62 Crazy Super Bowl 54 Prop Bets You Have To - Benzinga

fun prop bets for super bowl party

fun prop bets for super bowl party - win

Some fun prop bets and odds for your Super Bowl party.

Some fun prop bets and odds for your Super Bowl party. submitted by clvunchained to DenverBroncos [link] [comments]

Super Bowl LIV Printable Props Bet Sheet

Hey everyone, now I know this isnt directly directed to any fantasy football platform/player but I thought for those throwing SB parties or work with a bunch of people watching the game this may be a fun way to add a little fantasy football/competition/betting. Its a printable props betting sheet with a bunch of different categories (OveUnder, Yes/No Props, Halftime show, Commercial, ect). Works great and the website has a live answer sheet to refer to to tally up the score. It also gives people involved that arent well versed in football (like the girlfriends of my friend group) a chance to do well with the categories like Heads/Tails, Commercials, and Halftime show props to balance out the player and team specific prop bets.
I have no affiliation to this, just thought some others may enjoy adding some wagering this their SB festivities as I have over the past 4 years.
Edit: Thank you for the Platinum, Gold and Silver I am just happy to help make peoples Super Bowl experience more enjoyable. https://sites.google.com/site/printablesuperbowlpropbets/
submitted by ConorFerg to fantasyfootball [link] [comments]

I’m Lily Madwhip and I’m Being Followed By a Big, Black Dog

I’m Lily Madwhip and I’m being followed by a big, black dog.
“Hey, do you know whose dog that is?” I ask Jamal. We’re sitting on the bus and I’m looking out the window at the big, black dog that has been following me since I left the house ten minutes ago. It’s long and thin, with short fur and a pointy nose. Judging from how it looks I bet it’s hungry. I spotted it first parked on its butt in the Tennison’s front yard staring at me and I thought it was doing its doggy business. I’m not a fan of watching animals do their business, so I looked away, but as I rounded the corner onto Smiley Ave, I looked back and it was still there, just watching me walk away.
“What dog?” Jamal asks.
“The big, black dog.” It’s peeking out from behind the old, dead tree by Mr. Lawrence’s house. Lightning struck the tree four years ago and split it down the middle. Mr. Lawrence had the two halves propped up and tried to hold them together by nailing boards up it like stitches. I think he thought since the boards were made of wood and the tree was made of wood, it would reabsorb the boards or something. It didn’t. Half the tree was dead and it’s all rotten and dried up now. The other half is fine though, so it looks like a weird tree with boards leading up to the branches, half of which have no leaves. Like a ladder to the lamest treehouse.
“What big, black dog?” Jamal looks out the window with curiosity, but he seems to look everywhere but where the dog is.
I point at the dog peeking out from behind the weird tree. “The big, black dog peeking out from behind Mr. Lawrence’s weird tree.”
Jamal keeps looking in the wrong places. He pauses. “Wait, who’s Mr. Lawrence?”
I give up. “Alright, well this has been fun, thanks.”
The bus drives off and the dog watches us go. I watch the dog watch us go. It’s a watching party.
Sixth grade has been hard to deal with. Particularly the “no toys allowed” rule, which means I have to leave Paschar at home every day. I can’t even try to smuggle him into school in my backpack. I still see things before they happen from time to time, but without Paschar, I don’t always know what’s going on. I have to be on my guard all day until I get home. It’s nerve wracking.
“You seem tense,” Simone tells me. Simone is one of my best friends. She’s got orange hair but people call it red or ginger. I don’t know why they don’t just call it orange. I guess that sounds too much like the color a clown’s hair would be or something. We sit in the back of the class during social studies because Mr. Hasan doesn’t assign seating like the other teachers do. I like Mr. Hasan. He always wears a bow tie. Most days it’s red, but some days he likes to throw everybody for a loop and wear a black one. Once he wore a green one and I swear Hayden Brickowski nearly had an aneurysm.
“I saw a dog at the bus stop.”
“Do you not like dogs?”
“I don’t think anybody else could see this one.” At least, Jamal couldn’t. Then again, maybe he was looking from the wrong angle. Of course, this all wouldn’t bother me if it didn’t mean something. I’ve learned to trust my instincts when they tell me something’s not right.
Simone covers her mouth in mock surprise. “Maybe it was a ghost dog!”
“You know... you joke, but you have no idea what I have to deal with sometimes.”
Actually, she does. I told Simone all about fixing things for the angels, my dad getting kidnapped by a magician with a grudge, meeting the angel of death, and all the awful stuff last year regarding Meredith and Felix and Officer Flowers. She listened to it all and never asked for any proof. She just took me at my word. But sometimes I think she thinks I imagined some of it, or maybe she thinks I’m a bit of a loon.
There’s no recess in sixth grade, but we have gym outside on the soccer field. That’s where I see the big, black dog again. I’m holding Simone’s feet as she tries to do a sit up. How can you not do one full sit up, Simone? I don’t ask her, I just pretend that each halfway sit up counts and she thinks she’s done ten. The big, black dog walks out from around the side of the school where they keep the dumpsters. I wonder if it’s a stray and happens to be wandering through town. Maybe this is a completely different dog. What are you saying, of course it’s not a completely different dog, Lily.
“Hey,” I say to Simone as she flops back down onto the grass, “there’s that big, black dog.”
She turns to look. “The ghost dog?”
“Yes, the ghost dog.” Maybe I’ll just call the dog Ghost from now on. That’s certainly a good name for it. It kind of looks like Officer Flowers’ ghost, all black and charred, only it’s not charred it’s just furry.
Simone sits up on her elbows and nods. “Yeah, I see it.”
I feel a sense of relief. “Really?”
Okay wait, I hate it when she does this. “Are you kidding that you see it or that you don’t see it?”
“I don’t see it,” Simone says. She looks at me apologetically. “Sorry.”
The rest of gym class, the dog and I have a staring contest. After exercises, we practice dribbling soccer balls and passing. Eventually, Mr. Betty our gym teacher blows the whistle to have us go in and change. I take one last glance over at the big, black dog and there’s someone kneeling beside it, petting it gently. It seems happy to be petted. I can’t really make out who the person is petting it, as they’re all hunched over and wearing some sort of hoodie. My first thought goes to Officer Flowers once again, but I haven’t seen her in almost a year, and I’d like to think she’s moved on, not haunting me with some weird ghost dog.
Today we have art class with Mrs. Zimmerman. I love art class. Last month I brought in one of my still lifes I did at home and Mrs. Zimmerman said I have a good eye for details. Today we’re using pastels to make a zoology collage to hang in the hallway. I’ve been working on this herd of giraffes since last week. I want to put a crown on the king of giraffes but that would be “unprofessional” as my mom always says.
Mrs. Zimmerman comes by to check our progress. She leans over and looks at Todd Gambil’s drawing of piranhas and nods but doesn’t say anything. That’s her way of politely avoiding a conversation with the principal and Todd’s parents about why she made their son cry. I saw Todd’s piranhas earlier and they look like a bowl of Fruit Loops.
“Very good giraffes, Lily,” she says. She hovers over me so close I can smell her perfume. She wears a lot of perfume, but nobody says anything. Todd Gambil is laying on his drawing of piranhas and I can’t tell if he’s trying to get in close for the real fine details or Mrs. Zimmerman’s perfume knocked him flat out.
“Is that a panther in the background?” Mrs. Zimmerman asks.
“What?” I look at my drawing. I don’t see a panther, I see one, two, three, four, five giraffes. Uh... I had drawn six. Oh there it is, laying on its side back by the treeline. Wait, did someone change my drawing? No, I literally was just working on it and the sixth giraffe was drinking out of the pond. Why is it all covered in red pastel? Oh my God-- my giraffe drawing has been murdered. Near the giraffe’s corpse sits a big, black-- oh it’s the dog. Of course it’s the dog.
“The big, black dog is in my drawing,” I say without thinking.
Mrs. Zimmerman leans back, “That’s a tad macabre but very realistically rendered, Lily.”
Did I draw the dog without thinking? But the giraffe... how did that change? I run my thumb over the paper to confirm its just a drawing, and I smudge the king of giraffe’s neck, making it look all zig-zaggy. Crud. Mrs. Zimmerman makes a “hmm” sound and wanders off to the next table. I lean in close and stare at the dog on my drawing.
“You better stop killing my giraffes,” I whisper at it. To emphasize my point, I jab the dog drawing with the end of my orange pastel. It doesn’t yelp or run away because it’s just a drawing and the idea that it might is of course utterly ridiculous. I take some green and try to cover the dog with it, but I can still see its dark shape underneath and now it truly looks like a ghost dog.
After school, we pile into the bus home. There’s a lot more kids on the bus home from middle school than there was from elementary school. If you don’t get on early, you gotta hope you find a seat next to someone decent. The big kids from eighth grade claim the back every day, and dispense wedgies or overturn your entire backpack if you try to move in on their territory. Jeffrey Baker learned that the hard way on our first day. I’d never seen anyone pick on Jeffrey Baker before, so it was really satisfying to watch him waddle back toward the front trying not to cry while at the same time not let his underwear ride up any further.
I like to sit by one of the front wheels. When the bus hits a bump in the road, kids by the wheels get launched the highest. It’s kind of like jumping on a trampoline, only you’re sitting on your butt the entire time. And there are a lot of bumps in the road around here.
It’s while I’m sitting there in the seat by the wheel, looking out the window that I see an odd reflection in the building we’re passing. The building’s side is made entirely of windows, and in them I see the bus I’m in, only there’s faces of other people looking back. We’re going by kind of fast, and the glass of the windows warps the reflection, but I can definitely see the faces. They all appear to be adults with sickly gray skin and sunken eyes and they are all looking directly back at me like some sort of ghost tour bus visiting the land of the living. I glance around but nobody else is even looking out the window who might also see this, they’re all talking to each other or the kids in the seat behind them. Well, okay, there’s one girl who’s looking out her window, but she’s on the other side of the bus, so that doesn’t count. I look back out, but the building is passed and there’s cars and a side street we’re going by.
Something inside me says, Get off the bus. I’ve learned to listen when something inside me speaks. I excuse myself past Hanna Glass who had sat next to me earlier with a clear face of disappointment that there wasn’t another seat available. She gladly moves to let me out so I can creep up the aisle to the front of the bus. We’re not supposed to stand up while the bus is in motion, but Ed our driver never pays attention to what’s going on in the back unless people start getting too loud. Of course, even as I think that, I see him look up and stare at me just as I get to one of the half empty seats right behind him.
“Sit down, Lily.” he says sternly.
I sit behind him and lean around the chair. “Ed, I need to get off the bus.”
“You shouldn’t be calling me Ed, Lily. Sit back.”
“Mr. Ed, I need to get off the bus, please.”
Ed narrows his eyes at me. I like to think he knows me well enough to know when I’m serious, because that’s all the time. I can see he’s going through the typical adult list of questions, number one being, “Is she goofing?” His expression hardens.
“Just sit back, Lily,” he says, “I can’t let you off before your stop. You’ll be home soon.”
He gives me one more uncertain look. “Sit back.”
I sigh. “Fine.”
I think about going back to my seat by the wheel, but Hanna Glass has already convinced someone else to take my spot. We exchange looks for a moment when I glance back, and then she goes back to talking to her friend. That’s fine, I’ll just sit here up front and be the first one off the bus if it catches fire.
We go several more minutes and a couple stops, dropping kids off. The seat over by the door clears, so I move to it because the boy I was sharing a seat with smells like he works at a pet store and doesn’t bathe. Maybe he does work at a pet store. Paschar would know. He’d know if the boy doesn’t bathe too, but that’s not really something I care about. Just the smell.
The bus drives past Holy Oaks Cemetery, where my brother Roger is buried. My parents got a plot for him by a willow tree. In fact, the only type of trees in the cemetery are willows. I wonder why they named it Holy Oaks instead of Holy Willows? I guess Holy Oaks rolls off the tongue better.
I hold my breath, as you are supposed to do when driving past a cemetery so you don’t inhale a person’s ghost. Several other kids who know the rule do the same. Some of the loud mouth eighth graders in the back start dramatically huffing and laughing, “Oh! Oh! I just sucked up someone’s spirit!” someone shouts.
A moment later, a big kid plops down in the seat next to me. He’s super tall, like maybe five foot ten, with long, dirty blond hair and the start of a mustache that looks like only every other hair grew out. There’s a gold loop in one of his ears, and he’s wearing torn jeans and a Pantera t-shirt. When he looks down at me his eyes are weird, kinda glossed over like someone whited them out.
“Lily,” he says. I wait, but that’s it.
“Yes.” I nod. “That’s me.” I try to act calm, but inside I’m praying he doesn’t twist my head off. I don’t even know who he is.
“It’s me, Roger.”
I’m nervous and confused, but I manage to squeak out, “It’s nice to meet you. My brother’s name was Roger.”
He frowns. “No, assface, I am Roger.”
“Roger?” I look closer at him but beyond the dirty hair and the dirty clothes and the... dirt... he looks nothing like Roger. Then it hits me. “Oh my God, Roger, did you get sucked up by this kid?”
Ed glances at us in the mirror with the same expression my mom gets when I start talking to my doll Paschar in the middle of one of her parties she hosts for work.
Roger shakes his head. Or rather, the kid with Roger in him shakes his head. Roger makes the kid he’s in shake his head. The kid’s head. Not Roger’s-- you know what I’m saying.
“I’ve got a message for you.”
“Are you in purgatory?” I ask him. Paschar told me Roger was in Purgatory. That’s where you lie in your body until someone comes to get you.
“Not anymore,” he says, “I took a deal. Give you this message and I can finally get out of that hole.”
The bus stops and a couple other big kids walk by us to get off. They look at me and the kid with Roger inside him with confused and disgusted faces. I can’t blame them. This is all confusing. And maybe a little disgusting.
“Where are you going to go?” I ask, “Heaven?”
He smirks at me. Or rather he makes the kid smirk. “No way, squirt, they wouldn’t take me.”
“Oh no, Roger,” I whisper so no one else can hear. Honestly, I should have been doing that from the start. “You’re not going to H-E-double hockey sticks, are you?”
“For shit’s sake, Lily, you can say ‘HELL’.”
“Are you going to Hell?”
Roger... the kid.. Look, I’m just going to call the kid Roger and you’ll know what I’m saying. Roger leans back and puts his hands behind his head like he’s relaxing on a beach instead of sitting in a cramped bus, or rather sitting in the body of some greasy thirteen year old on a cramped bus. “Nope, I’m joining a whole new pantheon.” He looks over at me. “You know what a pantheon is?”
“A marathon of pants?”
Roger sighs and closes his eyes. “No, dumbass, it’s like a different religion.”
“Ohhh...” I look out the window at people on the street for a moment before turning back to him. “Are you Jewish now?”
He sits up and waves his hands. “No, look, I don’t have time for this. I’ve got to give you this message before my stop. Before this kid’s stop. You know what I mean.”
He leans toward me and I can smell the flavor of the gum the kid must have been chewing on his breath. It was orange gum, in case you were wondering. I bet he swallowed it when he was huffing in Roger back at the cemetery. That’s not good for you. “Don’t swallow gum,” my mom always says, “it sits in your stomach for years.”
“Two things, squirt. One: she’s coming, and two: be careful.”
We stare at each other for a moment.
“That’s really vague,” I tell him.
He grins. “I know, right? And now I get to go join this new pantheon and be done with all this Christianity bullshit. Can you believe they were going to leave me rotting in the ground until the end of time?”
“I love you, Roger.”
“Yeah, okay.”
I look past Roger just in time to see Ed the bus driver make a face in the mirror like he just saw a two-headed racoon scooting across road. The smelly kid in the opposite seat is sitting there staring at me and Roger with his mouth hanging open and the same expression as Ed. Well, there goes what little reputation I had.
Roger spasms suddenly and coughs twice right in my face, then blinks several times. When he’s done, his eyes aren’t all whited out anymore, and he immediately reels back like I’m the one that just covered his face with spit instead of vice versa. So gross.
“What the Hell?” he snarls. “What are you doing back here?”
He looks around and seems to realize that it was he who was in the wrong place, not me. “Shit, I must have hyperventilated or something.” and with that he gets up and walks back to where he came from at the back of the bus, followed moments later by more cussing when he realizes the stop we just made that he walked to the back during was his own.
When the bus finally gets to my neighborhood, I hop off with the others from my street and who should be waiting for me but that big, black dog. It sits next to a row of hydrangea bushes and watches intently as we cross the street in front of the bus, just staring coldly at me. I think about approaching it, but you’re not supposed to approach strays, and as if it reads my mind the dog curls its lip back in a quiet snarl.
“Fair enough,” I say to it, “I was just told to be careful after all.”
I walk home with the big, black dog keeping pace far behind me, close enough for me to know it’s there but far enough back to not feel threatening. Every now and then I look back and it stops and sits down and cocks its head at me. I am quickly becoming not a fan of dogs.
Once I get home, I go straight to Paschar and ask him about the dog and Roger. He tells me that what Roger said is true, that there are other religious pantheons. He even spells the word out so I can look it up, which is good because I thought you spelled it with an ‘i’. He says that while he is aware of other pantheons, he is limited only to what humanity knows of them. In other words, Gods and angels of different religions don’t usually mingle. Paschar says Roger is outside of their “jurisdiction” now, which I also looked up and that means they can’t judge him--?
“So does this mean all the big books of mythology I read are true?” I ask.
Probably not, Paschar says, not even everything you read in the Bible is true. It’s like a two thousand year game of telephone. Someone said something at the dawn of time, and it got told to someone else, and someone else, and each time slightly changed from the last until you get here and things are vastly different.
“But you would know, wouldn’t you?” I ask, “You were there when it first got said, right?”
“Oh,” I scratch my head. “Okay. So... do you know who ‘she’ is?”
I have no idea, Paschar admits, I don’t know what pantheon Roger joined. Take his word for it though, and be careful.
“I’ll be careful. But I’m sure whatever happens, I’ll see it coming.” I force a smile and hug Paschar. He can’t hug me back because he’s just a doll.
The rest of the afternoon and evening goes by as it usually does: my dad lets me play drums in the garage on Roger’s old drum set for a while. Good thing Roger’s been stuck in his coffin all this time, because if he had ever found out I was using his drums, that conversation on the bus would have been a lot different I think. He probably would have really twisted my head off. Dad makes tuna noodle casserole for dinner, which is super gross. I eat it, but I don’t like it, and I have to drink some milk with every bite just to keep from gagging.
At bedtime, I feed Dr. Fishy and Dr. Brown. Dr. Fishy is a Siamese fighting fish. If you have more than one, they kill each other, so Dr. Brown is a little algae eater who floats along the bottom of the tank and sucks up stones and spits them out again. Siamese fighting fish don’t attack algae eaters, so the two doctors make a great team. I’ve had them for four months now and they’re still alive which is probably a record for me.
After I read for a bit from the book I’m doing a report on, Mom and Dad come in and kiss me goodnight and then turn out the lights. I don’t tell them that I talked to Roger. Once they’re gone, Paschar who lays next to me in bed starts reciting the lyrics to old hymns you can’t find in church anymore. His voice is always so calm and soothing that it helps me go right to sleep.
It’s after midnight when I wake up sweaty and confused. I was having that dream again about the summer my cousin Susan got run over by a boat and chopped up by the rudder. I never tell anyone about the dream because they’d just sign me back up for therapy. Paschar is still beside me in bed and he’s immediately aware that I’m awake, so he starts reciting hymns again quietly. But there’s something wrong in the room. The moon outside the window is making everything blue, and I can kind of see most of my stuff. In the corner by the closet door, there’s a shape that’s not supposed to be there, not very tall, maybe half the size of a person, unless it’s a hunched over person. Please don’t be a hunched over person. As if in response, I see them: two shiny eyes reflecting light from outside, staring at me. They’re not human eyes, they’re doggy eyes. Like the eyes of a big, black dog that should not be in my bedroom.
“Paschar, the dog is in my bedroom,” I whisper.
He stops reciting hymn lyrics. I can’t see it, Lily he says.
This isn’t good.
“Go away!” I hiss at the dog.
It responds by standing up. For a moment I think it’s going to pounce on me and tear my throat out, but instead the hinges of the closet door creak as it begins to open. I know I shut it tight because closets freak me out ever since I saw the movie Poltergeist. The door opens a crack and the dog walks slowly into it, disappearing into the darkness inside.
Something just opened the closet, Paschar says, Was that the dog?
“I don’t know.”
Suddenly, the closet door swings wide open into the room. I frantically pull the covers up to my chin, waiting for the dog to come back out or something worse. Maybe a billion spiders. No no no, neon glowing robot made of spinning blades and shooting flames. Zombies... pet zombies.. Zombie versions of every pet that died in this house. That’s-- that’s horrifying. Why am I thinking about that? Stupid imagination. Maybe it’s clones of my mom and dad, with black holes for eyes and blood pouring out of their mouths. Stop! Stop thinking of things!
Paschar sounds suddenly scared too. Maybe it’s Samael, he says.
Oh... oh crud. Someone, something in the closet is getting into our heads. It’s flipping through the rolodex of our nightmares, and trying to pluck just the right one to introduce itself to us with.
Lily, Paschar says urgently, Clear your mind! Focus on one thing and keep it in your head!
I start thinking of a brick wall, just focusing on the brick wall. Bricks. Lots of bricks. How tall is this wall? This brick wall? How brick is this wall? So many bricks.
Paschar starts singing the hymns he was droning on earlier. He doesn’t stop, and when one ends he goes right on into the other. He actually sounds really nice. I guess you could say he has the voice of an angel.
Bricks, bricks, bricks.
The closet door slams shut angrily. A minute later, my father comes stomping and shouting down the hallway and barges into the room, flipping on the light. I sit up and rub my eyes.
“What’s going on in here?” he demands.
“I have no idea,” I admit. “I was asleep and then something loud woke me up. It sounded like a door slamming.”
My dad eyes the closet door suspiciously. For a moment I see him in my mind, opening the door and the big, black dog leaping onto him and tearing him to pieces. No, stop that, brain. Don’t open the closet, Dad. Please, don’t open the closet.
He looks at me. “Go back to sleep.” Then he flips the lights off and leaves the room, shutting the door quietly behind him.
I do not sleep a wink the rest of the night.
submitted by Lillian_Madwhip to nosleep [link] [comments]

