitted by darthholo to ModelUSHouse [link] [comments]

H.Res.160 - Correcting Disorder in the House Resolution -- Committee Amendments

H. Res. 160

The Correcting Disorder in the House Resolution

6/29/2020 Speaker of the House Ninjjadragon (D-CH-2) authored and introduced the following piece of legislation.


Be it enacted by the House of Representatives here assembled,


(1) This legislation shall be known as the “Correcting Disorder in the House Resolution.”


(1) The House of Representatives here assembled does find that:
(a) on June 25th, 2020 there was a clear effort made by members of the House to disrupt the legislative process through the proposal of bad faith and dilatory amendments;
(b) in this show of discontent, there was a record number of over 1,500 statements entered into the record between proposed amendments, rulings of the Speaker, and votes cast by the membership;
(c) behavior such as this is detrimental to the normal order of the fundamental operations of the House of Representatives;
(d) clarification is necessary for some portions of the Rules of the House of Representatives to promote proper discourse; and
(e) American democracy is, by design, built in a manner that allows for the minority caucus to have a voice but not in such a manner whereby they can prevent the majority caucus from governing effectively.


(1) The Rules, for the purposes of this piece of legislation, shall refer to H. Res. 158: The Rules of the 123rd House of Representatives.


(1) Rule XII of the Rules is struck in its entirety and replaced with the following:
Rule XII
Disorderly Amendments
  1. No member shall submit an amendment which seeks to:
1.1. strike significant portions of a piece of legislation;
1.1.1. A significant portion shall be taken to refer to multiple sections of a piece of legislation or a singular section wherein the Speaker of the House believes is a major portion of the pice of legislation.
1.1.2. Multiple amendments proposed by the same member or members of the same caucus that seek to strike individual sections may be deemed paired by the Speaker of the House and considered a violation of Rule XII, section 1.1.
1.2. strike the enactment clause of a piece of legislation, amends the enactment date to be further than five years after the original enactment clause, or otherwise attempts to significantly delay the enactment of a piece of legislation beyond what could be considered fair or reasonable;
1.3. strike particular tenses, letters, or other grammatical functions to make the legislation incoherent;
1.4. add non-germane or otherwise absurd sections to a piece of legislation that would likely ensure its failure; OR
1.5. alter the language of a piece of legislation to be unduly severe or contrary to its original purpose.
  1. The Speaker of the House, should they determine a member has submitted an amendment contrary to the regulations stipulated by Rule XII, section 1.1., shall have the right to unilaterally rule an amendment to be in bad and strike it out of order until the end of the amendment voting period.
  2. The Minority Leader, should they disagree with the assessment of the Speaker of the House as it pertains to Rule XII, section 1.1., shall solely have the right to object to a ruling issued by the Speaker. In such a case, the Speaker of the House shall be required to cite specifically which portion of Rule XII, section 1.1. the amendment is in violation of.
3.1. Should the Speaker of the House state which portion of Rule XII, section 1.1. the amendment is in violation of in their initial ruling then the Minority Leader’s right to object shall be null.
  1. The Speaker of the House shall have the right to unilateral rule an amendment dilatory and strike it out of order until the end of the amendment voting period.
4.1. For the Speaker of the House to deem an amendment dilatory, it must clearly be proposed with the sole intention of delaying the legislation process.
  1. Members shall permit no more than 2 amendments for consideration on the House Floor and no more than 3 amendments for consideration whilst it is being considered in Committee.
  2. It shall be the sole duty of the Speaker of the House to enforce the provisions of Rule XII once a piece of legislation reaches the House Floor.
  3. While a piece of legislation is in Committee, Rule XII shall still stand with the only alterations being that all references to the Speaker of the House shall be swapped for Committee Chair and all references to the Minority Leader shall be swapped for Ranking Member.


(1) Rule IV, section 1 of the Rules is struck in its entirety and replaced with the following:
  1. There shall be three types of committees, those being:
1.1. Standing Committees: Permanent committees of the House wherein the members address a particular set of policy issues and regularly meet to discuss and vote on relevant pieces of legislation as determined by the Speaker of the House.
1.2. Select Committees: Permanent committees of the House wherein the members focus on oversight of a particular group, meet as needed to discuss disputes and/or the need for investigations into a particular matter, and, as needed, meet to discuss and vote on pieces of legislation that pertain to the committee’s jurisdiction as determined by the Speaker of the House.
1.3. Conference Committees: A temporary joint committee of the House and Senate wherein the members address conflicting versions of the same piece of legislation passing both chambers and determine the final language of said piece of legislation.


(1) Rule VI, section 5 of the Rules is struck in its entirety and replaced with the following:
  1. Committee Chairs shall have comparable powers to the Speaker of the House as it pertains to the leadership of their committee and its regular scheduling.
5.1. This shall not be taken to mean that a Committee Chair may unilaterally move legislation into their committee, as per Rule VIII, section 7 that power falls to the Speaker of the House.
(2) Rule VI, section 6 of the Rules is struck in its entirety and replaced with the following:
  1. In the event of temporary leave of absence of a particular Committee Chair, the Speaker of the House shall appoint a Chair Pro-Tempore for a period of no longer than 10 days.
6.1. A Committee Chair must notify the Speaker of the House in writing with no less than 24 hours notice if they intend to take a temporary leave of absence.
6.1.1. The Speaker of the House may wave this provision in the event of an emergency at their discretion.


(1) All the sections of Rule VIII are renumbered with the section previously labeled 5 becoming section 1., so on and so forth.
(2) Nothing the freshly renumbered sections of Rule VIII, the following is inserted after section 2.2.:
2.3. Any resolution sponsored by the Speaker of the House and the House Majority Leader which seeks to amend these Rules shall supersede the standard procedures of the House and be automatically rushed to a Floor Vote.
(3) Noting the freshly renumbered sections of Rule VIII, the following is inserted following section 9.:
  1. A quorum, as used throughout these Rules, refers to 50% plus 1 of all members present and voting.


(1) Section II presents the House of Representatives’ findings as it pertains to the Rules of the House.
(2) Section III provides that any references to the “Rules” refer to the Rules of the House of Representatives passed at the beginning of the 123rd Congress.
(3) Section IV amends the Rules to provide for a more clear process whereby amendments are deemed out of order by the Speaker of the House. Additionally, it expands the definition of bad faith amendments and clarifies the concept of dilatory amendments.
(4) Section V amends the Rules to explain the types of committees in the House of Representatives as previous Rules were silent on the matter.
(5) Section VI amends the Rules to clarify the powers of Committee Chairs and ensure that a proper Chair Pro-Tempore is selected as needed.
(6) Section VII amends the Rules to provide that amendments to the Rules are privileged, corrects misnumbers of that particular Rule, and defines a quorum.


(1) This resolution shall come into force immediately upon its adoption by the House of Representatives.
submitted by KellinQuinn__ to ModelUSHouseRulesCom [link] [comments]

H. Res. 160: The Correcting Disorder in the House Resolution

H. Res. 160

The Correcting Disorder in the House Resolution

6/29/2020 Speaker of the House Ninjjadragon (D-CH-2) authored and introduced the following piece of legislation.


Be it enacted by the House of Representatives here assembled,


(1) This legislation shall be known as the “Correcting Disorder in the House Resolution.”


(1) The House of Representatives here assembled does find that:
(a) on June 25th, 2020 there was a clear effort made by members of the House to disrupt the legislative process through the proposal of bad faith and dilatory amendments;
(b) in this show of discontent, there was a record number of over 1,500 statements entered into the record between proposed amendments, rulings of the Speaker, and votes cast by the membership;
(c) behavior such as this is detrimental to the normal order of the fundamental operations of the House of Representatives;
(d) clarification is necessary for some portions of the Rules of the House of Representatives to promote proper discourse; and
(e) American democracy is, by design, built in a manner that allows for the minority caucus to have a voice but not in such a manner whereby they can prevent the majority caucus from governing effectively.


(1) The Rules, for the purposes of this piece of legislation, shall refer to H. Res. 158: The Rules of the 123rd House of Representatives.


