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Mariah Carey cheating on billionaire white fiance James Packer...with an am/wf Japanese guy?! Packer then RAGES and tries to ban the am/wf guy from the Vegas casino lol

submitted by TranceFan95_2 to hapas [link] [comments]

Why I'll never stop buying GME, and why you probably should

When I turned 18, there was a casino about 2 hours away on a reservation that I could get into. We'd get paid on Friday night, head to the gas station near us that would cash a paycheck, pile into my crappy little Ford, then make the drive. We'd get there a little before midnight and everyone had their own game.
The second time we went, one of my friends was hypnotized by the craps table. There were 16 players standing around this sea of green, and every minute or so, you could hear them screaming at the top of their lungs like they just won a million dollars. On the way home that night, I taught him everything I learned from books I'd read about the different bets. "Smart" bets where the house edge was only 1.4%, all the way down to the risky ones where the house edge was over 10% (meaning that for every $100 wagered, you should expect to lose $10).
The next time we went, we hung around the table, trying to figure out the right way to bet. It seemed a little complicated, so we tried other games. At the end of the night, I had the last $10 and he asked if he could borrow it to go place a bet. I handed it over, then went to the bathroom in preparation for the ride home. When I finally found him again, he had a stack of chips in front of him. He had been gone for about 5 minutes and already turned $10 into a few hundred. Well, if you can turn 10 into 100, you can turn 100 into 1,000 just as easily. We left empty handed that night, but I'll never forget the rush.
I loved blackjack. I learned how to play at an early age from my uncle, who would always cheat and take my money. He'd say "I just taught you a very valuable lesson." He actually taught me two: 1) if you play against a casino, you may have a good night and win thousands of dollars, but if you keep going back, you'll eventually have nothing left. 2) My uncle was a scumbag who continually cheated and took my money, then told the family I was a poor sport and they couldn't understand why I hated doing anything with him. One of my earliest memories at the casino was running $100 at the blackjack table into $3000, which is more than I made in a month of bussing tables. I went home, paid my rent and blew the rest on useless things I can't even remember.
What does any of this have to do with $GME? Well I'm still chasing the same high as I was when I was 18. I don't go to the casino anymore, but I've got something even better on my computer. I bought $2k worth of weeklies on Jan 25. Before everything crashed, they were worth over $100k, more than enough to fix most of the problems I've caused in my life. BUT, I was still standing around that craps table. The roller had just made his 30th point in a row, $GME was on fire and couldn't possibly roll a 7! I put my 2k back in my pocket and shoved the rest on the pass line. A few minutes later, the croupier inevitably yells "7 out!" and just like that, I'm back to nothing.
Now I do what every moron around the table does. You reach back into your pocket, pull out the 2k and make a deal with your maker. "Just let it happen one more time. I won't be greedy THIS time and I'll stop when I hit 50k." I stop looking at the smart bets and start eyeing the center of the table, where hard ways are paying 10:1. Yeah, that'll be how I get back to 50k. A couple of those in a row and I can put a down payment on a house. 5 minutes later, I'm on my way out to the car and I feel like I've been punched in the gut. Again.
Every one of you in this subreddit is another person sitting at the casino. Everyone has their game. The people holding $GME stonks right now? You're playing baccarat. If you've never heard of it, it's what James Bond plays in the old movies. It's about the most boring thing you can do. Two hands are dealt and you're betting on which one wins before anything happens. There's no actual skill and it's the same thing as betting heads or tails, while losing 1% of your bet every time.
The people who cashed out and picked something else like $AMC or $BB? Those are the slot players. You had a big hit and now you're going to switch machines because the other ones are "due". You're looking for the exact same magic, thinking there was something smart in your play, when it was really just dumb luck in timing.
The people saying "If Daddy Elon or Cowboy Cuban gets in, we can trigger a squeeze!" You're the guy who spent too much money in the first 20 minutes of the trip and now you're begging everyone else for a loan.
Tldr: Nothing is happening with $GME. Stop saying "tomorrow is the day." Billionaires are not coming to bail you out. If institutional investors come in, they're waiting for this constant downhill slide to end at where the stock belongs, probably around $20. You can't trigger shit by holding. The HFs will outlast you.
Edit: Screenshots from the worst 40 minutes of my financial life
Edit 2: JFC, some of you are takin WSB way too seriously. You should not be using reddit for DD. Also, this is not financial advice. Don't take financial advice from someone who tells you stories about chasing highs at casinos.
Edit 3: This is WSB, my dudes. I'm glad most of you were entertained by my story. For the few of you who got that worked up by a random stranger on the internet telling you that he's a degenerate, you may actually have a problem.
submitted by mt4h to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

What a know-nothing retarded skeptic such as myself is learning from the GME "Squeeze"

So, this last two weeks was my first week in my life “investing” (legalized gambling really). 🥳
If I’m on WSB, it’s because all you autists are so fucking retarded that WSB has become the funniest place on the Internet. And because sometimes, despite (or because of?) the collective stupidity, I learn a lot.
Like: How to lose money 🤑 😭. Quickly. Seriously. Learning how to lose money is so hard. I mean, I only invested about 3500 total. But still, thanks to you guys, managed to lose at least 1500!
But seriously, thanks! Because for a measly 1500 greenbacks, as someone who has never, ever invested I learned:
So here are a few lessons (which I'm still learning) which I’d like to share with y'all.
  1. Be critical of everything - There are not only a lot of shills and bots out there (I’m looking at you, $SLVR-pushers!) but there are, surprise surprise even more autists. Especially with 6 million new accounts of presumably people who have never invested in their live, but in classic Internet-style, already tout themselves as steel-balled market gurus. From people posting data that’s fundamentally wrong, fundamentally misinterpreted, or coming to conclusions without enough data or just plain old confirmation bias (basically, all of WSB). Special shoutout to u/smohyee's very sober post which helped me look critically at stuff that has been flying around the forum these last days.
  2. Don’t underestimate my ignorance - I know nothing. Literally nothing. I can do basic addition and subtraction, and know stocks go up and down. Personally, the market seems like a huge insane bubble ready to burst at any second. But maybe not. What do I know? 🤷‍♂️ I’m as autistic as you. 🤤
  3. Get in before the hype - Even to my stupid, ignorant self, I realized buying GME at an all-time high of 150X its low, was a stupid idea. Especially when the entire Internet and even non-Internet media was buzzing with the hype. 3B. (Corollary). - If you are going to go up against a Hedge fund with is 10000X more powerful than you, don’t announce all your moves up front.
  4. Understand what the statistics and metrics mean before betting (I mean: "investing") - People are posting volume data, short interest numbers, using fancy lingo and stats that I still can’t wrap my brain around (I still haven’t understood how you can sell a put you don’t have for example, that’s how ignorant I am). But, as the wise men & women say - ignorance is an opportunity to redeem yourself.
  5. Don’t underestimate all the other players - Hedge funds, Retirement funds. Whales. They all have different agendas. And their agendas are not yours. The worst mistakes I saw were not acknowledging the special advantages that institutional investors will always have. This is not cheating. This is how the market works. You can be a crybaby autist about it, but that’s how it is (I wrote a bit about some of the advantages even I saw that HF have here - me, who knows nothing about investing). Institutional Investors have sentiment trackers, high-speed algorithms, inside information, battle-hardened experience, tricky tactics, etc. You are not going to beat any Hedge Fund of Institutional Investor at a game they invented, made the rules in, and excel at.
  6. Expertise is valuable - There is a very good reason why finance jobs, especially at Investment Banks, Hedge Funds and Private Equity firms are the best-paid jobs in the world - because they places hire very fucking smart people, who work very fucking hard (7 days a week, 14-hour days), to be better at this than you or I. The expectation that we be as good as them, is like expecting to pop out of your mom’s womb and run a 100m faster than Usain Bolt without a day’s training. The reason we don’t like Hedge Funds or the stock market in general, is it is because it a casino for the wealthy. We are the poor schlubs sitting at the 1 dollar blackjack table, while watching the billionaires in their Tuxedos coming out of their Bentley’s to play at the million dollar poker tables. From a recent Economist article this week: “Even in America stock market gains have mainly accrued to the rich. The wealthiest 1% owns 56% of the stock market, up from 46% in 1990; the top 10% owns 88% of the market.”
  7. The HF didn’t cheat. They don't need to. They hustled - They invited ignorant newbies to sit at their tables (yes, that’s us), and then fleeced us of our cash. We are idiots, because we KNEW the hustle was coming and we KNEW the pros were pros, and yet we STILL played against them.
Little reminders for myself for next time:
  1. Accept the risk - Any money I gamble in this friggin casino I can count as lost.
  2. If you have no clue, don’t bet - I have no clue what a “Calendar Call” or a “Vertical Call” is. You can bet I won’t be making that, until I do.
  3. Losing (preferably a little bit) of money, is a very strong motivation to learn.
And a li’ tip for my fellow autists:
Don’t post fucking DDs if you are an ignorant shit.
Positions - Holding 215 AMC (115 bought (stupidly, and during the hype) @14; 100 bought during a dip @ 8.11) Holding 2 GME (1 free from RH, 1 bought at 115) 1 SPY put 332; EXP 03/31
Final final note (for real, this time):
***If you think the stock market is unfair, you are right. Unfair is the very core foundation of capitalism. If you really really are pissed off at capitalism and hedge funds, have the balls to be socialist or a marxist; refuse to participate in the free market; and refuse to consume.
Be Bartelby!***
submitted by menemenetekelufarsin to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Newt Gingrich - Why I will not accept Joe Biden as president