I’m Lily Madwhip and I’m Being Followed By a Big, Black Dog

I’m Lily Madwhip and I’m being followed by a big, black dog.
“Hey, do you know whose dog that is?” I ask Jamal. We’re sitting on the bus and I’m looking out the window at the big, black dog that has been following me since I left the house ten minutes ago. It’s long and thin, with short fur and a pointy nose. Judging from how it looks I bet it’s hungry. I spotted it first parked on its butt in the Tennison’s front yard staring at me and I thought it was doing its doggy business. I’m not a fan of watching animals do their business, so I looked away, but as I rounded the corner onto Smiley Ave, I looked back and it was still there, just watching me walk away.
“What dog?” Jamal asks.
“The big, black dog.” It’s peeking out from behind the old, dead tree by Mr. Lawrence’s house. Lightning struck the tree four years ago and split it down the middle. Mr. Lawrence had the two halves propped up and tried to hold them together by nailing boards up it like stitches. I think he thought since the boards were made of wood and the tree was made of wood, it would reabsorb the boards or something. It didn’t. Half the tree was dead and it’s all rotten and dried up now. The other half is fine though, so it looks like a weird tree with boards leading up to the branches, half of which have no leaves. Like a ladder to the lamest treehouse.
“What big, black dog?” Jamal looks out the window with curiosity, but he seems to look everywhere but where the dog is.
I point at the dog peeking out from behind the weird tree. “The big, black dog peeking out from behind Mr. Lawrence’s weird tree.”
Jamal keeps looking in the wrong places. He pauses. “Wait, who’s Mr. Lawrence?”
I give up. “Alright, well this has been fun, thanks.”
The bus drives off and the dog watches us go. I watch the dog watch us go. It’s a watching party.
Sixth grade has been hard to deal with. Particularly the “no toys allowed” rule, which means I have to leave Paschar at home every day. I can’t even try to smuggle him into school in my backpack. I still see things before they happen from time to time, but without Paschar, I don’t always know what’s going on. I have to be on my guard all day until I get home. It’s nerve wracking.
“You seem tense,” Simone tells me. Simone is one of my best friends. She’s got orange hair but people call it red or ginger. I don’t know why they don’t just call it orange. I guess that sounds too much like the color a clown’s hair would be or something. We sit in the back of the class during social studies because Mr. Hasan doesn’t assign seating like the other teachers do. I like Mr. Hasan. He always wears a bow tie. Most days it’s red, but some days he likes to throw everybody for a loop and wear a black one. Once he wore a green one and I swear Hayden Brickowski nearly had an aneurysm.
“I saw a dog at the bus stop.”
“Do you not like dogs?”
“I don’t think anybody else could see this one.” At least, Jamal couldn’t. Then again, maybe he was looking from the wrong angle. Of course, this all wouldn’t bother me if it didn’t mean something. I’ve learned to trust my instincts when they tell me something’s not right.
Simone covers her mouth in mock surprise. “Maybe it was a ghost dog!”
“You know... you joke, but you have no idea what I have to deal with sometimes.”
Actually, she does. I told Simone all about fixing things for the angels, my dad getting kidnapped by a magician with a grudge, meeting the angel of death, and all the awful stuff last year regarding Meredith and Felix and Officer Flowers. She listened to it all and never asked for any proof. She just took me at my word. But sometimes I think she thinks I imagined some of it, or maybe she thinks I’m a bit of a loon.
There’s no recess in sixth grade, but we have gym outside on the soccer field. That’s where I see the big, black dog again. I’m holding Simone’s feet as she tries to do a sit up. How can you not do one full sit up, Simone? I don’t ask her, I just pretend that each halfway sit up counts and she thinks she’s done ten. The big, black dog walks out from around the side of the school where they keep the dumpsters. I wonder if it’s a stray and happens to be wandering through town. Maybe this is a completely different dog. What are you saying, of course it’s not a completely different dog, Lily.
“Hey,” I say to Simone as she flops back down onto the grass, “there’s that big, black dog.”
She turns to look. “The ghost dog?”
“Yes, the ghost dog.” Maybe I’ll just call the dog Ghost from now on. That’s certainly a good name for it. It kind of looks like Officer Flowers’ ghost, all black and charred, only it’s not charred it’s just furry.
Simone sits up on her elbows and nods. “Yeah, I see it.”
I feel a sense of relief. “Really?”
Okay wait, I hate it when she does this. “Are you kidding that you see it or that you don’t see it?”
“I don’t see it,” Simone says. She looks at me apologetically. “Sorry.”
The rest of gym class, the dog and I have a staring contest. After exercises, we practice dribbling soccer balls and passing. Eventually, Mr. Betty our gym teacher blows the whistle to have us go in and change. I take one last glance over at the big, black dog and there’s someone kneeling beside it, petting it gently. It seems happy to be petted. I can’t really make out who the person is petting it, as they’re all hunched over and wearing some sort of hoodie. My first thought goes to Officer Flowers once again, but I haven’t seen her in almost a year, and I’d like to think she’s moved on, not haunting me with some weird ghost dog.
Today we have art class with Mrs. Zimmerman. I love art class. Last month I brought in one of my still lifes I did at home and Mrs. Zimmerman said I have a good eye for details. Today we’re using pastels to make a zoology collage to hang in the hallway. I’ve been working on this herd of giraffes since last week. I want to put a crown on the king of giraffes but that would be “unprofessional” as my mom always says.
Mrs. Zimmerman comes by to check our progress. She leans over and looks at Todd Gambil’s drawing of piranhas and nods but doesn’t say anything. That’s her way of politely avoiding a conversation with the principal and Todd’s parents about why she made their son cry. I saw Todd’s piranhas earlier and they look like a bowl of Fruit Loops.
“Very good giraffes, Lily,” she says. She hovers over me so close I can smell her perfume. She wears a lot of perfume, but nobody says anything. Todd Gambil is laying on his drawing of piranhas and I can’t tell if he’s trying to get in close for the real fine details or Mrs. Zimmerman’s perfume knocked him flat out.
“Is that a panther in the background?” Mrs. Zimmerman asks.
“What?” I look at my drawing. I don’t see a panther, I see one, two, three, four, five giraffes. Uh... I had drawn six. Oh there it is, laying on its side back by the treeline. Wait, did someone change my drawing? No, I literally was just working on it and the sixth giraffe was drinking out of the pond. Why is it all covered in red pastel? Oh my God-- my giraffe drawing has been murdered. Near the giraffe’s corpse sits a big, black-- oh it’s the dog. Of course it’s the dog.
“The big, black dog is in my drawing,” I say without thinking.
Mrs. Zimmerman leans back, “That’s a tad macabre but very realistically rendered, Lily.”
Did I draw the dog without thinking? But the giraffe... how did that change? I run my thumb over the paper to confirm its just a drawing, and I smudge the king of giraffe’s neck, making it look all zig-zaggy. Crud. Mrs. Zimmerman makes a “hmm” sound and wanders off to the next table. I lean in close and stare at the dog on my drawing.
“You better stop killing my giraffes,” I whisper at it. To emphasize my point, I jab the dog drawing with the end of my orange pastel. It doesn’t yelp or run away because it’s just a drawing and the idea that it might is of course utterly ridiculous. I take some green and try to cover the dog with it, but I can still see its dark shape underneath and now it truly looks like a ghost dog.
After school, we pile into the bus home. There’s a lot more kids on the bus home from middle school than there was from elementary school. If you don’t get on early, you gotta hope you find a seat next to someone decent. The big kids from eighth grade claim the back every day, and dispense wedgies or overturn your entire backpack if you try to move in on their territory. Jeffrey Baker learned that the hard way on our first day. I’d never seen anyone pick on Jeffrey Baker before, so it was really satisfying to watch him waddle back toward the front trying not to cry while at the same time not let his underwear ride up any further.
I like to sit by one of the front wheels. When the bus hits a bump in the road, kids by the wheels get launched the highest. It’s kind of like jumping on a trampoline, only you’re sitting on your butt the entire time. And there are a lot of bumps in the road around here.
It’s while I’m sitting there in the seat by the wheel, looking out the window that I see an odd reflection in the building we’re passing. The building’s side is made entirely of windows, and in them I see the bus I’m in, only there’s faces of other people looking back. We’re going by kind of fast, and the glass of the windows warps the reflection, but I can definitely see the faces. They all appear to be adults with sickly gray skin and sunken eyes and they are all looking directly back at me like some sort of ghost tour bus visiting the land of the living. I glance around but nobody else is even looking out the window who might also see this, they’re all talking to each other or the kids in the seat behind them. Well, okay, there’s one girl who’s looking out her window, but she’s on the other side of the bus, so that doesn’t count. I look back out, but the building is passed and there’s cars and a side street we’re going by.
Something inside me says, Get off the bus. I’ve learned to listen when something inside me speaks. I excuse myself past Hanna Glass who had sat next to me earlier with a clear face of disappointment that there wasn’t another seat available. She gladly moves to let me out so I can creep up the aisle to the front of the bus. We’re not supposed to stand up while the bus is in motion, but Ed our driver never pays attention to what’s going on in the back unless people start getting too loud. Of course, even as I think that, I see him look up and stare at me just as I get to one of the half empty seats right behind him.
“Sit down, Lily.” he says sternly.
I sit behind him and lean around the chair. “Ed, I need to get off the bus.”
“You shouldn’t be calling me Ed, Lily. Sit back.”
“Mr. Ed, I need to get off the bus, please.”
Ed narrows his eyes at me. I like to think he knows me well enough to know when I’m serious, because that’s all the time. I can see he’s going through the typical adult list of questions, number one being, “Is she goofing?” His expression hardens.
“Just sit back, Lily,” he says, “I can’t let you off before your stop. You’ll be home soon.”
He gives me one more uncertain look. “Sit back.”
I sigh. “Fine.”
I think about going back to my seat by the wheel, but Hanna Glass has already convinced someone else to take my spot. We exchange looks for a moment when I glance back, and then she goes back to talking to her friend. That’s fine, I’ll just sit here up front and be the first one off the bus if it catches fire.
We go several more minutes and a couple stops, dropping kids off. The seat over by the door clears, so I move to it because the boy I was sharing a seat with smells like he works at a pet store and doesn’t bathe. Maybe he does work at a pet store. Paschar would know. He’d know if the boy doesn’t bathe too, but that’s not really something I care about. Just the smell.
The bus drives past Holy Oaks Cemetery, where my brother Roger is buried. My parents got a plot for him by a willow tree. In fact, the only type of trees in the cemetery are willows. I wonder why they named it Holy Oaks instead of Holy Willows? I guess Holy Oaks rolls off the tongue better.
I hold my breath, as you are supposed to do when driving past a cemetery so you don’t inhale a person’s ghost. Several other kids who know the rule do the same. Some of the loud mouth eighth graders in the back start dramatically huffing and laughing, “Oh! Oh! I just sucked up someone’s spirit!” someone shouts.
A moment later, a big kid plops down in the seat next to me. He’s super tall, like maybe five foot ten, with long, dirty blond hair and the start of a mustache that looks like only every other hair grew out. There’s a gold loop in one of his ears, and he’s wearing torn jeans and a Pantera t-shirt. When he looks down at me his eyes are weird, kinda glossed over like someone whited them out.
“Lily,” he says. I wait, but that’s it.
“Yes.” I nod. “That’s me.” I try to act calm, but inside I’m praying he doesn’t twist my head off. I don’t even know who he is.
“It’s me, Roger.”
I’m nervous and confused, but I manage to squeak out, “It’s nice to meet you. My brother’s name was Roger.”
He frowns. “No, assface, I am Roger.”
“Roger?” I look closer at him but beyond the dirty hair and the dirty clothes and the... dirt... he looks nothing like Roger. Then it hits me. “Oh my God, Roger, did you get sucked up by this kid?”
Ed glances at us in the mirror with the same expression my mom gets when I start talking to my doll Paschar in the middle of one of her parties she hosts for work.
Roger shakes his head. Or rather, the kid with Roger in him shakes his head. Roger makes the kid he’s in shake his head. The kid’s head. Not Roger’s-- you know what I’m saying.
“I’ve got a message for you.”
“Are you in purgatory?” I ask him. Paschar told me Roger was in Purgatory. That’s where you lie in your body until someone comes to get you.
“Not anymore,” he says, “I took a deal. Give you this message and I can finally get out of that hole.”
The bus stops and a couple other big kids walk by us to get off. They look at me and the kid with Roger inside him with confused and disgusted faces. I can’t blame them. This is all confusing. And maybe a little disgusting.
“Where are you going to go?” I ask, “Heaven?”
He smirks at me. Or rather he makes the kid smirk. “No way, squirt, they wouldn’t take me.”
“Oh no, Roger,” I whisper so no one else can hear. Honestly, I should have been doing that from the start. “You’re not going to H-E-double hockey sticks, are you?”
“For shit’s sake, Lily, you can say ‘HELL’.”
“Are you going to Hell?”
Roger... the kid.. Look, I’m just going to call the kid Roger and you’ll know what I’m saying. Roger leans back and puts his hands behind his head like he’s relaxing on a beach instead of sitting in a cramped bus, or rather sitting in the body of some greasy thirteen year old on a cramped bus. “Nope, I’m joining a whole new pantheon.” He looks over at me. “You know what a pantheon is?”
“A marathon of pants?”
Roger sighs and closes his eyes. “No, dumbass, it’s like a different religion.”
“Ohhh...” I look out the window at people on the street for a moment before turning back to him. “Are you Jewish now?”
He sits up and waves his hands. “No, look, I don’t have time for this. I’ve got to give you this message before my stop. Before this kid’s stop. You know what I mean.”
He leans toward me and I can smell the flavor of the gum the kid must have been chewing on his breath. It was orange gum, in case you were wondering. I bet he swallowed it when he was huffing in Roger back at the cemetery. That’s not good for you. “Don’t swallow gum,” my mom always says, “it sits in your stomach for years.”
“Two things, squirt. One: she’s coming, and two: be careful.”
We stare at each other for a moment.
“That’s really vague,” I tell him.
He grins. “I know, right? And now I get to go join this new pantheon and be done with all this Christianity bullshit. Can you believe they were going to leave me rotting in the ground until the end of time?”
“I love you, Roger.”
“Yeah, okay.”
I look past Roger just in time to see Ed the bus driver make a face in the mirror like he just saw a two-headed racoon scooting across road. The smelly kid in the opposite seat is sitting there staring at me and Roger with his mouth hanging open and the same expression as Ed. Well, there goes what little reputation I had.
Roger spasms suddenly and coughs twice right in my face, then blinks several times. When he’s done, his eyes aren’t all whited out anymore, and he immediately reels back like I’m the one that just covered his face with spit instead of vice versa. So gross.
“What the Hell?” he snarls. “What are you doing back here?”
He looks around and seems to realize that it was he who was in the wrong place, not me. “Shit, I must have hyperventilated or something.” and with that he gets up and walks back to where he came from at the back of the bus, followed moments later by more cussing when he realizes the stop we just made that he walked to the back during was his own.
When the bus finally gets to my neighborhood, I hop off with the others from my street and who should be waiting for me but that big, black dog. It sits next to a row of hydrangea bushes and watches intently as we cross the street in front of the bus, just staring coldly at me. I think about approaching it, but you’re not supposed to approach strays, and as if it reads my mind the dog curls its lip back in a quiet snarl.
“Fair enough,” I say to it, “I was just told to be careful after all.”
I walk home with the big, black dog keeping pace far behind me, close enough for me to know it’s there but far enough back to not feel threatening. Every now and then I look back and it stops and sits down and cocks its head at me. I am quickly becoming not a fan of dogs.
Once I get home, I go straight to Paschar and ask him about the dog and Roger. He tells me that what Roger said is true, that there are other religious pantheons. He even spells the word out so I can look it up, which is good because I thought you spelled it with an ‘i’. He says that while he is aware of other pantheons, he is limited only to what humanity knows of them. In other words, Gods and angels of different religions don’t usually mingle. Paschar says Roger is outside of their “jurisdiction” now, which I also looked up and that means they can’t judge him--?
“So does this mean all the big books of mythology I read are true?” I ask.
Probably not, Paschar says, not even everything you read in the Bible is true. It’s like a two thousand year game of telephone. Someone said something at the dawn of time, and it got told to someone else, and someone else, and each time slightly changed from the last until you get here and things are vastly different.
“But you would know, wouldn’t you?” I ask, “You were there when it first got said, right?”
“Oh,” I scratch my head. “Okay. So... do you know who ‘she’ is?”
I have no idea, Paschar admits, I don’t know what pantheon Roger joined. Take his word for it though, and be careful.
“I’ll be careful. But I’m sure whatever happens, I’ll see it coming.” I force a smile and hug Paschar. He can’t hug me back because he’s just a doll.
The rest of the afternoon and evening goes by as it usually does: my dad lets me play drums in the garage on Roger’s old drum set for a while. Good thing Roger’s been stuck in his coffin all this time, because if he had ever found out I was using his drums, that conversation on the bus would have been a lot different I think. He probably would have really twisted my head off. Dad makes tuna noodle casserole for dinner, which is super gross. I eat it, but I don’t like it, and I have to drink some milk with every bite just to keep from gagging.
At bedtime, I feed Dr. Fishy and Dr. Brown. Dr. Fishy is a Siamese fighting fish. If you have more than one, they kill each other, so Dr. Brown is a little algae eater who floats along the bottom of the tank and sucks up stones and spits them out again. Siamese fighting fish don’t attack algae eaters, so the two doctors make a great team. I’ve had them for four months now and they’re still alive which is probably a record for me.
After I read for a bit from the book I’m doing a report on, Mom and Dad come in and kiss me goodnight and then turn out the lights. I don’t tell them that I talked to Roger. Once they’re gone, Paschar who lays next to me in bed starts reciting the lyrics to old hymns you can’t find in church anymore. His voice is always so calm and soothing that it helps me go right to sleep.
It’s after midnight when I wake up sweaty and confused. I was having that dream again about the summer my cousin Susan got run over by a boat and chopped up by the rudder. I never tell anyone about the dream because they’d just sign me back up for therapy. Paschar is still beside me in bed and he’s immediately aware that I’m awake, so he starts reciting hymns again quietly. But there’s something wrong in the room. The moon outside the window is making everything blue, and I can kind of see most of my stuff. In the corner by the closet door, there’s a shape that’s not supposed to be there, not very tall, maybe half the size of a person, unless it’s a hunched over person. Please don’t be a hunched over person. As if in response, I see them: two shiny eyes reflecting light from outside, staring at me. They’re not human eyes, they’re doggy eyes. Like the eyes of a big, black dog that should not be in my bedroom.
“Paschar, the dog is in my bedroom,” I whisper.
He stops reciting hymn lyrics. I can’t see it, Lily he says.
This isn’t good.
“Go away!” I hiss at the dog.
It responds by standing up. For a moment I think it’s going to pounce on me and tear my throat out, but instead the hinges of the closet door creak as it begins to open. I know I shut it tight because closets freak me out ever since I saw the movie Poltergeist. The door opens a crack and the dog walks slowly into it, disappearing into the darkness inside.
Something just opened the closet, Paschar says, Was that the dog?
“I don’t know.”
Suddenly, the closet door swings wide open into the room. I frantically pull the covers up to my chin, waiting for the dog to come back out or something worse. Maybe a billion spiders. No no no, neon glowing robot made of spinning blades and shooting flames. Zombies... pet zombies.. Zombie versions of every pet that died in this house. That’s-- that’s horrifying. Why am I thinking about that? Stupid imagination. Maybe it’s clones of my mom and dad, with black holes for eyes and blood pouring out of their mouths. Stop! Stop thinking of things!
Paschar sounds suddenly scared too. Maybe it’s Samael, he says.
Oh... oh crud. Someone, something in the closet is getting into our heads. It’s flipping through the rolodex of our nightmares, and trying to pluck just the right one to introduce itself to us with.
Lily, Paschar says urgently, Clear your mind! Focus on one thing and keep it in your head!
I start thinking of a brick wall, just focusing on the brick wall. Bricks. Lots of bricks. How tall is this wall? This brick wall? How brick is this wall? So many bricks.
Paschar starts singing the hymns he was droning on earlier. He doesn’t stop, and when one ends he goes right on into the other. He actually sounds really nice. I guess you could say he has the voice of an angel.
Bricks, bricks, bricks.
The closet door slams shut angrily. A minute later, my father comes stomping and shouting down the hallway and barges into the room, flipping on the light. I sit up and rub my eyes.
“What’s going on in here?” he demands.
“I have no idea,” I admit. “I was asleep and then something loud woke me up. It sounded like a door slamming.”
My dad eyes the closet door suspiciously. For a moment I see him in my mind, opening the door and the big, black dog leaping onto him and tearing him to pieces. No, stop that, brain. Don’t open the closet, Dad. Please, don’t open the closet.
He looks at me. “Go back to sleep.” Then he flips the lights off and leaves the room, shutting the door quietly behind him.
I do not sleep a wink the rest of the night.
submitted by Lillian_Madwhip to Lillian_Madwhip [link] [comments]

Superbowl Prop Bets Sheet

Is anyone familiar with the prop bets sheets that is made for superbowl parties? I believe it has a QR code on the bottom of it that gives live updates to bets. Me and my friends always have fun completing these and am just wondering why I can find the version for this year.
Here is an example of what I am referring to from a previous super bowl: http://i.imgur.com/kgARdNr.jpg
submitted by Salsa-N-Chips to sportsbook [link] [comments]

[H] Superbowl GRLC-only betting service with complete odds [W] Bets!

Hey everyone,
Super Bowl LII is looking to be fairly uneventful this year. The New England Patriots taking win after win means hopes aren't that high for a comeback by the Philadelphia Eagles. Why not make some fun (and some Garlicoin!) out of it, by betting on the Superbowl odds? You'll be screaming at your TV in no time!
Here are the odds, according to sportsline. Taken from here and also sports.bovada.lv
8:5 means 8 GRLC investment returns a profit of 5 GRLC with a win.
I may have to disable betting on 1, 5, and 7, because in a Patriot's win I'd have no funds from other bets to cash out and it would all have to be from my own pocket. However, so far, so good.
  1. New England Patriots WIN - 8:5
  2. Philadelphia Eagles WIN - 5:8
  3. Total score is OVER 48.5 1.1:1
  4. Total score is UNDER 48.5 1.1:1
  5. Patriots win by OVER 4.5 points. (Spread) 1.15:1
  6. Patriots win by LESS THAN 4.5 points OR LOSE. 1.05:1
  1. At halftime, Patriots have OVER 3 point lead: 1.1:1
  2. At halftime, Patriots have under 3 point lead, or less: 1:1:1
  3. Total score at halftime is OVER 24: 1.1:1
  4. Total score at halftime is UNDER 24: 1.1:1
If you would like to bet, send your GRLC to my address at
In your description, put your
  1. Reddit username
  2. What you're betting on, using the numbers I listed above.
  3. Your Receiving address
You can choose not to have your username, as long as you're sure your recieving address is correct, or you can choose not you have your address, and I can contact you in PM for that using your username.
u/stonepaw90 10G on #2, 5G on #3, 1G on #10 and my address is

And I'd know you'd bet 10 GRLC on the Eagles to win, 5 GRLC on the total scores to be over 48.5, and 1 GLRC on the total scores at half time to be under 24.
If only a few people bet, and I don't have enough to pay out in worse case scenario, I will send the GRLC back which I can't do. I'll do this Saturday night/Sunday morning.
Payouts will be when I return from my superbowl party, at 11am EST on monday Feb 5, or the day before, in the likely case that I'm not snowed in.
Best of luck!
EDIT: As NaturalHavoc points out, I don't have a ton of credibility. Don't give me more than 10 GRLC unless you really want to. I'm just here for the memes - I'm not super greedy for garlicoin. If a mod wants to collab or be the GRLC holder, contact me.
u/Church_Yo will be providing a middle man service. Post your offer in the comments, and I will confirm it and direct you to Church's wallet. He will hold all the funds until it is time to payout.
See his post here:
submitted by Stonepaw90 to GarlicMarket [link] [comments]

Kickstarter Roundup: Jan 17, 2016

Some very big, highly anticipated Kickstarters this week. Enjoy!
What this is: This is a curated listing of Kickstarter tabletop games projects that are either: a) newly posted in the past 7ish days or b) ending in the next 7ish days and have at least a fighting chance of being funded. By and large they will be board game projects, but the occasional surprise may also sneak in. Expect new lists each Sunday sometime between 12:00am and 12:00pm PST.

