Is 888 Casino Legit or Scam, Real or Fake? (Review of 2018)

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The Bogdan Problem Subreddit

BogdanProblem is a subreddit for GTA Online players to find partners to grind the Doomsday Act 2 heist with. All platforms are welcomed. Note that scamming will result in a ban. - A list of scammers is available in the sidebar and menu tab. - Also, NEW ACCOUNTS < 30 DAYS OLD HOST FIRST. This is to prevent potential scammers using alternative accounts.

Absolute pickme GARBAGE on The Guardian today

"Couples on Surviving Trauma and Loss: Five partners whose love has endured seismic changes, from refugees forced apart by war to a couple left with horrific injuries"
The first two stories in the article are legit: a couple in a terrible car accident and a couple separated by the Sudanese civil war. Then things start going to hell and get worse and worse. All of the things that FDS warns against are here: codependency, gaslighting, lying, cheating, excuse-making, blame shifting, martyrdom. Women continue to be conditioned to accept sub-par treatment by these kinds of narratives. The ladies of FDS refuse to help relationships "survive trauma" that is LITERALLY CREATED BY THE MAN IN THE RELATIONSHIP AND HIS SELFISH AND OVERALL TERRIBLE DECISIONS.

‘I was in prison for 2,192 days; she wrote to me almost daily’

Laure, 58, and Jerry, 62, survived his jail sentence for causing death by dangerous driving. They live in Alabama, and now run a support network for the families of prisoners.
Laure Jerry and I met in 1995 and married four months later. I tell him all the time I would marry him again, but faster. We’d both been married twice before and dating was the last thing I was looking for. But he ticked all the boxes.
I had two daughters and he had one. We moved our family from Tennessee to Alabama, to raise them in the country. We were living the dream. But on 17 March 2003, it was shattered when Jerry caused a head-on car collision which killed a young mother. He had been driving drunk.
I felt rage, betrayal. When we met, we were both recovering alcoholics, so I had only known him sober. Now a life had been lost. I didn’t want him dead, but I wanted him to hurt real bad. We lived in a small town, and I grieved for that family. I felt embarrassment. I had to get to the forgiveness part quickly so I could get through each day.
Jerry spent 10 days in the ICU. He pleaded guilty to manslaughter and was sentenced to six years in prison and 19 on probation. I was scared – emotionally, practically, financially, spiritually. I wanted to stay married but didn’t know how. I didn’t know what you do when someone you love is in prison.
His first year home, we argued all the time. I’d put my hand on his shoulder and he’d push it away
I wrote to him almost every night. I could afford one dollar-a-minute phone call a week and petrol for the 100-mile drive to visit every two weeks. I felt a lot of anger in those first years. I remember burying the cat, crying, saying, “This is a dad job.” I tried to experience the girls’ graduations for both of us.
His first year home, we argued all the time. I’d put my hand on his shoulder and he’d push it away; he was still in survival mode.
We’re grandparents now and enjoy our family immensely. We run a support network for prisoner families, called Extended Family. I started it six months into his sentence.
Jerry will still say, “You stayed with me all those years,” but I don’t think of it that way. I’m not going to make him do the dishes for the rest of our lives. We spent six years without each other; we don’t want to spend another minute apart.
Jerry On our first date, I took Laure and her daughters to see Cinderella at the theatre. When I got home, I wrote “She’s the one” on the back of the programme.
We had a good life. I had a small engineering business, work grew busy, and we moved cities. But I was in a mess. I got into narcotics but hid it from my family. The night of the accident, I had stopped at a liquor store. I was in a blackout. Moments later, a young woman was dead and I was airlifted to hospital. I was shocked, remorseful, disheartened.
My wife has a big and kind heart. I tried to protect her from the police investigation and the likelihood of prison. I didn’t want our girls walking around with the stigma of a dad who had killed someone.
In Alabama, incarceration is uncontested grounds for divorce, but there was never a question of Laure leaving me. On an early prison visit, I told her I wouldn’t blame her if she wanted to leave. She looked at me and said, “I’d be more miserable than I am now.” I’ll never forget it.
I was in prison for 2,192 days and she wrote to me almost daily. There were guys that got nothing. I felt blessed and honoured. She would arrive every two weeks and I would put on a smile. But I pitied myself; I felt useless, unable to provide for my family.
When I came home, I was harsher than before. Meanwhile, this woman I loved had blossomed. I had to adjust. There’s a not a day that I don’t pay for my disastrous decision in some way, shape or form. We worked through the mess I made together, and we’re closer because of it.

‘It was a form of gaslighting. He led a double life’

Keith, 59, and Claire, 57, survived his gambling addiction. They live in Sussex.
Keith Claire and I had known each other in the 80s, and reconnected online 20 years later. Claire was living abroad, and I was on my way to broke. She’d make short trips to the UK, and we’d laugh through days out and long lunches. She was intelligent, full of life; a better person than I was.
I first entered a casino at 16. By 18, I’d borrowed, conned and stolen from everyone I knew. I was an addict. Through adulthood, I’d made and lost small fortunes and entire businesses. I’d play Monopoly for real money, or sit in a room of the club I owned, drinking brandy, snorting as much cocaine as I could.
I wasn’t a constant drug user or gambler. When Claire visited, I’d try to keep it together; but then I’d get desperate and make excuses to go to London for “work”. When she moved to the UK with her three kids in 2009, I’d disappear into a room of the home we shared for days, in a heady state of gambling, drugs and porn, too embarrassed to re-emerge. I had intermittent spells in Gambling Anonymous, but I found it hard to ask for help.
Claire paid for the house and put food on the table. I never stole from her, but I’m still surprised she didn’t walk out. By 2014, I’d had a heart attack and was nursing my mother, who had cancer. I would drive her to the hospital every day, off my tits, bring her home, make her food, then shut myself in another room and gamble online.
I couldn’t see myself in the mirror any more. I wanted to die. On 28 June 2014, I logged on to a website for people seeking affairs and used it for porn. That decision would almost end us: when Claire discovered the website in her search history, she sent me a Dear John letter. The next day, she drove me to residential rehab. The only rule I broke there was asking her to spend one night. I had to save the relationship.
I’ve been clean for six years now; Claire is part of the reason why. People talk about languages of love. For me those are quality time, acts of service. Boy, were there acts of kindness and service from Claire. Without her, I could well be dead.
Claire I was 18, and a poor student, when I first met Keith. He seemed glamorous, exciting, funny, intelligent. He was also a known gambler, but when we reconnected years later, that appeared to be in his past. Yet, with hindsight, nothing about the start of our relationship makes sense.
When I visited, he’d urgently have work or disappear into a room for days at a time. I’d spend hours on edge, struggling to trust him, but he would rationalise his behaviour, omitting huge details, claiming he’d simply drunk too much. It was a form of gaslighting. He led a double life.
When Keith decided on residential rehab, I knew that if I didn’t support him, there was no future
The first time I confronted him, I’d found an empty drugs packet, but he lied his way out of it. I became scared to ask, although we both knew he needed help. When his mother was unwell, he had the perfect alibi. He was an addict but he was responsible – and he took exquisite care of her. I was fearful but I had to get on with life.
When Keith decided on residential rehab, I knew that if I didn’t support him, there was no future. I didn’t want significant time apart, but when an addict is serious about making changes, you have to put your own needs aside.
The most soul-destroying moment came when I found the affairs website. I had been betrayed by gambling and drugs, but my belief in the purity of our love had kept me going. I wrote to him saying it was over. From rehab, Keith proved to me it was only curiosity (there was no activity on his account), and I was open enough to reconciliation to visit him.
Emotionally, we’re more independent now, although we share bank accounts and he supports us financially. I’ve grown, too. I used to tell friends that Keith felt like an addiction to me. I’d waited years for a stable home life together: eventually, he walked the most difficult path in order to truly change.

‘Friends saw us as the perfect couple, but it was a lie’

Maryam, 31, and Amir, 33, survived his affair. They live in California.
Maryam When Amir had an affair, I had a thousand reasons to leave but looked for the one to stay. Our relationship had started as an affair, too. We had been couple-friends in our previous marriages and used to hang out as a group of four. Then, in February 2017, Amir and his wife broke up and he came on a trip with my husband and me. One night, we were up late, talking, while my husband slept. Amir opened up about his marriage and I began to sense he had feelings for me. I had relationship problems, too, and we started an affair. I ended my marriage.
Over the next 18 months, friends came to see us as the perfect couple. They would comment on how loving our relationship was. But I couldn’t forgive myself for how we’d started, and his divorce was a mess. He spent nights with his ex. I broke up with him several times. Things looked great on the surface but we both carried unresolved pain.
By the end of 2019, I became suspicious of his relationship with a co-worker. She was too intimate at the Christmas party and he was jumpy when she called. Then I found a credit card charge to a cafe, clearly for two people.
I loved him deep down but anger overwhelmed me. He asked over and over for a chance to prove he could change
It took me 10 days to get the full details from him. It had been going on for months and they’d slept together six times. I couldn’t breathe; I felt stupid. Everything that had gone before felt like a lie. I left him.
Amir telephoned non-stop and showed up at my parents’. I loved him deep down but anger overwhelmed me. He asked over and over for a chance to prove he could change. Eventually, I agreed to give him three months. We started individual and couples’ therapy and talked through every detail of our relationship. I couldn’t bear to sleep in the same room as him, but I could look at his face again. I agreed to more time.
I see the consistency and changes Amir has made, his commitment. When I discovered his affair, I was ready to give up on our relationship, but we have both grown. No one knows what the future holds and I have my fears. But, right now, I love the way he loves me.
Amir Maryam was the first time in my life I felt real love. But we were both married and I told myself it couldn’t happen.
As time passed, my ex-wife had an affair and my marriage died. Maryam had problems, too, and I made my feelings known. I admired her looks, the way she thinks. This wasn’t a game that I’d started; it was coming from the bottom of my heart.
I was born in the Middle East, in a war zone. As a child, I experienced sexual and physical abuse at the hands of my teacher, but told no one. The human psyche finds soothing mechanisms to alleviate pain. For me, that was sex.
I was in the most loving relationship with Maryam. The sex was amazing. We bought a house, enjoyed travelling. But the foundations were shaky and I unconsciously sought more.
When I got close to a co-worker, it turned into an affair, starting in May 2019 and lasting several months. It was pure sexual desire. This wasn’t someone I wanted to change the course of my life. We were opportunistic and, in those moments, I became blind to the consequences.
When Maryam found out, I tried to lie. I was naive about how much I was going to hurt her. She wanted nothing to do with me. She blocked my calls and texts, and told our family and friends all the details. Everyone who loved me looked at me as a monster. For the first time in my life, I started to wake up.
I made fixing myself and our relationship my only priority. I promised Maryam she would see a change, and started intense therapy, twice a week. I addressed my childhood trauma and sought support for sex addiction. I realised how much I was willing to do for Maryam.
At the beginning, it was simply about keeping Maryam; but it transformed into strengthening our bond. She has made sacrifices for me, been my guide and love. Every day, I’m more appreciative.
submitted by Sherbert-Trick to FemaleDatingStrategy [link] [comments]

Is there no recourse for getting your money back from a BTC casino that stole your BTC?