A smart friend of mine who is a moderate liberal asked why I was not recognizing Joe Biden’s victory.
The friend made the case that Mr. Biden had gotten more votes, and historically we recognize the person with the most votes. Normally, we accept the outcome of elections just as we accept the outcomes of sporting events.
So, my friend asked why was 2020 different?
Having spent more than four years watching the left #Resist President Donald Trump and focus entirely on undoing and undermining the 2016 election, it took me several days to understand the depth of my own feelings.
As I thought about it, I realized my anger and fear were not narrowly focused on votes. My unwillingness to relax and accept that the election grew out of a level of outrage and alienation unlike anything I had experienced in more than 60 years involvement in public affairs.
The challenge is that I — and other conservatives — are not disagreeing with the left within a commonly understood world. We live in alternative worlds.
The left’s world is mostly the established world of the forces who have been dominant for most of my life.
My world is the populist rebellion which believes we are being destroyed, our liberties are being cancelled and our religions are under assault. (Note the new Human Rights Campaign to decertify any religious school which does not accept secular sexual values — and that many Democrat governors have kept casinos open while closing churches though the COVID-19 pandemic.) We also believe other Democrat-led COVID-19 policies have enriched the wealthy while crushing middle class small business owners (some 160,000 restaurants may close).
In this context, let’s talk first about the recent past and the presidency.
In 2016, I supported an outsider candidate, who was rough around the edges and in the Andrew Jackson school of controversial assaults on the old order. When my candidate won, it was blamed on the Russians. We now know (four years later) Hillary Clinton’s own team financed the total lie that fueled this attack.
Members of the FBI twice engaged in criminal acts to help it along — once in avoiding prosecution of someone who had deleted 33,000 emails and had a subordinate use a hammer to physically destroy hard drives, and a second time by lying to FISA judges to destroy Gen. Michael Flynn and spy on then-candidate Donald Trump and his team. The national liberal media aided and abetted every step of the way. All this was purely an attempt to cripple the new president and lead to the appointment of a special counsel — who ultimately produced nothing.
Now, people in my world are told it is time to stop resisting and cooperate with the new president. But we remember that the Democrats wanted to cooperate with Mr. Trump so much that they began talking about his impeachment before he even took office. The Washington Post ran a story on Democrat impeachment plots the day of the inauguration.
In fact, nearly 70 Democratic lawmakers boycotted his inauguration. A massive left-wing demonstration was staged in Washington the day after, where Madonna announced she dreamed of blowing up the White House to widespread applause. These same forces want me to cooperate with their new president. I find myself adopting the Nancy Pelosi model of constant resistance. Nothing I have seen from Mr. Biden since the election offers me any hope that he will reach out to the more than 74 million Americans who voted for President Trump.
So, I am not reacting to the votes so much as to the whole election environment.
When Twitter and Facebook censored the oldest and fourth largest newspaper (founded by Alexander Hamilton) because it accurately reported news that could hurt Mr. Biden’s chances — where were The New York Times and The Washington Post?
The truth of the Hunter Biden story is now becoming impossible to avoid or conceal. The family of the Democrat nominee for president received at least $5 million from an entity controlled by our greatest adversary. It was a blatant payoff, and most Americans who voted for Mr. Biden never heard of it — or were told before the election it was Russian disinformation. Once they did hear of it, 17% said they would have switched their votes, according to a poll by the Media Research Center. That’s the entire election. The censorship worked exactly as intended.
Typically, newspapers and media outlets band together when press freedom is threatened by censorship. Where was the sanctimonious “democracy dies in darkness?” Tragically, The Washington Post is now part of the darkness.
But this is just a start. When Twitter censors four of five Rush Limbaugh tweets in one day, I fear for the country.
When these monolithic Internet giants censor the president of the United States, I fear for the country.
When I see elite billionaires like Mark Zuckerburg are able to spend $400 million to hire city governments to maximize turnout in specifically Democratic districts — without any regard to election spending laws or good governance standards — I fear for the country.
When I read that Apple has a firm rule of never irritating China — and I watch the NBA kowtow to Beijing, I fear for our country.
When I watch story after story about election fraud being spiked — without even the appearance of journalistic due diligence or curiosity — I know something is sick.
The election process itself was the final straw in creating the crisis of confidence which is accelerating and deepening for many millions of Americans.
Aside from a constant stream of allegations of outright fraud, there are some specific outrages — any one of which was likely enough to swing the entire election.
Officials in virtually every swing state broke their states’ own laws to send out millions of ballots or ballot applications to every registered voter. It was all clearly documented in the Texas lawsuit, which was declined by the U.S. Supreme Court based on Texas’ procedural standing — not the merits of the case. That’s the election.
In addition, it’s clear that virtually every swing state essentially suspended normal requirements for verifying absentee ballots. Rejection rates were an order of magnitude lower than in a normal year. In Georgia, rejection rates dropped from 6.5% in 2016 to 0.2% in 2020. In Pennsylvania, it went from 1% in 2016 to .003% in 2020. Nevada fell from 1.6% to .75%. There is no plausible explanation other than that they were counting a huge number of ballots — disproportionately for Mr. Biden — that normally would not have passed muster. That’s the election.
The entire elite liberal media lied about the timeline of the COVID-19 vaccine. They blamed President Trump for the global pandemic even as he did literally everything top scientists instructed. In multiple debates, the moderators outright stated that he was lying about the U.S. having a vaccine before the end of the year (note Vice President Mike Pence received it this week). If Americans had known the pandemic was almost over, that too was likely the difference in the election.
The unanimously never-Trump debate commission spiked the second debate at a critical time in order to hurt President Trump. If there had been one more debate like the final one, it likely would have been pivotal.
This is just the beginning. But any one of those things alone is enough for Trump supporters to think we have been robbed by a ruthless establishment — which is likely to only get more corrupt and aggressive if it gets away with these blatant acts.
For more than four years, the entire establishment mobilized against the elected president of the United States as though they were an immune system trying to kill a virus. Now, they are telling us we are undermining democracy.
You have more than 74 million voters who supported President Trump despite everything — and given the election mess, the number could easily be significantly higher. The truth is tens of millions of Americans are deeply alienated and angry.
If Mr. Biden governs from the left — and he will almost certainly be forced to — that number will grow rapidly, and we will win a massive election in 2022.
Given this environment, I have no interest in legitimizing the father of a son who Chinese Communist Party members boast about buying. Nor do I have any interest in pretending that the current result is legitimate or honorable. It is simply the final stroke of a four-year establishment-media power grab. It has been perpetrated by people who have broken the law, cheated the country of information, and smeared those of us who believe in America over China, history over revisionism, and the liberal ideal of free expression over cancel culture.
I write this in genuine sorrow, because I think we are headed toward a serious, bitter struggle in America. This extraordinary, coordinated four-year power grab threatens the fabric of our country and the freedom of every American. - Newt Gingrich
submitted by Ford_Martin to ConservativeKiwi [link] [comments]