Ending This Week

Project Info Status Backers Avg Pledge Ending Comments
Phantom Leader Deluxe Command a Squadron of US strike fighters and fly missions deep into North Vietnam in this fast-paced strategy game! (Has currently earned $14,717 of $5,000) 294% funded 128 $115 01-17 reprint, bgg page
Building maps / floor plans for table top games. Round 4 Maps for your tabletop games. (Has currently earned $51 of $50) 102% funded 7 $7 01-18
Chemical Spill by Chemisode: the chemistry card game Take one card and pass the rest, clean up the chemical spill and make molecules to score points. No prior knowledge required!! (Has currently earned $3,080 of $2,500) 123% funded 76 $41 AUD 01-19
Pixel Loot - Arms & Armor System-generic treasure cards for your favorite fantasy role-playing game, with a retro 16-bit pixel art theme. (Has currently earned $338 of $400) 84% funded 20 $17 01-20 accessories
StrataSphere 2.0: The Simple Game of Strategy and Gravity The SIMPLE 'out of this world' strategy game of gravity! Support local schools with StrataSphere 2.0. (Has currently earned $10,753 of $12,000) 89% funded 127 $85 01-20
CitiesUp CitiesUp is a 2-4 Player tabletop board game. Build, interact and rule the city. (Has currently earned €21,354 of €6,000) 355% funded 314 €68 01-21 reddit thread
Attack of the Killer Kittens This is a card game for people who are into Killer Kittens, mayhem armageddon, seeing your friends cry and being the last one standing. (Has currently earned $11,874 of $10,000) 118% funded 289 $41 01-21 #hmm
Gossip: A Social Deduction Card Game About Office Gossip A 5-8 player social deduction card game of gossip at the office where players try to identify the gossip spreader before it's too late. (Has currently earned $1,480 of $1,000) 148% funded 69 $21 01-22
Release the Samurai Be the first to get the new 16th century Samurai packs, Mounted and Foot figures and an exquisite palanquin with options. (Has currently earned £666 of £850) 78% funded 15 £44 01-23 minis
The Daring & The Doomed: A Pixel Art fantasy card game Kingdom-building, monster-fighting, food-vending, gold-stealing PIXEL fun for everyone!! (Has currently earned $11,707 of $2,000) 585% funded 310 $38 01-23 playthrough video
Liguria Trading beautiful colors on behalf of the bishop! Become the best merchant of the Fresco World in this innovative game by Queen Games. (Has currently earned $15,243 of $10,000) 152% funded 175 $87 01-25

New Last Week

Project Info Status Backers Avg Pledge Ending Comments
50 Worst Dates 50 Worst Dates is a party game for four or more people where the object is to go out with the most heinous person. Ages 18 and up. (Has currently earned $370 of $6,000) 6% funded 8 $46 02-15
Empire in Peril - Unfeasibly Miniatures A range of 28mm scale miniatures depicting the Invasion of Britain & beyond by the German Empire at the beginning of the 20th Century. (Has currently earned £79 of £1,000) 7% funded 3 £26 03-04 minis
Flippin' Zombies v1.2 Will your craving for brains get the best of you? Think fast and make wise decisions. You want to live not just win. (Has currently earned $533 of $5,000) 10% funded 7 $76 02-14
Goblin Glory, a 1v1 tabletop card game with a dynamic twist. Two players try to destroy each other's Core in a highly strategic battle by employing creatures, spells and dungeon upgrades. (Has currently earned €168 of €9,000) 1% funded 4 €42 02-15
Great Boy the Game Decksploration puzzle based on mysterious bible stories (Has currently earned $249 of $5,000) 4% funded 7 $36 02-15
Guards of Atlantis: Tabletop MOBA The Guards of Atlantis is a competitive, team-based multiplayer battle arena (MOBA) game for 2-6 players set in a steampunk world. (Has currently earned $19,473 of $35,000) 55% funded 265 $73 02-01
KiCKeT! - the Indoor-Outdoor "floortop" soccer game. Play the ball and your figures with your foot and block goal shots with one leg. Turnbased game with both tactics and action! (Has currently earned €1,758 of €11,000) 15% funded 27 €65 02-21
Questions 2 Outrageous: A Hilarious New Party Game Pair up and try to agree by answering you or me to outrageous questions. CAUTION this game may cause endless debates and laughter! (Has currently earned $2,126 of $8,000) 26% funded 45 $47 02-15
Retail Rampage Family board game for up to 6 people. Grab the deals and head home, but watch out for sneaky players that'll pinch your bargains! (Has currently earned £60 of £30,000) 0% funded 4 £15 02-27 #lolwut
Scuba - The Board Game Scuba is a realistic and fun 30-60 minute board game designed for 2-4 family gamers, experienced board gamers and scuba divers! (Has currently earned €5,323 of €20,000) 26% funded 104 €51 02-18 rahdo preview
SUET the Card Game SUET is a fun, fast card game where you play an evil genius trying to get into the nefarious Society of Ultimate Evil and Terror. (Has currently earned $550 of $10,000) 5% funded 14 $39 03-15
Tacticulum Tacticulum is a deceptively simple game in print, electronic and digital media. Enjoyable by all cultures at all ages for all reasons. (Has currently earned $10 of $600) 1% funded 1 03-13 #hmm
Toast! A quick, casual and social board game of poison, deception and flawless etiquette for 4-6 players! (Has currently earned £4,415 of £28,400) 15% funded 208 £21 02-17
Vasty Wilds A card-based board game for 2-4 players aged 12+. Expand the forest to gain progress and to bring misfortune for your opponent. (Has currently earned $836 of $15,000) 5% funded 20 $42 02-14
WagonCon 2016 WagonCon 2016! April 1st, 2nd and 3rd. The Best Dam Gaming Convention in the Columbia Gorge! (Has currently earned $737 of $1,000) 73% funded 8 $92 02-28 convention
Biergarten: A Light Card-Laying Game of Bavarian Traditions Players vie to create their own Bavarian-style gardens using 64 unique illustrations of colorful tables and half-timbered walls, (Has currently earned $9,764 of $10,000) 97% funded 392 $25 02-10 reddit thread
Blocknation A modern twist on an old school game.Conquer the board before your opponents. The more you're in control the more control you have. (Has currently earned $826 of $2,500) 33% funded 9 $92 02-13
Cast Metal Gaming Dice I hand craft metal gaming dice in my garage and I need your help to make these dice available to everyone. (Has currently earned $7,195 of $10,000) 71% funded 105 $69 02-10 dice
Dirigible Disaster-A frantic real-time co-op for 2-5 players Work together in this cooperative game to keep the passengers safe, maintain steam pressure, and deliver the Dirigible to port safely. (Has currently earned $7,134 of $8,400) 84% funded 196 $36 02-11
Football Betting Board - Perfect for a Super Bowl Party! A board game that lets you place prop bets against your friends as you watch the game. You can literally bet on anything! (Has currently earned $372 of $1,500) 24% funded 8 $47 CAD 01-27
Forget Me Not: Florida Forget-Me-Not is a strange David Lynch inspired game about a small community dealing with a murder. This is the Florida edition. (Has currently earned $1,260 of $600) 210% funded 73 $17 02-11
King's Forge: Glassworks A classy new expansion for King's Forge. Gather and craft items with a new material... glass! (Has currently earned $21,672 of $15,000) 144% funded 670 $32 01-28 expansion
Plummet3D Family Game A family oriented 3D game in a small cylinder. Designed to bring back family interactions, laughter, and a few fond memories. (Has currently earned $156 of $96,000) 0% funded 4 $39 02-16
Street Kings Boardgame Bring something different to your game nights. A racing game with no dice. Each race, you'll be at the edge of your seat. (Has currently earned $5,009 of $18,000) 27% funded 122 $41 02-11
The Card Caddy: 2x & 3x Deckers w/ snap-on accessories The Card Caddy is the only playing card deck box that converts to a discard tray-now in 2x and 3x versions with snap-on accessories! (Has currently earned $2,989 of $37,000) 8% funded 134 $22 02-11 accessory
The Manhattan Project: Chain Reaction card game Simple hand efficiency card game using dual-purpose cards in a quick and exciting race to build bombs. (Has currently earned $37,235 of $4,000) 930% funded 1455 $26 02-04
War is Coming: Shieldmaidens vs Orcs 28mm scale fantasy mass army tabletop game (Has currently earned $39,097 of $30,000) 130% funded 310 $126 02-11
XenoShyft: Dreadmire Partner up with your friends to survive wave after wave of horrific aliens in this cooperative deck-building base-defense game! (Has currently earned $148,115 of $30,000) 493% funded 2497 $59 01-31 expansion (sort of), bgg page
Chance & Counters: Bristol's first board game café Bristol’s first board game café. Comfy seats, purpose-built tables, quality food & drink, and hundreds of games to choose from. (Has currently earned £8,646 of £10,000) 86% funded 156 £55 02-10 board game cafe reddit thread
Fleet Commander - Genesis The easy-to-play tactical and epic space battle boardgame for 2 to 4 players including new amazing expansions! (Has currently earned €94,884 of €50,000) 189% funded 865 €110 02-10 bgg page for another edition
Global Conflict War-games GLOBAL CONFLICT modern warfare to 28mm , is a set of strategies designed to turn 28mm miniatures war games or table (Has currently earned €686 of €2,000) 34% funded 8 €86 02-09
Liguria Trading beautiful colors on behalf of the bishop! Become the best merchant of the Fresco World in this innovative game by Queen Games. (Has currently earned $15,243 of $10,000) 152% funded 175 $87 01-25
Mr. Maksimov's Manor A quick, approachable game of bidding and suspense set during the estate sale of the late, mysterious Mr. Maksimov. (Has currently earned $1,054 of $3,275) 32% funded 28 $38 02-08
Quillico Quillico is the every which way word game. (Has currently earned $1,250 of $35,000) 3% funded 18 $69 02-07 #lolwut
The Pursuit of Happiness Live the life you've always wanted. The possibilities are endless! (Has currently earned $44,222 of $15,000) 294% funded 916 $48 02-11 reddit thread
The Supershow: Set 2. The Backlash The Worlds 1st unpredictable game is back for a second set! The Supershow "The Backlash" introduces 3 new box sets each with new cards. (Has currently earned $8,356 of $5,000) 167% funded 101 $83 02-22 expansion, original game bgg
Tiny Epic Western Poker meets worker placement in this artfully crafted 30 minute board game for 2 to 4 players. TINY box, EPIC gameplay, EVERY TIME! (Has currently earned $238,997 of $15,000) 1593% funded 7472 $32 02-06 reddit thread, bgg page
Looking for more comprehensive Kickstarter gaming information? Check out the meta listings on BGG, explore Kicktraq's data-driven views, or, of course, Kickstater's Tabletop Category.


  • #hmm means that something about the project seems a little off. Buyer beware kinda thing.
  • #lolwut is reserved for projects that seem like trainwrecks. Check 'em out for amusement.
  • Did I miss something? Particularly stuff that might go in the Comments column? Let me know and I'll add it in.
  • Sorry for getting this one in just under the wire. whew
submitted by Zelbinian to boardgames [link] [comments]

ACS: 2016-02-05-Erin Coscarelli and Cousin Sal

Image Gallery: http://imgur.com/a/IpStb
Adam opens the show talking about being sick, but explaining that because he hasn’t missed any work, it doesn’t count. He then talks about a great new episode of Reasonable Doubt that’s coming out next weekend, and speaks to Cousin Sal about his thoughts on this weekend’s Super Bowl. They also discuss some of the fun prop bets that are floating around, as well as what he thinks the final score will be. Next up, Adam takes some fan phone calls about this year’s C.O.T.Y. Awards, life in Kenya, and advice on breaking into the voice over game. Before the break, the gang plays a round of Blah Blah Blog.
Erin Coscarelli is in studio next, and Adam asks her about how she got involved in athletics and the NFL Network. The guys also talk about working the red carpet at the upcoming NFL Honors, what the reaction will be when the Rams come back to LA, and white-trash quarterbacks. Gina then begins the news with a discussion of a failed protest against ousting homeless people from San Francisco leading up to the Super Bowl. They also talk about the average cost that people will spend on Super Bowl parties, the request for women to start registering for the draft, and a new line of Vegan ice cream from Ben & Jerry’s. As the show wraps up, the guys talk about Matt LeBlanc joining the cast of Top Gear, a college requiring all students to wear fitness bands (or risk not passing their classes), and new class at the University of Kentucky about tacos.
Watch the NFL Honors this Saturday at 8pm on the NFL Network. You can also visit http://erincoscarelli.com, and follow her on Twitter @ErinCoscarelli.
Also follow Cousin Sal on Twitter @TheCousinSal.
Producers: Mike August, Mike Lynch, and Mike Dawson Co-Producers: Gary Smith, Chris Laxamana, and Matt Fondiler Newsgirl: Gina Grad Sound Effects: Bryan Bishop
Post generated by ACSBot from http://adamcarolla.com/erin-coscarelli-and-cousin-sal/
submitted by gomeztogo to AdamCarolla [link] [comments]

Superbowl betting service now open, taking Garlic Flavored coins only!

Hey everyone,
Super Bowl LII is looking to be fairly uneventful this year. The New England Patriots taking win after win means hopes aren't that high for a comeback by the Philadelphia Eagles. Why not make some fun (and some Garlicoin!) out of it, by betting on the Superbowl odds? You'll be screaming at your TV in no time!
Here are the odds, according to sportsline. Taken from here and also sports.bovada.lv
8:5 means 8 GRLC investment returns a profit of 5 GRLC with a win.
  1. New England Patriots WIN - 8:5
  2. Philadelphia Eagles WIN - 5:8
  3. Total score is OVER 48.5 1:1.1
  4. Total score is UNDER 48.5 1:1.1
  5. Patriots win by OVER 4.5 points. (Spread) 1.15:1
  6. Patriots win by LESS THAN 4.5 points OR LOSE. 1.05:1
  1. At halftime, Patriots have OVER 3 point lead: 1.1.1
  2. At halftime, Patriots have under 3 point lead, or less: 1:1.1
  3. Total score at halftime is OVER 24: 1:1.1
  4. Total score at halftime is UNDER 24: 1:1.1
If you would like to bet, send your GRLC to my address at
In your description, put your
  1. Reddit username
  2. What you're betting on, using the numbers I listed above.
  3. Your Receiving address
You can choose not to have your username, as long as you're sure your recieving address is correct, or you can choose not you have your address, and I can contact you in PM for that using your username.
u/stonepaw90 10G on #2, 5G on #3, 1G on #10 and my address is

And I'd know you'd bet 10 GRLC on the Eagles to win, 5 GRLC on the total scores to be over 48.5, and 1 GLRC on the total scores at half time to be under 24.
If only a few people bet, and I don't have enough to pay out in worse case scenario, I will send the GRLC back which I can't do. I'll do this Saturday night/Sunday morning.
Payouts will be when I return from my superbowl party, at 11am EST on monday Feb 5, or the day before, in the likely case that I'm not snowed in.
Of course, I don't have a ton of credibility. Don't give me super large bets unless you really want to. I will say though, I'm just here for the memes - I'm not super greedy for garlicoin. If a mod wants to collab or be the GRLC holder, PM me.
Again, the address is
and remember to put the info i mentioned in the send description.
Best of luck!
submitted by Stonepaw90 to garlicoin [link] [comments]

Dear Orangereds,

You have been cordially invited to the second annual Choma Super Bowl/Superb Owl Party. Join us for fun, fellowship, and American football. If you would like to watch the game you can follow these instruction on how to watch the game online, or on an iPad. If you would like to place bets please see this thread.
Don't like American football? Don't worry about it, there will be other people there who don't like football too. Join us for fun and fellowship.
Location: The Periwinkle Chatroom
Time: February 1, 2015 at 6:20 EST/5:20 CST/3:20 PST
Hope to see you there!
submitted by myductape to orangered [link] [comments]

Anybody know a good app for tracking prop bets?