(1) Rule XII of the Rules is struck in its entirety and replaced with the following:
Rule XII
Disorderly Amendments
  1. No member shall submit an amendment which seeks to:
1.1. strike significant portions of a piece of legislation;
1.1.1. A significant portion shall be taken to refer to multiple sections of a piece of legislation or a singular section wherein the Speaker of the House believes is a major portion of the pice of legislation.
1.1.2. Multiple amendments proposed by the same member or members of the same caucus that seek to strike individual sections may be deemed paired by the Speaker of the House and considered a violation of Rule XII, section 1.1.
1.2. strike the enactment clause of a piece of legislation, amends the enactment date to be further than five years after the original enactment clause, or otherwise attempts to significantly delay the enactment of a piece of legislation beyond what could be considered fair or reasonable;
1.3. strike particular tenses, letters, or other grammatical functions to make the legislation incoherent;
1.4. add non-germane or otherwise absurd sections to a piece of legislation that would likely ensure its failure; OR
1.5. alter the language of a piece of legislation to be unduly severe or contrary to its original purpose.
  1. The Speaker of the House, should they determine a member has submitted an amendment contrary to the regulations stipulated by Rule XII, section 1.1., shall have the right to unilaterally rule an amendment to be in bad and strike it out of order until the end of the amendment voting period.
  2. The Minority Leader, should they disagree with the assessment of the Speaker of the House as it pertains to Rule XII, section 1.1., shall solely have the right to object to a ruling issued by the Speaker. In such a case, the Speaker of the House shall be required to cite specifically which portion of Rule XII, section 1.1. the amendment is in violation of.
3.1. Should the Speaker of the House state which portion of Rule XII, section 1.1. the amendment is in violation of in their initial ruling then the Minority Leader’s right to object shall be null.
  1. The Speaker of the House shall have the right to unilateral rule an amendment dilatory and strike it out of order until the end of the amendment voting period.
4.1. For the Speaker of the House to deem an amendment dilatory, it must clearly be proposed with the sole intention of delaying the legislation process.
  1. Members shall permit no more than 2 amendments for consideration on the House Floor and no more than 3 amendments for consideration whilst it is being considered in Committee.
  2. It shall be the sole duty of the Speaker of the House to enforce the provisions of Rule XII once a piece of legislation reaches the House Floor.
  3. While a piece of legislation is in Committee, Rule XII shall still stand with the only alterations being that all references to the Speaker of the House shall be swapped for Committee Chair and all references to the Minority Leader shall be swapped for Ranking Member.


(1) Rule IV, section 1 of the Rules is struck in its entirety and replaced with the following:
  1. There shall be three types of committees, those being:
1.1. Standing Committees: Permanent committees of the House wherein the members address a particular set of policy issues and regularly meet to discuss and vote on relevant pieces of legislation as determined by the Speaker of the House.
1.2. Select Committees: Permanent committees of the House wherein the members focus on oversight of a particular group, meet as needed to discuss disputes and/or the need for investigations into a particular matter, and, as needed, meet to discuss and vote on pieces of legislation that pertain to the committee’s jurisdiction as determined by the Speaker of the House.
1.3. Conference Committees: A temporary joint committee of the House and Senate wherein the members address conflicting versions of the same piece of legislation passing both chambers and determine the final language of said piece of legislation.


(1) Rule VI, section 5 of the Rules is struck in its entirety and replaced with the following:
  1. Committee Chairs shall have comparable powers to the Speaker of the House as it pertains to the leadership of their committee and its regular scheduling.
5.1. This shall not be taken to mean that a Committee Chair may unilaterally move legislation into their committee, as per Rule VIII, section 7 that power falls to the Speaker of the House.
(2) Rule VI, section 6 of the Rules is struck in its entirety and replaced with the following:
  1. In the event of temporary leave of absence of a particular Committee Chair, the Speaker of the House shall appoint a Chair Pro-Tempore for a period of no longer than 10 days.
6.1. A Committee Chair must notify the Speaker of the House in writing with no less than 24 hours notice if they intend to take a temporary leave of absence.
6.1.1. The Speaker of the House may wave this provision in the event of an emergency at their discretion.


(1) All the sections of Rule VIII are renumbered with the section previously labeled 5 becoming section 1., so on and so forth.
(2) Nothing the freshly renumbered sections of Rule VIII, the following is inserted after section 2.2.:
2.3. Any resolution sponsored by the Speaker of the House and the House Majority Leader which seeks to amend these Rules shall supersede the standard procedures of the House and be automatically rushed to a Floor Vote.
(3) Noting the freshly renumbered sections of Rule VIII, the following is inserted following section 9.:
  1. A quorum, as used throughout these Rules, refers to 50% plus 1 of all members present and voting.


(1) Section II presents the House of Representatives’ findings as it pertains to the Rules of the House.
(2) Section III provides that any references to the “Rules” refer to the Rules of the House of Representatives passed at the beginning of the 123rd Congress.
(3) Section IV amends the Rules to provide for a more clear process whereby amendments are deemed out of order by the Speaker of the House. Additionally, it expands the definition of bad faith amendments and clarifies the concept of dilatory amendments.
(4) Section V amends the Rules to explain the types of committees in the House of Representatives as previous Rules were silent on the matter.
(5) Section VI amends the Rules to clarify the powers of Committee Chairs and ensure that a proper Chair Pro-Tempore is selected as needed.
(6) Section VII amends the Rules to provide that amendments to the Rules are privileged, corrects misnumbers of that particular Rule, and defines a quorum.


(1) This resolution shall come into force immediately upon its adoption by the House of Representatives.
submitted by darthholo to ModelUSGov [link] [comments]

H.Res.160 - Correcting Disorder in the House Resolution - COMMITTEE VOTE

H. Res. 160

The Correcting Disorder in the House Resolution

6/29/2020 Speaker of the House Ninjjadragon (D-CH-2) authored and introduced the following piece of legislation.


Be it enacted by the House of Representatives here assembled,


(1) This legislation shall be known as the “Correcting Disorder in the House Resolution.”


(1) The House of Representatives here assembled does find that:
(a) on June 25th, 2020 there was a clear effort made by members of the House to disrupt the legislative process through the proposal of bad faith and dilatory amendments;
(b) in this show of discontent, there was a record number of over 1,500 statements entered into the record between proposed amendments, rulings of the Speaker, and votes cast by the membership;
(c) behavior such as this is detrimental to the normal order of the fundamental operations of the House of Representatives;
(d) clarification is necessary for some portions of the Rules of the House of Representatives to promote proper discourse; and
(e) American democracy is, by design, built in a manner that allows for the minority caucus to have a voice but not in such a manner whereby they can prevent the majority caucus from governing effectively.


(1) The Rules, for the purposes of this piece of legislation, shall refer to H. Res. 158: The Rules of the 123rd House of Representatives.


(1) Rule XII of the Rules is struck in its entirety and replaced with the following:
Rule XII
Disorderly Amendments
  1. No member shall submit an amendment which seeks to:
1.1. strike significant portions of a piece of legislation;
1.1.1. A significant portion shall be taken to refer to multiple sections of a piece of legislation or a singular section wherein the Speaker of the House believes is a major portion of the pice of legislation.
1.1.2. Multiple amendments proposed by the same member or members of the same caucus that seek to strike individual sections may be deemed paired by the Speaker of the House and considered a violation of Rule XII, section 1.1.
1.2. strike the enactment clause of a piece of legislation, amends the enactment date to be further than five years after the original enactment clause, or otherwise attempts to significantly delay the enactment of a piece of legislation beyond what could be considered fair or reasonable;
1.3. strike particular tenses, letters, or other grammatical functions to make the legislation incoherent;
1.4. add non-germane or otherwise absurd sections to a piece of legislation that would likely ensure its failure; OR
1.5. alter the language of a piece of legislation to be unduly severe or contrary to its original purpose.
  1. The Speaker of the House, should they determine a member has submitted an amendment contrary to the regulations stipulated by Rule XII, section 1.1., shall have the right to unilaterally rule an amendment to be in bad and strike it out of order until the end of the amendment voting period.
  2. The Minority Leader, should they disagree with the assessment of the Speaker of the House as it pertains to Rule XII, section 1.1., shall solely have the right to object to a ruling issued by the Speaker. In such a case, the Speaker of the House shall be required to cite specifically which portion of Rule XII, section 1.1. the amendment is in violation of.
3.1. Should the Speaker of the House state which portion of Rule XII, section 1.1. the amendment is in violation of in their initial ruling then the Minority Leader’s right to object shall be null.
  1. The Speaker of the House shall have the right to unilateral rule an amendment dilatory and strike it out of order until the end of the amendment voting period.
4.1. For the Speaker of the House to deem an amendment dilatory, it must clearly be proposed with the sole intention of delaying the legislation process.
  1. Members shall permit no more than 2 amendments for consideration on the House Floor and no more than 3 amendments for consideration whilst it is being considered in Committee.
  2. It shall be the sole duty of the Speaker of the House to enforce the provisions of Rule XII once a piece of legislation reaches the House Floor.
  3. While a piece of legislation is in Committee, Rule XII shall still stand with the only alterations being that all references to the Speaker of the House shall be swapped for Committee Chair and all references to the Minority Leader shall be swapped for Ranking Member.


(1) Rule IV, section 1 of the Rules is struck in its entirety and replaced with the following:
  1. There shall be three types of committees, those being:
1.1. Standing Committees: Permanent committees of the House wherein the members address a particular set of policy issues and regularly meet to discuss and vote on relevant pieces of legislation as determined by the Speaker of the House.
1.2. Select Committees: Permanent committees of the House wherein the members focus on oversight of a particular group, meet as needed to discuss disputes and/or the need for investigations into a particular matter, and, as needed, meet to discuss and vote on pieces of legislation that pertain to the committee’s jurisdiction as determined by the Speaker of the House.
1.3. Conference Committees: A temporary joint committee of the House and Senate wherein the members address conflicting versions of the same piece of legislation passing both chambers and determine the final language of said piece of legislation.