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blusher blushers blushes blushing blushingly bluster blustered blustering blusters blustery bmus boa boar board boarded boarder boarders boardgames boarding boardings boardroom boardrooms boards boars boas boast boasted boaster boasters boastful boastfully boastfulness boasting boasts boat boated boater boaters boathouse boathouses boating boatload boatman boatmen boats boatswain bob bobbed bobbies bobbin bobbing bobbins bobble bobbles bobby bobcat bobs bobsled bobtail bobtails bode boded bodes bodice bodices bodied bodies bodiless bodily boding bodkin body bodybuilding bodyguard bodyguards bodywork boer boers boerwar boffin boffins bog bogey bogeyman bogeymen bogeys bogged boggiest bogging boggle boggled boggles boggling bogglingly boggy bogies bogs bogus bogy bohemian boil boiled boiler boilermakers boilers boiling boils boisterous boisterously bola bold bolder boldest boldface boldly boldness bole bolero boleyn bolivia bollard bollards bologna bolster bolstered bolstering bolsters bolt bolted bolting bolts bomb bombard bombarded bombardier bombarding bombardment bombardments bombards bombast bombastic bombasts bombay bombed bomber bombers bombing bombings bombs bombshell bonanza bonanzas bonbon bonbons bond bondage bonded bondholders bonding bondings bonds bone boned boneless bonemeal bones boney bonfire bonfires bong bongs bonier boniest bonn bonnet bonneted bonnets bonnie bonniest bonny bonobo bonsai bonus bonuses bony boo boobies booboo booby boobytrap boobytrapped boobytraps booed boohoo booing book bookable bookbinder bookbinders bookbinding bookcase bookcases booked bookends bookers bookie bookies booking bookings bookish bookkeeper bookkeeping booklet booklets bookmaker bookmakers bookmaking bookmark bookmarks books bookseller booksellers bookshelf bookshelves bookshop bookshops bookstall bookstalls bookwork bookworm bookworms boom boomed boomer boomerang boomeranging boomerangs booming booms boon boons boor boorish boorishly boorishness boors boos boost boosted booster boosters boosting boosts boot booted bootees booth booths booting bootlace bootlaces bootleg bootless bootprints boots bootstrap bootstraps booty booze boozed boozer boozers boozes bop bops boracic borate borates borax bordeaux border bordered borderer bordering borderline borders bore boreal bored boredom borehole boreholes borer borers bores boring boringly born bornagain borne borneo boron borough boroughs borrow borrowable borrowed borrower borrowers borrowing borrowings borrows borstal borstals bosnia bosom bosoms boson bosons boss bossed bosses bossier bossiest bossiness bossing bossy boston bosun botanic botanical botanically botanist botanists botany botch botched both bother bothered bothering bothers bothersome bothy botswana bottle bottled bottlefed bottlefeed bottleneck bottlenecks bottler bottles bottling bottom bottomed bottoming bottomless bottommost bottoms botulism boudoir boudoirs bouffant bougainvillea bough boughs bought boulder boulders boulevard boulevards bounce bounced bouncer bouncers bounces bouncier bounciest bouncing bouncy bound boundaries boundary bounded boundedness bounder bounders bounding boundless bounds bounteous bounties bountiful bountifully bounty bouquet bouquets bourbon bourbons bourgeois bourgeoisie bout boutique boutiques bouts bovine bow bowdlerisation bowdlerised bowdlerising bowed bowel bowels bower bowers bowie bowing bowl bowlder bowled bowler bowlers bowlines bowling bowls bowman bowmen bows bowsprit bowstring box boxed boxer boxers boxes boxful boxing boxoffice boxtops boxwood boxy boy boycott boycotted boycotting boycotts boyfriend boyfriends boyhood boyish boyishly boys boyscout bra brabble brabbled brabbles brace braced bracelet bracelets bracer braces brachiopods bracing bracingly bracken bracket bracketed bracketing brackets brackish bradawl bradycardia brag braggart braggarts bragged bragging brags brahman brahms braid braided braiding braids brail braille brain braincell braincells brainchild braindamaged braindead brainier brainless brainlessly brainlessness brainpower brains brainstorm brainstorming brainstorms brainteasers brainteasing brainwash brainwashed brainwashing brainwave brainwaves brainy braise braised brake braked brakes braking bramble brambles bran branch branched branches branching branchy brand branded brandies branding brandish brandished brandishes brandishing brands brandy brans bras brash brasher brashly brashness brasiers brasil brasilia brass brasserie brasses brassiere brassy brat brats bratty bravado brave braved bravely braver bravery braves bravest braving bravo braw brawl brawled brawler brawling brawls brawn brawnier brawniest brawny bray brayed braying brays braze brazen brazened brazenly brazenness brazier braziers brazil brazing breach breached breaches breaching bread breadandbutter breadboard breadboards breadcrumbs breaded breadfruit breadline breads breadth breadths breadwinner breadwinners break breakable breakage breakages breakaway breakaways breakdown breakdowns breaker breakers breakfast breakfasted breakfasting breakfasts breakin breaking breakins breakneck breakout breakpoint breakpoints breaks breakthrough breakthroughs breakup breakups breakwater breakwaters bream breast breastbone breasted breastfeed breastfeeding breasting breastplate breasts breaststroke breath breathable breathalysed breathalyser breathalysers breathe breathed breather breathes breathing breathings breathingspace breathless breathlessly breathlessness breaths breathtaking breathtakingly breathy breccias brecciated bred breech breeches breed breeder breeders breeding breeds breeze breezed breezes breezier breeziest breezily breezing breezy brethren breton breviary brevity brew brewage brewed brewer breweries brewers brewery brewing brews briar bribe bribed briber bribers bribery bribes bribing bricabrac brick brickbat brickbats bricked bricking bricklayer bricklayers bricklaying brickred bricks brickwork bridal bridals bride bridegroom bridegrooms brides bridesmaid bridesmaids bridge bridgebuilding bridged bridgehead bridges bridging bridle bridled bridles bridleway bridleways bridling brief briefcase briefcases briefed briefer briefest briefing briefings briefly briefs briers brig brigade brigades brigadier brigadiers brigand brigands bright brighten brightened brightening brightens brighter brightest brighteyed brightly brightness brightnesses brighton brilliance brilliancy brilliant brilliantly brim brimmed brimming brims brimstone brindled brine brines bring bringer bringing brings brink brinkmanship brinks briny brio brioche briquettes brisbane brisk brisker briskest briskly briskness bristle bristled bristles bristling bristly brit britain british britons brittle brittleness broach broached broaches broaching broad broadband broadcast broadcaster broadcasters broadcasting broadcasts broaden broadened broadening broadens broader broadest broadleaved broadloom broadly broadminded broadmindedness broadness broadsheet broadsheets broadside broadsides broadsword broadswords broadway brocade brocaded broccoli brochure brochures brogue brogues broil broiled broiler broiling broils broke broken brokenhearted brokenly broker brokerage brokered brokers broking bromide bromides bromine bronchi bronchial bronchitis bronco brontosaurus bronze bronzed bronzes brooch brooches brood brooded broodiness brooding broodingly broods broody brook brooklyn brooks broom brooms broomstick broomsticks broth brothel brothels brother brotherhood brotherinlaw brotherly brothers brothersinlaw broths brought brouhaha brow browbeat browbeaten browbeating brown browned browner brownest brownie brownies browning brownish brownness browns brows browse browsed browser browsers browses browsing bruise bruised bruiser bruisers bruises bruising brunch brunches brunei brunet brunets brunette brunettes brunt brunts brush brushed brushes brushing brushoff brushup brushwood brushwork brushy brusque brusquely brusqueness brussels brutal brutalisation brutalise brutalised brutalising brutalism brutalities brutality brutally brute brutes brutish brutishness brutus bub bubble bubbled bubblegum bubbles bubblier bubbliest bubbling bubbly bubonic buccaneer buccaneering buccaneers buck bucked bucket bucketful bucketfuls bucketing buckets bucking buckle buckled buckler bucklers buckles buckling buckminsterfullerene buckpassing bucks buckshot buckskin bucolic bud budapest budded buddhism buddhist buddies budding buddings buddy budge budged budgerigar budget budgetary budgeted budgeting budgets budgie budgies budging buds buff buffalo buffer buffered buffering buffers buffet buffeted buffeting buffetings buffets buffing buffoon buffoonery buffoons buffs bug bugbear bugbears bugeyed bugged bugger buggered buggering buggers buggery buggies bugging buggy bugle bugler buglers bugles bugs build builder builders building buildings builds buildup buildups built builtin builtup bulb bulbous bulbs bulgaria bulge bulged bulges bulging bulgy bulimia bulimic bulk bulkhead bulkheads bulkier bulkiest bulks bulky bull bulldog bulldogs bulldoze bulldozed bulldozer bulldozers bulldozing bullet bulletin bulletins bulletproof bullets bullfight bullfighting bullfinch bullfrog bullied bullies bullion bullish bullock bullocks bulls bully bullying bulrushes bulwark bulwarks bum bumble bumbled bumbler bumblers bumbles bumbling bump bumped bumper bumpers bumpier bumpiest bumping bumpkin bumpkins bumps bumptious bumpy bums bun bunch bunched bunches bunching bundle bundled bundles bundling bung bungalow bungalows bungee bungle bungled bungler bunglers bungles bungling bunion bunions bunk bunked bunker bunkered bunkers bunks bunkum bunnies bunny buns bunting bunyan buoy buoyancy buoyant buoyantly buoyed buoys bur burble burbled burbles burbling burden burdened burdening burdens burdensome burdock bureau bureaucracies bureaucracy bureaucrat bureaucratic bureaucratically bureaucratisation bureaucrats bureaus bureaux burette burg burgeon burgeoned burgeoning burgeons burger burgers burghers burglar burglaries burglars burglary burgle burgled burgles burgling burgundy burial burials buried buries burlesque burlesquing burlier burliest burly burma burmese burn burned burner burners burning burnings burnished burnishing burns burnt burp burped burping burps burr burrow burrowed burrowing burrows burs bursar bursaries bursars bursary burst bursted bursting bursts burundi bury burying bus buses bush bushel bushels bushes bushfire bushier bushiest bushiness bushing bushland bushman bushmen bushy busied busier busies busiest busily business businesses businesslike businessman businessmen businesswoman busk busker buskers busking busman busmen bussed bussing bust bustard bustards busted busters bustier busting bustle bustled bustles bustling busts busty busy busybodies busybody busying but butane butcher butchered butchering butchers butchery butler butlers buts butt butted butter buttercup buttercups buttered butterfat butterflies butterfly buttering buttermilk butters butterscotch buttery butting buttock buttocks button buttoned buttonhole buttonholed buttonholes buttoning buttons buttress buttressed buttresses buttressing butts buxom buy buyer buyers buying buyout buys buzz buzzard buzzards buzzed buzzer buzzers buzzes buzzing buzzwords by bye byebye byelaw byelaws byelection byelections byes bygone bygones bylaw bylaws byline bypass bypassed bypasses bypassing bypath bypaths byproduct byproducts bystander bystanders byte bytes byway byways byword cab cabal cabals cabaret cabarets cabbage cabbages cabby cabin cabinet cabinetmaker cabinets cabins cable cabled cables cableway cabling cabman cabmen caboodle caboose cabriolet cabs cacao cache cached caches cachet caching cackle cackled cackles cackling cacophonous cacophony cacti cactus cactuses cad cadaver cadaverous cadavers caddie caddied caddies caddy caddying cade cadence cadences cadenza cadenzas cadet cadets cadge cadged cadger cadges cadmium cads caesar cafe cafes cafeteria cafeterias caftan caftans cage caged cages cagey cagiest caging cagoule cagoules cagy cahoots caiman caimans cain cairn cairns cairo cajole cajoled cajoling cake caked cakes caking calamities calamitous calamitously calamity calcareous calcification calcified calcify calcite calcium calculable calculate calculated calculatedly calculates calculating calculation calculations calculative calculator calculators calculus calcutta caldera caldron caldrons calendar calendars calf calibrate calibrated calibrates calibrating calibration calibrations calibrator calibrators calibre calico calif california caliper calipers caliph call callable called caller callers callgirl callgirls calligrapher calligraphic calligraphy calling callings calliper callipers callisthenics callous calloused callously callousness callow callowness calls callup callus calm calmed calmer calmest calming calmly calmness calms calorie calories calorific calorimeter calorimeters calorimetry calory calumniate calumnies calumny calvary calve calves calvin calving calypso cam camaraderie camber cambodia camcorder camcorders came camel camelhair camelot camels cameo camera cameraman cameramen cameras camerawork camisole camomile camouflage camouflaged camouflages camouflaging camp campaign campaigned campaigner campaigners campaigning campaigns campanile campanological campanologist campanology camped camper campers campfire campfires camphor camping camps campsite campsites campus campuses cams camshaft can canaan canada canadian canal canalisation canals canape canapes canard canaries canary canberra cancan cancel cancellation cancellations cancelled cancelling cancels cancer cancerous cancers candelabra candelas candid candidacy candidate candidates candidature candidatures candidly candies candle candlelight candlelit candlepower candles candlestick candlesticks candour candy cane caned canes canine canines caning canings canister canisters cannabis canned cannel cannery cannes cannibal cannibalise cannibalised cannibalising cannibalism cannibalistic cannibals cannily canning cannon cannonball cannonballs cannoned cannoning cannons cannot cannula canny canoe canoed canoeing canoeist canoeists canoes canon canonic canonical canonically canonisation canonise canonised canonry canons canopener canopied canopies canopy cans cant cantaloupe cantankerous cantata cantatas canted canteen canteens canter cantered cantering canters canticle canticles cantilever cantilevered canton cantons cantor canvas canvased canvases canvass canvassed canvasser canvassers canvasses canvassing canyon canyons cap capabilities capability capable capably capacious capacitance capacities capacitive capacitor capacitors capacity caparisoned cape caped caper capered capering capers capes capetown capillaries capillary capita capital capitalisation capitalise capitalised capitalises capitalising capitalism capitalist capitalistic capitalists capitally capitals capitate capitation capitol capitulate capitulated capitulates capitulating capitulation capped capping cappuccino capri caprice caprices capricious capriciously capriciousness capriole capris caps capsize capsized capsizes capsizing capstan capstans capsule capsules captain captaincy captained captaining captains caption captioned captions captious captivate captivated captivating captivation captive captives captivity captor captors capture captured captures capturing capybara car carabinieri caracal caracals carafe caramel caramelised caramels carapace carat carats caravan caravanning caravans caravel caraway carbide carbine carbines carbohydrate carbohydrates carbolic carbon carbonaceous carbonate carbonated carbonates carbonic carboniferous carbonise carbons carbonyl carborundum carboxyl carbuncle carbuncles carburettor carburettors carcase carcases carcass carcasses carcinogen carcinogenesis carcinogenic carcinogens carcinoma carcinomas card cardboard carded cardholders cardiac cardiff cardigan cardigans cardinal cardinality cardinals carding cardioid cardiologist cardiology cardiopulmonary cardiovascular cards care cared career careered careering careerism careerist careerists careers carefree careful carefully carefulness careless carelessly carelessness carer carers cares caress caressed caresses caressing caressingly caretaker caretakers carets careworn cargo caribou caricature caricatured caricatures caricaturisation caries caring carmine carnage carnages carnal carnality carnally carnation carnations carnival carnivals carnivore carnivores carnivorous carnivorousness carol carols carotene carotid carotin carouse carousel carousing carp carpal carpenter carpenters carpentry carpet carpeted carpeting carpets carping carport carports carps carrel carriage carriages carriageway carriageways carried carrier carriers carries carrion carrot carrots carroty carry carrycot carrying cars carsick cart carted cartel cartels carter carthorses cartilage carting cartload cartloads cartographer cartographers cartographic cartography carton cartons cartoon cartoonist cartoonists cartoons cartouche cartridge cartridges carts cartwheel cartwheels carve carved carver carvers carvery carves carving carvings caryatids casanova cascade cascaded cascades cascading cascara case casebook cased caseload caseloads casement casements cases casework cash cashbox cashed cashes cashew cashier cashiers cashing cashless cashmere casing casings casino cask casket caskets casks cassava casserole casseroles cassette cassettes cassock cassocks cassowary cast castanet castanets castaway castaways caste castellated caster casters castes castigate castigated castigates castigating casting castings castiron castle castled castles castling castoff castoffs castor castors castrate castrated castrating castration castrato casts casual casually casualness casuals casualties casualty casuistry cat cataclysm cataclysmic catacomb catacombs catalepsy catalogue catalogued cataloguer cataloguers catalogues cataloguing catalyse catalysed catalyses catalysing catalysis catalyst catalysts catalytic catamaran catamarans catanddog catapult catapulted catapulting catapults cataract cataracts catarrh catastrophe catastrophes catastrophic catastrophically catatonic catcalls catch catched catcher catchers catches catchier catchiest catching catchment catchphrase catchphrases catchword catchwords catchy catechism catechisms catechist catechists categorical categorically categories categorisation categorisations categorise categorised categorises categorising category cater catered caterer caterers catering caterpillar caterpillars caters caterwaul caterwauls catfish catgut catguts catharsis cathartic cathedral cathedrals catheter catheterisation catheters cathode cathodes catholic cation cationic cations catlike catnap catnip cats catsuit cattery cattle catwalk catwalks caucus caucuses caudal caught cauldron cauldrons cauliflower cauliflowers caulking causal causality causally causation causative cause caused causes causeway causeways causing caustic caustically caustics cauterise cauterising caution cautionary cautioned cautioning cautions cautious cautiously cautiousness cavalcade cavalier cavalierly cavaliers cavalry cavalryman cavalrymen cave caveat caveats caved cavein caveman cavemen caver cavern cavernous caverns cavers caves caviar caviare caviars caving cavitation cavities cavity cavort cavorted cavorting cavorts caw cawing cayman caymans cease ceased ceasefire ceasefires ceaseless ceaselessly ceases ceasing cedar cedars cedarwood cede ceded cedilla ceding ceilidh ceilidhs ceiling ceilings celandine celeb celebrant celebrants celebrate celebrated celebrates celebrating celebration celebrations celebratory celebrities celebrity celeriac celery celestial celestially celibacy celibate cell cellar cellars cellist cellists cello cellophane cells cellular cellulite celluloid cellulose celsius celtic cement cemented cementing cements cemeteries cemetery cenotaph censer censor censored censorial censoring censorious censoriousness censors censorship censure censured censures censuring census censuses cent centaur centaurs centenarians centenary centennial centigrade centime centimes centimetre centimetres centipede centipedes central centralisation centralise centralised centraliser centralisers centralises centralising centralism centralist centrality centrally centre centred centrefold centrefolds centreing centrepiece centrepieces centres centric centrifugal centrifugally centrifugation centrifuge centrifuged centrifuges centrifuging centring centripetal centrist centrists centroid centroids cents centuries centurion centurions century cephalopods ceramic ceramics ceramist cereal cereals cerebellum cerebral cerebrum ceremonial ceremonially ceremonials ceremonies ceremonious ceremoniously ceremony ceres cerise certain certainly certainties certainty certifiable certifiably certificate certificated certificates certification certified certifies certify certifying certitude certitudes cervical cervix cess cessation cessations cession cesspit cesspool cesspools cetacean ceylon chacha chad chafe chafed chafes chaff chaffed chaffinch chaffinches chaffing chafing chagrin chagrined chain chained chaining chains chainsaw chainsaws chainsmoke chainsmoked chainsmoking chair chaired chairing chairlift chairman chairmanship chairmanships chairmen chairperson chairpersons chairs chairwoman chairwomen chaldron chalet chalets chalice chalices chalk chalked chalking chalks chalky challenge challenged challenger challengers challenges challenging challengingly chamber chambered chamberlain chamberlains chambermaid chambermaids chamberpot chamberpots chambers chameleon chameleons chamfer chamfered chamois chamomile champ champagne champagnes champing champion championed championing champions championship championships champs chance chanced chancel chancellery chancellor chancellors chancellorship chancer chancery chances chancier chanciest chancing chancy chandelier chandeliers chandler change changeability changeable changed changeless changeling changeover changeovers changer changers changes changing channel channelled channelling channels chant chanted chanter chanteuse chanting chantings chantries chantry chants chaos chaotic chaotically chap chapel chapels chaperon chaperone chaperoned chaperones chaplain chaplaincy chaplains chaplain chapman chapped chapping chaps chapter chapters char charabanc character characterful characterisation characterisations characterise characterised characterises characterising characteristic characteristically characteristics characterless characters charade charades charcoal charcuterie chared charge chargeable charged charger chargers charges charging chariot charioteer charioteers chariots charisma charismas charismatic charismatically charismatics charitable charitably charities charity charlady charlatan charlatans charles charlie charm charmed charmer charmers charming charmingly charmless charms charon charred charring chars chart charted charter chartered chartering charters charting chartists charts charwoman chary chase chased chaser chasers chases chasing chasm chasms chassis chaste chastely chastened chastening chastise chastised chastisement chastises chastising chastity chat chateau chats chatted chattel chattels chatter chatterbox chattered chatterer chattering chatters chattily chatting chatty chauffeur chauffeured chauffeurs chauvinism chauvinist chauvinistic chauvinists cheap cheapen cheapened cheapening cheapens cheaper cheapest cheapish cheaply cheapness cheapskates cheat cheated cheater cheaters cheating cheats check checked checker checkered checkering checkers checkin checking checklist checklists checkmate checkout checkouts checkpoint checkpoints checks checkup checkups cheddar cheek cheekbone cheekbones cheeked cheekier cheekiest cheekily cheeking cheeks cheeky cheep cheeping cheer cheered cheerful cheerfully cheerfulness cheerier cheeriest cheerily cheering cheerio cheerleader cheerleaders cheerless cheerlessness cheers cheery cheese cheeseboard cheeseburger cheeseburgers cheesecake cheesecloth cheesemaking cheeses cheesy cheetah cheetahs chef chefs chekov chemic chemical chemically chemicals chemiluminescence chemiluminescent chemise chemist chemistry chemists chemosynthesis chemotherapeutic chemotherapy cheque chequebook chequebooks chequer chequerboard chequered chequering chequers cheques cherish cherished cherishes cherishing cheroot cheroots cherries cherry cherryred cherub cherubic cherubim cherubs chess chessboard chessboards chessmen chest chested chester chesterfield chestnut chestnuts chests chesty chevalier chevron chevrons chew chewable chewed chewer chewier chewiest chewing chews chewy chic chicago chicane chicanery chick chicken chickens chicks chicory chide chided chides chiding chief chiefly chiefs chieftain chieftains chiffon chihuahua chihuahuas chilblain chilblains child childbearing childbirth childcare childhood childhoods childish childishly childishness childless childlessness childlike childly childminders childproof children chilean chili chill chilled chiller chillers chilli chillier chillies chilliest chilliness chilling chillingly chills chilly chimaera chimaerical chime chimed chimera chimeras chimerical chimes chiming chimney chimneys chimp chimpanzee chimpanzees chimps chin china chinese chink chinked chinking chinks chinless chinoiserie chins chintz chintzy chip chipboard chipmunk chipped chipping chippings chips chiral chiropodist chiropody chiropractic chiropractor chiropractors chirp chirped chirping chirps chirpy chirruped chisel chiseled chiselled chiselling chisels chit chits chivalric chivalrous chivalrously chivalry chives chivvied chivvy chivvying chlamydia chlorate chloride chlorinated chlorination chlorine chlorofluorocarbon chlorofluorocarbons chloroform chloroformed chloroforming chlorophyll chloroquine chock chockablock chockfull chocks chocolate chocolates choice choices choicest choir choirboy choirboys choirmaster choirs choke choked choker chokes choking cholera cholesterol choline chomp chomped chomping chomps choose chooser choosers chooses choosey choosier choosing choosy chop chopin chopped chopper choppers choppier choppiest chopping choppy chops chopsticks choral chorale chorales chorals chord chordal chords chore chorea choreographed choreographer choreographers choreographic choreographing choreography chores chorister choristers chortle chortled chortles chortling chorus chorused choruses chose chosen choughs chow christ christen christened christening christenings christian chroma chromatic chromaticism chromatograph chromatographic chromatography chrome chromed chromite chromium chromosomal chromosome chromosomes chronic chronically chronicle chronicled chronicler chroniclers chronicles chronicling chronograph chronological chronologically chronologies chronology chronometer chronometric chrysalis chrysanthemum chrysanthemums chubbiness chubby chuck chucked chucking chuckle chuckled chuckles chuckling chucks chuff chuffed chug chugged chugging chugs chum chump chums chunk chunkier chunks chunky chunnel chuntering church churches churchgoer churchgoers churchman churchmen churchwarden churchwardens churchyard churchyards churlish churlishly churlishness churn churned churning churns chute chutes chutney chutzpah cicada cicadas cicero cider ciders cigar cigaret cigarette cigarettes cigars cilia cilium cinch cinder cinders cine cinema cinemas cinematic cinematographer cinematography cinnamon cipher ciphered ciphers circa circadian circle circled circles circlet circlets circling circuit circuitous circuitry circuits circulant circular circularise circularised circularity circularly circulars circulate circulated circulates circulating circulation circulations circulatory circumcise circumcised circumcision circumference circumferences circumferential circumflex circumflexes circumlocution circumlocutions circumlocutory circumnavigate circumnavigated circumnavigates circumnavigation circumnavigational circumscribe circumscribed circumscribing circumspect circumspection circumspectly circumstance circumstances circumstantial circumstantially circumvent circumventable circumvented circumventing circumvention circumventions circumvents circus circuses cirrhosis cirrhotic cirrus cist cistern cisterns citadel citadels citation citations cite cited cites cithers cities citing citizen citizenry citizens citizenship citrate citrates citric citron citrons citrus citruses cittern city cityscape civic civics civies civil civilian civilians civilisation civilisations civilise civilised civilising civilities civility civilly clacking clad cladding claim claimable claimant claimants claimed claiming claims clairvoyance clairvoyant clairvoyants clam clamber clambered clambering clambers clammed clamming clammy clamorous clamorously clamour clamoured clamouring clamours clamp clampdown
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My Dad and some Q shit he got sucked into