I'm hosting a super bowl party and would love to have friends fill out a prop bet sheet as they come in. A no money involved, just for fun situation. Does anybody know of a good app to track what people enter and easily establish a winner at the end of the night? If the app automatically determines the winner, that would be awesome. Otherwise, I could do it as an admin / host.
submitted by rockstarnights to nfl [link] [comments]

Pokeman Z (chapter 1) [f,beast,fantasy]

_________________Chapter one_________________
Note that this is slightly tweaked from real Pokemon to make it more anatomically possible and bit more realistic. Stuff like carnivores and omnivores, sexual reproduction similar to their RL counterparts, etc. Plus to make characters of age. Locations and names will differ. I hope everyone enjoys! Sincerely, EG
In the little remote town know by the name Pauper I, just like almost every other kid, have dreamt of being a Pokemon Trainer since I was a little kid. Growing up I’d watch the Colosseum Battles every Saturday night, any time the local professor let children see his pokemon I was first in line and I had all the fan collectibles I could afford! Unlike most everyone else however my passion for Pokemon and my yearning for adventure grew over the years. While my friends and peers got jobs or went to get special educations I was one of the few who went under Professor Fir’s wing and learned in depth all I could about these wonderful creatures that we coexist with.
From the age of 14 I spent almost all my after school free time, as well as most of my weekends, in Fir’s lab studying or doing hands on research. Since I had shown an abundance of knowledge and passion from such a young age the Professor let me start studying with her a year earlier than most, and for the next five I diligently studied and cared for the Pokemon that came and went through our lab. Treating every single one as the precious and powerful creature that they are. Now, at the age of 19, I’ve finally saved up enough money and trained myself enough to start off on my own Pokemon adventure!
“The weather today is sunny and warm with a high of 80*f. Tomorrow there is a slight chance of scattered showers but will be keeping our warm trend.” The weather man on the T.V. goes on as I sit and sip my coffee. Today’s the big day!
“Elizabeth! I don’t care if it’s the beginning of summer you still need to pack yourself some cool and cold weather clothes.” My Mum yells as she slowly descends the staircase with my duffel bag in hand.
“I wasn’t finished packing yet.” I lie
“Oh yeah sure, you got your skimpy underwear packed away, but haven’t gotten to the emergency stuff.” She plops the bag on the couch next to me as I blush and semi- curl into a ball.
“Well don’t worry honey I packed it in for you. Don’t worry I picked and took away based on what you actually wear.” I smile and thank her, but plan on going through it myself to be sure. I have yet to get dressed for the day so I still have reason to go to my room.
“Soups on!” I hear Dad yell from the kitchen. I hop up and rush to the table with gusto
I stand in momentary awe at the food before me. A huge omelette sits on a plate along side a couple links of sausage and bacon strips, with a bowl of biscuits and gravy sitting next to it. All my favorite breakfast foods in one sitting! I get giddy and sit down,then without waiting for anyone else, I tear into my plate. I’m sure anyone who believes in “lady like behaviour” would have a cow if they saw me unmercifully devouring the eggs, meat and grain in front of me. My Dad chimes in with some encouraging words before digging into his own food. Mum is the last one to start eating and does so like a normal person. I eat almost half my food before I stop to breathe.
“Where’s the kids?” I ask once I realize they didn’t show up to eat.
“Angus and Louanne are on a mandatory school field trip to your bosses lab.” Dad says in between mouthfuls of food.
“I guess they will get to see me off after all. I hope they don’t get too emotional on me” I chuckle a little but am actually terrified of bawling my eyes out right before I leave.
We exchange some idle small talk in between eating and once my plate is clean I head upstairs to take a shower. I’m not starting off a journey smelly. I grab the outfit I have picked out for today: a baby blue tank top with a black mini skirt, a pink and white striped thong, and all topped off with a pair of thigh high socks. No bra though. It’s an amazing adventuring outfit! Comfortable, easy to move in, and versatile. With a proud harumph to myself I make my way from my room to the main bathroom. I shut and lock the door, strip naked and turn on the scalding hot water. After adding the tiniest hint of cold I hop in and pull the curtain too. I hum and sing as I wash myself, just as I’ve always done. I look around and take in all the little details of the shower. The stains near the drain. The half gone bar soaps that no one actually uses. Our girl razors hung up near the shower head. Then I start to cry. It starts slow at first, so slow I didn’t realize it, but it quickly crescendos into full sobs. Thinking about how all this could be gone or different whenever I come back just pushed me over. I sit down and try to get ahold of myself, reminding myself that this has literally been my life’s dream and I’m achieving it today. I let a little laugh out then sob again. I’m okay. I stand back up, in control now, and I finish up my shower.
“Are you alright?” Mum asks me as I reach the bottom of the stairs
“Yeah, just nostalgia. I’m gonna be okay Mum. Promise.” I say as I adjust the heavy duffel bag on my shoulder “Well, I guess I better be off to the lab so I can get on my way.”
After hugging Mum and Dad and saying one last goodbye I walk out the door and head towards Fir’s lab. The summer sun shining down and it’s heat is evident as the end of my beginning and the beginning of my life as my own person finally gets to begin! I giggle to myself in excitement as I walk across the soft dirt paths that lead through town. I pass faces I’ve seen day in and out as I go. Former classmates, teachers, store employees and all the other people that live in this poor little town. Lots of people congratulate me as I pass. Some just smile and wave. Everyone knows of my departure today. While we usually have a little gathering to see a new adventurer off, but I requested otherwise. It’s difficult enough as it is. Before long I’ve reached the sliding glass doors of Professor Fir’s lab, and after they silently glide open, I walk into the air conditioned facility. I greet Jamie, the receptionist, as I walk by and make my way to the professor.
“Now can anyone tell me what Pokemon like to eat?” Professor Fir asks the group of children in front of her
“Berries!” A young boy yells from in the group
“Mhm, Anything else?” She prompts, which swiftly silences the group
“Some Pokemon, such as Mightyena and Ekans, actually sustain themselves mostly on meat.” I say as I cross the room to stand next to the Prof.
“Perfect as always Liz.” She says and puts her hand on my arm
“Sissy!” Suddenly is screamed and two kids come running up and hugging me. My siblings Louanne and Angus.
After I hug them and tell them how much I’ll miss them, as well as the promise to bring souvenirs on my return, they return to their spot in the cluster and I let Fir finish her lesson. I sit, watch and occasionally answer some questions for about a half hour before the kids are sent home. Leaving the lab in it’s typical quiet state. Prof. Fir gestures for me to follow her before disappearing through a door. I follow swiftly behind her, catching up before she makes it too far down the hall. She offers no explanation as to where she’s taking me so I don’t ask. Then, a minute later, she stops in front of a metal security door and turns towards me.
“I know you don’t want a big ceremony.” She starts “So, I’m gonna let you choose whichever Pokemon you want back here in the vault.”
“Oh. Well thank you so much Professor!” I say enthusiastically
“It’s no problem for my star intern!” She laughs for a moment before refocusing her gaze and saying “Though there is one favor I have to ask.”
“Anything ma’am! After all this I’m absolutely willing to help you out.”
“Thank you. Like most other professors I am too old and feeble to actually go out and adventure on my own.” I nod in an attempt to not be rude and allow her to know I’m listening “Well we’re always discovering new species, evolutions and traits that we never knew existed before. So what I’m asking is, will you help me continue my research?”
“Of course! I probably would've even if you hadn’t asked.” I giggle to myself afterwards.
“Wonderful! Luckily for you there won’t be need for meticulous notes.” I start to inquire about how, but the Professor cuts me off “I’ll explain more once you’ve picked out your Pokemon. Come.”
After inserting a PIN the door slides open and reveals the neatly organized room inside. Row after row of shelves full of Pokeballs fill the room. Each neatly lined and organized. Towards the right end of the room there is a large machine of some sort and mounted on the wall next to it is the largest computer monitor I’ve ever seen. I follow Fir in and look around in awe at the pristinely white and sterile room. It almost seems a bit much for the rooms purpose. After seeing my far away gawk at everything the Prof. prompts me to pick a ball. Let’s see what kind of Pokemon do I want? They all have so many positives! Maybe a fire type. I’d never have to worry about being cold or not being able to cook meals. Then again water types can fizzle them out, and I could ride one of them across bodies of water. Plus I’d never have to worry about dehydration. At the same time Pokemon are more than just tools or weapons, they’re our friends and peers with every bit of as much personality, desires and needs. They deserve all the respect and care that I would give another person. After all if not for Pokemon we wouldn’t be anywhere near as well off as we are!
“Thinking about it too much is the easiest way to pick the wrong Pokemon.”Fir chimes in. Sheesh I must really looked confused! “Just follow your heart Liz. It’s sure to lead you to the right one. After all a good trainer knows that everything that counts is inside.”
I take a moment to mull over her advice, then start to clear my mind. I stand and breathe. Slowly in through my nose and out through my mouth, until my mind is clear. Once it is I take one final deep breathe, close my eyes, and start walking parallel to the entrance to the rows until I feel I should stop. I open my eyes and see that I am indeed next to an opening. So far so good. I walk down the aisle, eyes closed, until I again feel I should stop. Then I pivot to the left and reach my hand up, to the right. No no too far back to the left. Down a little and to the right.. There! I push my hand forward and I’m greeted with the smooth, cold exterior of a Pokeball. I snatch it up and hurry back to the Prof. who is waiting for me next to the mystery machine.
“You took my advice pretty literally I see.” She’s obviously holding back laughter “Well you wanna pop it in the machine and see what species and sex it is?”
“No thanks Professor. I kinda want it to be a surprise.”
“Alrighty, then let me show you how you’ll be gathering data for me.” Fir turns around and starts typing on the giant terminal. Many different windows and words pop up and leave until a red device partially ejects from the machine behind her. “This is called a Pokedex. It will catalouge any creature you scan with it and send all the data to me! Height, weight, coloration and marking accuracy, sex, etc.”
“Thank you. I promise I’ll scan everything I come across!” I energetically tell her as she takes the Pokedex from the machine and hands it to me.
“Well you’ve got your Pokemon, your Pokedex and your duffel bag packed. Guess the only thing left to do is say goodbye and let you be on your way.” Prof. Fir smiles but I can hear the sadness laced in her voice.
“I’ll be back before you know it!” I say and give her a big hug which she returns.
The Prof. and I leave the lab and make our way to the only marked exit of the village. We make small talk along the way, and reminise a little. We’re laughing as we near the gate and I don’t notice the small group of people waiting. My immediate family and my few friends have decided to have a little farewell gathering regardless. I’m actually really happy they did. I break into a sprint as soon as they start waving at me, and I nearly don’t stop in time as I barrel to the group. Coming to a wobbly halt just a few feet away from everyone. I look from face to face with a mixture of happiness, surprise and sadness. I see similar looks staring back at me.
“We know you didn’t actually want a farewell party, so we got you a few little gifts that we hope will make your journey a little less arduous.” My Mum says to me with something clearly behind her back “This is the first thing. A top o'the line trainer satchel!”
Mum reveals to me a large and nice looking red satchel with the signature Poke emblem on it. Danny, one of my only friends, gives me some super nice traveling shoes. Supposed to be unrivaled in wear resistance and comfort, so perfect! After this everyone starts helping me change my stuff over from my duffel to my new satchel, which has a special pocket for EVERYTHING. Once my clothes, provisions, survival supplies and miscellaneous items are transferred over I change into my new shoes, and I leave my old ones in the duffel bag. My other friends give me a mix of easy to store food rations, both human and Pokemon, as well as drinks. Just before I leave Dad speaks up and says he has one last gift.
“This was given to me by an old guy whom I fed for free. He looked ragged and hungry so I did the right thing. In return he gave me this Premiere Ball and said that this was the offspring of his strongest and most loyal Pokemon. That it deserved a trainer with such a good heart, but as you know food is my thing, not Pokemon.” He chuckles drily then clears his throat “You have a wonderful heart Elizabeth, and I’m sure that whatever is in here will be a great teammate.”
“I can’t thank you all enough!..” I try to say more, but the words catch in my throat as the tears burst from my eyes “I.. I… I love you.. You guys.”
After I stammer my last words everyone comes in for one final group hug. Which causes me to cry harder. Everyone does their best to cheer me up, but it’s to no avail. I’m not sad I’m happy! Minutes later when I finally calm down we all say our final goodbyes and I walk out of the gate to the town I’ve always known as home. The town that has been almost my entire world my whole life. As I walk I take one last look behind me and smile at the waving figures slowly shrinking in the distance. Tears threaten to fall once more, but I hold them back. I’m on my own now. I have to be strong. So I take a deep breathe, then run as hard as I can.
I step off to the side of the trail as I double over for a breather. Sweat pouring down my tomato red face. I ran far and long. Pauper Town is now out of eye and ear shot, so no more thoughts of turning back. Forward progress from here on out! I take a look around me at the sprawling expanses of plains all around me. For miles in every direction there is nothing but flat land and grass, and the occasional tree. Maybe now is a good time to check my Pokemon? I don’t exactly know what they even are. I have to laugh at myself for a minute for being so irresponsible that I didn’t even check who my new friends are!
I take a look around to make sure nobody is near, then I walk about 10 yards into the grass and withdraw my Pokeballs. I take one in each hand and carefully inspect them. Watching how they gleam in the sun, noting their surprising weight and finally making them grow to full size, which is bigger than my hand. I toss them in opposite directions, the one from Professor Fir towards my right and the one from Dad on the left. The balls suddenly stop mid-air and open, releasing a stream of red light before bouncing back near my feet. In the spots where the light touched down there now stands two Pokemon. A Poochyena and a Growlithe. Respectively from Fir then Dad. I look at both of them, one then the other, and they look at me. After a few moments of quiet glances I whistle and call them to me.
Unsurprisingly Growlithe reaches me first, it does evolve into Arcanine after all, but Poochyena hops up at my leg and calls at me. Wagging his poofy tail and letting his tongue hang out of his mouth. Growlithe just stands there and watches. Well, I guess it’s clear who I’m studying first. I kneel down towards Poochyena and pet it’s head. Poochyena sits down and I continue petting it, working my way off his head and down his neck to his back. I kneel completely and start petting him with both hands, each working in it’s own direction, and this appears too much for the pup as he drops to the ground. He kicks his leg with enjoyment and I can feel the strong breeze from his tail wagging a mile a minute. It rolls over onto it’s back and I’m finally able to determine that Poochyena is a male. His testicles aren’t very big yet but that just means he’s inexperienced. Pokemon grow and develop based on experience and necessity, not physical age like us humans do. I continue to pet him as I examine his fur. Looking closely at his markings, comparing the colors, taking note of his coats texture and other such qualities, etc. Then, as I’m leaned forward focused on Poochyena’s facial patch, I feel a swift intake of air near my vagina. This causes me to literally spring up and flop over in the air, landing on the other side of Poochyena.