(1) Rule VI, section 5 of the Rules is struck in its entirety and replaced with the following:
  1. Committee Chairs shall have comparable powers to the Speaker of the House as it pertains to the leadership of their committee and its regular scheduling.
5.1. This shall not be taken to mean that a Committee Chair may unilaterally move legislation into their committee, as per Rule VIII, section 7 that power falls to the Speaker of the House.
(2) Rule VI, section 6 of the Rules is struck in its entirety and replaced with the following:
  1. In the event of temporary leave of absence of a particular Committee Chair, the Speaker of the House shall appoint a Chair Pro-Tempore for a period of no longer than 10 days.
6.1. A Committee Chair must notify the Speaker of the House in writing with no less than 24 hours notice if they intend to take a temporary leave of absence.
6.1.1. The Speaker of the House may wave this provision in the event of an emergency at their discretion.


(1) All the sections of Rule VIII are renumbered with the section previously labeled 5 becoming section 1., so on and so forth.
(2) Nothing the freshly renumbered sections of Rule VIII, the following is inserted after section 2.2.:
2.3. Any resolution sponsored by the Speaker of the House and the House Majority Leader which seeks to amend these Rules shall supersede the standard procedures of the House and be automatically rushed to a Floor Vote.
(3) Noting the freshly renumbered sections of Rule VIII, the following is inserted following section 9.:
  1. A quorum, as used throughout these Rules, refers to 50% plus 1 of all members present and voting.


(1) Section II presents the House of Representatives’ findings as it pertains to the Rules of the House.
(2) Section III provides that any references to the “Rules” refer to the Rules of the House of Representatives passed at the beginning of the 123rd Congress.
(3) Section IV amends the Rules to provide for a more clear process whereby amendments are deemed out of order by the Speaker of the House. Additionally, it expands the definition of bad faith amendments and clarifies the concept of dilatory amendments.
(4) Section V amends the Rules to explain the types of committees in the House of Representatives as previous Rules were silent on the matter.
(5) Section VI amends the Rules to clarify the powers of Committee Chairs and ensure that a proper Chair Pro-Tempore is selected as needed.
(6) Section VII amends the Rules to provide that amendments to the Rules are privileged, corrects misnumbers of that particular Rule, and defines a quorum.


(1) This resolution shall come into force immediately upon its adoption by the House of Representatives.
submitted by KellinQuinn__ to ModelUSHouseRulesCom [link] [comments]

Secret Truths About Mormonism and an Explanation For All of Them

1) By the early 1800's the USA had failed and needed to be saved.

In the late 1700's early 1800's the colonial USA was facing unconscionable challenges. 15 states were formed between 1786 and 1791. 10 states would be formed during the next 20 years. After Missouri in 1821, only 1 state would be formed during the next 24 years. Although there were many different political parties and patriotic groups, challenges like counterfeit money, slavery, alcoholism and warring Indian tribes had some groups believing the easterly landlocked Nation had failed and would be taken over by Great Britain or one of the several countries that already claimed the western lands of the continent. One patriotic party known as the Freemasonry Brotherhood is credited with many attempts at saving the nation during these several colonial decades. Across many regions of the time, the Freemasonry Brotherhood was comprised of many chapters and factions. George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Paul Revere and others were well known affiliates of the greater Freemasonry Brotherhood and all were very active in their local chapters and factions. The Nation however would continue to divide with the Civil War on it's doorstep. As a reminder of how primitive living was back then remember that although electric motors were invented in the 1830's the commercial lightbulb wouldn't be put into use for 60 years. Joseph Smith never saw a lightbulb.

2) Spiritual "new names" are not unique. They follow a monthly "name" schedule.

Mormonism has chapels and temples. Chapels are typically open to the public for Sunday services and are also where other weekly gatherings are held. Temples are for private ceremonies where victims of Mormonism are invited to make additional promises to Mormonism. These promises may eventually include marriage as well as a commitment to spiritual polygamy. During these ceremonies, a person is given a spiritual "name". This is referred to as their "new name". While it is customary for wives to tell their husbands their "new name", males are admonished to keep their own new name a secret. Although many people may attend any of several ceremonies a day, it is taught that that new names are unique for each person. In reality the "new names" follow a predetermined schedule. On any given day all males and all females receive the same male or female name for that day. This list of names can be found here.

3) "The Book of Mormon" has been proven to have pages and pages of similarities to six different publications printed up to twenty-six years before it.

Contributing to this is that by 1830 tens of thousands of substantial publications had already been printed including "Gullivers Travels", "Candide" and "Robinson Crusoe". Known publications the Book of Mormon bears similarities to are 1) "The Late War" (1816), 2) "A Classical Dictionary" (This publication was revised by different contributors which was common for the time. Although Charles Anthon's publication states "1848", the publication existed long before that. There are different resources that outline the similarities. This is one.), 3) "The First Book of Napolean" (1809. Author's names include Michael Linning/Eliakim The Scribe and/or Modeste Gruau which are all likely the same person as psuedonyms were common in those days. Even Benjamin Franklin used several psuedonyms for his writings). 4) "Manuscript Found: Conneault Creek also known as the Oberlin Manuscript or the Honolulu ManuscriptTranscript". 5) "A View of the Hebrews" (1823) *****I HAVE SCOURED THE INTERNET AND AS FAR AS I CAN TELL I AM THE FIRST PERSON TO LINK THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATION WITH THE BEGINNINGS OF MORMONISM*****) 6) "The History of Freemasonry and the Grand Lodge of Scotland" (1804. Note that revisions suggest later dates but 1804 is listed in the preface) Among other things, this publication mentions "three knocks with a mallet" and "metal plates with engravings placed in a cavity" several times. It also has 4 unnumbered pages of characters similar to "reformed Egpytian" these pages are hidden between pages 424 and 425. Note that what was claimed as "reformed Egyptian" is also similar to this.)

4) In 1778 England's "Captain James Cook" discovered Hawaii. Polygamy was prominent there.

The Book of Mormon was finally published in 1830. 50 years before,As more and more westerners came to the islands they witnessed first hand how quickly a population can grow with polygamy. More and more information regarding Captain Cook's discovery and familiarity and affiliation with Freemasonry is being discovered regularly. Joseph Smith and Brigham Young publicly paid tribute to Captain Cook in their own way. This is not meant to suggest those ways were similar in nature or meaning though. Joseph Smith sometimes used the pseudonym "Captain Cook" and Brigham Young wore an amulet that was owned by Captain Cook.

5) Joseph Smith went on a peculiar treasure search in Salem, Massachusetts that was later written about in the Doctrine & Covenants.

A letter claimed to be from Joseph to Emma about it also exists. Another interesting link to Salem and Hawaii is that a family there named Crowninshield built a nobel yacht that was eventually traded to a drunken, proxy King of Hawaii. (King Kamehameha's son after the Kings suspicous death). The yacht was eventually sunk by the kings drunken sailors. In 1824 this proxy king died suspiciously on a trip to Great Britain. There are many rumors about what treasures and other heirlooms the proxy king may have traded for the yacht.

6) Many scientists believe this is an image of Joseph Smith yet Mormonism continues to ignore it and use more sensational renderings of his physical features instead.

7) Martin Harris was not who Mormonism claims he was.

Mormon history portrays Martin Harris) as a poor, humble, lonely farmer who faithfully sacrificed his only farm to finance the first publishing of the Book of Mormon. It also claims that his faithless, money hungry, short tempered wife left him for it and that he too eventually lost faith and was left to destitution and forgotten.

In reality, well known researchers affiliated with Mormonism and others reveal that Martin Harris and his father Nathan were altruistic, zealous, wealthy, crafty, persuasive, powerful, controlling, violent and heinously patriotic. As a soldier in the war of 1812, Martin had likely killed in the name of patriotism. They were also members of the Freemasonry Brotherhood.

Martin Harris was 10 years old when his family moved to the Palmyra region in 1793. His father eventually controlled hundreds of acres. Martin married his first "wife" when he was 25. She may have experienced more than enough trauma to justify any of the negative things different parties claim about her for reasons of their own though, even if some of the things they claim are true. This is because his "wife" was really a child who was also his first cousin. She was 15 years 10 months and 27 days old when he married her. Her name was Lucy Hill. He sexually abused her and attempted to impregnate her regularly. He also physically abused her. This is just a glimpse into what Martin Harris was capable of. She eventually gave birth to at least 6 children. During their "marriage" she eventually moved out but they did not officially divorce. In 1836, she mysteriously died at the age of 38. Martin was 53. Just a couple months after Lucy's suspicious death, Martin Married the 22 year old niece of Brigham Young named Caroline Young. He also attempted to impregnate her regularly and eventually father 7 children with her.

About the time Martin was 30, a successful landowner and businessman, he left his life of luxury to fight in the War of 1812 where he became a leader and heroically returned around 1815. It's safe to say that as a leader in the War of 1812 he killed men and/or was responsible for the killing of men in the name of patriotism as wars require and justify men and women to do. Back home and industrious again, the talented Martin Harris won several awards for producing white undergarment linen from flax grown on their farms. In fact, he won so many awards he stopped entering the competitions so someone else could win.