I made a post a few years back about anonymous-casino disabling my account after winning 51 BTC.
I know everyone will comment as to why you would trust an online casino with so much BTC?
But at the time BTC =$1,000 and I bought in with 1 BTC then turned it into 51 BTC in the run of a lifetime. I also have lost tens of thousands on their site.
Also thought I thought they were legit because I cashed out $400 in winnings in Christmas and they said I was one of the lucky few to get a double cash out turning it into $800.
Im really trying to get some solid advice if there is anything I can do, especially since it happened when BTC was $1000.
I reached out to support again seeing maybe if they will forget since they last ignored me, but they enabled my account and disabled it again. But I at least managed to get the screenshots of my bets history proving I won on their site.
What it looks like support is trying to do to me now is that in their policy if you don't access you account in 180 days, they can keep your funds. I couldn't access my account within 180 because they disabled it and I have emails from support on that time period asking for access.
Is it even worth trying to do anything?
submitted by Im_JackZ to Bitcoin [link] [comments]

I'll cut off my dick for the ability to use a regulated site. (Shit post FYI)

*Its been a few months.. and it's about that time that I make a shit post where I bitch about everything*

To all my fellow US players getting fucked in the ass per usual... WHAT THE FUCK DO I HAVE TO DO TO USE A HONEST POKER SITE!?

It's 2021 and it has been almost a decade since I have been able to use a worthy-poker-site such as Full Tilt, Stars, 888, Party Poker, and so on. I am starting to fall out of love with poker because I can't keep playing on these bullshit sites located in Panama and throughout the Caribbean. Here are a couple of my experiences from the past 8-ish months or so.

- 2 to 4 months ago I received 2 PARTIAL refunds due to bots being at my table, in which one scenario was a final table. Didn't even get a full fucking refund. This also doesn't mention the other partial refunds I received earlier in 2020.
- As you all well know, ACR has had multiple scandals going back to 2012, like the the 2018-2019 PLO/NL cash game bots and several people colluding together to take advantage of the late reg glitch. Nagy can eat a fat dick.
- If you play at America's Cardroom in 2021 you're a fucking retard. (No offence)

- 6 months ago Betonline removed $1000 from my poker balance on my account and said that the money was transferred to my sportsbook balance at 4am PST and all of it was spent in the online casino. When I asked them to investigate they did nothing. So I asked their Fraud/IT Department to send me a list of all devices, MAC addresses, and IP addresses that signed into my account that day... They refused to cooperate... Customer service said it was against company policy to release that type of information, even though its MY OWN fucking account and personal information. ( I took a break from the site but eventually returned because US players have no options and I love MTTs.)
- 2 months ago I deposited $50 of ETH to their sports book to bet on an NFL game. confirmed that BOL's Etheruem address received my money, and I even sent customer service proof of the transaction THREE TIMES. They still refuse to issue me my $50 deposit to this day, stating "our system says the deposit is still pending".
- 2 days ago I received a $5 refund from a Windfall Sit n Go because the 2 other two players at my table were bots :) :) :) I should just kill myself at this point. WHO THE FUCK HAS BOTS AT THE JACK POT SIT N GO.

- Honestly, I haven't used them in like a year or two because they removed the chat box, make it a pain to utilize HUD software, and that fucking update they did to their software. That huge software update was so fucking horrible the sites damn near unplayable. I'm sure you guys remember the old canvas/layout that Bovada/Iggy use to utilize, it was way better.

Anyways, I just don't know what to do anymore. I NEVER had any of these issues back in the Full Tilt days. I don't even want to play half the time because I'm sick of all the bullshit. I am also in Los Angeles, CA so the lockdown bullshit makes live poker a huge pain in the ass. Some casinos are open, some are closed, some are outside, some make you wear mask and sit in between plastic dividers, some allow you to order drinks but not food. It's all fucking stupid. I really want to use my VPN but I don't want to build up a bankroll on a legit site like PartyPoker and then have my funds frozen. Maybe I should just hang myself instead. (joking, just being a dramatic pussy)

On a serious note, thank you for listening to me bitch and moan about my first world problems. I hope ya'll are happy, healthy and staying covid-free. Cheers to 2021, MAY THE POKER GODS BE IN YOUR FAVOR!
submitted by ArizonaJesus69 to poker [link] [comments]

Idea for " Prestigious Moonshiner " role.

Idea for
After events of first moonshine story missions our protagonists sits with Meggie and drinks celebrating death of agent Hixon.Lemuel Fike runs into room and says we have huge business opportunity, Danny Lee shown him what he was up too before everything collapsed, as a " thank you " for sparing his life. And since he is going far away from this place, those plans are no use for him anymore.Basically, he found bunch of secluded, yet promising locations across frontier with " legit " front and big back area to be converted into illegal bars with backroom gambling room, the only catch, they need to be bought and repaired.Why Maggie would be interested? Well, there`s is a limit you can earn from countries folk, people in towns, cities tend to be wealthier, also bored.
So, after that cutscene Lemuel will put a map on the table for player to choose a location, location would vary from expensive ones.Example can be..
  1. Pawn shop
  2. Boots repair shop
  3. Gunsmith shop( Think of GTA MC clubhouse, basically only differences would be location of said business, first room as " front ", the actual illegal side that can be customized will be behind. )Location of where you could buy a business are Saint Denis ( Rich and Poor area ), Blackwater, Valentine, Armadillo.But notice, you own only one at a time.
So now we are going to setup our business together ( Think about GTA Arcade business, where your passive income was tied to amount of arcade machines you put in your property). My idea is similar, we gonna buy tables of poker, blackjack, roulette and other aspects of gambling, basically turning this place into underground casino, right under the lawman nose.All of that will allow us to play ourselves against NPCs and other players that could venture inside or be invited ( In same fashion as arcades or nightclubs in GTA Online ).But its all going to be a passive income, basically as said arcade/nightclub it will generate cash overtime for us to take from safe in office area. Not a big amount, but well, but still better then nothing.
Main way of earning in this business would be moonshine, I`m thinking about " popularity " or supply system. Basically there will be a bar, where full means they have shine to sale and if its zero, means they have nothing to sale and NPC in room will be lacking. ( More supplies = more people, no supplies = no people ).
How now when we sale moonshine with Marcel we will be given an option to sale it normally like we done before, or bring it to our backdoor gambling room. It will not give us cash right away, but will maximize supply - popularity bar and will produce more cash, then normal sale in same time window of 40-50 minutes. As balancing decision, delivering moonshine to backdoor gambling room will be more difficult, since all of them are located inside towns, cities and we could be attacked by other people.
submitted by SunArau to RedDeadOnline [link] [comments]

A trip down 2020 memory lane

As we wrap up 2020, I like to look back on this year's community pennystock picks as a fun retrospective. I encourage anyone to comment and share their experiences as well! I'm a big believer that going back and looking at historical trades as a method to continue to evolve as a trader. Things like price action, conviction, research and entry/exit points are all critical in becoming a better stock trader.
This post ended up being a lot longer than I anticipated, and there are a few more stocks I wanted to include here that won't fit into my original post. So I'll probably follow up this post with a comment below with a few more pennystocks that were hype on this sub that I bought and learned from.
This post will follow the following format:
Here are a few of the rides I was on in 2020:

submitted by radarbot to pennystocks [link] [comments]

Casa de apostas BetWinner

BetWinner is one of the world’s largest online betting sites, and they offer everything, from an online sportsbook to an online casino. They’re known for offering an extensive selection of markets and also have unrivaled customer support. Their bonuses are also great, and you’ll be able to find great BetWinner promo code offers available to new customers.
In this BetWinnerreview, we’re going to be giving you an impartial, honest and in-depth look into this popular bookmaker – and what they have to offer when it comes to esports. For example, we’ll cover the BetWinner app, BetWinner esports markets, payment options and more. Let’s kick things off with a look at our editor’s review of the site, following by looking at the main BetWinner bonus offer, available to all new customers.


BetWinner is a major name in the eSports betting industry and for good reason. They offer a vast selection of markets, but it’s not just their eSports that make them so desirable.
They also offer a substantial number of other sporting markets and events, with coverage all over the world. They offer more than 140 different payment methods (so there’s something for everyone), and their well-made, secure and reliable website makes betting easy. They also have a mobile app, which we’ll talk about later.


BetWinner’s new-customer welcome bonus is one of the most generous around – and you’ll be able to enjoy a 100% matched deposit bonus up to 100 EUR! It’s incredibly easy to claim the bonus; all you need to do is register an account and top up your account with up to 100 Euros. Your bonus will then be credited to your account automatically. Please note, the minimum deposit required in order to claim the bonus is 1 EUR.
You also may need to “agree” to receive the bonus, depending on which country you reside in. This can be done within the “Account Settings” page, or directly from the “Deposit” page.
The bonus comes with wagering requirements of 5X, which is pretty good overall. You also need to include at least 3 or more events in any accumulator bets, and at least 3 of these events must have odds of 1.40 or higher. You can read the full bonus terms and conditions from BetWinner’s main “Bonus” page.
Along with a hugely generous main welcome bonus offer, BetWinner also offers a wide variety of ongoing promotions. These are subject to change at any time, and they tend to bring out new offers weekly – but it’s common to see money-back specials, BetWinner promo code giveaways, and more. You can view full details of any ongoing (or upcoming) promotions from their “PROMO” tab which is found on the top-most navigation menu on their site.


A major part of writing this BetWinner review was taking a look at their esports betting markets. BetWinner offers a fantastic selection to choose from, and you’ll find everything from WarCraft III, PUBG, CS:GO, Dota 2, King of Glory and Rainbow Six.
Many BetWinner esports markets also offer a comprehensive selection of betting markets for you to choose from. For example, let’s take a look at one of their events: CS:GO. ESL One Road to Tio – Winstrike vs Syman.
Of course, you’ll find yourself able to bet on the overall match winner, but there’s a plethora of other markets available too. For example, you can attempt to guess the correct score – with lucrative payouts if you manage to do so. There’s a “Total Maps” market, and a “Total Maps Handicap” market. You’ll also find a “Total Maps Even/Odd” market providing even more betting options.
You can also put esports bets into other types of bet, including accumulators, system and chain bets. You’ll often see “recommended” bets further down the betting page when you enter a specific event page.
One of the things we really like about BetWinner is that they make it really easy to view even odds. For example, when they’re running lol events, you can easily and quickly view lol betting odds right from the main “esports” page. You can then click on a specific event to view a more comprehensive breakdown of the specific bet types which are available for that event.


BetWinner makes it very easy to open an account. They have a one-click registration process for players from certain countries. You can also press the “Registration” button to open your account using a phone number.