I immediately realize the culprit is none other than Growlithe! I start to laugh at myself, then at the Pokemon. I wonder if he was shaking hands or.. I hold my skirt down in front of me as I push the end of that thought away. That’s not what people do. Now that Growlithe has my attention I get to start making my notes on it.
I crawl over to Growlithe and start scratching behind it’s ear, which quickly turns the stalwart pokemon into a puddle. I pet it and just generally try to be affectionant due to the unknown amount of time it was stowed away. After that I take notes on it. He’s a he. Someone must have given him some level of training because his gonads are very prominent. Odd due to both Pokemon seeming to be extremely fresh. Maybe he’s just big. I continue on with my observations, noting how soft his fur is, that his stripes are a lil thicker than average, etc. Petting him and making sure he’s enjoying himself while I finish up my examination.
After I’ve finished my notes I realize that I’ve spent over an hour in this little spot that’s barely outside of Pauper Town! I give Poochyena and Growlithe one last pet before stowing them away in their Pokeballs’ and dropping them in my ball pocket. I then make sure my writing equipment is put away and continue my journey onward!
A few hours later and miles later it starts to get dark and I decide that setting up camp is a good idea, so I trek a good hundred feet off the road and set up my campsite. I throw up a small grey and blue tent, a campfire for warmth and a cooking spit. I have plenty of water on me so there’s no reason for me to look for that, I will have to find some fire fuel however, so I begin finding all the dry grass that I can. Finding a large number of sticks would be pretty much impossible so I’ll be relying a lot on grass for now. Some sticks, but mostly grass.
Once that’s outta the way the moon is high and I’m boiling me up some spaghetti from the packs I received. Nothing like heavily salted preserved food! It doesn’t take long for the water to come to a boil, I strain it and throw the noodles in a bowl. Adding the sauce and powdery cheese after and mixing it all up. I take a deep sniff of the food and think about how many times we’d eaten this at home. It’s an easy leap into reminiscing from there and I think back on all the wonderful foods my Father made over the years. The sudden remembrance that I have Pokemon that would like to eat as well jerks me from my nostalgic thoughts and back to the humid and clear night. Oh my I’m a bad caretaker. I scold myself as I retrieve two bowls and two steak meals from my bag for them to eat out of.
Once their food is ready I release Poochyena and Growlithe and show them the food. Poochyena greedily pounces onto a bowl and begins devouring its uncooked meaty contents. Growlithe on the other hand walked about five yards away and sat down, looking at me as he sits weirdly still. Slightly confused, I head over to where Growlithe is sitting and I place the bowl in front of him. He looks down at the bowl, then back up to me, but doesn’t try to eat any. He doesn’t even sniff at it. Now I’m starting to get a little concerned. Did that old guy give Dad a sick Pokemon or something? I kneel down in front of Growlithe and reach my hand out towards him. He shys away from me, but once I make contact he relaxes and lets me pet him. I start behind his ear and work my way to the center of his head, then I work my way down the back of his neck.
“It’s okay to eat Growlithe.” I say to him in a gentle tone and nudge the food bowl slightly.
Growlithe tilts his head in a questioning manner so I repeat myself, but this time I stop petting him and back up a little. After a moment, and with a great amount of hesitation, Growlithe takes the first little nibble of food then looks up at me. I smile and encourage him to keep going, and once he finally starts eating continuously I turn my attention back to the fire and my own food. I sit back down and pick up my spaghetti, taking a little whiff of it before twirling a few noodles around my fork and taking a bite. Salty, but that was expected. Other than that this isn’t too bad. I look at the fire, noticing Poochyena already curled into a ball and asleep not too far from the fire. I smile at the relatively small and fluffy Pokemon, watching the gentle rise and fall of his sides in the consistent pattern of sleep. I glance over and see that Growlithe is still eating. I stare back at the fire and eat my food. Thinking about my day and what my journey ahead will bring. There’s so much that could happen. I just have to make the best of whatever comes at me! A large yawn suddenly makes its way out of me and I giggle. I am getting pretty tired.
After sucking down the rest of my food I place my dirty plate to the side and look at my Pokemon again. Poochyena is still sleeping by the now dying fire and Growlithe has almost nibbled his way through his bowl. I hope he’s alright, he just seems so odd. I shake the thoughts off and head into my tent to go to sleep. I’ve got tons of adventuring to do! Once inside I zip the tent flap almost all the way closed, leaving it open enough for either Poochyena or Growlithe to make their way in if they’d like to cuddle and sleep. After stripping off my clothes and adjusting to the cooler cloth on my bare butt, I grab my electric lantern from my bag and turn it on. It nicely illuminates the whole of the tent’s interior. Next I start looking for one of my books, preferably one with some info on my new companions, but an will do for a lil before bed reading. As I look for them I discover something I know I didn’t pack, a bottle of vodka. I withdraw the thick glass bottle and examine it.
Here’s for celebrating! I remember how much you like this stuff. Love Danny.
I can’t but to laugh at Danny’s joke about me loving this stuff. Boy thinks because he gets you liquored up once that you’re a partier. Pfft! I mean it’s not terrible but I’m not that into booze either. Regardless tonight is as much a call for celebration as any! I dig around in where my utensils are kept, knowing that if he put this in here he must’ve.. Aha! I withdraw a small multi-tool knife that Danny must’ve slipped in there as well. I find and flip up the corkscrew, pop the cork on the bottle and take a drink. My mouth burns a little and a funny taste sits in my mouth afterwards, but the heat rolling down my throat and into my stomach feels pretty nice. I take another look at the bottle before taking a few more big gulps of it. This continues for a few minutes and ends in me feeling fuzzy in my head with a bit of a tummy ache, but very happy and warm and giggly. I lie my head on my pillow and close my eyes as I grope around the tent floor for my blanket. Upon finding it I pull the heavy comforter over my little naked body and bundle myself up. With a large sigh I relax and try to fall asleep.
My mind has other ideas though as I’m suddenly recollecting that night with Danny. I, like every other girl in my class, was trying to get with Danny. He was the hottest and coolest guy ever at the time. It’s funny how long ago and silly that seems now. Anyway, several girls into his popular guy girlfriend list I finally got my chance to try and lock him down. We hung out at the lake the first time.He held my hand all day and as the sun was setting we kissed next to it. It was a pretty sweet. The next time we went out to the only restaurant in town and he had me suck him off before he walked me home. This was my first sexual anything and it gave me extremely conflicting feeling and made me feel like a ho. I didn’t tell him this of course, I just felt lucky he was picking me. Then,finally, he invited me over to his house one night while the adults were at a village wide party. They usually did this on holidays as a way to blow off steam without kids around. So I snuck over and he immediately stuck a bottle of liquor in my hand and told me drink up. We did shots and played drinking card games. I didn’t understand them or the effects of drinking so I was swiftly drunk off my ass. Just to his plans I come to find out. It started with more head, but my drunken libido and loosened inhibitions allowed me to give up my virginity. I regretted it the next morning and didn’t really even enjoy it THAT much while drunk.
My thoughts then switch to my other, and much more fulfilling partner, Abbey. My loins tingle at the thought of it all. It was shortly after Danny broke up with me and moved onto another girl, and I was spending most of my time in the company of my best friend. One day we snuck out of the towns gates and headed to a dense cluster of trees that we were told was only about a mile out of town. Perfect spot for a little adventure! So we packed light bags and took off without anyone else’s knowledge. We’d done similar things several times before so we weren’t worried and knew we’d be back long before night. It ended up taking us about 45 minutes to walk there, but when we did it was more than worth it. Tall and thick trees were clustered together in a dense patch of a good 300 feet. To make it all the better there was a small pond in the middle of it! We thought we’d found heaven as we climbed and looked at the different plants growing in this thicket, we skinny dipped together and eventually ate our food and laughed as we dried off.
I don’t even remember how it came up but we started talking about sex. I confessed and so did she, then we laughed and called each other whores. Next the topic of doing it with a girl came up. Again I’d confessed to thinking about it since I did it with a guy. Prior to Danny sex wasn’t even something I concern myself with. I told Abbey that I hadn’t kissed a girl or anything before so I didn’t know if I actually would be into it with a girl. I mean it wasn’t that amazing with a guy. Abbey makes a joke about me needing proof of everything before going quiet for a few seconds. Her next question blew me away, but also made a turning point for me. Abbey looked up at me,scooted a little closer and asks if I’d like to kiss a girl. I could feel myself blush so hard as I looked at the ground. I DID want to, but isn’t that weird? Like not good weird like my personality, but bad weird. Her gentle fingers on my chin made me lift my head, then her lips me mine. I would’ve collapsed had I been standing, but instead I was able to kiss her back. We broke after a long single kiss and stared into one another's eyes before Abbey crawled over to be and we started making out. I had never felt this much intensity and heat before and it was overwhelming as it shifted from making out to our first lesbian encounter. This happened several more times throughout the rest of my stay in Pauper Town.
I hadn’t realized until I focused back on the real world, but at some point I kicked the blankets off and started playing with myself feverishly. As worked up as I already am there’s no use trying to sleep until I get off. I close my eyes and focus my efforts on getting off fast. I allow my moans to flow freely, with no one else around there’s really no reason for me to hold them in. I recall how wonderful Abbey’s tongue felt dancing across my clit and delving into me. The feeling of a tongue running against me makes me jump back and yelp out of fear! I scramble to turn on the lantern, but laugh at and scold myself for what I find. Growlithe sitting right where inbetween my legs would’ve been. The boy must’ve heard me, came to investigate the weird noise and then got a strong whiff of aroused female. His reaction was natural. I get ready to shoo him off when that thought crosses my mind again, but this time I’m loose enough to ponder it.
What if I let him eat me out? I mean obviously he wants to, and I bet it can’t feel that much different than when Abby did it. You know what? I’m alone and my own woman so I can do what the hell I want! I retake my position and spread my legs on either side of Growlithe. He sniffs but then hesitantly looks up at me. I encourage him and try to scoot a little closer, and like with the food he eventually starts small. Small, however, is more than enough for my drunk ass. I moan as Growlithe slowly increases the speed and attention with which he licks me. It doesn’t take long before I’m arching my back and curling my toes as an orgams tears through me and leaves me panting. Noticing something happened Growlithe backed off. I look around until I see my companion sitting a yard away from where he just was. Only this time I can see a good length of his dick poking out! I have to help him out. I think as I see his pointy, red cock extended below him. I can’t just use him and not give him anything in return. It’s just not fair. I call Growlithe over to me and pet him with one hand while the other makes its way to his cock. He looks surprised when I touch it, but quickly relaxes when I start pumping my hand along his length. I coo “who’s a good boy?” and other similar things at him as I reposition myself underneath of him, his cock bouncing slightly in front of my face. I wonder how different this is than Danny’s? I lick the tip of it, which causes a large jerk from his animal member.
Taking the closest point to his sheath in one hand and pumping gently, I give the tip a few more licks then slowly place the end of it in my mouth. I bob my head and suck,his cock pushing my cheeks out as I go. It doesn’t take long before I start to feel thick strands being let off in my mouth, precum, Pokemon make lots of it. It’s so salty and.. just.. animalistic. Like it’s still dick, but you can taste that it isn’t a human mans. I bob his cock deeper into my mouth as I feel his knot emerge from its sheath. There’s the big spot. I work my hand around Growlithe’s knot as I gently ease his cock closer to my throat, preparing myself for taking it down. However, just before I am prepared, he decides he’s taking over and begins to hump my face vigorously. Sending his cock down my unprepared throat several times before I can get him out. I lie back, gagging and gasping, trying to get my breathe and voice back.
After a few moments I roll over and start to get up, not thinking about the position it puts me in until it’s too late. Moments after I am propped up on my hands and knees I feel Growlithe’s weight hop onto my back. I already know what’s coming, and secretly kinda want this. It doesn’t take long for Growlithe to find my almost virgin hole with his surprisingly large animal cock. With the first thrust I feel his pointed tip break past my lips. I take a deep breathe in as he thrusts again and forces more of it in. With each thrust of his hot, red schlong I feel it force my tight insides apart and the ever growing feeling of fullness gets even stronger. I moan loudly as Growlithe fucks me from behind. My drunken self in a whirlwind of pleasure, heat and sleepiness. I bounce myself as best I can with his thrusts but he’s so fast and erratic I can hardly tell what he’s gonna do. Then I feel a sharp pain come from my pussy. What the hell was that? I think, then feel it again! What the fuck? It happens several more times, each interval getting shorter and shorter. Then it hits me. It’s his knot trying to fit inside! I start to get a little scared at the thought of the pain that could cause, but I know I can’t really do anything about it. He’s definitely a lot stronger than me. I continue to enjoy everything I can and wait for the inevitable.
Once it happens I let out a horrible scream, as it feels like Growlithe is literally trying to rip me in half from the crotch up. His thick, meaty knot locks itself in place in my tight pussy and Growlithe lets out a cry before I feel his almost scalding hot cum shoot into me. I moan lowly and softly as my whole body relaxes and I bury my face into the ground. This feels amazing! is all I am able to think as I’m filled closer and closer to the literal brim with Growlithe’s cum. A few minutes after he started cumming it overflows me and I can feel little streams of cum running out of me and down my groin and legs. By the time Growlithe stops cumming and goes down enough to pull out I’m barely awake. Lying in a blissful half sleep and awaiting my release.
I crawl back to my pillow and pull my blanket over me. As soon as I close my eyes sleep takes me completely and I drift off into a very deep and restful slumber.
_________________Lizzy Wizzy’s fun facts___________________
Male Poochyena and Mightyena do NOT have knots. They most closely are related to the Hyena which is one of the few canine without a knot!
As far as my research could tell Absol is based off a Barghest. Which is a mythical, black, dog-like creature. I remember them from D&D!
submitted by BeastyLoves98 to sexstories [link] [comments]