Ironically, Joseph Smith was also 10 years old when his family moved to the Palmyra region in 1816. 23 years after the Harris' did. Martin was 22.5 years older than Joseph. Mormon history claims Martin didn't meet or hear of Joseph until Joseph was 21 years old. In this version of Mormonism's history, even though Joseph was nearly 22 years old this additional link mistakenly refers to Joseph as a "boy". This is just another example of propaganda geared towards hiding the truth about Martin Harris. Additionally, it's highly unlikely that the Smith's with it's many sons of "working age" lived within 2.5 miles of the Harris's vast 600 acre farm(s) for 11 years without encountering the powerful and well connected Harris', especially when the only thing that separated them was the town and eventually the Erie Canal after it was built in the area. It's likely that the announcement of the to-be-constructed Erie Canal passing through Palmyra was the very reason the Smith family chose to move to the area. It was their 8th move in 10 years. Because the influential Harris was "nominated" to oversee the construction of the Erie Canal in the Palmyra region, it's highly likely he met the Smith family when Joseph was 10 or 11 years old (Alvin would have been about 18) and that many of the Smith's worked on digging part of the miles and miles of the the 4 foot deep, 40 foot wide trough that would become the Erie Canal because where it passed through Palmyra was less than a mile from the Smith home. The Smith's not working during the winter months on a rare, 8 year long canal dig passing within a mile of their residence would completely betray the parts of history about the Smith's being hardworking and industrious. Instead, it would lend a hand to other parts of history claiming they were lazy. It's likely that there are false parts in both sides of those stories. However, even within Mormonism's own history published by BYU and other outlets there are critical discrepancies regarding the year and circumstances Harris met the Smith's.

Upon the completion of the Erie Canal in 1825 Martin and his father had an endless avenue to ship livestock to eastern markets on the canal's barges as well as opportunity to be the first to interact with needy immigrants needing a place to go after arriving at the port in New York. Any immigrant they encountered would have been extremely grateful for the opportunity to travel inland on a barge to find work in Palmyra and other regions along the Erie Canal. In fact, the Erie Canal became so critical to the New York region it is credited with making New York the global icon that it is today. Prior to the Erie Canal, Boston, New Orleans and Philadelphia were substantially larger ports.

8) Of all the founding people in Mormonism's beginnings Martin Harris' grave marker is by far, the most substantial.
Mormon history claims Harris died two years before Young. There are however reports that Young also mysteriously died by poisoning and that Harris' actual whereabouts and death date may have been hard to track. Although Mormon history claims Joseph Smith had over 26 angels appear to him his grave marker is shared with Hyrum and Emma. Brigham Young's marker is a simple bust and a stone. Martin Harris' marker is a stately obelisk over 10 feet tall and an amphitheater. For many years, until a couple years ago, the amphitheater hosted a performance titled "Martin Harris: The Man Who Knew" The obelisk is typically something the Freemasonry Brotherhood reserves to mark the grave of a nation builder. For the man forgotten within Mormon history as the humble farmer who lost faith, this is a substantial disparity in grave markers on the part of "Mormonism".

9) The real name of Joseph's first wife Emma is "Emma Hale Smith Bidamon" not just "Emma Hale Smith".

The Book of Mormon was published in 1830 when Joseph Smith was 25. As a young man, Joseph Smith claimed this was a tedious 10 year process after the first angels visited him as a boy in 1820 at the age of 14 and after several attempts more angels eventually allowed him to retrieve the metal plated Book of Mormon and other relics from a hidden cavity. The metal Book of Mormon was engraved in a language referred to as "reformed Egyptian" that needed to be transferred into english. This is the only reference to this language in literary history. History claims the methods to do the translating were either by wearing a breastplate and a pair of glasses with rocks as lenses (known as the "Urim and Thummim" or by looking at a single rock (often referred to as the "seer stone") placed in a hat or by using another seer stone Joseph preferred instead.

Joseph was forced to claim that that Emma served as one of his scribes during the complicated translation process. Like other scribes including Martin Harris, Oliver Cowdery and John Whitmer. According to history, Joseph would translate from behind a curtain, the scribe would write. In spite of this, after Joseph's murder in 1844, rather than follow Brigham Young to California, Emma stayed in Nauvoo with thousands of other grateful followers of Joseph Smith. Addiitonally, Emma would continue a relationship with a non-mormon man and remarry him within two years of Joseph's murder. While Emma is often only known as "Emma Smith" in word, image and statue, her real name is "Emma Hale Smith Bidamon". Eventually she would follow one of her and Joseph's sons as the leader of Mormonism.

10) After Joseph's murder, his followers were split into at least 5 groups.
Instead of following Brigham Young, other followers of Joseph Smith would follow James Strang to Voree Wisconsin. He would also go on to claim that he was led to plates hidden in a cavity and he would also produce writings from them although his writings were far less substantial. Ironically history claims Martin Harris was never far away from James Strang. It's likely this group was the faction's backup plan in case Brigham's group was annihilated. This group was likely buoyed up by writings that had previously been described as the "116 lost pages" that Martin had scribed for Joseph. This is because Strang was also ordered to claim that he was led to buried plates that he also translated. His translations are believed to have been just a few pages. Another group went to Philadelphia. Another group sailed on a ship called the Brooklin around Africa to meet Brigham in California. Their leader Samuel Brannan became California's first millionaire by not only being the first to publish the discovery of gold in 1849 but to also sell mining supplies. The largest group led by Brigham Young stopped at the Great Salt Lake in the center of the continent's "West" rather than going to California.

11) Joseph Smith once claimed that the moon was inhabited and he used specific numbers when he did so. This may have actually been an attempt by him to

12) Mormon history claims 24 additional angels (including biblical figures Adam, Abraham, Noah and Moses) visited Joseph Smith.

13) Of of Mormonism's official "Three Witnesses" (Oliver Cowdery, Martin Harris and David Whitmer) and the "Eight Witnesses" (Christian Whitmer, Jacob Whitmer, Peter Whitmer Jr., John Witmer, Hiram Page, Joseph Smith, Sr., Hyrum Smith and Samuel Harrison Smith) those who weren't murdered all left Mormonism but for one reason or another did not deny what they had claimed about it or their role in it. This is likely because of retribution by the faction should they attempt to deny it.
Of the four women who witnessed the translation process of the Book of Mormon, all left the faction of Mormonism led by Brigham Young.

14) Around 1833 at the age of 28, the victimized Joseph Smith secretely organized his own militia and body guards.

15) Four Smith brother's were murdered in the name of the beginnings of Mormonism. Alvin, Joseph, Hyrum and Samuel.
Alvin), who was 7 years older than Joseph, died from poisoning (aka "suspicious" circumstances) just weeks before Joseph turned 18. Joseph and Hyrum were murdered in June 27, 1844. Samuel was murdered 33 days later.

16) Joseph Smith was murdered within weeks of announcing he was running for President of the United States. Although Joseph had been under the factions control for nearly 3 decades, he may have always believed he would be victorious and eventually break free from them. With his own militia, thousands of followers and economic wealth under his control by the hand of the collective imagination of the victims of Mormonism, it makes sense that he believed he could be elected president and no longer be under the control of the faction. This however was the last straw for the faction who had likely ordered Smith to lead the victims of Mormonism deep into the West. The easterly landlocked USA was comprised of 26 states at the time.

17) There were 13 people at the table of the "Last Supper", there were 13 original colonies, the eagle in the Great Seal of the United States is holding 13 arrows, Martin Harris had 13 children and on July 21, 2016 someone within Mormonism secretly set up 13 corporations to control at least $32 billion dollars of Mormonism's stock assets. Mormonism owns hundreds of millions of dollars of stock in Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook and corporations prominent in other industries. It owns the largest cattle ranch in the US, the largest nut producer in the US, a private university with over 55,000 students at campuses in Utah, Hawaii and Idaho and it is the largest landowner in Utah and Florida and other states. It also owns ecclisiastical and commercial real estate worth billions upon billions in every US state and in dozens of countries.

18) Of all the symbols and combinations of symbols Brigham Young could have chosen to represent Mormonism's successful settlement of the Great Salt Lake Region in 1847, chose an Eagle and a 5 pointed star for the Eagle Gate statue in Salt Lake City. Note that the 5 pointed star or pentagram was around long before certain groups tried appropriating it as something else. Also note that the Great Salt Lake region was still controlled by Mexico in 1847 although the Mexican American war would end and the region would come under the control of the USA with the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in February of 1848.

19) Until 1978 Mormonism refused to allow spiritual marriages between black men and black women while expecting spiritual marriages to occur between white men and women.

20) This one may seem trivial but well known signs of an abusive relationship apply to the way Mormonism exploits it's victims. Because of this and so much more lets ask if it is possible if many leaders within Mormonism are also secretly being controlled by threats just like Joseph Smith was. Additionally, like Joseph may have done, is it possible that some of these victims are trying to leave secret clues that Mormonism is an imposter?