A big part of writing this BetWinner review was looking at the BetWinner app. It’s designed to let you place esports bets while on the move and is available to download – free of charge – on all iOS and Android devices.
The BetWinner app is smooth, well-made and easy-to-use. There’s a handy navigation menu positioned in the upper right-hand-corner of the screen, and this lets you work your way around. It’s possible to register an account directly from the app if you’re a new customer. If you already have a BetWinner account, you can log into the app using TouchID once you’ve entered your username and password once.
We tested out the app extensively while writing this BetWinner review. We really like the way you can search directly for events. Esports are far from being the most popular betting market offered at bookies today, so you won’t usually see them featured on the home page. Thankfully, using the app, you can search directly for the markets you want. Placing bets is also simple, and once you’ve added selections to your bet slip it’s a one-click process to confirm the bet amount and place it.
We should also point out that you don’t have to download BetWinner’s mobile app if you prefer not to. They also have a fully-functional mobile-optimized website, which allows you to place bets through your mobile device’s internet browser. It’s worth keeping an eye on their mobile promotions too, as there are sometimes special BetWinner bonus offers for mobile.


In our opinion, BetWinner is one of the most trustworthy and reliable esports betting sites. For the purpose of writing this BetWinner review, we wanted to find out more about their licensing – and who actually regulates them. BetWinner holds a valid online gambling license from the Government of Curacao. This ensures the bookie adheres to strict rules and regulations and allows them to offer their services to customers all over the world.
This sportsbook website is also very secure. They use the latest HTTPS technology alongside state-of-the-art encryption. Not only does this make the overall betting experience faster, smoother and more reliable – it also ensures that your personal information/sensitive details are safe and secure.
submitted by Economy_Grape1224 to u/Economy_Grape1224 [link] [comments]

Whamoo Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Whamoo Casino Review & Free Bonus
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About Whamoo Casino [Full Review]

Whamoo is a brand new, fun-loving online casino that has recently opened its premises for gamblers from many countries around the world. It does however promise to be more than just an online casino, as Whamoo describes itself as a lifestyle and feeling.
The rush you feel when the reels spin. The sound you make when that spin turns into a huge win. That’s Whamoo. Yet Whamoo is so much more than that. This online casino promises all you would expect from a reputable online casino – but then improved further. A massive game library? Check. Live casino? Check. Full mobile compatibility? Check. An entire VIP bonus programme for loyal customers? Check. Whamoo is a casino which comes with the entire package which players have come to expect of a casino provider.
On paper Whamoo sounds like a great online casino. But being a newcomer on the scene, there are of course always some open questions. How reliable is Whamoo? What can you expect from this brand new casino when it comes to the available games? How cooperative is their online help desk? What kind of welcome bonuses are there for new players who wish to open an online account?
In our extensive Whamoo review, we will try to answer all of the above questions and guide you through this brand new casino. So do read on and let’s explore this exciting new addition to the world of online gambling!
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A fully licenced online casino

Whamoo is a fully licenced online casino and a safe place for gamblers to put down their wagers. The website of is operated by DialMedia Ltd, a company registered by the Malta Business Registry with number C86642, on the registered address of Depiro Point, Block A2, Triq Mons G. Depiro, Sliema, Malta.
As gambling operator, DialMedia Ltd. fully licensed and regulated by the Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) under licence number MGA/B2C/542/2018 issued on 10/04/2019.
What does this say about the reliability of Whamoo?
The MGA licence is one of the better ones you can find in the online casino world as Malta is the major European nation when it comes to online gambling. It is home not only to most of the world’s top online casinos, but also to many software providers and other businesses providing auxiliary services in the gambling industry.
A Malta Gaming Authority licence is not handed out with ease, as a company needs to fulfil many criteria before being granted one. The national gambling authorities of this Mediterranean island and EU member state check for example if all games which are made available are indeed fair and honest. They also check whether a company has enough cash reserves to pay out lucky winners of casino games and hold regular audits to ensure that there are no irregularities.
If an online casino has a MGA licence, it means that all the important criteria when it comes to safety, honesty and reliability are fulfilled and that it is a safe place to gamble. For us, the online casino licence is always a first thing we check before we even would consider playing somewhere. With this crucial criteria being fulfilled, we can thus move forward in our Whamoo review and look at all the other things this casino has to offer. And to be honest, the whole Whamoo package looks quite promising! Three of the main selling points of the Whamoo online casino are:
Whamoo clearly sounds like a promising casino when looking at the selling points, but do these points hold up when we test out the casino in real? Let’s continue our review of Whamoo with one of the most important aspects of every online casino: its game library. Which casino games can we find back in the Whamoo game collection? How honest and fair are these games? These are all legit questions which must be looked into before you can decide whether or not an online casino is suitable or not.
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Games from top software developers

When checking the list of Whamoo’s software providers you can only feel relieved as this brand new online casino only has games from the world’s top casino games developers. Especially for a newly opened online casino it is important to show to the public that you are talking serious – and you can only do that by adding the most popular games from the top software providers to your game library.
It’s not only about fun. Sure, these top software developers are known for making some of the most fantastic video slots, stellar table games. They have the most exhilarating and professional live casino tables to which you can connect in just a few clicks. But it’s more than just playing fun, graphics and game design.
By only having games from the top software companies, you are giving your players a clear message that you are only satisfied with the best quality games. Perhaps the most important aspect is game reliability, honesty and fairness. All games from the top software companies are fully tested and accredited by regulatory bodies. These gaming authorities check whether games indeed turn out completely random results and give gamblers a honest shot at winning. This is perhaps even more important than just a fantastically designed game, as in the end what matters most is reliability and honesty inside a casino.


The games which can be played at Whamoo Casino all have a piece of code called a Random Number Generator (RNG). With a random number generator, the outcome of every game is completely random and independent from previous results. It means that every card being dealt on the table, all dice which are thrown during a game, and every ball spinning around in the roulette wheel is never predetermined. Let’s put it this way: if you throw a single dice with the numbers 1 to 6 on it, you have indeed an exact 1 out of 6 chance that it will land on your predicted number.
A random number generator is absolutely crucial when it comes to delivering fair game results and giving gamblers a honest chance at winning. By having games from the top software providers, Whamoo makes sure that you can trust the fairness of every casino game you play. The good thing is that not only are the game results subject to occasional audits by regulatory authorities, but that these software providers also pro-actively test their own games to ensure they fulfil the highest industry standards. They hire independent testing agencies such as eCOGRA to check their games, both in virtual simulations and real-time results.
Let’s take a look at the software providers whose games have already been added to the Whamoo game library. As these are some of the best known software developers in the world, chances are that you have heard about some of these names before!
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Also known by its full name of Net Entertainment, NetEnt is one of the largest casino game developers in the world. NetEnt is a Swedish company which was founded in 1996, which makes it one of the oldest companies in the relatively young world of online casino gaming. It is so big, that the company is even listed on the local NASDAQ stock exchange in Stockholm, Sweden!
NetEnt is best known for its vast video slot portfolio, of which many games are also playable at Whamoo. Having NetEnt games in your casino game library is almost a must for every online casino, as besides Whamoo some 300 or so more online casinos have NetEnt games available, which tells you something about the popularity of this company. Just like Whamoo itself, NetEnt has a full gambling licence in the EU member state of Malta, which means that all games are subject to regulatory oversight and can be trusted for their fairness. NetEnt also works closely together with independent testing labs to ensure that their games meet the highest standards.
Some popular NetEnt games which you can play at Whamoo are Jack and the Beanstalk, BerryBurst, Twin Spin, The Vikings, Wings of Riches, Aloha!, Fruit Shop, Jacks or Better, Gonzo’s Quest, Dazzle Me, Wild Bazaar and of course the eternal favourite of Starburst.


Pragmatic Play is another major company in the online gaming world. The casino games of Pragmatic Play are always popular with the players, so it is no surprise that Whamoo has chosen to add quite a few Pragmatic Play games to its online collection. Pragmatic Play focuses mostly on online video slots, although they also make some exciting live casino games which are hosted in their own studios.
Being only founded in 2015, Pragmatic Play is a relative newcomer within the game developing industry. Yet in those few years time, the company already managed to reach to top heights with Pragmatic Play being considered to rank among the top game providers. Quality and safety are of immense importance for Pragmatic Play. Therefore, all games are documented and tested by independent auditors and testing labs such as QUINEL, BMM and Gaming Labs.
Popular Pragmatic Play games which can be played at Whamoo are John Hunter and the Aztec Treasure, Great Rhino Megaways, Leprechaun Song, Lucky Dragons, Mustang Gold, The Champions, Vegas Nights, Aztec Gems, Buffalo King, Starz Megaways, Triple Jokers, Magic Crystals, Sugar Rush, Beowulf and many more exciting video slots.
Of course, many baccarat, blackjack and roulette variants are available in Whamoo’s Live Casino which is powered by Pragmatic Play software. You are connected by high resolution video feed to professional dealers and croupiers in one of the Pragmatic Play casino studios where you can experience the thrills of a real life casino behind your computer or mobile phone. It’s almost like you are standing in Vegas!


Stakelogic is another popular software developer which has added its games to the Whamoo game library. As one of the best-known developers in the software industry, it is always a good sign that Stakelogic games are available to play given that this company has made some exciting video slots.
Using HTML5, Stakelogic games are of course fully mobile compatible, which means you can play them on your smartphone as well. The company has also made some exciting new 3D slots which are not only gorgeous to look at but also wild fun to play. As an off-shoot company from gaming giants Novomatic, Stakelogic certainly is a reputable software developer which can be trusted when it comes to fairness and reliability.
Popular Stakelogic games are Epic Slam, Wild Stallion, Magic Wheel, Super Wild Arcade, Fruit Spinner, Lucky Gems Deluxe, Hot Fruits, Grand Slam Deluxe, Runner Runner, Turbo 4 Player Jackpot, Dragons and Magic, Big 5 Jungle Jackpot, Mariachi and The Big Cash Game.
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High limit gaming options

Whamoo is an online casino which is not only suitable for gamblers on a tight budget, but also for the true high rollers. You can place bets as low as a few cents, or as high as several thousands of euros or dollars at this online casino. Depending on your game of choice, whether its a jackpot video slot or classic table game, there are countless of options to bet big for maximum excitement and chances of winning top prizes. Further down in this Whamoo review, we will discuss some of the high limit games which are available.
Highrollers should also note that Whamoo comes with its own VIP programme in which you can quickly work yourself to the top category if you bet big. You can get instant access to your own dedicated casino manager and will get invites to high stakes tournaments. There are special weekly cashback bonuses as well for the true high roller gamblers at Whamoo. We will discuss the VIP program more in depth a bit further down this Whamoo review.
For now, let’s take a look at all the high roller games which are available at Whamoo Online Casino!

Endless rows of jackpot video slots

If you are a real lover of video slots you will be glad to hear that Whamoo has several hundreds of online video slots available. Although some of these slots are more suitable for beginning players or those on a tight budget, there are plenty of slots available where you can bet up to 100 euro/dollar per spin. This makes for some exhilarating and thrilling slot game action which will please any high stakes gambler out there!
Of course, Whamoo also has its share of jackpot slots where you have a shot at winning the progressive jackpot which can run well above a million euro or dollar! These premium slots, such as those using the famous Megaways system, offer countless of opportunities to place maximum bets at your video slot of choice.
Check the Whamoo game library whether or not your favourite slot is available as well, or try one of the many exciting new game additions! It is easy to browse through the Whamoo website. You can sort slots by software provider, or use the search function to check for your beloved title.