Both of my parents gladly voted for trump both times. They're conservative evangelical christians worried about taxes. Nothing special but their religous inclinations make them prime candidates for any conspiracy really though.
Got this little diddy from my father at 6 am.
Below written by Newt Gingrich A smart friend of mine who is a moderate liberal asked why I was not recognizing Joe Biden’s victory. The friend made the case that Mr. Biden had gotten more votes, and historically we recognize the person with the most votes. Normally, we accept the outcome of elections just as we accept the outcomes of sporting events. So, my friend asked why was 2020 different? Having spent more than four years watching the left “resist” President Donald Trump and focus entirely on undoing and undermining the 2016 election, it took me several days to understand the depth of my own feelings. As I thought about it, I realized my anger and fear were not narrowly focused on votes. My unwillingness to relax and accept that the election grew out of a level of outrage and alienation unlike anything I had experienced in more than 60 years involvement in public affairs. The challenge is that I — and other conservatives — are not disagreeing with the left within a commonly understood world. We live in alternative worlds. The left’s world is mostly the established world of the forces who have been dominant for most of my life. My world is the populist rebellion which believes we are being destroyed, our liberties are being cancelled and our religions are under assault. (Note the new Human Rights Campaign to decertify any religious school which does not accept secular sexual values — and that many Democrat governors have kept casinos open while closing churches though the COVID-19 pandemic.) We also believe other Democrat-led COVID-19 policies have enriched the wealthy while crushing middle class small business owners (some 160,000 restaurants may close). In this context, let’s talk first about the recent past and the presidency: In 2016, I supported an outsider candidate, who was rough around the edges and in the Andrew Jackson school of controversial assaults on the old order. When my candidate won, it was blamed on the Russians. We now know (four years later) Hillary Clinton’s own team financed the total lie that fueled this attack. Members of the FBI twice engaged in criminal acts to help it along — once in avoiding prosecution of someone who had deleted 33,000 emails and had a subordinate use a hammer to physically destroy hard drives, and a second time by lying to FISA judges to destroy Gen. Michael Flynn and spy on then-candidate Donald Trump and his team. The national liberal media aided and abetted every step of the way. All this was purely an attempt to cripple the new president and lead to the appointment of a special counsel — who ultimately produced nothing. Now, people in my world are told it is time to stop resisting and cooperate with the new president. But we remember that the Democrats wanted to cooperate with Mr. Trump so much that they began talking about his impeachment before he even took office. The Washington Post ran a story on Democrat impeachment plots the day of the inauguration. In fact, nearly 70 Democratic lawmakers boycotted his inauguration. A massive left-wing demonstration was staged in Washington the day after, where Madonna announced she dreamed of blowing up the White House to widespread applause. These same forces want me to cooperate with their new president. I find myself adopting the Nancy Pelosi model of constant resistance. Nothing I have seen from Mr. Biden since the election offers me any hope that he will reach out to the more than 74 million Americans who voted for President Trump. So, I am not reacting to the votes so much as to the whole election environment. When Twitter and Facebook censored the oldest and fourth largest newspaper (founded by Alexander Hamilton) because it accurately reported news that could hurt Mr. Biden’s chances — where were The New York Times and The Washington Post? The truth of the Hunter Biden story is now becoming impossible to avoid or conceal. The family of the Democrat nominee for president received at least $5 million from an entity controlled by our greatest adversary. It was a blatant payoff, and most Americans who voted for Mr. Biden never heard of it — or were told before the election it was Russian disinformation. Once they did hear of it, 17% said they would have switched their votes, according to a poll by the Media Research Center. That’s the entire election. The censorship worked exactly as intended. Typically, newspapers and media outlets band together when press freedom is threatened by censorship. Where was the sanctimonious “democracy dies in darkness?” Tragically, The Washington Post is now part of the darkness. But this is just a start. When Twitter censors four of five Rush Limbaugh tweets in one day, I fear for the country. When these monolithic Internet giants censor the President of the United States, I fear for the country. When I see elite billionaires like Mark Zuckerburg are able to spend $400 million to hire city governments to maximize turnout in specifically Democratic districts — without any regard to election spending laws or good governance standards — I fear for the country. When I read that Apple has a firm rule of never irritating China — and I watch the NBA kowtow to Beijing, I fear for our country. When I watch story after story about election fraud being spiked — without even the appearance of journalistic due diligence or curiosity — I know something is sick. The election process itself was the final straw in creating the crisis of confidence which is accelerating and deepening for many millions of Americans. Aside from a constant stream of allegations of outright fraud, there are some specific outrages — any one of which was likely enough to swing the entire election. Officials in virtually every swing state broke their states’ own laws to send out millions of ballots or ballot applications to every registered voter. It was all clearly documented in the Texas lawsuit, which was declined by the U.S. Supreme Court based on Texas’ procedural standing — not the merits of the case. That’s the election. In addition, it’s clear that virtually every swing state essentially suspended normal requirements for verifying absentee ballots. Rejection rates were an order of magnitude lower than in a normal year. In Georgia, rejection rates dropped from 6.5% in 2016 to 0.2% in 2020. In Pennsylvania, it went from 1% in 2016 to .003% in 2020. Nevada fell from 1.6% to .75%. There is no plausible explanation other than that they were counting a huge number of ballots — disproportionately for Mr. Biden — that normally would not have passed muster. That’s the election. The entire elite liberal media lied about the timeline of the COVID-19 vaccine. They blamed President Trump for the global pandemic even as he did literally everything top scientists instructed. In multiple debates, the moderators outright stated that he was lying about the U.S. having a vaccine before the end of the year (note Vice President Mike Pence received it this week). If Americans had known the pandemic was almost over, that too was likely the difference in the election. The unanimously never-Trump debate commission spiked the second debate at a critical time in order to hurt President Trump. If there had been one more debate like the final one, it likely would have been pivotal. This is just the beginning. But any one of those things alone is enough for Trump supporters to think we have been robbed by a ruthless establishment — which is likely to only get more corrupt and aggressive if it gets away with these blatant acts. For more than four years, the entire establishment mobilized against the elected president of the United States as though they were an immune system trying to kill a virus. Now, they are telling us we are undermining democracy. You have more than 74 million voters who supported President Trump despite everything — and given the election mess, the number could easily be significantly higher. The truth is tens of millions of Americans are deeply alienated and angry. If Mr. Biden governs from the left — and he will almost certainly be forced to — that number will grow rapidly, and we will win a massive election in 2022. Given this environment, I have no interest in legitimizing the father of a son who Chinese Communist Party members boast about buying. Nor do I have any interest in pretending that the current result is legitimate or honorable. It is simply the final stroke of a four-year establishment-media power grab. It has been perpetrated by people who have broken the law, cheated the country of information, and smeared those of us who believe in America over China, history over revisionism, and the liberal ideal of free expression over cancel culture. I write this in genuine sorrow, because I think we are headed toward a serious, bitter struggle in America. This extraordinary, coordinated four-year power grab threatens the fabric of our country.
submitted by musingsofmadman to QAnonCasualties [link] [comments]