21) Until 2008, 100% of the men who hold Mormonism's 15 key leadership roles were related to each other. This includes the 12 members of the quorum of the 12 apostles and the 3 members of the First Presidency. It is estimated that 90% today are related to each other. Some are directly related to Martin Harris. The First Presidency is directly responsible for the activities of Ensign Peak, the key organization controlling Mormonism's wealth. What many don't realize is that the reason the IRS won't investigate Mormonism is because Mormonism is higher up the chain than the IRS is when it comes to US interests.

As news of these truths continues to spread, missionaries in vulnerable countries and family members of missionaries in vulnerable countries may want to ask themselves if they are at risk of becoming targets for kidnapping and ransom by cash strapped, radicalized groups who formerly ignored them as religious zealots and may now see them as defenseless pawns of one of the richest organizations in the world.

Also, my apologies to the talented cast of "Book of Mormon Musical" for my contributions in what may result in the sudden cancellation. This is due to Mormonism finally being revealed as an imposter that has preyed on children for 200 years rather than a provincial gumption spawning a peculiar but well intending culture.

A link to an original fictional story that could be the explanation for all of this...

Or a link to Utah's 21 gut-wrenching statistics that Mormonism is directly responsible for...
submitted by VoxChiasmus to exmormon [link] [comments]

Secret Truths About Mormonism and An Explanation for All of Them.

1) By the early 1800's the USA had failed and needed to be saved.

In the late 1700's early 1800's the colonial USA was facing unconscionable challenges. 15 states were formed between 1786 and 1791. 10 states would be formed during the next 20 years. After Missouri in 1821, only 1 state would be formed during the next 24 years. Although there were many different political parties and patriotic groups, challenges like counterfeit money, slavery, alcoholism and warring Indian tribes had some groups believing the easterly landlocked Nation had failed and would be taken over by Great Britain or one of the several countries that already claimed the western lands of the continent. One patriotic party known as the Freemasonry Brotherhood is credited with many attempts at saving the nation during these several colonial decades. Across many regions of the time, the Freemasonry Brotherhood was comprised of many chapters and factions. George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Paul Revere and others were well known affiliates of the greater Freemasonry Brotherhood and all were very active in their local chapters and factions. The Nation however would continue to divide with the Civil War on it's doorstep. As a reminder of how primitive living was back then remember that although electric motors were invented in the 1830's the commercial lightbulb wouldn't be put into use for 60 years. Joseph Smith never saw a lightbulb.

2) Spiritual "new names" are not unique. They follow a monthly "name" schedule.

Mormonism has chapels and temples. Chapels are typically open to the public for Sunday services and are also where other weekly gatherings are held. Temples are for private ceremonies where victims of Mormonism are invited to make additional promises to Mormonism. These promises may eventually include marriage as well as a commitment to spiritual polygamy. During these ceremonies, a person is given a spiritual "name". This is referred to as their "new name". While it is customary for wives to tell their husbands their "new name", males are admonished to keep their own new name a secret. Although many people may attend any of several ceremonies a day, it is taught that that new names are unique for each person. In reality the "new names" follow a predetermined schedule. On any given day all males and all females receive the same male or female name for that day. This list of names can be found here.

3) "The Book of Mormon" has been proven to have pages and pages of similarities to six different publications printed up to twenty-six years before it.

Contributing to this is that by 1830 tens of thousands of substantial publications had already been printed including "Gullivers Travels", "Candide" and "Robinson Crusoe". Known publications the Book of Mormon bears similarities to are 1) "The Late War" (1816), 2) "A Classical Dictionary" (This publication was revised by different contributors which was common for the time. Although Charles Anthon's publication states "1848", the publication existed long before that. There are different resources that outline the similarities. This is one.), 3) "The First Book of Napolean" (1809. Author's names include Michael Linning/Eliakim The Scribe and/or Modeste Gruau which are all likely the same person as psuedonyms were common in those days. Even Benjamin Franklin used several psuedonyms for his writings). 4) "Manuscript Found: Conneault Creek also known as the Oberlin Manuscript or the Honolulu ManuscriptTranscript". 5) "A View of the Hebrews" (1823) *****I HAVE SCOURED THE INTERNET AND AS FAR AS I CAN TELL I AM THE FIRST PERSON TO LINK THE FOLLOWING PUBLICATION WITH THE BEGINNINGS OF MORMONISM*****) 6) "The History of Freemasonry and the Grand Lodge of Scotland" (1804. Note that revisions suggest later dates but 1804 is listed in the preface) Among other things, this publication mentions "three knocks with a mallet" and "metal plates with engravings placed in a cavity" several times. It also has 4 unnumbered pages of characters similar to "reformed Egpytian" these pages are hidden between pages 424 and 425. Note that what was claimed as "reformed Egyptian" is also similar to this.)

4) In 1778 England's "Captain James Cook" discovered Hawaii. Polygamy was prominent there.

The Book of Mormon was finally published in 1830. 50 years before,As more and more westerners came to the islands they witnessed first hand how quickly a population can grow with polygamy. More and more information regarding Captain Cook's discovery and familiarity and affiliation with Freemasonry is being discovered regularly. Joseph Smith and Brigham Young publicly paid tribute to Captain Cook in their own way. This is not meant to suggest those ways were similar in nature or meaning though. Joseph Smith sometimes used the pseudonym "Captain Cook" and Brigham Young wore an amulet that was owned by Captain Cook.

5) Joseph Smith went on a peculiar treasure search in Salem, Massachusetts that was later written about in the Doctrine & Covenants.

A letter claimed to be from Joseph to Emma about it also exists. Another interesting link to Salem and Hawaii is that a family there named Crowninshield built a nobel yacht that was eventually traded to a drunken, proxy King of Hawaii. (King Kamehameha's son after the Kings suspicous death). The yacht was eventually sunk by the kings drunken sailors. In 1824 this proxy king died suspiciously on a trip to Great Britain. There are many rumors about what treasures and other heirlooms the proxy king may have traded for the yacht.

6) Many scientists believe this is an image of Joseph Smith yet Mormonism continues to ignore it and use more sensational renderings of his physical features instead.

7) Martin Harris was not who Mormonism claims he was.

Mormon history portrays Martin Harris) as a poor, humble, lonely farmer who faithfully sacrificed his only farm to finance the first publishing of the Book of Mormon. It also claims that his faithless, money hungry, short tempered wife left him for it and that he too eventually lost faith and was left to destitution and forgotten.

In reality, well known researchers affiliated with Mormonism and others reveal that Martin Harris and his father Nathan were altruistic, zealous, wealthy, crafty, persuasive, powerful, controlling, violent and heinously patriotic. As a soldier in the war of 1812, Martin had likely killed in the name of patriotism. They were also members of the Freemasonry Brotherhood.

Martin Harris was 10 years old when his family moved to the Palmyra region in 1793. His father eventually controlled hundreds of acres. Martin married his first "wife" when he was 25. She may have experienced more than enough trauma to justify any of the negative things different parties claim about her for reasons of their own though, even if some of the things they claim are true. This is because his "wife" was really a child who was also his first cousin. She was 15 years 10 months and 27 days old when he married her. Her name was Lucy Hill. He sexually abused her and attempted to impregnate her regularly. He also physically abused her. This is just a glimpse into what Martin Harris was capable of. She eventually gave birth to at least 6 children. During their "marriage" she eventually moved out but they did not officially divorce. In 1836, she mysteriously died at the age of 38. Martin was 53. Just a couple months after Lucy's suspicious death, Martin Married the 22 year old niece of Brigham Young named Caroline Young. He also attempted to impregnate her regularly and eventually father 7 children with her.

About the time Martin was 30, a successful landowner and businessman, he left his life of luxury to fight in the War of 1812 where he became a leader and heroically returned around 1815. It's safe to say that as a leader in the War of 1812 he killed men and/or was responsible for the killing of men in the name of patriotism as wars require and justify men and women to do. Back home and industrious again, the talented Martin Harris won several awards for producing white undergarment linen from flax grown on their farms. In fact, he won so many awards he stopped entering the competitions so someone else could win.

Ironically, Joseph Smith was also 10 years old when his family moved to the Palmyra region in 1816. 23 years after the Harris' did. Martin was 22.5 years older than Joseph. Mormon history claims Martin didn't meet or hear of Joseph until Joseph was 21 years old. In this version of Mormonism's history, even though Joseph was nearly 22 years old this additional link mistakenly refers to Joseph as a "boy". This is just another example of propaganda geared towards hiding the truth about Martin Harris. Additionally, it's highly unlikely that the Smith's with it's many sons of "working age" lived within 2.5 miles of the Harris's vast 600 acre farm(s) for 11 years without encountering the powerful and well connected Harris', especially when the only thing that separated them was the town and eventually the Erie Canal after it was built in the area. It's likely that the announcement of the to-be-constructed Erie Canal passing through Palmyra was the very reason the Smith family chose to move to the area. It was their 8th move in 10 years. Because the influential Harris was "nominated" to oversee the construction of the Erie Canal in the Palmyra region, it's highly likely he met the Smith family when Joseph was 10 or 11 years old (Alvin would have been about 18) and that many of the Smith's worked on digging part of the miles and miles of the the 4 foot deep, 40 foot wide trough that would become the Erie Canal because where it passed through Palmyra was less than a mile from the Smith home. The Smith's not working during the winter months on a rare, 8 year long canal dig passing within a mile of their residence would completely betray the parts of history about the Smith's being hardworking and industrious. Instead, it would lend a hand to other parts of history claiming they were lazy. It's likely that there are false parts in both sides of those stories. However, even within Mormonism's own history published by BYU and other outlets there are critical discrepancies regarding the year and circumstances Harris met the Smith's.