Join for some high stakes blackjack action

Blackjack has always been one of the most popular games among high rollers and the reasons why are quite clear. You can often bet high amounts of money on a single play and you can as a player slightly influence the outcome of a game as you need to decide whether you want to stand or hit another card.
At Whamoo, there is plenty of high stakes blackjack action. There are both normal blackjack games such as American Blackjack and multihand Blackjack, as well as blackjack tables in the live casino. In the live casino, which is powered by Pragmatic Play software, you can play several blackjack variants. Bets of up to several hundreds of euros or dollars, or even higher for the real VIPs, are possible.
Beat the hand of the dealer and hit that score of 21. Maybe it will be your lucky day playing blackjack at Whamoo Online Casino!

Grab a seat at the roulette table

There is plenty of roulette action at Whamoo as well. You can choose between virtual roulette versions, or opt for a seat at a roulette table in the live casino, where you are connected to a real-time croupier by video feed. Especially in the live casino high bets of up to a thousand dollar or more are possible, making roulette a big favourite among the real high stake gamblers.
Of course, Whamoo Casino has all of the the standard roulette versions of American Roulette, French Roulette and European Roulette. Most of these games are developed by software giants NetEnt.
In the live casino, there is also Roulette Macao Live, where you will be connected to a gaming environment which makes you feel like you are playing in the famous casinos of this Chinese gambling mecca. Live Speed Roulette, Live Roulette Auto and Roulette Azure are popular Pragmatic Play live casino versions of roulette which are available to Whamoo players.
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Whamoo's unique bonus package

One area in which Whamoo stands out as online casino is its great bonus package. Of course, there is a great welcome bonus for newly registered users. But the fun doesn’t stop there! At Whamoo casino, it is bonus day almost every single day of the week. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays the casino has recurring bonus offers if you reload you bankroll on one of those days. This makes Whamoo not only an attractive casino at the moment you sign up, but also at all those moments when you come back to play again.
300 free spins or a €200 deposit bonus

The Whamoo welcome bonus

We start of discussing the Whamoo welcome bonus which is called the “Welcombo” bonus by the casino. On a picture the Welcombo might not look too appealing as its packed in a carton takeaway box you might get at a certain fast food restaurant, but trust us on this: its contents are truly fantastic.
The Welcombo box contains a combination of goodies you get with your very first deposit at Whamoo. And what is best of all? You can decide what combo you want to receive! If you sign up at Whamoo for a free online casino account, you can determine your own bonus by adjusting the slide until you have found a combination which matches your idea of a perfect bonus.
This is a great option as it allows people to choose the bonus which best suits them. You can choose between free spins and a deposit bonus – or a combination of both. If you are an avid video slot gamer and do not care much about table games, you may want to slide all the way to the maximum free spins bonus. In that case, you will receive 300 free spins, but your deposit bonus will be 0%. The free spins in the Welcombo package are valid on the popular Amatic Industries slot Book of Fortune.
On the other hand, if you only care about table games and are not really interested in free spins and playing video slots, you want to adjust the slide to the maximum deposit bonus. This is a 100% deposit bonus of up to 200 euro. This means that if you deposit 200 euro of your own money to your newly created online casino account, Whamoo will top this up by another 200 euro from the house! If you select the full 100% deposit bonus, you will however not receive any free spins at all.
Of course, you can also opt for a mix between free spins and a deposit bonus. If you leave the slider in the middle, you will get 150 free spins and a 50% deposit bonus, for example. You can tweak this in any direction you want, for example to a 70% deposit bonus and 90 free spins. The higher your deposit bonus, the less free spins you receive. Want more free spins? Then your deposit bonus will decrease.

Welcombo bonus terms and conditions

Only one bonus is allowed per household and/or per player account. Do note that Whamoo’s bonuses remain valid until seven days after the required deposit has been made. Once this period ends, the bonus is automatically flagged as expired by the system and can no longer be released. The expired bonus funds are then automatically removed from the player’s account.
Of course, there is a wagering requirement which must be met in order to withdraw your bonus money and any winnings which may derive from it. Real money balance is used prior to bonus balance. The bonus balance will only be used when there is no real money available in your account. Only real money funds and released bonus funds can contribute towards the wagering requirement of the bonus. The wagering requirement for the Welcombo deposit bonus and free spins is thirty times (30x) the deposit + bonus.
Do note that players that deposit money using Paysafecard, Skrill or Neteller are not eligible for the Welcombo. To assure fair gaming and prevent fraud, Whamoo has placed a maximum cap on bonus money wagers, which are limited to a maximum per round/bet of €5 or its equivalent in other currencies. You should also be aware that certain games cannot be played using bonus money. There is a full overview of these games on the Whamoo bonus page.
Bets placed in certain games might not contribute fully to the wagering requirements.

Recurring bonuses at Whamoo

The bonus fun does not stop at the welcome bonus when you play at Whamoo! You can count on a constant stream of promotional campaigns and bonus offers. The casino has recurring promo offers every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. If you deposit some extra money to your online casino bankroll on one of those days, you are eligible for a bonus. It therefore pays off to wait for these days before you decide to reload your online funds.
On Monday it is Pick ‘n’ Play day to start off the week with some good vibes. On this day, the casino basically tops up your deposited money You can:
It is even possible to combine these bonuses if you want to deposit a larger sum! Alternatively, you can use the bonus codes of WHPICK5, WHPICK15 and WHPICK35 by putting these into the promo code field on the cashier page every Monday.

Whoa Wednesday

Wednesday is for many a difficult day in the week, it being right in the middle of another long week of work. To spice up things, Whamoo has come with an unusual bonus which it calls “Whoa Wednesday”.
Every Wednesday you get to uncover your secret gift – for free, no strings attached. The casino will add this gift to your next deposit. This can be a bonus, a set of free spins, or even both. You’ll get all the details once you’ve pulled off the cover and logged into your account. You will receive the bonus details and promotional code, which you can use in the promo field at the payment page to receive your hard-earned Wednesday bonus.

Freeday bonus

Friday is the favourite day of the week for many people – and the reason why is quite obvious. It marks the end of another working week and the start of some well-deserved weekend R&R! For many people this involves paying a visit to a land-based or online casino to get their kicks at their favourite game, whether it is a card game, roulette or video slot.
Whamoo knows that many people cannot wait for the days off work to start and therefore has come up with a special Friday bonus to welcome in the weekend! This bonus day is called ‘Freeday’ by Whamoo. The casino basically hands you a bunch of free spins if you are a regular customer. For every weekday from the previous week (Friday through Thursday) that you’ve deposited 30 euro or more, you get 10 free spins. For every weekend day you even get 20 Free Spins! That means up to 90 Free Spins are yours to play with. That’s a great start to a weekend full of partying and fun!

Wagering requirements

Do note that wagering requirements do apply to all daily promo offers. These are more or less the same as we outlined above in the description of the welcome package, but do take a look at the bonus terms and conditions page on the Whamoo website to know precisely what you can expect! As always, it is important to read the small print in order not to face any surprises later on.
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A fully mobile compatible casino

As a brand new online casino, Whamoo knows that already a majority of gamblers nowadays play on their mobile phones rather than on computers. Because of this, the Whamoo casino is fully compatible with mobile devices and tablets. If you load the Whamoo website on your smartphone, it looks just as good as on your laptop of computer. It’s equally accessible and orderly too! The mobile website is a breeze to browse through and you can easily access all the important pages such as the game library and payment page.
The same counts for the actual games themselves. Whamoo only works with software providers which are known to offer full mobile gaming support. These games are made in code such as HTML5, which means that the games can simply be played in your (mobile) internet browser. There is no download or special app required to play these games. Whether you are playing on your computer, tablet or smartphone, you simply surf to and select your favourite game from the library. This game will then open in your internet browser – and you can play instantly. It does not matter whether your phone runs on Android or is an iPhone, nor does it matter whether you have Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari or any other internet browser. Whamoo will function just fine!
This is absolutely great as you can now play at Whamoo wherever you are, whenever you want. Want to put down some wagers on the roulette table while you are sitting in public transport on your way to work? That’s easily doable! Just take out your smartphone on the train or bus, and surf to to play at your favourite roulette table. Are you sitting on your couch at home and want to play a few hands of blackjack before going to sleep? Just take out your laptop, tablet or phone and within seconds you can have some of the most exhilarating blackjack fun on your screen.

The Whamoo Live Casino

Whamoo’s live casino is powered by Pragmatic Play and NetEnt software – which are two of the biggest, most reputable software providers in the world. This is great news for the players, as you can access high quality tables in just a few clicks.
In the live casino, you are connected with a live video feed to a real-time casino table in one of the casino studios of these software providers. You can play games like baccarat, blackjack and roulette like you are standing in a real land-based casino in Vegas or Monaco! Thanks to the high definition video stream, you have a great overview of all the action which unfolds on and around the table.
All table games are led by experienced, professional croupiers and dealers who are not only well-trained, but entertaining as well. By all means, feel free to open your microphone or the chat window to have a talk with them, or even with other players from around the world. This is what makes the live casino such a great invention. Even though you might be sitting at home in front of your laptop or computer, it does almost feel like you are standing in a casino for real!
Especially for high rollers the live casino is a worthwhile addition as table limits are often much higher than in regular games. Of course, if you are on a tight budget there will definitely be live casino tables where low minimum bets are allowed too – no worries there. But it is the experienced, high stakes gambler who probably feels most at home in the live casino.
There are multiple baccarat, blackjack and roulette variants which you can play. For roulette, there is American Roulette, European Roulette, French Roulette, Speed Roulette, Live Roulette Auto and Roulette Macao Live. If you prefer the casino classic of blackjack, you will find plenty of different tables all with slightly different betting limits. Baccarat is perhaps the game with the highest betting limit. Besides the regular version, there are also Speed Baccarat tables. A fourth casino game which can be played live at the Whamoo Live Casino is Sic Bo. Just browse through the list of live casino games, or use the search function to find your favourite table!
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Explanation of the terms in the Iceberg of Final Fantasy XIV secrets and conspiracies.

Greetings my fellows Final Fantasy XIV players. My name is Sirocco "Shameless Flirter" Occoris, and I have been playing FF14 since the first day of 2.0 Early Access (so almost 7 years) and never actually stopped playing. My /playtime is 1253 days and with the permission of u/papayatulus to use his iceberg picture as the reference I will try to explain all the terms that are on that. His original thread is here A user wishes someone to explain all to them so I'm here to fulfill that request. Please feel free to let me know if I have anything wrong. This post will be full of spoilers big and small, so please read at your own risks.
Note: From this point onward (the third row), there appears to be less and less known features and more memes.
Note: Most of the terms in the bottom row are memes.
Thank you all if I use any of the threads that you started.
Edit 1: Thank you very much for the medal!
Edit 2: I was able to clarify a few terms and make some adjustments thanks to the people commenting below.
submitted by SiroccoTheDawn to ffxiv [link] [comments]

What if Skillshare is a Criminal Enterprise?? It definitely behavies like a Scam Company!