trump: cyrus, christian or con?

several years back evangelicals weren't comfortable at all saying trump was a christian. before and during trump's campaign conservative evangelicals were all over the map on where they stood concerning his faith:
in 2015 dobson said,'I am very wary of Donald Trump,” Dobson said in his email, citing Trump’s business in gambling. “I would never vote for a king pin within that enterprise. Trump’s tendency to shoot from the hip and attack those with whom he disagrees would be an embarrassment to the nation if he should become our Chief Executive. I don’t really believe Trump is a conservative. Finally, I would never under any circumstance vote for Hillary Clinton'. in 2016, and to this day, dobson says on his 'family institute' website, 'If anything, this man is a baby Christian who doesn’t have a clue about how believers think, talk and act.'
in 2011 franklin graham told christianity today: ' “No question, the guy’s got a lot of baggage. He owns casinos. He’s had multiple marriages. I did not endorse him.” when trump evangelical bouncer, robert jeffress, defended trump on fox news, regarding stormy daniels' announcement she had a sexual encounter with Trump and was paid to keep quiet before the election, Jeffress explained [to] Juan Williams that evangelicals 'knew they weren’t voting for an altar boy.' eric metaxas in responding to the hollywood access video of trump, [in] an email to 'RNS [... said he] rejected the characterization that he has strongly backed Trump, saying his support “has always been tepid and tremendously qualified." [...] in addition, 'James MacDonald, pastor of the Chicago-area megachurch Harvest Bible Chapel and a member of Trump’s evangelical advisory board, also withdrew his support after the video aired, calling the candidate “letcherous and worthless.' in 2016 mike huckabee tweeted: 'Trump may be a car wreck, but at least his car is pointed in the right direction. Hillary is a drunk-driver going the wrong way on the freeway'. the family research council president, tony perkins, put his support this way: 'You know what? Nations are built on calculated risk. Yeah. You could say we’re taking a calculated risk, but we’re at a point where we have to as a nation because what we have seen in the last seven and a half years has put the nation fiscally and culturally on the edge.'
of course, we can't forget jerry falwell's endorsement as early as january of 2016: [...] “In my opinion, Donald Trump lives a life of loving and helping others as Jesus taught in the great commandment,” he said. “He cannot be bought, he's not a puppet on a string like many other candidates ... who have wealthy donors as their puppet masters,” he said. “And that is a key reason why so many voters are attracted to him.” at this time there's no direct evidence, nor cohen's testimony that there was a quid pro quo for falwell's endorsement. the falwell's and trump's have been friends since 2012 when trump spoke at liberty univ. it was falwell's endorsement that opened up the evangelical base to trump and ultimately cut ted cruz out of the race. but it can't go without saying that knowing the past 4 or 5 years of both trump and the falwell's lives, the entanglement is very deep, as you will see.
so, given the lack of evangelical consensus, the lack of a solid biblical argument, and the life of trump, the location of where to put him, while retaining some evangelical dignity and avoiding hypocrisy, a charismatic evangelical named lance wallnau enters the story with his best selling book, 'God's Chaos Candidate' on oct of 2016, as well as his piece in 'charisma news', 'Why I Believe Trump Is the Prophesied President'. wallnau argued trump 'is a “modern-day Cyrus,” an ancient Persian king chosen by God to “navigate in chaos.' he even added a little numerology: trump's the 45th prez and cyrus is god's anointed in isaiah 45, so trump's anointed. makes sense right? anyway, aside from us living in a democracy, the idea grew, even to the point of netanyahu comparing him to cyrus. now many evangelicals are compare him to king cyrus.
two years have now passed and it was a month before the 2018 midterms and a movie came out called, 'the trump prophecy.' the film was a partnership between 'reelworksstudios' and (-wait for it-) liberty univ's arts program, where it attempted to make the comparison of cyrus and trump. popularity grew when fox news' jeanine pirro touted the film, along with many other radio and tv hosts . while the idea of the cyrus-trump connection is still being floated it doesn't make sense now. why? due to trump openly stating he's changed his faith. more specifically, when trump himself, a couple weeks ago became a non denominationalist, it closed the personal distance between him and jesus, it, theoretically, should bring him closer to jesus, which negated the cyrus typology, which gave him distance from jesus; that's the point of changing one's faith isn't it, to get closer to god. as that distance is now gone, as cyrus was a pagan, and trump is claiming he's a reflective christian -a genius-, having deepened his faith, how can he still be compared to a pagan king? -especially with being surrounded by evangelicals for 4 years.
over the past 40 years non denominationalists have grown over 400%, and a 1/3 of all evangelicals are nondens.. who are the nondens? they're basically the largest protestant denomination, and made up many southern baptists, with provisos.. it's unusual for a very stable genius billionaire, to self identify with nondens, but paula white has a 6,000 sq ft home, former trump faith advisor in the 1950s (check out 'the family' on netfix). so, perhaps trump is an eisenhower type, having changed his faith for political profit? if he did, one thing is certain; he can't use the cyrus connection any longer, for attempting to now makes him a public con.
trump has stated, 'i'm the chosen one.' he was joking, somewhat, but like so many of his supposed jokes, they usually appear two-sided; they're like a reverse irony found under a bulimic joke, like: “Suburban women, will you please like me? - Please. Please,” he said in PA last week. his other "jokes" we have to wait several hours or a day later to discover if it really was a joke: “When you do testing to that extent, you’re going to find more people, you’re going to find more cases,” Trump said. “So I said to my people, ‘Slow the testing down, please.’. again, '"And then I see the disinfectant, that knocks it out in a minute.. and is there a way you can do something like, by injection, inside, or almost to clean... It sounds interesting to me.' and again, 'russia, if you're listening, i hope you're able to find the 30k emails that are missing.'. these dormant jokes a day or so later are fairly common and have created lots of confusion. i bring this up 'cause trump uses religious language more than any other past presidents in a 100 years, more than twice as eisenhower, and figuring out what he's really saying regarding faith, in politics, isn't any better than his policy discussions, and some might say it's worse -- as he weaponizes/attacks it, too:
of course, trump's not the only person to weaponize god-talk. pastor paula white does it as well: christians will 'stand before god if they vote against trump'. of course, she's known as the most adamant evangelical that says trump is a christian. sadly, she's had her run-ins with heresy regarding the trinity, is a prosperity gospel preacher, gone off the rails publicly more than once, has been investigated by the senate, published a book in oct of 2019, that 'christiantiy today' called, disturbing, depressing, narcissistic, dishonest, materialistic, lacking self-awareness, shallow, and trumpesque. so, she's really something -- and of course she's probably trump's top spiritual adviser that works in the white house. the same failure of christian virtues can be said of jerry falwell jr, the president of one of the nation's largest christian colleges, but truly, his narrative doesn't need repeating, except the new sage of he and his wife's game of 'would you rather'.. the same also goes for pastor franklin graham, who is a xenophobe and weaponized 'opposition to President Donald Trump to “almost a demonic power”, metaxis agreed, although he didn't like the 'almost'. finally, to end our sampling, there's pastor robert jeffress statements that anti-trump 'evangelicals are morons. They are absolutely spineless morons, and they cannot admit that they were wrong.' [...] “We cannot afford to be like German Christians who, in the rise of the evil reign of Adolf Hitler, just remained neutered. They remained silent. And you saw what happened there,” Jeffress said. “I think there’s a similar wave of godlessness that is rising in our country right now, and we must push back against that tide.'
this is not an argument of guilt by association, these individuals have shown evidence of a failure to abide with the teachings of jesus and the church. their miscarriage is aligned with trump's, and perhaps more so, as they for decades have studied christianity. yet, they aren't running the country and lying daily about the covid virus as thousands die weekly; they aren't constantly attacking and damaging the usps,, mail in ballots,, the press, race, climate science, fauci, the fbi, even saying doctors are profiting off of covid deaths and inflating the dead numbers, attacking impeachment accusers, his sexual misconduct accusers, gold star families ...the list of trump attacks are almost found everywhere and everyday now.
therefore, if he's not cyrus, not a christian, is he a con? i think the evidence is abundantly clear. for much of the attacks and weaponizing of people, institutions, and things, the gop has also been silent. they are silent on race, the media, even their own institutions. i'd be something if they came out and supported him in numbers, but they don't. paul states in 1 cor: 11: Do as I do, for I am doing as Christ did. i don't see that happening much in the gop or trump's staff or trump himself, given he's the most religiously rhetorical president in over a 100 years, and that the nondens are the true believers; in fact, the evidence appears to indicate the opposite conclusion. donald trump is a con of the highest order, a chronic liar, a cheat, and devious. therefore, evangelicals should ask themselves ‘what would jesus do about this?' the answer would be, 'don't vote for trump.’
submitted by wonderingsocrates to Christianity [link] [comments]

Offerwall revisted part 2

After the first post, I replied to most of the comments and decided I'd try a few more games, while the first post had some mixed reactions, it seemed more positive and helpful to others than not. Well, you know you want to feed the machine for WoL and Death Machine after all... or maybe you already did and you're just wanting to rebuild that stash for Kilfe, FFTv2, or whoever. I have a few suggestions and tips for each. Do note that it's not up to me what's shown on your wall, or why numbers super fluctuate, I'm only trying to share advice on what has worked for me, to make this easier for you. A couple of the comments were... very aggressive as if I stiffed you, sorry for taking all the good stuff I guess? Be aware that the potential numbers I listed was what I got, you may get more or less, I'm guessing as more do or skip a challenge the numbers alter to reflect the popularity. I apologize for not labeling it clearly again, but this is on the Android paywall, I understand that for whatever reason, Apple has shafted it's users, sorry.