Show recap - February 6, 2012

After listening at 1.5x speed to the current podcast, listening to these old episodes at real speed is great - you can really soak it in
Intro: Dan - "Happy Thanksgiving everyone - this microphone smells like crap!"
Hurricanes bball wins at Duke - but it was Super Bowl Weekend so nobody noticed
Dan says the Super Bowl was a fun game - The arbitrary nature of sports: the Giants fumbled 3 times - and recovered all 3 - Flava Flav hugging Tom Coughlin - Dan finds a rule loophole: Giants has too many men on the field and stopped Brady - only a 5 yard penalty - Dan says why not put 12 out there when you have to make a stop and run clock - Giants PUNTING was great - Weatherford Stugotz likes
This was going to be 790 THE BALL !?
Heat / Cavs ticket giveaway!
Eli Manning is better than Dan Marino - If Gronk is healthy are you saying this about Eli - He's not any better or worse if a fumble doesn't get recovered - Stugotz: RINGS - Roethlisberger is better than Marino - Stugotz's favorite 3 syllables: GOT IT DONE
EASY STANCE MAN - Stugotz going back to Marino being the best
Deadspin pics of Gronk partying
Giants fans yells "Eli owns your husband!" to Giselle Bundchen - Dan would never yell this - Stu would if the QB was Mark Sanchez
Joe Theismann next!
Cush Lash bumper
Theismann - that's absurd - but he would not trade careers with dan marino - Bill Parcels should be in the HOF - the crew and Joe were yelling over each other - in the 80s WRs were mugged, now they run free - Stugotz: CBS Washington reporting that Peyton Manning will be a REDSKIN - Joe doesn't think that would be good move for the skins - Wife's are people too
Bumper: Tom Hanks crying WILSON! w/Dubstep picked by Mike Ryan - Dan hates it - Hoch thinks Dubstep is a group
Eli looks like someone's barmitsva video - Eli looks like a dork
Dan is anti-marriage, anti-hope
Hoch chooses Madonna for bumper music
Giselle Bundchen "My husband cannot throw the ball and catch at the same time" - Dan hates that NY fan - Two drops on the final drive, one by Wes Welker - The difference was slim: Manningham never makes that catch (0 for 9 during season) except last night, Wes Welker drops a ball that he always makes - Dan yells for the 1st time this show: Made up Stat
Bumper by Mike Ryan: I need dolla, dolla, dolla, that's what I need
Prediction Machine Guy got every prop bet he chose correct: - Under on 49.5 for longest TD - WON - Eli under 3.5 yards rushing - WON - Papa Johns: if it came up heads those who registered got a free pizza and pepsi - that guy is spilling money
Baron Davis is injured for the Knicks - Jeremy Lynn is their new PG savior - Can you guess which school he went to: Stanford can you guess his ethnicity: Asian
Dan didn't see commercials - He was grabbing Tequila - Fiat 500 Sexy commercial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pslqMDXGkGA - Now those are calves
Brickel Irish Pub watch party
Hoch could get Danica but not the SI model. If he got to chat her up he's got game - Jillian Michaels looks like a man, was once Michael Jillian
Do you forget you are on the radio?
Bellecheck: Eli, beat me with Manningham. He did. - what was better: the catch or the throw - Dan: lets shut everything down, of course it could be both
Bob Ryan: - Dan says Bob wants football abolished
submitted by jdt2003 to DanLeBatardShow [link] [comments]