A few months ago I had my teaching account kicked from Skillshare for vague reasons. I tried to figure out what I had done wrong, and the best I can come up with were that may classes were too short - 15 to 20 minutes long in total. (Skillshare’s guidelines say classes must be 10 minutes minimum). Recently I was thinking about it, and how pointless that was, and what a waste of time Skillshare was for me (as a teacher), and it got me thinking, what if skillshare isn’t a real teaching platform?
What if it is just a criminal enterprise? Ponzi scheme? Maybe. Criminal enterprise is more likely. Because, aside from taking 70%+ of the teacher pool money, - yes you read that right, a whopping 70% of what teacher’s earn for the company, above and beyond the company’s costs of running is taken from teachers they host (and later kick without paying them) - but it behaves just like a mob run company, in every way possible, like an out of control, mob-run, Atlantic City Casino, kicking accounts for simply posting something they don’t like on the back of vague, ever-changing rules, that are not posted online, intentionally hard to follow, constantly “in the process of updating”, and never clarified to teachers in breach of said new rules & icing on the cake is that these rules justify the company seizing all of the earnings from teachers in the process.
If Skillshare was a legitimate business you would think they would talk to teachers about the course duration they don’t like or what have you but they just reject teacher accounts outright, even if you have paid for annual membership as I had. And you lose whatever you paid for subscription in addition to revenues for that month - meaning they take 100% - not 70% - of your earnings as a teacher.
This feels a lot like a Russian scam or something. I didn’t even think of this because it seemed like a legit teaching site at first glace. Add to that how there are even lots of reports on here of them continuing to charge the full subscription fee past the agreed upon end date on reddit.
Could I be on to something?? I feel like there could be something sinister to the madness of Skillshare’s policies? Is this just a criminal enterprise robbing teachers & students under flimsy pretenses & stealing your credit card details in the process?
I want to hear all of your thoughts on this!
submitted by TinfoilHatr to Skillshare [link] [comments]

Emojino Casino 20 No Deposit Free Spins For New Players

Emojino Casino 20 No Deposit Free Spins For New Players

Emojino Casino Review & Free Spins Bonus
Get 1500 euro and 100 free spins in welcome bonus at Emojino Casino! Additionally, score 20 gratis spins as our Gift! No Bonus Code Needed! Try the most funny online casino in the World now!
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Emojino Casino Full Review

Emojino Casino is an online casino owned and operated by True Flip Gaming Limited and it is licensed and regulated by the Malta Gaming Authority so relax everything is safe, legit and fun on Emojino. You will enjoy a user-friendly interface that allows you to understand everything that the casino has to offer. You will be happy to hear that there are tons of multiple games such as slot games, live casino games, jackpot games, and table games provided by top game makers. Emojino Casino also works with secure banking platforms like Neteller, Skrill, Ecopayz, MuchBetter and Neosurf so you are able to make deposits and withdraw your earnings without any issues at all times with no extra fees. You can boost your winnings by seizing the promotions and tournaments available on a regular basis on the casino and earn cash rewards that go over €1,500. The website can be displayed in several languages including English, German, Portuguese, Finnish, Norwegian and others plus there is a live chat support available 24/7 that will not let you down.

Emojino Casino Bonuses

Emojino Casino offers a welcome package for each new player that finishes the registration process successfully, the package goes up to €1,500 and is composed of 4 different bonuses.
The first promotion is a first deposit bonus of 100% that goes up to €300 plus 100 free spins to use on your favorite slot games, the second offer is a second deposit bonus of 50% that goes up to €400, the third one is a 75% bonus that goes up to €400 that can be claimed after your third deposit and the last offer of this welcome package is a 75% bonus that goes up to €400.
The minimum amount you must deposit in order to claim each bonus is €20 and each bonus must be wagered at least 30 times, otherwise, the players will be unable to withdraw the earnings made with any of them.
Emojino Casino also has multiple tournaments open on a regular basis so that the players can win real money showing their skills and luck on the many games available on the casino.
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Emojino Banking

The methods you may use to make your transactions are Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, Bank Transfer, Interac Online, Skrill, Neteller, Paysafe Card, Trustly, Ecopayz, MuchBetter and others. The minimum amount you can deposit is €10 and the maximum limit per transaction is €5,000. All of the deposits are processed instantly without extra charges. The minimum amount you can withdraw is €40 and the maximum limit per each withdrawal request is €5,000. The payments are processed instantly and there should be no extra fees charged by Emojino Casino when depositing or withdrawing, but some methods may have extra charges of their own that Emojino Casino is not responsible for.

Emojino VIP & Loyalty Rewards

Emojino Casino does not have any loyalty rewards program or VIP club available to the players at the moment of the making of this review. But, you are able to join the affiliate program in case you are a webmaster. All you need to do is submit an application and once you get accepted you will start promoting this online casino on your site or blog. You will get paid for every new player that registers on Emojino Casino through the marketing material displayed on your site.
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Emojino Casino Games & Slots

You are able to play slot games, table games, jackpot games, live casino games and others on Emojino Casino. The number of games is quite wide and various so you will never get bored plus the quality of the games is high as well because all games were developed by some of the best game makers nowadays such as Pragmatic Play, Truelab, ELK Studios and Play’n Go.
The players are also capable of playing any game they want from their mobile devices without complications. They can play directly from their internet browser and they will not be missing any feature on the games.
Some of the most popular slot games on Emojino Casino are: Octopus Treasure, Xmas Magic, Crusader, Robby the Illusionist, Blood lust and Gonzo’s Quest.
In case you are more interesting in the live casino games that make you feel as if you were in a real life Las Vegas Casino because the following games will catch you for a lot of time: Manhattan Wild, American Blackjack, Blackjack Live, Poker live, Baccarat, Baccarat Live and Roulette.

Emojino Customer Service

You can contact an Emojino Casino customer service representative via email, phone or via live chat. The agents are working 24/7 on each platform so you can reach out to them at any time you want without worries. There are plenty of agents working so you will not have to wait long for one of them to answer you, so don’t hesitate to contact them with any questions or problems you may have.
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Join Emojino Casino Now

Emojino Casino is fully licensed to offer gambling services by a reliable gaming authority, allowing you to feel safe at all times when taking part in the many games available on this online casino. Emojino Casino also works with several banking platforms that are totally secure and the payments are processed instantly as well so you can receive your well-deserved earnings whenever you request them. So, Join Emojino Casino now and start earning extra money playing exciting games.

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ]

What is the minimum required age to play?

The minimum required age is 18 years without exceptions.

Is there a practice mode or just for fun mode available at the casino?

Everyone is free to register and play some games to test the website or simply have fun, but in order to start earning some cash you need to make your first deposit.

Are there countries that are not allowed in Emojino Casino?

Yes, Emojino Casino does not allow residents in countries where online gambling is illegal to register and/or take part in the games and betting options available, some of those countries are: United States, The Netherlands, Portugal, China, Japan, Singapore, Azerbaijan, Latvia and Ukraine. You should read the full list of excluded countries on the terms and conditions of Emojino Casino.

Does Emojino Casino accept Bitcoin transfers?

No, it does not. You cannot make your deposits and withdraw your earnings on this online casino using Bitcoin.

Is there a friend referral program?

Emojino Casino does not offer a friend referral program, but there is an affiliates program so if you are a webmaster, you can join the program and earn commissions for the players that you bring to the casino using the marketing material provided to you on the affiliates program.

Does Emojino Casino have a gaming license?

Yes, it does. It is regulated and licensed by the Malta Gaming Authority so you are always protected by the law when making transactions or claiming your bonuses and promotions.

In Which platforms is the casino available?

It is available on PC, Mac, Android and iOS devices.

Does Emojino Casino have Christmas bonuses?

Emojino Casino has daily Christmas bonuses and they have an advent calendar on their website. Just checkout their bonus page to get more details.
>> Claim Free Spins Bonus Here <<
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True Flip Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

True Flip Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

True Flip Casino Free Spins and Promotions
Welcome to True Flip Casino Online! Make a deposit now and get 100% up to 1000 EUR or 1 BTC plus 150 Free Spins on top! Enjoy exclusive slots and table games, jackpots and live dealer! They also offer super fast withdrawals, including crypto-currencies!
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True Flip Casino is an online Blockchain lottery casino house that features more than a thousand exciting casino games and in-house entertainment powered by the top-ranking providers of the casino industry. Established in 2016, True Flip casino is a Bitcoin casino governed by Blockchain Games N.V., and it has its own ERC-20 token called Ticker TFL. The Bitcoin casino works with top-tier partners like ShapeShift, IQ Option, and many more to achieve its mission of being the first company to host a decentralized and open-source casino house.
True Flip casino is dedicated to transparency which is evident from the upfront display of gaming results, the public availability of the source code, and other such features. If you are enthusiastic about rolling out the stakes at True Flip, then go through the detailed True Flip casino review right now and register with your email today. The True Flip casino review reveals its pros and cons and establishes its trustworthiness too.

Quick facts about True Flip casino

  • Highly successful user experience since 2016
  • The interface is user-friendly
  • The registration process with email or phone number and few other documents is hassle-free
  • More than 1000 games
  • Instant withdrawal and deposit in multiple currencies (fiat currency and cryptocurrency) with no additional charges
  • Availability of support service 24×7
  • Transparent maintenance of detailed statistics on games sessions and transaction history
  • High advanced security system with no storage of sensitive client data
  • The welcome bonus is 1BTC and 50 free spins
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True Flip Casino games

True Flip casino offers over a thousand games of four types that include slots, jackpots, live casino, and table games.
Slot games
True Flip boasts of 850 slot games, the most popular of which are:
  • The one-armed bandit
  • Mega burning wins: 27 ways
  • Dead or alive 2
  • Fire and lightning
  • Ozwin’s Jackpot
In-house games
True Flip casino not only offers the games of top-notch providers but also features a host of in-house casino games. The in-house games indicate the transparency and independence of the Bitcoin casino. The blockchain-driven in-house games include the following:
  • Robby the illusionist
  • Pirate Bay
  • Chain’s code
  • Mining Factory
  • Tony’s reel
Table games
These games at True Flip casino are not as exciting as the slot games. However, the top picks include:
  • Live roulette
  • Card 3 poker
  • Roulette 3D
  • Sic Bo
  • French roulette
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The salient features of True Flip casino