One Punch Man 2.0 - Beat 5-4 within 1 week. Fairly straightforward challenge, some of the worlds get kinda big, but if you like OPM, you might dig this a bit, like any gacha game there are tiers of characters and some will help you finish this challenge faster than others. 3 x 3 party grid, field 5, and turns are based on the position on the grid up right, far right, bot right, up middle etc so you have some control on altering specials and turn order. Several codes out there will help you fill up your party faster. Every 4 stages is a miniboss, so 1-8, 1-12 etc, usually the following 3 are much easier... unlike Idle Heroes, you can go as far as your party takes you. Also BIG note, the challenge does vanish from your offerwall... it still paid out pretty quickly on completion. codes
Potential 1260 visiore, took 1 1/2 days, I feel like I had a really strong party, some of my guild mates took 3 and 4 days, ymmv a bit.
Left to Survive - Level 6 base in 10 days. Probably the most fun out of all the games I've played lately, a bit unique (at least to me) in gameplay. The game is half base builder, have weapon upgrades to shoot zombies in an old arcade style shooter. I thought this challenge would take longer, but it seems when I hit rank 4 an anniversary event opened up. Did this challenge enough to hit 18000 tier (10k oil as a reward), which also gave me enough points to purchase several things from the event shop. I was scared at first to redeem anything, as I was certain I'd lose materials over my cap... I have roughly a 3k supplies and oil cap, so 10k was quite a lot... the shop had 100000 supplies for like 250 tokens, I had 1000, on top of this, the shop also had 10x 1 hour speed ups for 300, bought that twice, and finished really quickly. The game will force you into 1 pvp match, and attempt to have you raid someone, you can back out of the raid, it'll break your peace shield. The anniversary event should be going on for another 3 or 4 days. Overall different, kinda fun, different change of pace, pretty easy to complete within the peace shield time limit... even easier if you take advantage of the anniversary event.
Potential 1620 visiore, took about 12 hours, was scared to lose resources otherwise it'd have been about 10~
Vikings: War of Clans - Train any T3 unit, no time limit. Do note theirs a timed version as well, but oddly enough it pays LESS, so why hurt yourself on rushing? On top of you only get 1 builder, which as limiting as that is... wasn't the worst issue. That said this one is super time consuming... usually with base building games you need to quickly upgrade your keep/castle to upgrade your barracks to build higher tier troops, not the case here... you need to do that AND research it in the tower. The costs of even the T2 units (and you have to unlock ALL of them) is astronomical, at this point I was getting about 1500 resources an hour, and hitting nodes on the map for about 8k of 1 type per hour. Each T2 (that I can see) is 48 hours to complete, 50k of all resources and 90k silver. It's disgusting, and I imagine the T3 will be even worse. So not only is this gated on time, the resources needed is pretty staggering, you also only get a 3 day shield. Getting attacked may be a problem, they won't get any of the normal resources due to your storage protection... but silver isn't protected until rank 21, so if you're struggling to hit 90k multiple times and possibly even more, it could become a problem. You can join a clan and someone might send you silver, but most of the people I've seen in chat are pretty... derpy to say it kindly. Overall I'd pass on this one, even without it having a time limit I'd still say pass.
Potential 1822 visiore, currently at 2 1/2 days... I wager at least another 7 to finish, more if I become a target... at least it's not timed, but who wants to add onto the stress?
Afk Arena - Train any Legendary hero, no time limit. A bit of luck with this, the upgrade system is just like the OPM one, but just in case you don't try that... 2 of the SAME rare (blue), makes a rare+, any 3 rare+ of the same element makes an elite (purple), 2 of the SAME elite, makes an elite+, 3 elite + of the same element makes a legendary. This game also has a lot of codes that you can get a bunch of quick units. I recommend selling any green tier units for hero shards and using the shop to buy random blue tier units... you should be able to get most/all of them. Push as far as you can in the story, the tower, and the maze event, it too gives tokens to buy randoms (or save up to buy an elite dupe, this will depend on your pulls of course). This isn't too bad, very similar to Idle Heroes in the sense that after the first hour or two, you only need to collect, push, recruit more units every 8 or so hours. Not a hard challenge at all, part of it is luck on pulls, maybe you'll finish faster, maybe you'll need to level a lot and really grind out every crystal you can, it's hard to say... but they do get codes fairly often and it's not timed, so it could be a refreshing break. Do note this challenge also vanishes off of your wall, but you'll still get paid. codes
Potential 756 visiore, finished in 1 1/2 days. Just finished about 30 min ago, but was credited before I finished this post. I doubled up this game while doing Vikings after the first day.
Also not saying to do or don't, but it seems that someone got lucky...
The "Billionaire Casino Slots 777: Free Vegas Games" one for reaching Level 200 is bugged? I grinded to Level 162 and when I swapped over to check the WotV shop for WoL Shards, the Visiore was sitting in my inbox.
Edit: Not complaining

Total visiore earned to date - 14688, I'm sure I'll try a few more, just they'll have to wait, I move Monday and some of these can be pretty time intensive. I'm considering going for one of the Star Trek ones, and another base builder... once I've settled in of course.
Again, I'm happy to reply to comments or pms if something needs further explanations, or even if you have a story you'd like to share as well.
submitted by tuffymon to wotv_ffbe [link] [comments]

Housewife highlights/Daily shit talk - November 30th, 2020

"From the moment “The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City” premiered, Heather Gay has been brash, bold, funny and outspoken. It’s easy to see why producers cast her — she’s very entertaining.
Chatting on the phone, Gay is all that. But she’s also unexpectedly vulnerable. It’s clear she’s still dealing with her 2015 divorce, which she said shattered her life and her self-image.
“I know that I’m unfiltered,” she told The Salt Lake Tribune. “I know that I speak from my heart. And I know that I do things that I regret and cringe after I hear myself say them. So I’m terrified of what I’ve done to ruin my own life, but I’m also excited to see how this plays out.
“All I want to do is be liked! This is probably the wrong arena for that, right?” she added with a laugh.
Gay said she’s a longtime “Real Housewives” fan, and didn’t hesitate when she was asked to be on the show — although the invitation was unexpected.
“Just having a producer call to ask me who I thought was interesting in Salt Lake City was more fun than I’d had in a long time,” she said. “I thought I just kind of was the girl that knew a lot of fascinating women.”
And she was “thrilled” to be asked. “I love the franchise. I love television. I love new experiences. I love having something other than just the doldrums of my sad, depressing life,” she said with another laugh.
Heather has described herself as “Mormon-ish” and a “good Mormon gone bad.” And she told The Tribune that one of the reasons she agreed to be part of “RHOSLC” was so that her exit from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints would be public.
“When it came down to it,” she said, “I thought if I’m going to leave the Mormon Church, this is the way to do it. I was kind of sick of living in the shadows. I don’t want to say double life, but I was transitioning out of the faith very slowly — like a slow bleed.”
She remains ambivalent, however, about her church membership.
“My only fear was — if I go big, I’m going to get a letter from church authorities saying, ‘We have forcibly removed you from our records,’” she said. “I’m not going to lie — I thought about it a lot and worried about it. But I’m here. My mailing address hasn’t changed either. If they want to send me the letter, I’m open to that consequence happening.”
In the first episode of “RHOSLC,” Heather told viewers her ex-husband’s grandfather had been hired as billionaire Howard Hughes’ “driver and henchman,” and that the Gay family “inherited a huge portion” of the Hughes estate after he died in 1976 — which was partially true.
Frank William Gay was a student at UCLA when he was hired to be Hughes’ driver and gofer; he eventually rose to become a top executive at Hughes Tool Company, Hughes Air Corporation and the Summa Corporation, which controlled Hughes’ Las Vegas hotels and casinos.
But Hughes later wrote that he no longer trusted F.W. Gay. And, according to F.W. Gay’s 2007 obituary, his money came from “running Hughes’ many business ventures, not from the Hughes estate.”
But there’s no disputing that Heather married into a very wealthy family.
Heather hasn’t talked much about her ex-husband — other than referring to him as “Bill” in Episode 3 — and making comments like, “He’s been supportive” of her being on the show “in his way.” But she also said on “Watch What Happens Live” that “this isn’t how he wants the mother of his children to conduct herself.”
Heather readily admits her marriage was no great love story, but said the end of the union devastated her. Raised as a member of the LDS Church, she wanted to get married, raise a family and “grow old” with the father of her children.
But “not with the man I married,” she said. “Let’s just be clear. I didn’t want to grow old with him. I knew that, like, day three [of the marriage].”
She was, nonetheless, a “dutiful housewife for 11 years,” she said, and she “suppressed every personal instinct in order to be a good wife and a good mother, but it didn’t work out.”
(The divorce was finalized in 2015.)
“I took that role so seriously, which is probably why it was so totally devastating when I got divorced,” Heather said. She was left feeling like she’d failed not just as wife and mother, but as a member of her church.
Heather has custody of her three daughters — Ashley, 17; Georgia, 14; and Annabelle, 13 — who are “very cool, reasonable, balanced, wonderful human beings. And they have been caretakers of me, in a lot of ways. When I got divorced, I really checked out of things. … And I feel bad about that.”
She doesn’t regret her decision to be on “Real Housewives,” even though her daughters’ teachers and counselors have told her “that a lot of parents have come up to them [and] are really concerned that I have done this to them. Like, ‘How could she do this?’
“And all I can say is — I don’t know. Maybe it was a huge mistake. Time will tell, right? I’m doing the best I can. And if I took the wrong road, then we’ll deal with it.”
Heather has made a success out of her business, Beauty Lab + Laser, although she’s also ambivalent about that.
“I can barely say that. It feels like I betrayed everything I was brought up to be by saying, ‘I’m a businesswoman,’” she said.
And Heather is anxious to see how she’s edited in upcoming episodes.
“I know this sounds so cliche, but the truth is, you really do forget that the cameras are there,” Heather said. “I’d watch other ‘Housewives,’ and I’d be, like, ‘Sonja, put your clothes on!’ But when it’s you …
“I would think, ‘Oh, my gosh! Was I on camera and miked when I screamed at her or said that to my kids?
“I never had that out-of-body experience, like, ‘I am a Housewife.’ I always felt like, ‘I am Heather Gay, and I’m pretty messed up.’”
We’ve seen Heather in conflict with Lisa Barlow in the first three episodes, and that will continue.
“It’s been hard to be dismissed. It’s been hard to have people that loved being my friends distance themselves,” Heather said. “It’s been hard to feel the strain on our friendships.
“Doesn’t everybody just want to be friends? I’m the kind of girl that wants to get along with everyone all the time. I have really strong opinions, but I would rather be your friend than be right any day of the week. I’d rather be your friend than win.”
"Fans of The Real Housewives Of Atlanta are used to seeing star Porsha Williams, 39, having fun and shady moments on camera. But she shows a different side of her in the season 13 premiere as she gets arrested for her participation in the Black Lives Matter movement — a topic she’s deeply passionate about. “First of all, I’m just blessed to be able to have a platform,” Porsha exclusively told HollywoodLife during an interview from Atlanta on Nov. 24. “To be able to use my voice for the voiceless and being able to use where I am in life right now to gain attention for these families who aren’t seeing any justice. For me, being arrested and being on the front lines, it was just second hand nature.”
Porsha is no stranger to fighting for social injustice. The granddaughter of civil rights activist Reverend Hosea Williams, Porsha attended her first protest at the age of 5. After the police involved murders of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, Porsha has been one of thousands to take to the streets and participate loudly in the BLM Movement.
The Dish Nation host has been so vocal that she’s been arrested not once, but twice, fighting for these families. The first arrest happened back in July 2020 in Louisville, Kentucky during a protest for Breonna and subsequently released on her own recognizance. The second arrest also occurred in Louisville at a Breonna Taylor protest, but this time, Porsha was charged with obstructing a highway and disorderly conduct in the second degree. She was also tear gassed at a rally for George in June 2020.
Although she has a young daughter, Pilar Jhena, 2, to think about, she’s actually the reason for continuing to fight on. “For me, being arrested and being on the front lines, it was just second hand nature,” Porsha said. “It was an act of love for the people and we all should be treated equally and I have a little black daughter and I want her future to be better, so it’s just something in me that I have to get active and the main thing that I can call on is my grandfather, the Reverend Hosea Williams, was a Civil Rights Activist, and I learned a lot from him and seeing him in his role and sacrifice and it’s just in me to get into good trouble and it’s just something that my heart led me to do.”
We can expect to hear Porsha open up about this and more alongside her sister Lauren and mom Diane on their new podcast Porsha 4 Real. “The podcast is family based,” Porsha revealed. “Of course it’s scary! But on the same hand, it’s not off limits because that’s what we’re there for. We’re there to be transparent. I’m there to use my life as a testimony. I’m pretty much an open book! Like, I really enjoy the fact that my listeners and my viewers over the years have been on this journey with me and they’ve gotten to know me, so it’s actually therapeutic for me to open up and uncover even more for them to be able to relate to me more and hopefully learn from my mistakes, that way they don’t have to go through it.”
“[Matt] was mentally abusive,” Gina began to Access Hollywood on November 26.
“After the affair, everything was crisis mode. [We were] and trying to get over it and not getting over it, [having] explosive fights. But I was not in a physically abusive marriage. I wasn’t,” she continued. “The incident that happened that night was the first time anything like that had ever happened.”
As RHOC fans will recall, Gina was allegedly attacked by Matt in June 2019 after a night out with friends, choking her and hitting her and telling her he was going to kill her. Looking back, Gina said that she was not only afraid of her ex, but also afraid of how their fight would be received once the public found out.
“I was so terrified of him being angry because he was out of his mind and I was terrified it was going to get out. I was begging these police officers to let him go,” she admitted.
Luckily, police didn’t do as she requested and now, over a year later, she knows it was for the best.
“I think this pattern of behavior would have continued on and I think it would have gotten worse because typically that’s what happens,” she explained.
Looking back at the start of her marriage to Matt, with whom she shares three children, Gina said that the two of them started off “fine.” However, just one year before Gina landed her role on the RHOC, she learned that Matt was having an affair.
“We were trying to rebuild and work on it. So I never shared that because in my head the first season, I got myself to a place where that happened and I felt like we weren’t right for each other from the beginning. And even now, I do still believe that. That whole year, I didn’t tell my parents. I told nobody. That [wasn’t] something I was [going to] share. I always tried to protect my kids.”
Eventually, after hiding her marriage struggles from RHOC viewers, Gina decided to come clean about what she was going through so that her drama with Matt didn’t “eat [her] alive.”
Although Gina’s split from Matt was quite messy, the two of them are now on much better terms and earlier this season, Matt and his girlfriend, Brit, who is not the same woman he cheated on her with, made an appearance on the show.
“His girlfriend now, Brit is great. She’s great for him [and] she’s really great to my children,” Gina admitted.
“We had a conversation about it. I felt like it is a good message to show people,” she explained. “[Matt] has changed himself for the better. [And] I think it is important to show people that you can co-parent, as long as you have two mature adults. I know Matt is probably one of the most hated guys in America but he’s not a monster. He’s a good dad.”
"Braunwyn Windham-Burke’s 43rd birthday was an unforgettable one. After waking up to the sweetest surprise balloons and decorations from her kids, The Real Housewives of Orange County cast member closed out her special day by getting a meaningful new tattoo.
Braunwyn commemorated the occasion with some new ink, as she captured on Instagram on November 25. In the photo, the mom of seven can be seen wearing a face mask and holding out her right arm as the tattoo artist worked on the design.
“Perfect way to end the day and start the next year!!” Braunwyn wrote in part of the caption, also tagging the tattoo parlor, Gold Rush Tattoo.
Braunwyn later took to her Instagram Stories to share a close-up of her completed new tattoo, which includes the word “Selah” spelled out in Hebrew flanked by two doves. “It’s Selah, I first heard of it when I read Untamed by [Glennon Doyle], with the 2 little doves for the babies we lost,” she explained in the caption.
According to Doyle, “Selah” is often found at the end of the verses in the Hebrew bible and has been interpreted to mean “holy pause,” encouraging people to stop, be still, and reflect on the importance of the idea they just read."
submitted by readingrachelx to RHDiscussion [link] [comments]