Upon the completion of the Erie Canal in 1825 Martin and his father had an endless avenue to ship livestock to eastern markets on the canal's barges as well as opportunity to be the first to interact with needy immigrants needing a place to go after arriving at the port in New York. Any immigrant they encountered would have been extremely grateful for the opportunity to travel inland on a barge to find work in Palmyra and other regions along the Erie Canal. In fact, the Erie Canal became so critical to the New York region it is credited with making New York the global icon that it is today. Prior to the Erie Canal, Boston, New Orleans and Philadelphia were substantially larger ports.

8) Of all the founding people in Mormonism's beginnings Martin Harris' grave marker is by far, the most substantial.
Mormon history claims Harris died two years before Young. There are however reports that Young also mysteriously died by poisoning and that Harris' actual whereabouts and death date may have been hard to track. Although Mormon history claims Joseph Smith had over 26 angels appear to him his grave marker is shared with Hyrum and Emma. Brigham Young's marker is a simple bust and a stone. Martin Harris' marker is a stately obelisk over 10 feet tall and an amphitheater. For many years, until a couple years ago, the amphitheater hosted a performance titled "Martin Harris: The Man Who Knew" The obelisk is typically something the Freemasonry Brotherhood reserves to mark the grave of a nation builder. For the man forgotten within Mormon history as the humble farmer who lost faith, this is a substantial disparity in grave markers on the part of "Mormonism".

9) The real name of Joseph's first wife Emma is "Emma Hale Smith Bidamon" not just "Emma Hale Smith".

The Book of Mormon was published in 1830 when Joseph Smith was 25. As a young man, Joseph Smith claimed this was a tedious 10 year process after the first angels visited him as a boy in 1820 at the age of 14 and after several attempts more angels eventually allowed him to retrieve the metal plated Book of Mormon and other relics from a hidden cavity. The metal Book of Mormon was engraved in a language referred to as "reformed Egyptian" that needed to be transferred into english. This is the only reference to this language in literary history. History claims the methods to do the translating were either by wearing a breastplate and a pair of glasses with rocks as lenses (known as the "Urim and Thummim" or by looking at a single rock (often referred to as the "seer stone") placed in a hat or by using another seer stone Joseph preferred instead.

Joseph was forced to claim that that Emma served as one of his scribes during the complicated translation process. Like other scribes including Martin Harris, Oliver Cowdery and John Whitmer. According to history, Joseph would translate from behind a curtain, the scribe would write. In spite of this, after Joseph's murder in 1844, rather than follow Brigham Young to California, Emma stayed in Nauvoo with thousands of other grateful followers of Joseph Smith. Addiitonally, Emma would continue a relationship with a non-mormon man and remarry him within two years of Joseph's murder. While Emma is often only known as "Emma Smith" in word, image and statue, her real name is "Emma Hale Smith Bidamon". Eventually she would follow one of her and Joseph's sons as the leader of Mormonism.

10) After Joseph's murder, his followers were split into at least 5 groups.
Instead of following Brigham Young, other followers of Joseph Smith would follow James Strang to Voree Wisconsin. He would also go on to claim that he was led to plates hidden in a cavity and he would also produce writings from them although his writings were far less substantial. Ironically history claims Martin Harris was never far away from James Strang. It's likely this group was the faction's backup plan in case Brigham's group was annihilated. This group was likely buoyed up by writings that had previously been described as the "116 lost pages" that Martin had scribed for Joseph. This is because Strang was also ordered to claim that he was led to buried plates that he also translated. His translations are believed to have been just a few pages. Another group went to Philadelphia. Another group sailed on a ship called the Brooklin around Africa to meet Brigham in California. Their leader Samuel Brannan became California's first millionaire by not only being the first to publish the discovery of gold in 1849 but to also sell mining supplies. The largest group led by Brigham Young stopped at the Great Salt Lake in the center of the continent's "West" rather than going to California.

11) Joseph Smith once claimed that the moon was inhabited and he used specific numbers when he did so. This may have actually been an attempt by him to

12) Mormon history claims 24 additional angels (including biblical figures Adam, Abraham, Noah and Moses) visited Joseph Smith.

13) Of of Mormonism's official "Three Witnesses" (Oliver Cowdery, Martin Harris and David Whitmer) and the "Eight Witnesses" (Christian Whitmer, Jacob Whitmer, Peter Whitmer Jr., John Witmer, Hiram Page, Joseph Smith, Sr., Hyrum Smith and Samuel Harrison Smith) those who weren't murdered all left Mormonism but for one reason or another did not deny what they had claimed about it or their role in it. This is likely because of retribution by the faction should they attempt to deny it.
Of the four women who witnessed the translation process of the Book of Mormon, all left the faction of Mormonism led by Brigham Young.

14) Around 1833 at the age of 28, the victimized Joseph Smith secretely organized his own militia and body guards.

15) Four Smith brother's were murdered in the name of the beginnings of Mormonism. Alvin, Joseph, Hyrum and Samuel.
Alvin), who was 7 years older than Joseph, died from poisoning (aka "suspicious" circumstances) just weeks before Joseph turned 18. Joseph and Hyrum were murdered in June 27, 1844. Samuel was murdered 33 days later.

16) Joseph Smith was murdered within weeks of announcing he was running for President of the United States. Although Joseph had been under the factions control for nearly 3 decades, he may have always believed he would be victorious and eventually break free from them. With his own militia, thousands of followers and economic wealth under his control by the hand of the collective imagination of the victims of Mormonism, it makes sense that he believed he could be elected president and no longer be under the control of the faction. This however was the last straw for the faction who had likely ordered Smith to lead the victims of Mormonism deep into the West. The easterly landlocked USA was comprised of 26 states at the time.

17) There were 13 people at the table of the "Last Supper", there were 13 original colonies, the eagle in the Great Seal of the United States is holding 13 arrows, Martin Harris had 13 children and on July 21, 2016 someone within Mormonism secretly set up 13 corporations to control at least $32 billion dollars of Mormonism's stock assets. Mormonism owns hundreds of millions of dollars of stock in Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook and corporations prominent in other industries. It owns the largest cattle ranch in the US, the largest nut producer in the US, a private university with over 55,000 students at campuses in Utah, Hawaii and Idaho and it is the largest landowner in Utah and Florida and other states. It also owns ecclisiastical and commercial real estate worth billions upon billions in every US state and in dozens of countries.

18) Of all the symbols and combinations of symbols Brigham Young could have chosen to represent Mormonism's successful settlement of the Great Salt Lake Region in 1847, chose an Eagle and a 5 pointed star for the Eagle Gate statue in Salt Lake City. Note that the 5 pointed star or pentagram was around long before certain groups tried appropriating it as something else. Also note that the Great Salt Lake region was still controlled by Mexico in 1847 although the Mexican American war would end and the region would come under the control of the USA with the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in February of 1848.

19) Until 1978 Mormonism refused to allow spiritual marriages between black men and black women while expecting spiritual marriages to occur between white men and women.

20) This one may seem trivial but well known signs of an abusive relationship apply to the way Mormonism exploits it's victims. Because of this and so much more lets ask if it is possible if many leaders within Mormonism are also secretly being controlled by threats just like Joseph Smith was. Additionally, like Joseph may have done, is it possible that some of these victims are trying to leave secret clues that Mormonism is an imposter?

21) Until 2008, 100% of the men who hold Mormonism's 15 key leadership roles were related to each other. This includes the 12 members of the quorum of the 12 apostles and the 3 members of the First Presidency. It is estimated that 90% today are related to each other. Some are directly related to Martin Harris. The First Presidency is directly responsible for the activities of Ensign Peak, the key organization controlling Mormonism's wealth. What many don't realize is that the reason the IRS won't investigate Mormonism is because Mormonism is higher up the chain than the IRS is when it comes to US interests.

As news of these truths continues to spread, missionaries in vulnerable countries and family members of missionaries in vulnerable countries may want to ask themselves if they are at risk of becoming targets for kidnapping and ransom by cash strapped, radicalized groups who formerly ignored them as religious zealots and may now see them as defenseless pawns of one of the richest organizations in the world.

Also, my apologies to the talented cast of "Book of Mormon Musical" for my contributions in what may result in the sudden cancellation. This is due to Mormonism finally being revealed as an imposter that has preyed on children for 200 years rather than a provincial gumption spawning a peculiar but well intending culture.