Pokeman Z (chapter 1) [NSFW fanfic]

_________________Chapter one_________________
Note that this is slightly tweaked from real Pokemon to make it more anatomically possible and bit more realistic. Stuff like carnivores and omnivores, sexual reproduction similar to their RL counterparts, etc. Plus to make characters of age. Locations and names will differ. I hope everyone enjoys! Sincerely, EG
In the little remote town know by the name Pauper I, just like almost every other kid, have dreamt of being a Pokemon Trainer since I was a little kid. Growing up I’d watch the Colosseum Battles every Saturday night, any time the local professor let children see his pokemon I was first in line and I had all the fan collectibles I could afford! Unlike most everyone else however my passion for Pokemon and my yearning for adventure grew over the years. While my friends and peers got jobs or went to get special educations I was one of the few who went under Professor Fir’s wing and learned in depth all I could about these wonderful creatures that we coexist with.
From the age of 14 I spent almost all my after school free time, as well as most of my weekends, in Fir’s lab studying or doing hands on research. Since I had shown an abundance of knowledge and passion from such a young age the Professor let me start studying with her a year earlier than most, and for the next five I diligently studied and cared for the Pokemon that came and went through our lab. Treating every single one as the precious and powerful creature that they are. Now, at the age of 19, I’ve finally saved up enough money and trained myself enough to start off on my own Pokemon adventure!
“The weather today is sunny and warm with a high of 80*f. Tomorrow there is a slight chance of scattered showers but will be keeping our warm trend.” The weather man on the T.V. goes on as I sit and sip my coffee. Today’s the big day!
“Elizabeth! I don’t care if it’s the beginning of summer you still need to pack yourself some cool and cold weather clothes.” My Mum yells as she slowly descends the staircase with my duffel bag in hand.
“I wasn’t finished packing yet.” I lie
“Oh yeah sure, you got your skimpy underwear packed away, but haven’t gotten to the emergency stuff.” She plops the bag on the couch next to me as I blush and semi- curl into a ball.
“Well don’t worry honey I packed it in for you. Don’t worry I picked and took away based on what you actually wear.” I smile and thank her, but plan on going through it myself to be sure. I have yet to get dressed for the day so I still have reason to go to my room.
“Soups on!” I hear Dad yell from the kitchen. I hop up and rush to the table with gusto
I stand in momentary awe at the food before me. A huge omelette sits on a plate along side a couple links of sausage and bacon strips, with a bowl of biscuits and gravy sitting next to it. All my favorite breakfast foods in one sitting! I get giddy and sit down,then without waiting for anyone else, I tear into my plate. I’m sure anyone who believes in “lady like behaviour” would have a cow if they saw me unmercifully devouring the eggs, meat and grain in front of me. My Dad chimes in with some encouraging words before digging into his own food. Mum is the last one to start eating and does so like a normal person. I eat almost half my food before I stop to breathe.
“Where’s the kids?” I ask once I realize they didn’t show up to eat.
“Angus and Louanne are on a mandatory school field trip to your bosses lab.” Dad says in between mouthfuls of food.
“I guess they will get to see me off after all. I hope they don’t get too emotional on me” I chuckle a little but am actually terrified of bawling my eyes out right before I leave.
We exchange some idle small talk in between eating and once my plate is clean I head upstairs to take a shower. I’m not starting off a journey smelly. I grab the outfit I have picked out for today: a baby blue tank top with a black mini skirt, a pink and white striped thong, and all topped off with a pair of thigh high socks. No bra though. It’s an amazing adventuring outfit! Comfortable, easy to move in, and versatile. With a proud harumph to myself I make my way from my room to the main bathroom. I shut and lock the door, strip naked and turn on the scalding hot water. After adding the tiniest hint of cold I hop in and pull the curtain too. I hum and sing as I wash myself, just as I’ve always done. I look around and take in all the little details of the shower. The stains near the drain. The half gone bar soaps that no one actually uses. Our girl razors hung up near the shower head. Then I start to cry. It starts slow at first, so slow I didn’t realize it, but it quickly crescendos into full sobs. Thinking about how all this could be gone or different whenever I come back just pushed me over. I sit down and try to get ahold of myself, reminding myself that this has literally been my life’s dream and I’m achieving it today. I let a little laugh out then sob again. I’m okay. I stand back up, in control now, and I finish up my shower.
“Are you alright?” Mum asks me as I reach the bottom of the stairs
“Yeah, just nostalgia. I’m gonna be okay Mum. Promise.” I say as I adjust the heavy duffel bag on my shoulder “Well, I guess I better be off to the lab so I can get on my way.”
After hugging Mum and Dad and saying one last goodbye I walk out the door and head towards Fir’s lab. The summer sun shining down and it’s heat is evident as the end of my beginning and the beginning of my life as my own person finally gets to begin! I giggle to myself in excitement as I walk across the soft dirt paths that lead through town. I pass faces I’ve seen day in and out as I go. Former classmates, teachers, store employees and all the other people that live in this poor little town. Lots of people congratulate me as I pass. Some just smile and wave. Everyone knows of my departure today. While we usually have a little gathering to see a new adventurer off, but I requested otherwise. It’s difficult enough as it is. Before long I’ve reached the sliding glass doors of Professor Fir’s lab, and after they silently glide open, I walk into the air conditioned facility. I greet Jamie, the receptionist, as I walk by and make my way to the professor.
“Now can anyone tell me what Pokemon like to eat?” Professor Fir asks the group of children in front of her
“Berries!” A young boy yells from in the group
“Mhm, Anything else?” She prompts, which swiftly silences the group
“Some Pokemon, such as Mightyena and Ekans, actually sustain themselves mostly on meat.” I say as I cross the room to stand next to the Prof.
“Perfect as always Liz.” She says and puts her hand on my arm
“Sissy!” Suddenly is screamed and two kids come running up and hugging me. My siblings Louanne and Angus.
After I hug them and tell them how much I’ll miss them, as well as the promise to bring souvenirs on my return, they return to their spot in the cluster and I let Fir finish her lesson. I sit, watch and occasionally answer some questions for about a half hour before the kids are sent home. Leaving the lab in it’s typical quiet state. Prof. Fir gestures for me to follow her before disappearing through a door. I follow swiftly behind her, catching up before she makes it too far down the hall. She offers no explanation as to where she’s taking me so I don’t ask. Then, a minute later, she stops in front of a metal security door and turns towards me.
“I know you don’t want a big ceremony.” She starts “So, I’m gonna let you choose whichever Pokemon you want back here in the vault.”
“Oh. Well thank you so much Professor!” I say enthusiastically
“It’s no problem for my star intern!” She laughs for a moment before refocusing her gaze and saying “Though there is one favor I have to ask.”
“Anything ma’am! After all this I’m absolutely willing to help you out.”
“Thank you. Like most other professors I am too old and feeble to actually go out and adventure on my own.” I nod in an attempt to not be rude and allow her to know I’m listening “Well we’re always discovering new species, evolutions and traits that we never knew existed before. So what I’m asking is, will you help me continue my research?”
“Of course! I probably would've even if you hadn’t asked.” I giggle to myself afterwards.
“Wonderful! Luckily for you there won’t be need for meticulous notes.” I start to inquire about how, but the Professor cuts me off “I’ll explain more once you’ve picked out your Pokemon. Come.”
After inserting a PIN the door slides open and reveals the neatly organized room inside. Row after row of shelves full of Pokeballs fill the room. Each neatly lined and organized. Towards the right end of the room there is a large machine of some sort and mounted on the wall next to it is the largest computer monitor I’ve ever seen. I follow Fir in and look around in awe at the pristinely white and sterile room. It almost seems a bit much for the rooms purpose. After seeing my far away gawk at everything the Prof. prompts me to pick a ball. Let’s see what kind of Pokemon do I want? They all have so many positives! Maybe a fire type. I’d never have to worry about being cold or not being able to cook meals. Then again water types can fizzle them out, and I could ride one of them across bodies of water. Plus I’d never have to worry about dehydration. At the same time Pokemon are more than just tools or weapons, they’re our friends and peers with every bit of as much personality, desires and needs. They deserve all the respect and care that I would give another person. After all if not for Pokemon we wouldn’t be anywhere near as well off as we are!
“Thinking about it too much is the easiest way to pick the wrong Pokemon.”Fir chimes in. Sheesh I must really looked confused! “Just follow your heart Liz. It’s sure to lead you to the right one. After all a good trainer knows that everything that counts is inside.”
I take a moment to mull over her advice, then start to clear my mind. I stand and breathe. Slowly in through my nose and out through my mouth, until my mind is clear. Once it is I take one final deep breathe, close my eyes, and start walking parallel to the entrance to the rows until I feel I should stop. I open my eyes and see that I am indeed next to an opening. So far so good. I walk down the aisle, eyes closed, until I again feel I should stop. Then I pivot to the left and reach my hand up, to the right. No no too far back to the left. Down a little and to the right.. There! I push my hand forward and I’m greeted with the smooth, cold exterior of a Pokeball. I snatch it up and hurry back to the Prof. who is waiting for me next to the mystery machine.
“You took my advice pretty literally I see.” She’s obviously holding back laughter “Well you wanna pop it in the machine and see what species and sex it is?”
“No thanks Professor. I kinda want it to be a surprise.”
“Alrighty, then let me show you how you’ll be gathering data for me.” Fir turns around and starts typing on the giant terminal. Many different windows and words pop up and leave until a red device partially ejects from the machine behind her. “This is called a Pokedex. It will catalouge any creature you scan with it and send all the data to me! Height, weight, coloration and marking accuracy, sex, etc.”
“Thank you. I promise I’ll scan everything I come across!” I energetically tell her as she takes the Pokedex from the machine and hands it to me.
“Well you’ve got your Pokemon, your Pokedex and your duffel bag packed. Guess the only thing left to do is say goodbye and let you be on your way.” Prof. Fir smiles but I can hear the sadness laced in her voice.
“I’ll be back before you know it!” I say and give her a big hug which she returns.
The Prof. and I leave the lab and make our way to the only marked exit of the village. We make small talk along the way, and reminise a little. We’re laughing as we near the gate and I don’t notice the small group of people waiting. My immediate family and my few friends have decided to have a little farewell gathering regardless. I’m actually really happy they did. I break into a sprint as soon as they start waving at me, and I nearly don’t stop in time as I barrel to the group. Coming to a wobbly halt just a few feet away from everyone. I look from face to face with a mixture of happiness, surprise and sadness. I see similar looks staring back at me.
“We know you didn’t actually want a farewell party, so we got you a few little gifts that we hope will make your journey a little less arduous.” My Mum says to me with something clearly behind her back “This is the first thing. A top o'the line trainer satchel!”
Mum reveals to me a large and nice looking red satchel with the signature Poke emblem on it. Danny, one of my only friends, gives me some super nice traveling shoes. Supposed to be unrivaled in wear resistance and comfort, so perfect! After this everyone starts helping me change my stuff over from my duffel to my new satchel, which has a special pocket for EVERYTHING. Once my clothes, provisions, survival supplies and miscellaneous items are transferred over I change into my new shoes, and I leave my old ones in the duffel bag. My other friends give me a mix of easy to store food rations, both human and Pokemon, as well as drinks. Just before I leave Dad speaks up and says he has one last gift.
“This was given to me by an old guy whom I fed for free. He looked ragged and hungry so I did the right thing. In return he gave me this Premiere Ball and said that this was the offspring of his strongest and most loyal Pokemon. That it deserved a trainer with such a good heart, but as you know food is my thing, not Pokemon.” He chuckles drily then clears his throat “You have a wonderful heart Elizabeth, and I’m sure that whatever is in here will be a great teammate.”
“I can’t thank you all enough!..” I try to say more, but the words catch in my throat as the tears burst from my eyes “I.. I… I love you.. You guys.”
After I stammer my last words everyone comes in for one final group hug. Which causes me to cry harder. Everyone does their best to cheer me up, but it’s to no avail. I’m not sad I’m happy! Minutes later when I finally calm down we all say our final goodbyes and I walk out of the gate to the town I’ve always known as home. The town that has been almost my entire world my whole life. As I walk I take one last look behind me and smile at the waving figures slowly shrinking in the distance. Tears threaten to fall once more, but I hold them back. I’m on my own now. I have to be strong. So I take a deep breathe, then run as hard as I can.
I step off to the side of the trail as I double over for a breather. Sweat pouring down my tomato red face. I ran far and long. Pauper Town is now out of eye and ear shot, so no more thoughts of turning back. Forward progress from here on out! I take a look around me at the sprawling expanses of plains all around me. For miles in every direction there is nothing but flat land and grass, and the occasional tree. Maybe now is a good time to check my Pokemon? I don’t exactly know what they even are. I have to laugh at myself for a minute for being so irresponsible that I didn’t even check who my new friends are!
I take a look around to make sure nobody is near, then I walk about 10 yards into the grass and withdraw my Pokeballs. I take one in each hand and carefully inspect them. Watching how they gleam in the sun, noting their surprising weight and finally making them grow to full size, which is bigger than my hand. I toss them in opposite directions, the one from Professor Fir towards my right and the one from Dad on the left. The balls suddenly stop mid-air and open, releasing a stream of red light before bouncing back near my feet. In the spots where the light touched down there now stands two Pokemon. A Poochyena and a Growlithe. Respectively from Fir then Dad. I look at both of them, one then the other, and they look at me. After a few moments of quiet glances I whistle and call them to me.
Unsurprisingly Growlithe reaches me first, it does evolve into Arcanine after all, but Poochyena hops up at my leg and calls at me. Wagging his poofy tail and letting his tongue hang out of his mouth. Growlithe just stands there and watches. Well, I guess it’s clear who I’m studying first. I kneel down towards Poochyena and pet it’s head. Poochyena sits down and I continue petting it, working my way off his head and down his neck to his back. I kneel completely and start petting him with both hands, each working in it’s own direction, and this appears too much for the pup as he drops to the ground. He kicks his leg with enjoyment and I can feel the strong breeze from his tail wagging a mile a minute. It rolls over onto it’s back and I’m finally able to determine that Poochyena is a male. His testicles aren’t very big yet but that just means he’s inexperienced. Pokemon grow and develop based on experience and necessity, not physical age like us humans do. I continue to pet him as I examine his fur. Looking closely at his markings, comparing the colors, taking note of his coats texture and other such qualities, etc. Then, as I’m leaned forward focused on Poochyena’s facial patch, I feel a swift intake of air near my vagina. This causes me to literally spring up and flop over in the air, landing on the other side of Poochyena.
I immediately realize the culprit is none other than Growlithe! I start to laugh at myself, then at the Pokemon. I wonder if he was shaking hands or.. I hold my skirt down in front of me as I push the end of that thought away. That’s not what people do. Now that Growlithe has my attention I get to start making my notes on it.
I crawl over to Growlithe and start scratching behind it’s ear, which quickly turns the stalwart pokemon into a puddle. I pet it and just generally try to be affectionant due to the unknown amount of time it was stowed away. After that I take notes on it. He’s a he. Someone must have given him some level of training because his gonads are very prominent. Odd due to both Pokemon seeming to be extremely fresh. Maybe he’s just big. I continue on with my observations, noting how soft his fur is, that his stripes are a lil thicker than average, etc. Petting him and making sure he’s enjoying himself while I finish up my examination.
After I’ve finished my notes I realize that I’ve spent over an hour in this little spot that’s barely outside of Pauper Town! I give Poochyena and Growlithe one last pet before stowing them away in their Pokeballs’ and dropping them in my ball pocket. I then make sure my writing equipment is put away and continue my journey onward!
A few hours later and miles later it starts to get dark and I decide that setting up camp is a good idea, so I trek a good hundred feet off the road and set up my campsite. I throw up a small grey and blue tent, a campfire for warmth and a cooking spit. I have plenty of water on me so there’s no reason for me to look for that, I will have to find some fire fuel however, so I begin finding all the dry grass that I can. Finding a large number of sticks would be pretty much impossible so I’ll be relying a lot on grass for now. Some sticks, but mostly grass.
Once that’s outta the way the moon is high and I’m boiling me up some spaghetti from the packs I received. Nothing like heavily salted preserved food! It doesn’t take long for the water to come to a boil, I strain it and throw the noodles in a bowl. Adding the sauce and powdery cheese after and mixing it all up. I take a deep sniff of the food and think about how many times we’d eaten this at home. It’s an easy leap into reminiscing from there and I think back on all the wonderful foods my Father made over the years. The sudden remembrance that I have Pokemon that would like to eat as well jerks me from my nostalgic thoughts and back to the humid and clear night. Oh my I’m a bad caretaker. I scold myself as I retrieve two bowls and two steak meals from my bag for them to eat out of.
Once their food is ready I release Poochyena and Growlithe and show them the food. Poochyena greedily pounces onto a bowl and begins devouring its uncooked meaty contents. Growlithe on the other hand walked about five yards away and sat down, looking at me as he sits weirdly still. Slightly confused, I head over to where Growlithe is sitting and I place the bowl in front of him. He looks down at the bowl, then back up to me, but doesn’t try to eat any. He doesn’t even sniff at it. Now I’m starting to get a little concerned. Did that old guy give Dad a sick Pokemon or something? I kneel down in front of Growlithe and reach my hand out towards him. He shys away from me, but once I make contact he relaxes and lets me pet him. I start behind his ear and work my way to the center of his head, then I work my way down the back of his neck.
“It’s okay to eat Growlithe.” I say to him in a gentle tone and nudge the food bowl slightly.
Growlithe tilts his head in a questioning manner so I repeat myself, but this time I stop petting him and back up a little. After a moment, and with a great amount of hesitation, Growlithe takes the first little nibble of food then looks up at me. I smile and encourage him to keep going, and once he finally starts eating continuously I turn my attention back to the fire and my own food. I sit back down and pick up my spaghetti, taking a little whiff of it before twirling a few noodles around my fork and taking a bite. Salty, but that was expected. Other than that this isn’t too bad. I look at the fire, noticing Poochyena already curled into a ball and asleep not too far from the fire. I smile at the relatively small and fluffy Pokemon, watching the gentle rise and fall of his sides in the consistent pattern of sleep. I glance over and see that Growlithe is still eating. I stare back at the fire and eat my food. Thinking about my day and what my journey ahead will bring. There’s so much that could happen. I just have to make the best of whatever comes at me! A large yawn suddenly makes its way out of me and I giggle. I am getting pretty tired.
After sucking down the rest of my food I place my dirty plate to the side and look at my Pokemon again. Poochyena is still sleeping by the now dying fire and Growlithe has almost nibbled his way through his bowl. I hope he’s alright, he just seems so odd. I shake the thoughts off and head into my tent to go to sleep. I’ve got tons of adventuring to do! Once inside I zip the tent flap almost all the way closed, leaving it open enough for either Poochyena or Growlithe to make their way in if they’d like to cuddle and sleep. After stripping off my clothes and adjusting to the cooler cloth on my bare butt, I grab my electric lantern from my bag and turn it on. It nicely illuminates the whole of the tent’s interior. Next I start looking for one of my books, preferably one with some info on my new companions, but an will do for a lil before bed reading. As I look for them I discover something I know I didn’t pack, a bottle of vodka. I withdraw the thick glass bottle and examine it.
Here’s for celebrating! I remember how much you like this stuff. Love Danny.
I can’t but to laugh at Danny’s joke about me loving this stuff. Boy thinks because he gets you liquored up once that you’re a partier. Pfft! I mean it’s not terrible but I’m not that into booze either. Regardless tonight is as much a call for celebration as any! I dig around in where my utensils are kept, knowing that if he put this in here he must’ve.. Aha! I withdraw a small multi-tool knife that Danny must’ve slipped in there as well. I find and flip up the corkscrew, pop the cork on the bottle and take a drink. My mouth burns a little and a funny taste sits in my mouth afterwards, but the heat rolling down my throat and into my stomach feels pretty nice. I take another look at the bottle before taking a few more big gulps of it. This continues for a few minutes and ends in me feeling fuzzy in my head with a bit of a tummy ache, but very happy and warm and giggly. I lie my head on my pillow and close my eyes as I grope around the tent floor for my blanket. Upon finding it I pull the heavy comforter over my little naked body and bundle myself up. With a large sigh I relax and try to fall asleep.
My mind has other ideas though as I’m suddenly recollecting that night with Danny. I, like every other girl in my class, was trying to get with Danny. He was the hottest and coolest guy ever at the time. It’s funny how long ago and silly that seems now. Anyway, several girls into his popular guy girlfriend list I finally got my chance to try and lock him down. We hung out at the lake the first time.He held my hand all day and as the sun was setting we kissed next to it. It was a pretty sweet. The next time we went out to the only restaurant in town and he had me suck him off before he walked me home. This was my first sexual anything and it gave me extremely conflicting feeling and made me feel like a ho. I didn’t tell him this of course, I just felt lucky he was picking me. Then,finally, he invited me over to his house one night while the adults were at a village wide party. They usually did this on holidays as a way to blow off steam without kids around. So I snuck over and he immediately stuck a bottle of liquor in my hand and told me drink up. We did shots and played drinking card games. I didn’t understand them or the effects of drinking so I was swiftly drunk off my ass. Just to his plans I come to find out. It started with more head, but my drunken libido and loosened inhibitions allowed me to give up my virginity. I regretted it the next morning and didn’t really even enjoy it THAT much while drunk.
My thoughts then switch to my other, and much more fulfilling partner, Abbey. My loins tingle at the thought of it all. It was shortly after Danny broke up with me and moved onto another girl, and I was spending most of my time in the company of my best friend. One day we snuck out of the towns gates and headed to a dense cluster of trees that we were told was only about a mile out of town. Perfect spot for a little adventure! So we packed light bags and took off without anyone else’s knowledge. We’d done similar things several times before so we weren’t worried and knew we’d be back long before night. It ended up taking us about 45 minutes to walk there, but when we did it was more than worth it. Tall and thick trees were clustered together in a dense patch of a good 300 feet. To make it all the better there was a small pond in the middle of it! We thought we’d found heaven as we climbed and looked at the different plants growing in this thicket, we skinny dipped together and eventually ate our food and laughed as we dried off.
I don’t even remember how it came up but we started talking about sex. I confessed and so did she, then we laughed and called each other whores. Next the topic of doing it with a girl came up. Again I’d confessed to thinking about it since I did it with a guy. Prior to Danny sex wasn’t even something I concern myself with. I told Abbey that I hadn’t kissed a girl or anything before so I didn’t know if I actually would be into it with a girl. I mean it wasn’t that amazing with a guy. Abbey makes a joke about me needing proof of everything before going quiet for a few seconds. Her next question blew me away, but also made a turning point for me. Abbey looked up at me,scooted a little closer and asks if I’d like to kiss a girl. I could feel myself blush so hard as I looked at the ground. I DID want to, but isn’t that weird? Like not good weird like my personality, but bad weird. Her gentle fingers on my chin made me lift my head, then her lips me mine. I would’ve collapsed had I been standing, but instead I was able to kiss her back. We broke after a long single kiss and stared into one another's eyes before Abbey crawled over to be and we started making out. I had never felt this much intensity and heat before and it was overwhelming as it shifted from making out to our first lesbian encounter. This happened several more times throughout the rest of my stay in Pauper Town.
I hadn’t realized until I focused back on the real world, but at some point I kicked the blankets off and started playing with myself feverishly. As worked up as I already am there’s no use trying to sleep until I get off. I close my eyes and focus my efforts on getting off fast. I allow my moans to flow freely, with no one else around there’s really no reason for me to hold them in. I recall how wonderful Abbey’s tongue felt dancing across my clit and delving into me. The feeling of a tongue running against me makes me jump back and yelp out of fear! I scramble to turn on the lantern, but laugh at and scold myself for what I find. Growlithe sitting right where inbetween my legs would’ve been. The boy must’ve heard me, came to investigate the weird noise and then got a strong whiff of aroused female. His reaction was natural. I get ready to shoo him off when that thought crosses my mind again, but this time I’m loose enough to ponder it.
What if I let him eat me out? I mean obviously he wants to, and I bet it can’t feel that much different than when Abby did it. You know what? I’m alone and my own woman so I can do what the hell I want! I retake my position and spread my legs on either side of Growlithe. He sniffs but then hesitantly looks up at me. I encourage him and try to scoot a little closer, and like with the food he eventually starts small. Small, however, is more than enough for my drunk ass. I moan as Growlithe slowly increases the speed and attention with which he licks me. It doesn’t take long before I’m arching my back and curling my toes as an orgams tears through me and leaves me panting. Noticing something happened Growlithe backed off. I look around until I see my companion sitting a yard away from where he just was. Only this time I can see a good length of his dick poking out! I have to help him out. I think as I see his pointy, red cock extended below him. I can’t just use him and not give him anything in return. It’s just not fair. I call Growlithe over to me and pet him with one hand while the other makes its way to his cock. He looks surprised when I touch it, but quickly relaxes when I start pumping my hand along his length. I coo “who’s a good boy?” and other similar things at him as I reposition myself underneath of him, his cock bouncing slightly in front of my face. I wonder how different this is than Danny’s? I lick the tip of it, which causes a large jerk from his animal member.
Taking the closest point to his sheath in one hand and pumping gently, I give the tip a few more licks then slowly place the end of it in my mouth. I bob my head and suck,his cock pushing my cheeks out as I go. It doesn’t take long before I start to feel thick strands being let off in my mouth, precum, Pokemon make lots of it. It’s so salty and.. just.. animalistic. Like it’s still dick, but you can taste that it isn’t a human mans. I bob his cock deeper into my mouth as I feel his knot emerge from its sheath. There’s the big spot. I work my hand around Growlithe’s knot as I gently ease his cock closer to my throat, preparing myself for taking it down. However, just before I am prepared, he decides he’s taking over and begins to hump my face vigorously. Sending his cock down my unprepared throat several times before I can get him out. I lie back, gagging and gasping, trying to get my breathe and voice back.
After a few moments I roll over and start to get up, not thinking about the position it puts me in until it’s too late. Moments after I am propped up on my hands and knees I feel Growlithe’s weight hop onto my back. I already know what’s coming, and secretly kinda want this. It doesn’t take long for Growlithe to find my almost virgin hole with his surprisingly large animal cock. With the first thrust I feel his pointed tip break past my lips. I take a deep breathe in as he thrusts again and forces more of it in. With each thrust of his hot, red schlong I feel it force my tight insides apart and the ever growing feeling of fullness gets even stronger. I moan loudly as Growlithe fucks me from behind. My drunken self in a whirlwind of pleasure, heat and sleepiness. I bounce myself as best I can with his thrusts but he’s so fast and erratic I can hardly tell what he’s gonna do. Then I feel a sharp pain come from my pussy. What the hell was that? I think, then feel it again! What the fuck? It happens several more times, each interval getting shorter and shorter. Then it hits me. It’s his knot trying to fit inside! I start to get a little scared at the thought of the pain that could cause, but I know I can’t really do anything about it. He’s definitely a lot stronger than me. I continue to enjoy everything I can and wait for the inevitable.
Once it happens I let out a horrible scream, as it feels like Growlithe is literally trying to rip me in half from the crotch up. His thick, meaty knot locks itself in place in my tight pussy and Growlithe lets out a cry before I feel his almost scalding hot cum shoot into me. I moan lowly and softly as my whole body relaxes and I bury my face into the ground. This feels amazing! is all I am able to think as I’m filled closer and closer to the literal brim with Growlithe’s cum. A few minutes after he started cumming it overflows me and I can feel little streams of cum running out of me and down my groin and legs. By the time Growlithe stops cumming and goes down enough to pull out I’m barely awake. Lying in a blissful half sleep and awaiting my release.
I crawl back to my pillow and pull my blanket over me. As soon as I close my eyes sleep takes me completely and I drift off into a very deep and restful slumber.
_________________Lizzy Wizzy’s fun facts___________________
Male Poochyena and Mightyena do NOT have knots. They most closely are related to the Hyena which is one of the few canine without a knot!
As far as my research could tell Absol is based off a Barghest. Which is a mythical, black, dog-like creature. I remember them from D&D!
submitted by BeastyLoves98 to PokemonWorld [link] [comments]