Donnie Romper Stomper Dumb Trump (Dummy Do [Asian for silly path / "pathetic"), the first Scoundrelcrat Of The United States (SOTUS)

The “billionaire” who hides his tax returns.
The “very stable genius” who wondered if injecting disinfectant would be a good idea.
The scholar who hides his college grades.
The “businessman” who bankrupted ten casinos and lost over $1,000,000,000.00 in ten years.
The “playboy” who pays for sex.
The father who ogles his own daughter and wishes well an alleged child molester.
The “virologist” who knows more than Dr. Fauci and all the other experts.
The man who “might’ve become a scientist” promotes a doctor worried about demon sperm and alien seed.
The “leader of the free world” who said he “fell in love” with North Korea’s Kim Jong-un.
The “Christian” who doesn’t go to church.
The “Commander-in-Chief“ who committed treason by turning a blind eye to Russian bounties on our soldiers.
The “unifier” who calls white supremacists fine people.
The “philanthropist” who defrauds charity.
The “patriot” who dodged the draft five times.
The draft dodger who knows more than his generals.
The “innocent man” who refuses to testify.
The “President” who takes no responsibility.
The “tough, strong” man who wears makeup and hairspray.
The “golfer” who cheats on his score card.
The “deal maker” who has yet to close a deal.
This is the “President of the United States” who claims he’s making America great.
If only he can fix it and everything is broken, what are your chances of survival?
Did you ever stop to think maybe it’s all a con and you might be a victim?
It is what it is.
submitted by Mondevana to u/Mondevana [link] [comments]

[GUIDE] How to get your first 10-20$ skin for free + proof (Clickloot) (REUPLOAD)

Help me in the comments to get this guide better and more complete and share it to your friends!

Heyya (sorry for my weird english I'm french) !
Since I reinstalled Clickloot like 1-2 weeks ago, I tried to find as many tips as possible Imma share it to you guys :)~I'll add more tips in the future
So let's start:

[BASIC TUTORIAL] Pass this part if you already have clickloot

-Go to or install the mobile app and create a new account by steam or anything it doesn't matter at the start (later to withdraw you'll need your steam account)
-Click on rewards and claim as many things as possible (use my code "nefreex" for referral, you get 250 coins and it's always appreciated ^^)
You should get your first 500 coins ez pz

[HOW TO GET THAT FAT MONEY] Basically the useful part

Get the mobile app then go to earn (bottom left corner)Depends on your location you'll get different surveys and offers but the most important surveys should still appear.
If you see Tapjoy or Ironsource, go on them. They're basically the best ones for me, high paying surveys and you surely get your money, prefer Tapjoy because you get offers who rewards you a part of the coins each time you get closer to complete the survey
Do one of the surveys below:


Huuuge casino and Billionaire casino

~20000-30000 coins for getting to level 200 (they offer different amount of coins sometimes, depends on the level required, consider taking the one mentioned right above on Tapjoy if you find it, you get parts of the rewards at level 50-70-100-150-200.
Time: some days or hours (depends on the offer and the luck)Many useful tips here:
Other tips :
-you can't loose all your chips until you get to level 30-40 [NEEDS TO BE VERIFIED]-at the beginning you can go full max bet-consider using the 3-4 first machines, they're giving good amounts of chips (I prefer using Huuuge diamonds wins (rare wins but high rewards) because the firsts levels you're completely rigged and then God of sky (less rare wins and decent rewards))
-you can use macros to close popups and to claim rewards it works-don't spam the machines for my experience you get less wins
-don't give up if you don't have any more money, just retry tomorrow and claim as many daily/ club rewards as possible. You have 30-60 days to complete this survey !
-use the advanced search to find diamond clubs and join them, you get a decent amount of coins on those clubs.


~3000 coins to get profile level 3 found on Tapjoy
Time : 30-45 mins
Difficulty : Easy
If you don't receive your coins after doing the survey it's a bug on this one it's okay, wait 24hrs and send a ticket to the support of Tapjoy with a screen showing that you got to lvl 3, I got credited less than 24hrs later ^^
-when they ask you which games do you like/ play (i don't remember exactly sorry) just click on all games, you'll get more choice
-focus on the xp, look for the two best ones and try to hit on both lvl 3-4 (different level than the profile one, this way you're level 3 (or almost, you just take the third best game and get this one to lvl 2 to get profile lvl 3)

Pop slots

~5000 coins to get to level 27 but some redditors said that you get a different survey (25$ to level 28) [NEEDS TO BE VERIFIED]. You get the full amount of coins only when you complete the survey.
Time: 1-2 days
Tips:I found another reddit tutorial for this [NEED TO BE VERIFIED]
Other tips:
-you can go full afk with this one + macro for more speed

Words with friends 2

(only seen on ironsource), ~500 or 1400 coins if you complete 25 words against an opponent, really easy if you know how to play, if not just find a quick guide on YouTube (trust me it's so easy)
Time: 1-2 hours max (btw don't stress if you didn't get your coins right after, I got them 3 days later)
-No matter winning or loosing the game, just make 25 words-Make a private game with another account and play vs yourself [NEEDS TO BE VERIFIED]
-Use less letters and try to make the most words per round-If you feel that it's the right game, use all you addons.
-If you play vs a random and you're winning, always try to loose. Your opponent will more likely stay on the game and you get your points ez.
-You can use scrabble cheats if you're lazy to think just search on Google

Neverland Casino [WORK IN PROGRESS]

(actually finding a good survey and finishing it)
Still a nice guide here :
btw I'll think I'll use a lot of those Swagbucks tutorials, they're great.

Coin Dozer

~1800 coins to get level 25.
Difficulty : So easy
Only tip : change your clock time to gain coin just like you play it everyday, ez survey.

Coin Master

~3000 coins to get to the 4 village.
Time & Difficulty : Okay, few days (you just need to go on the app 1 or 2 times per day for some mins)
-Connect with Facebook to boost the beginning if you want.
-If you're linked with facebook, loop up for free coins website that gives coupons for the game ( ) (french site but first links should work and gives out a bit of coins in the game if you're logged in to facebook)
-Don't waste time on it, give it some mins, spin & upgrade and then quit, that's it.


~10000 coins to get lvl 100 (found on fyber)
Time : 1-2 days
Difficulty : ez as fck
Tips :
-You can easily afk
-Connect to Facebook and use this site : to get tons of free coins ;)


~500 or 1000 depends on survey platform, get to 700 coins on it.
Time : 2 hours
Difficulty : Easy
-Claim all things that's possible to claim, you're already at +400 coins by doing nothing.
[UPDATE] You have two methods to farm :
1st one, spamming ads for 1 coin until you can't. After that just do a cheap mission like launch and install the app, and then spamming ads again (you can make a macro for this).
[NEW] 2nd one, go to playtime rewards, allow the app and then play Coin master (avoid this game if you're already doing the coin master survey, just do another app), idk if afk while the game is opened works, I suggest you to interact every 1 or 2 minutes [NEEDS TO BE VERIFIED].
The 2nd option is faster, but not available for everyone !