An original explanation for all of this...
submitted by VoxChiasmus to mormon [link] [comments]

Day 1-1: Proceedings of the Special Committee of the Whole House Held in Camera to Consider the Qadiani (Ahmadiyya Community) Issue

English translation with added brief introduction of people involved in the Proceedings. Read at the link for easier reading.
Yahya Bakhtiar was a lawyer who served as the Attorney General of Pakistan. Yahya was born in 1921 at Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan. Born into Pashtun family, Yahya Bakhtiar studied at schools in Quetta and Lahore. He studied Law in London and was called to the Bar in the United Kingdom. Yahya Bakhtiar became a member of the All-India Muslim League in 1941.
Yahya Bakhtiar, as the attorney general, played a key role in framing of the 1973 Constitution of Pakistan when he served in Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's cabinet.[1]. His biggest contribution was cross-examination of Mirza Nasir Ahmad, leader of the Non-Muslim Qadiani group in front of the parliament committee. Yahya Bakhtiar died on June 27, 2003 in Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.

Monday, the 5th August 1974

The Special Committee of the Whole House met in camera in the Assembly Chamber, (State Bank Building), Islamabad, at ten of the clock, in the morning, Mr. Chairman (Sahibzada Farooq Ali) in the Chair.
Sahibzada Farooq Ali (born September 5, 1931) was the ninth Speaker of National Assembly of Pakistan. He was elected from the city of Multan. He was a landlord and belonged to Toor Tribe and was originally from the Wayanwali village near Ghakhar Mandi, Wazirabad.

Procedure of Cross Examination

Mr. Chairman (Sahibzada Farooq Ali): I think we will start just within 5 minutes. The Attorney General is busy in my chamber discussing the questions with Maulana Zafar Ahmad Ansari and he will be here within two or three minutes.
Zafar Ahmad Ansari (1991 - 1908) Pakistani Muslim politician and joint secretary of All India Muslim League. He was an expert in constitutional law and Islam. He was elected as an independent member of National Assembly in 1970 elections. He was the member of the “The Assembly to Protect the End of Prophethood” (Majlis-e-Tahaffuz-e-Khatme Nabuwwat) in 1974. He also closely coordinated with the then Attorney General Yahya Bakhtiar in gathering material for cross questioning.
He was appointed to the Council of Islamic Ideology in Pakistan in 1977. He was amongst the members of Mutamar Alim e Islami. He was the founding Chairman of the commission setup by President General Zia Ul Haq to advise Islamic changes in constitution in the light of Shariah. It was later named as Ansari Commission.
Yes, bring them. They should come to the house. They can discuss here. No, not right now. Ask the delegation to come downstairs. And again, I will request the honourable members that in the presence of the delegation and in the presence of the witness no controversial issues should be raised. The Attorney General may be allowed to put the questions, and if honourable member is not satisfied with the question or he thinks that the answer is evasive, he can send a chit to me or to the Attorney General; and if something of a very important nature comes to the notice of any honourable member, he can make a request and we can adjourn the House for five or ten minutes. We can ask the witness to wait outside and we can discuss the matter among ourselves.
Mohammad Hanif Khan was a politician who served as the Finance minister of Pakistan from 22 October 1974 to 28 March 1977. He was from the city of chichawatni, Sahiwal which is in the Punjab. He was the elder son of Ch. Nawab khan who migrated from garhshankar, hoshiyarpur India.
He was barrister at law from Lincoln's Inn, and was an honorable member of the society of Lincoln's Inn. After that he came to Pakistan and started his political career in 1970 with the Pakistan People's Party. He was twice elected as a Member of the National Assembly and was assigned a number of different ministerial portfolios over a span of seven years.
Muhammad Hanif Khan: If a person thinks of any new question at the spot then what is the procedure for this?
Mr. Chairman (Sahibzada Farooq Ali): About that…
Muhammad Hanif Khan: Should we write it to the Attorney General?
Mr. Chairman (Sahibzada Farooq Ali): You can note it down and give it to the Attorney General. And Attorney General said the day before yesterday during the Steering Committee that as a lawyer there are difficulties, every lawyer has its own method. So, he said (method of) putting the questions and getting the answers. For two hours or for one day, let him be allowed to have a free hand in cross-examination and if the honourable members fee that something is missing or lacking, they can guide him and instruct him. Mr. Attorney-General, have you anything to say? Have you anything to add? Okay should we call the witness? One thing also, I will request that during the cross-examination the quorum may be kept 10 from this side and 30 from that side. The honourable members can come and go but the quorum may be kept in tack.
Yes, call them in.
I will request the honourable members to be in their seats. Can come nearer, to the un-occupied seats according to their choice. If they want to site where they are, it is up to them.
The Delegation entered the Chamber
Mr. Chairman (Sahibzada Farooq Ali): Now we will start with the proceedings. I will request the witness to take the Oath.
Hāfiz Mirza Nasir Ahmad (16 November 1909 – 9 June 1982) was the third caliph, head of the Ahmadiyya Community. He was elected as the third successor of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad on 8 November 1965. In England, he obtained Master of Arts degree in the Tripos (P.P.E.) Political Science, Philosophy and Economics from Balliol College, University of Oxford. From May 1944 to November 1965, he was principal of the Talim-ul-Islam College, first in Qadian, then after partition, in Rabwah, Pakistan.
Mirza Nasir Ahmed (Witness, Leader of Ahmadiyya Community of Rabwah): I solemnly swear (believing Allah is Omnipresent (Hazir and Nazir)) that whatever I will say, I will say with faith/honesty.

Method of Recording the Cross-Examination

Mr. Chairman (Sahibzada Farooq Ali): Yes, the Attorney-General. For the Reporters, for every question and answer there should be separate sheet. Yes.
Muhammad Hanif Khan: The proceedings are going to be lengthy; I think if the Attorney-General can keep on sitting, that will be much better.
Mr. Chairman (Sahibzada Farooq Ali): It is up to him.
Muhammad Hanif Khan: He might face some difficulty.
Mr. Chairman (Sahibzada Farooq Ali): It is up to him. It is up to the Attorney-General, because we allowed the witness even to make a statement while sitting.
Muhammad Hanif Khan: That is why. It is up to him.
Mr. Chairman (Sahibzada Farooq Ali): It is up to him.

Cross-Examination of the Qadiani Group Delegation

Mr. Yahya Bakhtiar (Attorney-General of Pakistan): Mirza Sahib, I would be asking you certain questions, but if you find that you don’t want to answer any question or you cannot answer any question…
Mr. Chairman (Sahibzada Farooq Ali): The mic…
Mr. Yahya Bakhtiar (Attorney-General of Pakistan): I repeat…
Mr. Chairman (Sahibzada Farooq Ali): The mic is all right but the…
Mr. Yahya Bakhtiar (Attorney-General of Pakistan): Will you…
Mr. Chairman (Sahibzada Farooq Ali): No, honourable Attorney-General is tall.
One member: Yes.
Mr. Yahya Bakhtiar (Attorney-General of Pakistan): No, its all right.
Mr. Chairman (Sahibzada Farooq Ali): The member can use the earphone.
Mr. Yahya Bakhtiar (Attorney-General of Pakistan): I will be asking you certain questions. If you find that you cannot answer these questions or any one of them or you do not want to answer that question. You are not bound to do so. But you will appreciate that the Special Committee will draw such inference as it considers appropriate from your refusal to answer any particular question. That inference may be favourable to your cause or may be adverse. If you are not in a position to answer any questions straightaway, you may ask the Committee for time; and if it so considers, it will give you time to answer the question.
Now, Sir, will you tell us who was the founder of the Ahmedia Movement?
Mirza Nasir Ahmed (head of the Ahmadiyya Community): For this matter, I will request that I should be given time. Tomorrow, I will present written document to you.
Mr. Yahya Bakhtiar (Attorney-General of Pakistan): Thank you.
You are Mirza Ghulam Ahmad’s grandson?
Mirza Nasir Ahmed (head of the Ahmadiyya Community): Yes.
Mr. Yahya Bakhtiar (Attorney-General of Pakistan): His son’s son?
Mirza Nasir Ahmed (head of the Ahmadiyya Community): His son’s son.
Mr. Yahya Bakhtiar (Attorney-General of Pakistan): Will you please give us some brief account of your life, your education, your date of birth? Because the whole record is being prepared, that’s why I am asking.
Mirza Nasir Ahmed (head of the Ahmadiyya Community): I have herd that I was born on 16 November 1909…
Miangul Aurangzeb 28 May 1928 – 3 August 2014) was the last Wali Ahad (Crown Prince) of the former Swat State, the son of the last Wali of Swat, Miangul Jahan Zeb and the son-in-law of the former president of Pakistan, Muhammad Ayub Khan. He served in the National Assembly of Pakistan and as governor of Balochistan and subsequently as governor of the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa.
In 1970 the first ever one-man one-vote general elections were held in Pakistan, which marked a new chapter for the former ruling family of Swat. Aurangzeb was elected on a Muslim League platform, defeating a strong candidate of the National Awami Party.
Mian Gull Aurangzeb: Ganab, cant’ hear the sound.
Mr. Chairman (Sahibzada Farooq Ali): You can increase the volume little bit. Not too much, other wise it will be noisy. Is it all right ?
Mirza Nasir Ahmed (head of the Ahmadiyya Community): I was born on 16 November 1909. I think Metric records are off by few days. The actual date of birth is 16 November 1909. It is been told to me that after that my Grandmother took care of me and I was raised with her. I didn’t lived with my mother. And by Grandmother I mean the wife of the founder of the Ahmadiyya movement. During childhood, I first did Hifaz of Quran. Then I learned Arabic. I passed the exam of Maulvi Fázil in 1929.
The degree “Maulvi Fázil”, first introduced by the Oriental College of the Punjab University (Lahore) in the 1920s, was equivalent to a B.A. degree in Arabic, such as could be obtained on completing the fourteenth class of a degree college.
And then in 1930 I passed Matric exam with all subjects. And then after spending four years in Government College, Lahore, in 1934 I passed the B.A exam in philosophy and psychology. In 1934, I got admission in Balliol College, University of Oxford, their first term start from October over there. And in 1938 I passed what they call in their language P.P.I meaning Philosophy, Political Science and Economics, in these subjects I completed B.A. and according to their regulations, if someone stay enrolled after spending few year in the college, receives an honouree M.A. degree, that I received because Jamaat…
For this purpose, my life was waqf, I was appointed as the Principal of our college Talim ul Islam in 1944. And I remained the principal of the college from 1944 to November 1965. First in undivided India, then division happened, and Pakistan was created and our college came here and because all our library, books, and science equipment was left there, we had to start everything again over here. And till 1965, I served the nation as the Principal of the college. And in November 1965, the Ahmadiyya Community appointed me as their Imam through election.
submitted by afzalwas to pakistan [link] [comments]