The software providers are highly reputed
True Flip Casino is in association with several top-ranking software providers that include. Some of the most famous and popular software providers who are linked with True Flip are NetEnt, iSoftBet, Yggdrasil, BetSoft, TrueLab, Spinomenal, and more.
The security system is of the highest standard
True Flip Casino meets the industry standards of security and ensures strict confidentiality of user information like registration details and payment history. On True Flip, the user can activate the 2FA (2 Factor Authentication) mechanism for more robust security and prevention of unauthorized access to user information.
Methods and limits of withdrawal
For making a withdrawal, the user has to visit the Refill section on the dashboard and then select the currency for the withdrawal. He has to click on the withdrawal button next to the complete-the-withdrawal option. The user can make a withdrawal on True Flip without any inconvenience and does not need to pay extra charges either.
However, in case of withdrawal in TFL, a charge of 1TFL is imposed upon every withdrawal. The options of withdrawal are in BTC, EUR, and TFL. The minimum limit for withdrawal is 10 euros or an equivalent amount in other currencies. Withdrawal in cryptocurrency takes place in a day whereas fiat currency withdrawals take a longer time.
The gambling license is authentic
Blockchain Games N.V., the company that is licensed in Curacao, owns the operator rights of True Flip casino. SGL Stipulus Gate Ltd., the company that is registered in Cyprus, governs the payments made at the casino.
True Flip Casino also understands the aftermath of gambling addiction, and so, the team at the casino conducts the BeGambleAware campaign to assist the registered players of True Flip casino.
The payments options are highly varied and convenient
True Flip casino supports multiple fiat and cryptocurrencies. The casino has entered into partnerships with various brokers for the facilitation of payments. These brokers include ShapeShift, Paybis, Cryptopay, Cubits, and IQ Options. The platform also allows the conversion of currencies and recharge of the user account. True Flip casino supports the following currencies:
  • EUR
  • USD
  • Bitcoin
  • Bitcoin Cash
  • Dash
  • Litecoin
  • Dogecoin
  • Ethereum
True Flip also allows a wide range of payment methods and employs SSL encryption technology for the protection of user data.
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True Flip account and verification system

At True Flip Casino, the player has to register with the online casino by opening a user account. The registration requires the submission of a few identification documents. The official website of the casino provides complete details regarding the registration. However, the most important part about the registration is that the online casino follows KYC procedures. The maintenance of KYC helps in safeguarding the players.
True Flip is not accessible by players under the age of eighteen. Apart from extracting information from the players during registration, TrueFlip also permits the players to set voluntary limits and options for self-exclusion that can be triggered during the gaming sessions.

Support service for the customer

The staff at the customer support help desk is available 24×7 for the new as well as existent players on TrueFlip casino. There is a dedicated option for live chat for instant customer support during the gaming sessions. The support service operates in English and six other languages that include German, Swedish, Russian, Korean, and more. A player can chat with the help desk in his preferred language and get access to the support service through email as well.

Speed of payouts

One of the highlights of TrueFlip is that the service providers at the casino offer quick payouts. The high speed of payouts is ensured by the advanced blockchain technology that executes the rapid processing of payments. Blockchain technology is decentralized, which means that the technology does away with the central banks and authorities for the processing of payments and transactions. Instead, blockchain processes the payouts with peer-to-peer technology, that is fast, efficient, and cost-effective too. As such, the payout speed at the casino is very high.
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Pros and cons of True Flip Casino

The casino review reveals the following pros and cons.
The catalog of casino games is impressive
  • Supports a wide variety of cryptocurrencies
  • Availability of live dealer games
  • Live chat, email, and phone support system is available 24×7
  • The welcome bonus is attractive with lots of free spins
  • The minimum deposit is nominal
  • The list of restricted countries is too long
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A few important FAQs

Is True Flip casino legit?
The casino is authentic and legitimate, as it is licensed to the Curacao authority.
Is there a mobile phone version of True Flip casino?
Yes, there is an app version of TrueFlip casino, and so players can play casino games on the platform from their mobile phones. Trueflip is compatible with iOS, Android, Mac OS, and Windows.
What are the recommended cryptocurrency wallets for use at the casino?
Experts recommend the following cryptocurrency wallets for the gamers and gamblers at True Flip casino:
  • Ledger Nano X
  • KeepKey
  • Trezor
What is the welcome bonus package of the casino?
The welcome bonus pack of True Flip casino is 1000 Euros or 1 BTC and 50 free spins. Register today with your email to claim the free spins and the deposit bonus after making the first deposit. What’s more, the welcome bonus can be used on any deposit. Make sure that the bonus offer is activated within ten days of making the deposit of funds.


This True Flip casino review reveals that it is worthwhile, reliable, transparent, and lucrative too. The welcome bonus is pretty attractive and the games are exciting beyond wonder. The best part is that the casino is loved by beginners as well as advanced gamblers because of the varied levels of the games.
There is still a scope of improvement for the casino to achieve its full potential, but with the makers striving hard to keep the software up-to-date, there is no doubt that True Flip is bound to be a huge success. The advanced blockchain technology makes the platform provably fair and transparent for every user. So, sign up today with your email address, deposit 20 euros, and make the best of the casino bonus offers to rake in big wins. Watch out for the upcoming loyalty program too and follow the bonus blogs to claim more free spins.
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submitted by freespins1 to u/freespins1 [link] [comments]

I know this is stupid as f***, but hear me out.

I saw this supposedly leaked map from GTA VI with those two islands and while I don't believe this is legit at all, I was curious how "leaked" maps for GTA V looked like.
And I found this. Yeah, this is absolutely some kind of joke right? But... this was "leaked" in 2011, two years before release and I can't wrap my head around the fact that this map was not so different from what we've got. I mean this map have more in common with actual GTA V map, then Los Santos map from San Andreas. How is that possible?
So this is the WTF part in which even I can't believe, but it's interesting: what if this is an early concept of GTA V map based on Los Santos map from San Andreas, but so early it even uses San Andreas map graphic style. More like a concept, which then evolved to actual map. I know this sounds crazy, but still possible.
If all above is true, then what about that small island in bottom left part? Maybe Rockstar planned to add it in the final version, but they cut that (we don't know when, could be even in 2012) to save maybe for future DLC... for example, that final GTA Online update which will contain some kind of map expansion. It was proven before that, what was cut from final game, ended up in DLCs (casinos, dancing, clubs managing).
I'm I crazy? Sorry for my English BTW, let me know what you think about it.
submitted by karool996 to GTA6 [link] [comments]

Confessions of a covid positive poker player

Buckle up.. this is gonna be long.
TLDR : stop being dumb and follow casino protocols in private and semi public poker games because personal responsibility means not harming others.
Poker players are, for the most part, live and let live people. We all know that we're there to take each other's money or gamble and anything else is bad for business and most of us act accordingly with a certain degree of respect. Money is how we keep score and not much else matters.
Poker is a high risk activity for covid. We all know it.. all of us that play accept the risk and should be able to because personal responsibility is a thing. However, every good libertarian will tell you that personal responsibility only goes as far as the do no harm rule which means that one person's actions cannot harm another person's freedom of action.
Casinos don't give a damn about people.. but they are excellent at limiting risk and liability. As long as private or semi public games continue to not require full and proper mask usage and sanitization protocol then game runners and players are intentionally putting each other at a much higher degree of risk than is necessary. Casinos have shown us a blue print on how to do this as safely as possible and there is absolutely no reason not to do it.
I'm just as guilty as anybody. I play over 20 hours a week of live poker in the middle of a pandemic. supplemented with online play, this is how I pay my mortgage and bills. When somebody came into the game and didn't wanna wear a mask I chuckled and shrugged while making note of the person's likely high risk tolerance and possible willingness to put their money in a bad spot and went to work on taking the person's money. Until one of those people was in denial about having covid and proceeded to give it to half the table whether they were masked or not because they rambled and spewed into the air for hours and then you took a drink or your mask was a little loose in the nose and you breath in and you're screwed because you're in the same space for 7 hours.
It's shitty to not say anything until after you're burned and I own that.. but shittier to never say anything at all. Because at the end of the day that person's personal decision harmed the personal decisions of the rest of us and put our health at risk unnecessarily, a clear violation of the do no harm principle and we enabled and allowed that. We all accept the risk.. but it is wrong for 1 or 2 to force a higher degree of risk on the rest than they want to accept. The tyranny of the minority should not hold sway. Game runners and all players need to be real about what that means instead of fooling themselves about it either out of ignorance, laziness, fear of confrontation, or a twisted self interest.
If everybody decides to not have any rules then cool do what you want but if you have a mixed group I can personally attest that that simply does not work and you're either lying to yourself or you're lying to your players or both. We had a legit outbreak in our game to prove it. Outbreaks are bad for business. The casinos know this, why don't we? The free market will decide what continues and what doesn't but I'm personally calling on all poker players to demand better and be better for the community and for yourself as well as those you interact with and love or care about.
Be better by using the power of game selection and demanding better of your game runners and fellow players. I firmly plan on doing so on principle despite my soon to be acquired covid immunity because healthy players are good for business and covid outbreaks are bad for business. I feel it's important to lead by example and not ask something of others that you aren't willing to do yourself.
Will outbreaks still happen even if correct protocols are followed? More than likely yes.. but poker like life is all about risk management and mitigation and if it gets it to happen less often for little effort it's worth doing.
If you made it through all that thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
submitted by WinterMatt to poker [link] [comments]

GSlot Casino 200 gratis spins and 100% free bonus (Register)

GSlot Casino 200 gratis spins and 100% free bonus (Register)

GSlot Casino Exclusive Bonus Codes
Welcome to GSlot Casino Online! Join now and collect 20 no deposit free spins on Book of Dead or other slots by Netent. After that, get 200 gratis spins and 100% bonus up to 200 EUR on first deposit. Enjoy fast support, payments and gameplay!
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When you first land on Gslot, you can see that the website of the casino is well-organised and the interface is quite user-friendly. You can effortlessly navigate through pages, and there are enough filtering options to find the game you’re looking for with ease.
Players can choose one of the six languages available on the website. It’s also worth noting that the support provided by the casino is also available in these six languages, including Norweigan, Finnish, and German. Moreover, the website supports mobile view mode, and it is perfectly optimised to work in Android and Apple devices.
The casino is rather generous towards its clientele, and it offers quite a few bonuses and promotions. We will dig deeper into them, so keep reading our Gslot Casino review to learn how to make the most of its benefits.

Gslot Casino Welcome Bonus

Newly registered players are all eligible for the welcome bonus package for their initial three deposits. We will split the details of it into three parts so you can understand better.
  • First deposit:
100% bonus of your deposit up to €100 + 100 free spins. The minimum deposit to trigger it is €20. This first deposit bonus’s wagering requirement is x40. All free spins you’ll get will come in five days as 20 spins per day.
You can use the free spins on Book of Dead. This deposit bonus is valid for five days after you claim it, and the free spins are valid for 24 hours after you receive them.
  • Second deposit:
50% bonus of the deposit up to €100 + 50 free spins. The free spins are divided into two days, with 25 spins per day. There are four video slots available to use the free spins on. All other details, such as the expiration time, the wagering requirement, and the minimum deposit are identical as with the first deposit bonus.
  • Third deposit:
You’ll receive 50 free spins for deposits over €25 with this one. The split of the free spins, the expiration time, the wagering requirement, and the minimum amount are all the same as the second deposit bonus.
The welcome bonus package is rather generous, especially if you can use it to its full potential. However, the promotions don’t end here. There are still the weekly bonuses to cover, so let’s get right into it.
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Gslot Casino Tuesday Weekly Bonus

All players can claim their weekly 50% deposit bonus every Tuesday. To trigger it, the minimum amount necessary is €25. Furthermore, this Tuesday bonus has a wagering requirement set at x40. At its maximum of €100, it can reward you €50 each Tuesday.
Keep in mind that this promotion is only valid for five days after receiving it, and players can use its benefits once a week. Nevertheless, it can be enough to boost your budget and keep you going.