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Predicting the outcomes of 9 fun Super Bowl 55 prop bets that have nothing to do with the game. this might be the list of side wagers to make at your virtual Super Bowl party or with your Prop Bets. Prop wagers and the Super Bowl go hand-in-hand. Think of props as “side bets” on random events within the Super Bowl. Some events can be related to the game itself, while others couldn’t be a farther departure from actual football. You can find a list of props at many online sportsbooks. The Super Bowl is the most-watched American event of the year, as both casual and Sure, you could just watch the Super Bowl, but what’s the fun in that? Instead, why not play along with this year’s version of The Washington Post’s Super Bowl prop-bet sheet? Of the 20 Click here or on the image below to download and print your Super Bowl Squares sheet. Printable Prop Sheet. Audience: Varies. It’s not a true Super Bowl party without a prop sheet to fill out. It’s a fun and easy exercise before the game as everyone argues for their answers (or strategically stays quiet). Our advice for Super Bowl prop betting: create your narrative for how the game will play out, shop around for the best odds, and, most importantly, have fun. Most Popular Prop Bets By Patrick Everson Printable Prop Sheet. Audience: Varies. It’s not a true Super Bowl party without a prop sheet to fill out. It’s a fun and easy exercise before the game as everyone argues for their answers (or strategically stays quiet). The concept is simple: The person who gets the most questions right wins the pot. Super Bowl LV’s prop bets offer an wide array of money making possibilities, but the hardest will be the over/under on the national anthem. There are some fun Super Bowl prop bets, but beware of Funny Super Bowl Prop Bets for the 2021 Super Bowl 55 between the Kansas City Chiefs and the Tampa Bay Bucs some gambling websites are promoting. I love watching the Super Bowl and Super Bowl Sunday (February 7, 2021) is festive around my house. Whether or not you are a fan of either team, there are fun ways of watching the “game outside the game," also known as prop bets. Quick look: The best Super Bowl LIV prop bets for 2020:

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