Temple Recommend Questions w/Answers

These are intended for the person who, for a variety of reasons, needs to retain, or obtain a recommend while not necessarily believing the Church to be what it claims. There are many ways to answer these questions and examples of "Lying for the Lord". Each of you need to evaluate these responses and decide what is right for you. Remember when they ask if you have a testimony, they are not asking you what it is. You may have a testimony that the church is a fraud and a hoax. But still answer yes when asked if you HAVE a testimony. Again, answer the question asked, not what they should have asked.
Q1. Do you have faith in and a testimony of God the Eternal Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost? A1. YES
Thoughts: I have faith, (meaning hope-for) and a testimony. My testimony is that God the Eternal Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost, are very possibly constructs of the human animal and may not actually exist, but since the concepts of right living espoused by them do no harm, I will continue to hope for these presences to exist.
Q2. Do you have a testimony of the Atonement of Christ and of His role as Savior and Redeemer? A2. YES
Thoughts. My testimony is basically that YOU believe this and since I want to go with my wife to the temple, I will, for the sake of argument, affirm that I also believe.
Q3. Do you have a testimony of the restoration of the gospel in these the latter days? A3. YES
Thoughts. My testimony is that that there was a person by the Name of Joseph Smith who made claims of restoring a religion and gospel in the early 1800's. I have not been able to independently verify his claims.
Q4. Do you sustain the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as the Prophet, Seer, and Revelator and as the only person on the earth who possesses and is authorized to exercise all priesthood keys? Do you sustain members of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles as prophets, seers, and revelators? Do you sustain the other General Authorities and local authorities of the Church? A4. YES
Thoughts. I believe that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a duly formed and recognized legal corporation operating in the United States and elsewhere. As such, I sustain their right to have a President, and give him what titles may be necessary to satisfy the ego of the person holding the office. Prophet, Seer, and Revelator is just as significant to me as "Chief Cook and Bottle-Washer." Further I sustain the corporation's right to have other officers and titles as needed to successfully run the corporation.
Q5. Do you live the law of chastity? A5. YES
Thoughts. Since you have no legal right, nor professional training to ask this question, or deal with my answers, whatever they may be, I will tell you what you want to hear. Further, since this question is a hook which the Church has a history of using to induce guilt, humiliation, and control over other members, I will not give you the satisfaction of doing that to me.
Q6. Is there anything in your conduct relating to members of your family that is not in harmony with the teachings of the Church? A6. NO
Thoughts. First, again, you have no legal or professional right to ask this question. Second, the "teachings" of the Church have consistently changed over the last 150 years so that it is fairly difficult to know exactly what the "teachings" of the Church are. I do not abuse my wife and children and that is really all you are entitled to know.
Q7. Do you support, affiliate with, or agree with any group or individual whose teachings or practices are contrary to or oppose those accepted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? A7. NO
Thoughts. Any other group with which I may affiliate, agree or support is none of your business. This interview is about my association with the Church. Vague fishing expeditions into my past or present associations will not be permitted.
Q8. Do you strive to keep the covenants you have made, to attend your sacrament and other meetings, and to keep your life in harmony with the laws and commandments of the gospel? A8. YES
Thoughts. I "strive" to do a lot of things. In some of them I am successful and in others I am not.
Q9. Are you honest in your dealings with your fellowmen? A9. YES
Thoughts. I am certainly as honest with my fellowmen as the Church is honest with me. Probably more so.
Q10. Are you a full-tithe payer? Do your keep the Word of Wisdom? A10. YES
Thoughts. I pay a full-tithe as stated in Doctrine & Covenants, paying on my "interest" as defined in my Funk & Wagnals Dictionary of the English Language. Inasmuch as the Word of Wisdom is advice and not a commandment, then I am cognizant of the advice, and follow it when convenient.
Q11. Do you have financial or other obligations to a former spouse or children? If yes, are you current in meeting those obligations? A11. NO
Thoughts. I have only been married to my current wife and this really doesn't even apply to me.
Q12. If you have previously received your temple endowment: Do you keep the covenants that you made in the temple? Do you wear the garment both night and day as instructed in the endowment and in accordance with the covenant you made in the temple? A12. YES
Thoughts. I keep the covenants to the best of my ability. Sometimes I have failed, but I am not perfect, only striving for perfection. With regard to the garments, I wear them sometimes during the day, and sometimes during the times when it is dark, also known as "night". Thus it can be said that I wear them both day and night as instructed.
Q13. Have there been any sins or misdeeds in your life that should have been resolved with priesthood authorities but have not been? A13. NO
Thoughts. Since it is Jesus Christ that grants forgiveness, not you, or the Church, I have no sins which I need to resolve with you. I only have sins which I need to resolve with Jesus Christ. He and I are working on that.
Q14. Do you consider yourself worthy to enter the Lord's house and participate in temple ordinances? A14. YES
Thoughts. That's why I came here. I wouldn't have gone through this exercise if I didn't.
submitted by Zadok_The_Priest to exmormon [link] [comments]

meaning of quorum in english language video

What is ASSURANCE CONTRACT? What does ASSURANCE CONTRACT mean? ASSURANCE CONTRACT meaning Creation Factory - YouTube Beacon  Meaning of beacon QUORUM FOR MEETING Quorum - True To You (Gimme the Remix) What is BLACKBALLING? What does BLACKBALLING mean? BLACKBALLING meaning & explanation Quay pronunciation and definition Bacterial Pathogenesis Part 1 Sine die Meaning

Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. quorum n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (minimum of members in an assembly) quórum, cuórum nm nombre masculino : Sustantivo de género exclusivamente masculino, que lleva los artículos el o un en singular, y los o unos en plural. noun quorums. The minimum number of members of an assembly or society that must be present at any of its meetings to make the proceedings of that meeting valid. ‘Are these meetings valid as the quorum must be from the persons who are entitled to attend and vote at such meetings?’. More example sentences. Define quorum. quorum synonyms, quorum pronunciation, quorum translation, English dictionary definition of quorum. n. 1. The minimal number of officers and members of a committee or organization, usually a majority, ... Language: Share on Facebook Twitter. Get our app ... Meaning and definitions of quorum, translation in Afrikaans language for quorum with similar and opposite words. Also find spoken pronunciation of quorum in Afrikaans and in English language. Definition of quorum. 1 : a select group. 2 : the number (such as a majority) of officers or members of a body that when duly assembled is legally competent to transact business. 3 : a Mormon body comprising those in the same grade of priesthood. Meaning and definitions of quorum, translation in Xhosa language for quorum with similar and opposite words. Also find spoken pronunciation of quorum in Xhosa and in English language. quorum definition: 1. the smallest number of people needed to be present at a meeting before it can officially begin…. Learn more. Definition of 'quorum'. (kwɔːrəm ) singular noun. A quorum is the minimum number of people that a committee needs in order to carry out its business officially. When a meeting has a quorum, there are at least that number of people present. ...enough deputies to make a quorum. COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary. for lack of quorum in English translation and definition "for lack of quorum", Dictionary English ... in the first and second subparagraphs for the second or subsequent convocation of a general meeting issued for lack of a quorum required for the meeting convened by the first ... All languages Transliteration Interface language. Advanced.

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meaning of quorum in english language

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