Gslot Casino Thursday Weekly Bonus

There is another bonus available for all players every Thursday. It comes in the form of 30 free spins for the video slot Almighty Sparta Dice. The minimal deposit you need to claim it is €30. This Thursday offer has a wagering requirement set at x40. You can redeem these free spins week by week, helping you spin and land wins.

Gslot Casino Promo Codes

To redeem all of these bonuses and free spins, players need to use promo codes when making their deposits. For the welcome package, make sure to use G100, G50, and GS on the first three respective deposits. For the Tuesday weekly bonus, you need G2, and for the Thursday free spins, you need G4. Considering that different promotions are going on and off at the casino, try to keep a lookout for any new codes by subscribing to Gslot’s weekly newsletter.

Gslot Casino Loyalty Program

As we previously mentioned, Gslot Casino appreciates the loyalty of its members. For this reason, they created the VIP loyalty program to reward players for their devotion. You become a part of the VIP program from the very start. With your first deposit, you start adding G-points to your tally, which will translate into different prizes.
For every €10 you will deposit you get 1 GP. You unlock the first level of the VIP and get rewarded with 25 free spins. As you progress through the ranking, you can expect all sorts of rewards with every new level.
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Gslot Casino Games

When it comes to the game selection, Gslot Casino has a substantial library of titles for different types of players. With the help of the categories or the search bar, you can easily find what you’re looking for since the options are neatly organised.
You can find works of some of the best software providers in the industry on the casino’s website. There are games from all sorts of genres and various themes. Their library includes video slot titles, table games, and even some live dealer games. Whether you’re a novice or veteran player, there’s something suitable for everyone.

A Vast Video Slots Library at Gslot Casino

With hundreds of slots at their disposal, players might have a hard time picking an option to play at Gslot Casino. Luckily, all video slots have a free play version that can help players learn the mechanics of a slot without spending a penny. The titles are powered by leading developers like NoLimit City, Relax Gaming, Play’N GO, and Quickspin.
Most of the titles have unique gameplay and impressive bonus features, such as free spins and multipliers. Some of the most popular choices among gamblers are the jackpot slots. They come with the potential for a generous payout, so it’s no wonder they are fan favourites.
We suggest trying Irish Pot Luck by NetEnt and giving a shot for the fantastic jackpot prize. In the slot, you will have the chance to win the Mega Jackpot at x5,000 of your initial bet. Nothing beats the feeling of landing the top prize. With only one spin you can make enormous profits.
If you prefer exciting gameplay that will keep you at the edge of your seat, the Megaways slots are just the thing for you. With thousands of ways to win, forget the traditional paylines and enjoy the fast-paced action.
Besides, Curse of the Werewolves by Pragmatic Play is one of the most volatile slots out there. It will undoubtedly provide you with a thrilling playtime and frequent winnings.
If you are a novice and you’re not sure what is the right slot for you, we suggest you begin with one of the classics. The traditional slots are the simplest to play and usually have a high RTP percentage. Eastern Emeralds by Quickspin is a great slot for beginners and can keep your budget healthy for a long time. Consider trying out and start pocketing those payouts.
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Plenty of Fun Table Games to Choose From

Many punters prefer the table games, and they’ll have their needs met at Gslot Casino. Once you open their library, you can find a range of classic titles coming in different versions, offering something for everyone’s taste.


Poker is the kind of game where, apart from luck, a bit of skill goes a long way. At Gslot, gamblers will be happy to know that they can enjoy American Poker by Wazdan on the platform. For those who prefer the more modern take of the classic game, Evolution Gaming’s Texas Hold ’em Bonus Poker is also an option. There are many other versions of the game available, so have a look at them before settling for one.


Being the game of choice for many veteran punters, blackjack players need to use strategy to make the most of their bets. 21 Burn Blackjack by Betsoft Gaming is a trendy choice among the players. Putting it simply, you can’t go wrong with that one. If you feel like adding a little twist to the action, check out All Bets Blackjack by Playtech and let your skills decide your budget.


Roulette games can provide you with loads of fun and the chance for a hefty payout. Among the many options, Astro Roulette by 1×2 Gaming stands out with its unique graphics. Even if you choose another game to go with, you’re in for an enjoyable time and a chance at winning some cash.


If you prefer relaxed gambling with simple rules and playstyle, baccarat will fit you nicely. Suitable for newcomers and experienced gamblers alike, there are different versions for everyone. If you’re getting started, we suggest Evolution’s Controlled Squeeze Baccarat for chill gameplay. If you are looking for you quick and lively action, consider trying out Speed Baccarat A by Pragmatic Live.
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A Good Live Casino Section

The live casino on the website satisfies most criteria. It is broadcasted high-quality streams. Moreover, it’s handled by reputable providers like Evolution Gaming, Pragmatic Live, NetEnt Live, Playtech Live, and Authentic Gaming. Thanks to them, the great atmosphere the casino has to offer should not come as a surprise.
To improve the experience of its members, professional dealers serve all of the live casino games at Gslot. To feel the magic of the live casino section, we suggest you try out Evolution’s American Roulette. It has been the top choice for many gamblers for a while, so check it out to see why.

Jackpot Games

Jackpot games are also involved in the vast library of the website. They make quite a good addition, offering a thrilling experience for real adrenaline junkies. Moreover, all jackpot games are playable in demo versions for those who want to try them out.
With titles powered by big providers such as Pragmatic Play, Playtech, Quickspin and others, jackpot games only enrich the vast array of games at Gslot Casino. Some popular titles you should consider are Cat in Vegas, 5 Lions Gold, Christmas Jackpot Bells, Dragon Chase and plenty others.

Gslot Casino Interface

When it comes to the interface, Gslot Casino’s website has a relatively dark tone and is quite catchy on the eye. Visually, the graphics satisfy most players’ standards. Once you open the website, it’s easy to see that you could easily get lost in the titles. Still, all of these games are thoroughly listed on multiple tabs. If you’re looking for something particular, there is also the option to filter and search for a specific game.
The lower section of the website is for those who need help from the support desk. You can easily access the Info tab for more details, such as Terms & Conditions and Responsible Gaming. Further on, the interface is responsive to both smartphone devices and tablets, so punters on the go can have an excellent time – more on that in a bit.
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Mobile Gaming With Gslot Casino

Although there is no official Gslot Casino mobile app, the website version works perfectly for both Android and iOS devices. As long as you have a reliable internet connection, Gslot’s website operates quite smoothly. The interface of the mobile version is tweaked to work with optimal results both on smartphones and tablets.
Even though some pages are made to fit smaller screens, the experience is just as good as on desktop. Once you get the hold of it from your phone, you will forget that you need an actual app. Nobody wants unnecessary downloads, just taking space and filling up your cell phone storage.

Safety & Security

Players at Gspot Casino can rest assured that their data is safe & protected while they are gaming on the website. Gslot operates under strict MGA regulations for responsible gambling. All in all, you should be confident that their website is legal and legit.
Once you register, modern encryption software will protect your data. Regarding security, the casino uses standard 128-bit encryption. Furthermore, the website is full of many guidelines that centred towards preventing irresponsible gambling. This section has a few listed websites that are there to help you in case you have a gambling issue.
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Deposits & Withdrawals at Gslot

Thanks to a good list of payment methods, banking at Gslot Casino is made relatively easy and straightforward. Credit/debit cards, e-wallets, and prepaid vouchers are all included in the wide range of payment options.
You can also find a range of successful alternatives. Some of them include Trustly, Pay’ N’Play, Wirecard, Payvision, Neteller, Skrill and plenty of others.
The minimum deposit and withdrawal amount are both set at €20. Players from different countries have nothing to worry about because the casino supports various banknotes. Supported currencies for the banking transactions are EUR, USD, CAD, NOK, PLN, NZD, ZAR and JPY. For now, Gslot Casino offers no crypto options.
Furthermore, the withdrawal limit for some payment methods is unlimited. The maximum withdrawal amount processed to one player is €5,000 per day, €10,000 per week, and up to €30,000 per month.

Customer Support

When it comes to customer support, Gslot Casino offers assistance for players looking for help. You can access 24/7 service via the chat option on their website. For a more severe issue, feel free to contact their public email.
The website’s supported languages are English, Norwegian, Finnish, French, German, and Japanese. All website languages are also available for support. Even though it’s not exceptionally vast, the website still hosts an adequate FAQ section.
Still, the support desk agents are quite polite, knowledgeable, and fast. They are here to provide thorough & satisfying assistance for all members that seem to have trouble.
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With fun & versatility in both games and features, Gslot Casino will satisfy the needs of most punters. When compared to more prominent names in the industry, this is a relatively fresh brand from an established operator.
When it comes to bonuses & promotions, Gslot Casino offers plenty. From a generous welcome package to a VIP program, Gslot is here to make you stay.
Moreover, when it comes to verification and banking options, Gslot Casino is serious and strict. Deposits and withdrawals are generally quick, even though there are some complaints about delayed transactions now and then.
All in all, Gslot is an online casino which ranks relatively high in the player community. Still, try it today and see for yourself. On its website, you will enjoy a vast library of game titles as well as generous bonuses here to help you get the most out of your stay.
submitted by freespinsbonus to u/freespinsbonus [link] [comments]

Make a shit-ton of money promoting online casinos

So, for those of you who are familiar with REALLY black hat affiliate marketing this wouldn't be a huge surprise, but still.
Basically, i think i found the ultimate way to promote online casinos as an affiliate and make huge amounts of money with it, and basically this is by turning lots of people into temporary (or not so temporary) gambling addicts.
Is this immoral? I'm a diagnosed sociopath and i couldn't care less, we're all adults and we're all responsible for our decisions. Is this illegal? No.
Basically, let's first analyze what a gambling addict is and HOW HE THINKS:
The key factor that distinguishes a gambling addict from an enthusiast is that the addict genuinely thinks he can beat the game, he thinks he knows what the next card coming out the deck is going to be, he thinks he knows that the next roll of the slot machine is going to be the one etc.
So, how do you turn random people into gamblers? You PROVE THEM you found an actual method to actually beat the game, and you prove it in an incontestable way just so that nobody can prove you wrong. This is going to cost you some money btw, let's say 500 bucks, but you'll make a lot more in a day so...
Basically, here's what you do:
1) You create a fake Baypal balance, just log into your Baypal account and select the values, right click, then "inspect". Now you can edit whatever you want and create a fake balance showing fake payments from whatever company you want (name of the casino, will explain later, but you have to put money in the casino, lose some, and then get it back on Baypal so that you know the exact name that will appear when you receive payments). This would only be illegal only if you were selling the method, but you're going to give it away for free (because it's not a method) so no worries.
2) Once you have the fake Baypal set up you record the screen and start talking, say stuff like "Hey everyone i'm recording this video to show you this INSANE method i just found to make money online, i wouldn't believe this because they told me it was a method to make a lot of money easily, but i tried it and wow, this is crazy. BLA BLA BLA. I'm a MATH graduate and i couldn't get a job anywhere, let alone a well paid job. BLA BLA BLA."
3) You then start talking about the money you made while moving your cursor ONTO the numbers so that people will see it's not a screenshot that you could've photoshopped because the page is interacting, because it's a real page, just edited. You basically just say stuff like “so you can see my balance now is 36k which is not all the money i made in this past month/month and a half, you can see i received these payments here, i was testing it first, made the first 221,64 bucks here, then 743,85 (remember not-so-perfect numbers have more impact), then i started doing this seriously and we got to 4k, 13k, and 28k today.”
4) You then keep talking for a bit about how crazy this is and it has changed your life, make sure the whole talk lasts about 3-4mins, then say “let’s not waste any time here, let me show you how this works”. And you stop recording. This will be the first part of the video just save it as it is, you’ll find out why later.
5) Open up whatever online casino you’re going to promote (will discuss on how to get your affiliate link later) on which you already loaded 50 euros or dollars, then start recording again, this will be the second part of the video, but people will not even notice the cut.
Say “this method works in online casinos. Okay i know what you’re thinking, don’t worry this is not one of those black-red tricks that don’t work, they’re scams and we all know that, this is a new method and works, as you saw on my Baypal, but i will show it to you live. Please remind most online casinos are not functional for this method because they will find a way to block you after you keep winning all the time, check the description for the link to this one that i’m using which is the very best. so, let’s go to the roulette section and pick french roulette. this is our workplace, i guess everyone knows how roulette works, but here we’re not trying to get lucky, we’re following a precise sequence which is this one *show sequence image at this point* (which is basically Red Black Red Red Black Black in cycles) and i’ll put a link for this too. Here’s how it works:”
So, you have to apply this cycle while placing your bets, this cycle actually kinda works, but it just makes your chances of winning slightly above 50%, it’s nothing special, but looks like it. What you do is you keep betting the colors of the cycle all the time, while explaining what you’re doing with confidence, betting 0,10€ at a time, saying this is exactly where you started from. If you win you place the minimum bet again, if you lose you double up, if you lose again you double up again, but you keep following the sequence as a cycle.
Explain that this is the classic double-up, but it’s very different because YOU HAVE A PRECISE SEQUENCE THAT CAN’T BE REVERSE-FOLLOWED ALL THE TIME, and thus is 100% winning, all of this while proving it, while still suggesting the more you bet the more money you make.
This might go very wrong and you’d end up wasting 50€, if that happens (took me 6 trys, 300€, to get the right one) record this part of the video from scratch and load 50 more euros, as i said this will cost you money. When you get the right shot and get to let’s say 51€, point out that you just made 1€ in a couple mins, starting from 0,10, which is A LOT, point that out clearly.
6) If step 4 went correctly now say “so, i think you’ve figured out how this works but let me prove you this works for real, i’ll set a stopwatch, do it for a while speeding up the video so that you see what i’m doing, and i’ll be right back” then proceed to activate a stopwatch, go back to the casino page for a couple seconds and CUT the video.
7) Now, in post-production, you’ll take the part where you explained the method and use that video while speeding it up very quickly.
8) Go back to the casino, try until you win one bet so that it will show (that’s really hard to edit), then edit your balance to around 56€. Start the stopwatch again from 0:00, and go back to the casino page.
9) When 5 mins or so have passed start recording FROM THE CASINO PAGE, go the the stopwatch, stop it, and say “so that was 5 mins”. Go back to the casino page and show you are now at 56€, say “we made 5 more euros, and that was 5 minutes, let’s calculate how much WE WOULD’VE MADE if i kept going for an hour.” Pull out whatever calculator you want and divide euros by minutes (in this case 5 divided by 5, could be different in your case depending on what you decide to do) in this case it will show 1€ a minute, multiply x60 and say “guys, 60€ an hour, i know people are getting jobs for like 7€ an hour or less, let’s see how much that’d be if i kept doing it for 8 hours, that’s 480€. In a few days that will be a month of salary, and that’s with 0,10 bets, can you imagine what that would be if we made 1€ bets? this is insane.”
10) Pull out a table you previously created, showing bets, expected earnings and SAFETY RATIOS (totally made up).
Basically, 0,10 lost bets doubling up 9 times (which will look very very rare if step 4 went correctly) will require a 51,20€ balance for ABSOLUTE certainty, 25,20€ for VERY GOOD CERTAINTY and 6,40€ for GOOD CERTAINTY, create the rest of the board according to other bet options. Then on a side of the board show hourly and monthly potential earnings working 2 hours a day, so let’s say 60€ an hour as in hour example (point out that you usually go faster than what you did during the chronometer) and this will result in 3.600€ a month with 2 hours a day.
Explain the table and talk about the great earnings you can achieve with just 0,10 bets or 0,20 bets with just 2 hours a day, and then talk about the earnings you can achieve with higher bets, that REQUIRE CERTAINTY. Say “How do you get certainty, with a higher balance, here’s what we have, for 0,10 bets 6,40€ is good certainty, 25,20 is very good certainty and 51,20 is absolute certainty”. Suggest people to do 1€ bets (that require 512€ for absolute certainty) because they will be able to make 36k a month with just 2 hours IF THEY DO THIS SLOWLY, one hour if they do it faster. Keep discussing the huge earnings they can achieve, and point out you achieved a lot more and that the table underestimates it, as they saw in your Baypal. do some small talk for a while, the whole videos should be 15-20mins long.
11) End the whole video by saying “guys, i’m not joking this is for real, you’ve seen my Baypal, you’ve seen me do this right in front of you, it works, you’ll see for yourself, i’ll put the WEBSITE LINK (avoid saying “go play now” or phrases that directly encourage gambling) and the FREE DOWNLOAD link for the sequence in the description, i changed my life and got my dream life and you can do this too, dreams are not dreams anymore, they’re goals that you can achieve, bye!”
So, this is how you create the gambler-maker video that will turn random people into real gamblers. The cool thing is that the lowest “absolute certainty” balance is 51,20 but they can’t deposit 51,20 because they will be able to deposit 50, so if they comment the video saying they lost their money say the didn’t listen to you and needed 51,20. They will then refill their balance. Lots of people will do the same with the 512 balance. Delete upset comments if they don’t take any “advice” and place some “this changed my life” and “1000€ in 2 hours easiest money of my life” comments with fake profiles during the first week or two.
Most online casinos will pay you a 20% commission on deposits when you’re first starting out as an affiliate and will go to even 300% CPA on deposits, meaning a 500 deposit will make you a 1.500€ commission, or something like that depending on the one you choose.
The problem with them is that they will be very upset if they found out you’re promoting their casino this way (but will enjoy the money) so before you apply for their affiliate program here’s what you do:
You go to Blu3host and purchase 2 domains and hosting for each, about 70 bucks for each (will last 1 year) call one something like “makethatdr3ammoneynow(DOT)c0m” and the other one “casinofunreviews(DOT)c0m”.
Use Blu3host because it has integrated wordpress.
Log into casinofunrevi3ws(DOT)c0m and log into wordpress, go to plugins and search for “pretty links” install that plugin (the logo is a start with blue lines behind it like a comet) what this plugin does is it CLOAKS your link, not for people, but for the casino, this is to make sure the casino thinks you’re promoting them in a legit way. Anyway, with the Prettylinks plugin you can create redirects like “casinofunr3views(DOT)c0m/casino” will immediately redirect to the casino with your affiliate link, you can figure this out very very easily when you have Prettylinks in front of you.
Now, you still don’t have your affiliate link so you’ll only do this when you get it, here’s what you do. Click on “add post” and write a post about a game like “book of ra” making a fake review saying it looks good and it fun to play overall and rate it 7/10 or something and bla bla bla, add a picture of it and that’s it. Do this for a couple more games always WITHOUT ENCOURAGING GAMBLING, they have to look like posts aimed at sunday-gamblers who do it for fun.
When you ask for your application as an affiliate they will ask you for an url, send them your perfectly legit friendly gambling blog (casinofunr3views(DOT)c0m) when they approve you and you get the link create the redirect like casinofunr3views(DOT)c0m/casino or something like that
Now go to your other domain (makethatdr3ammoneynow(DOT)c0m) and basically only write one post writing “link to the website” (create hyperlink to your redirect link, NOT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK, so that the text “link to the website” sends to casinofunr3views(DOT)c0m/casino) and “link to the sequence” that you will upload somewhere for free download and create an hyperlink for that too.
In the video description type “for the website link and download link click h3re: makethatdr3ammoneynow(DOT)c0m” and they will land on your website that just presents them the 2 hyperlinks and that’s it. Perfect.
Then go back to casinofunr3views(DOT)c0m and create a new post and talk about the casino you’re an affiliate of, review it and say it looks very good, good design and all and very fun games, and create an hyperlink for it in the post, right on their name, like, if the casino’s name is “bananacasinogummybear” you write “so, i’ve recently played some games on bananacasinogummybear…. bla bla bla” and the hyperlink sends to “casinofunr3views(DOT)c0m/casino” AGAIN.
The purpose of all this thing is that the casino will see where the new subscribers come from, if you put the redirect right on youtube they’d know you’re using youtube, and they would only have to google the link to find your video. If you do this like i explained to you they will see the traffic is coming from the super legit blog you showed them. THIS IS VERY VERY IMPORTANT.
So, this was my very black hat and highly manipulative way to make lots of money quickly af (just create a fake fb profile, search gambler-games-related pages and add a few people and post a status saying “i will post a video showing you a crazy method to makes lots of money, ask your dearest friends to add me” and keep adding people too, just spam a bit, it will go kinda viral very quickly (because the method kinda looks like it really works, but it doesn’t, so people will be sharing your video even after trying for themselves)
Make sure you make the youtube video “not listed” if you want to be really safe, because even thought this is legal it’s really immoral, and i suggest you to take it down after you made enough money to start a morally legit business, make sure the video doesn’t go super viral or you’ll be forever known in history as the scammer guy, trust me, you might end on tv sooner than you think, so make sure you take everything down if the views start getting out of hand, and my best advice is to take it down anyway after making 200k out of this, that’s enough money to start an insanely profitable online business very easily, a business that would make you 50k a month too, but morally.
I don’t care about morality, but being tagged as a scammer won’t be good for you, so avoid that at all costs.
Enjoy the money you’ll be making by tricking a casino into thinking you're just an amateur blogger who has fun playing games while in reality you're turning strangers into gambling addicts (even tho most people will quit after wasting a grand or so, sometimes less, a grand could be 3k commissions for you tho) and don’t start gambling yourself, the method doesn’t work, i can guarantee, just looks like it if you’re lucky enough to get it on video. it’s just like the dudeperfect videos or the yeahigotskills guy, those are not 1st try shots, but look like it.
ONE LAST THING: make sure you crop the video so that it doesn’t show the url of the casino so that even the smart guys will have to click on your link, when they get there they will just be too lazy and join through your affiliate link anyway.
submitted by MrRob20 to ImmoralHussler [link] [comments]

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