-Bluestacks works and you don't get banned using this (best option if you don't have a phone) (a friend tried and still use it)
-DON'T USE VPN ! You get banned really fast if you use a vpn to get better surveys
-Be kind with the support ! They have a hard work with all those kiddos who wants a knife without doing anything. Shoutout to Braincell! This active chat moderator, you can ask him anything he'll respond, he's the best x)
-Avoid those weird ~50 coins surveys that tells you to install a shitty app and launch it, this apps are always the same (shitty game always repetitive and many ads) you don't get any rewards from these and I found these apps creepy.. [NEEDS TO BE VERIF.. nah i'm joking xD

[WITHDRAW] The best part x)

[Be careful and check market prices! Sometimes you can overpay a lot]
-Don't worry you get the trade offer shortly after buying be sure to fill out your trade url before.
-If you trigger their anti-fraud system and they tell you to contact them, don't worry just contact them they have a really nice support (they usually respond in less than 24h) it happens to me and after that I could finally withdraw :p
MONEY SYSTEM: 1000 coins ~~ 0.80€ (if you pay attention, you overpay everywhere, they make a decent marge of money, skins are the ones that you'll overpay less)

[Proof and credits] my recent winnings (I already got some skins before but it was some years ago) and I currently have 7000 coins at the time I'm making this guide.
Update : withdrawed and now i made 2000 :)Update 2 : I'M AT 18000 NOW OMG
I'm at 31000 now, looking for a ft ak neon rider ;) ;) A friend got bo2 by doing huge casino and billionaire only
Thanks for reading ! Help me in the comments to complete this guide and share it, use my affiliate "nefreex" it's really really appreciated :))
Imma go to sleep, tomorrow I'll add more surveys and read your comments. Good luck everyone !
Update: New surveys and making it more readable ;)
Update 26/07 : Updated Slotomania, I'm currently making a hard survey which can give me 27000 coins so Ima tryhard it x)
Update 24/08 : Added Mistplay, updated my coins. Please share the tutorial guys !
submitted by NeFreeXYT to FreeCSGOSkins [link] [comments]

What a USL D1 league might look like

TL;DR: Man with too much time on his hands goes deep down the rabbit hole on a concept this sub already didn’t seem that enthusiastic about. If you really want to skip ahead, CTRL+F “verdict” and it’ll get you there.
Two days ago, u/MrPhillyj2wns made a post asking whether USL should launch a D1 league in order to compete in Concacaf. From the top voted replies, it appears this made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.
But I’ve been at home for eight weeks and I am terribly, terribly bored.
So, I present to you this overview of what the USL pyramid might look like if Jake Edwards got a head of steam and attempted to establish a USSF-sanctioned first division. This is by no means an endorsement of such a proposal or even a suggestion that USL SHOULD do such a thing. It is merely an examination of whether they COULD.
Welcome to the Thunderdome USL Premiership
First, there are some base-level assumptions we must make in this exercise, because it makes me feel more scientific and not like a guy who wrote this on Sunday while watching the Belarusian Premier League (Go BATE Borisov!).
  1. All D1 teams must comply with known USSF requirements for D1 leagues (more on that later).
  2. MLS, not liking this move, will immediately remove all directly-owned affiliate clubs from the USL structure (this does not include hybrid ownerships, like San Antonio FC – NYCFC). This removes all MLS2 teams but will not affect Colorado Springs, Reno, RGVFC and San Antonio.
  3. The USL will attempt to maintain both the USL Championship and USL League One, with an eventual mind toward creating the pro/rel paradise that is promised in Relegations 3:16.
  4. All of my research regarding facility size and ownership net worth is correct – this is probably the biggest leap of faith we have to make, since googling “NAME net worth” and “CITY richest people” doesn’t seem guaranteed to return accurate results.
  5. The most a club can increase its available seating capacity to meet D1 requirements in a current stadium is no more than 1,500 seats (10% of the required 15,000). If they need to add more, they’ll need a new facility.
  6. Let’s pretend that people are VERY willing to sell. It’s commonly acknowledged that the USL is a more financially feasible route to owning a soccer club than in MLS (c.f. MLS-Charlotte’s reported $325 million expansion fee) and the USSF has some very strict requirements for D1 sanctioning. It becomes pretty apparent when googling a lot of team’s owners that this requirement isn’t met, so let’s assume everyone that can’t sells to people who meet the requirements.
(Known) USSF D1 league requirements:
- League must have 12 teams to apply and 14 teams by year three
- Majority owner must have a net worth of $40 million, and the ownership group must have a total net worth of $70 million. The value of an owned stadium is not considered when calculating this value.
- Must have teams located in the Eastern, Central and Pacific time zones
- 75% of league’s teams must be based in markets with at a metro population of at least 1 million people.
- All league stadiums must have a capacity of at least 15,000
The ideal club candidate for the USL Premiership will meet the population and capacity requirements in its current ground, which will have a grass playing surface. Of the USL Championship’s 27 independent/hybrid affiliate clubs, I did not find one club that meets all these criteria as they currently stand.
Regarding turf fields, the USSF does not have a formal policy regarding the ideal playing surface but it is generally acknowledged that grass is superior to turf. 6 of 26 MLS stadiums utilize turf, or roughly 23% of stadiums. We’ll hold a similar restriction for our top flight, so 2-3 of our top flight clubs can have turf fields. Seem fair?
Capacity is going to be the biggest issue, since the disparity between current requirements for the second-tier (5,000) and the first tier (15,000) is a pretty massive gap. Nice club you have there, triple your capacity and you’re onto something. As a result, I have taken the liberty of relocating certain (read: nearly all) clubs to new grounds, trying my utmost to keep those clubs in their current markets and –importantly--, ensure they play on grass surfaces.
So, let’s do a case-by-case evaluation and see if we can put together 12-14 teams that meet the potential requirements, because what else do you have to do?
For each club’s breakdown, anything that represents a chance from what is currently true will be underlined.
Candidate: Birmingham Legion FC
Location (Metro population): Birmingham, Ala. (1,151,801)
Time zone: Central
Stadium (playing surface, capacity): Legion Field (FieldTurf, 71,594)
Potential owner: Stephens Family (reported net worth $4 billion)
Notes: Birmingham has a pretty strong candidacy. Having ditched the 5,000-seater BBVA Field for Legion Field, which sits 2.4 miles away, they’ve tapped into the city’s soccer history. Legion Field hosted portions of both the men’s and women’s tournaments at the 1996 Olympics, including a 3-1 U.S. loss to Argentina that saw 83,183 pack the house. The Harbert family seemed like strong ownership contenders, but since the death of matriarch Marguerite Harbert in 2015, it’s unclear where the wealth in the family is concentrated, so the Stephens seem like a better candidate. The only real knock that I can think of is that we really want to avoid having clubs play on turf, so I’d say they’re on the bubble of our platonic ideal USL Prem.
Candidate: Charleston Battery
Location (Metro population): Charleston, S.C. (713,000)
Time zone: Eastern
Stadium (playing surface, capacity): Johnson Hagood Stadium (Grass, ~14,700)
Potential owner: Anita Zucker (reported net worth $3 billion)
Notes: Charleston’s candidacy isn’t looking great. Already disadvantaged due to its undersized metro population, a move across the Cooper River to Johnson Hagood Stadium is cutting it close in terms of capacity. The stadium, home to The Citadel’s football team, used to seat 21,000, before 9,300 seats on the eastern grandstand were torn down in 2017 to deal with lead paint that had been used in their construction. Renovation plans include adding 3,000 seats back in, which could hit 15,000 if they bumped it to 3,300, but throw in a required sale by HCFC, LLC (led by content-creation platform founder Rob Salvatore) to chemical magnate Anita Zucker, and you’ll see there’s a lot of ifs and ands in this proposal.
Candidate: Charlotte Independence
Location (Metro population): Charlotte, N.C. (2,569, 213)
Time zone: Eastern
Stadium (playing surface, capacity): Jerry Richardson Stadium (Turf, 15,314)
Potential owner: James Goodnight (reported net worth $9.1 billion)
Notes: Charlotte ticks a lot of the boxes. A move from the Sportsplex at Matthews to UNC-Charlotte’s Jerry Richardson stadium meets capacity requirements, but puts them on to the dreaded turf. Regrettably, nearby American Legion Memorial Stadium only seats 10,500, despite a grass playing surface. With a sizeable metro population (sixth-largest in the USL Championship) and a possible owner in software billionaire James Goodnight, you’ve got some options here. The biggest problem likely lies in direct competition for market share against a much better-funded MLS Charlotte side due to join the league in 2021.
Candidate: Hartford Athletic
Location (Metro population): Hartford, Conn. (1,214,295)
Time zone: Eastern
Stadium (playing surface, capacity): Pratt & Whitney Stadium (Grass, 38,066)
Potential owner: Ray Dalio (reported net worth $18.4 billion)
Notes: Okay, I cheated a bit here, having to relocate Hartford to Pratt & Whitney Stadium, which is technically in East Hartford, Conn. I don’t know enough about the area to know if there’s some kind of massive beef between the two cities, but the club has history there, having played seven games in 2019 while Dillon Stadium underwent renovations. If the group of local businessmen that currently own the club manage to attract Dalio to the table, we’re on to something.
Candidate: Indy Eleven
Location (Metro population): Indianapolis, Ind. (2,048,703)
Time zone: Eastern
Stadium (playing surface, capacity): Lucas Oil Stadium (Turf, 62,421)
Potential owner: Jim Irsay (reported net worth of $3 billion)
Notes: Indy Eleven are a club that are SO CLOSE to being an ideal candidate – if it weren’t for Lucas Oil Stadium’s turf playing surface. Still, there’s a lot to like in this bid. I’m not going to lie, I have no idea what current owner and founder Ersal Ozdemir is worth, but it seems like there might be cause for concern. A sale to Irsay, who also owns the NFL Indianapolis (nee Baltimore) Colts, seems likely to keep the franchise there, rather than make a half-mile move to 14,230 capacity Victory Field where the AAA Indianapolis Indians play and expand from there.
Candidate: Louisville City FC
Location (Metro population): Louisville, Ky. (1,297,310)
Time zone: Eastern
Stadium (playing surface, capacity): Lynn Family Stadium (Grass, 14,000, possibly expandable to 20,000)
Potential owner: Wayne Hughes (reported net worth $2.8 billion)
Notes: I’m stretching things a bit here. Lynn Family stadium is currently listed as having 11,700 capacity that’s expandable to 14,000, but they’ve said that the ground could hold as many as 20,000 with additional construction, which might be enough to grant them a temporary waiver from USSF. If the stadium is a no-go, then there’s always Cardinal Stadium, home to the University of Louisville’s football team, which seats 65,000 but is turf. Either way, it seems like a sale to someone like Public Storage founder Wayne Hughes will be necessary to ensure the club has enough capital.
Candidate: Memphis 901 FC
Location (Metro population): Memphis, Tenn. (1,348,260)
Time zone: Central
Stadium (playing surface, capacity): Liberty Bowl Stadium (Turf, 58,325)
Potential owner: Fred Smith (reported net worth $3 billion)
Notes: Unfortunately for Memphis, AutoZone Park’s 10,000 seats won’t cut it at the D1 level. With its urban location, it would likely prove tough to renovate, as well. Liberty Bowl Stadium more than meets the need, but will involve the use of the dreaded turf. As far as an owner goes, FedEx founder Fred Smith seems like a good local option.
Candidate: Miami FC, “The”
Location (Metro population): Miami, Fla. (6,158,824)
Time zone: Eastern
Stadium (playing surface, capacity): Riccardo Silva Stadium (FieldTurf, 20,000)
Potential owner: Riccardo Silva (reported net worth $1 billion)
Notes: Well, well, well, Silva might get his wish for top-flight soccer, after all. He’s got the money, he’s got the metro, and his ground has the capacity. There is the nagging issue of the turf, though. Hard Rock Stadium might present a solution, including a capacity of 64,767 and a grass playing surface. It is worth noting, however, that this is the first profile where I didn’t have to find a new potential owner for a club.
Candidate: North Carolina FC
Location (Metro population): Durham, N.C. (1,214,516 in The Triangle)
Time zone: Eastern
Stadium (playing surface, capacity): Carter-Finley Stadium (Grass/Turf, 57,583)
Potential owner: Steve Malik (precise net worth unknown) / Dennis Gillings (reported net worth of $1.7 billion)
Notes: We have our first “relocation” in North Carolina FC, who were forced to trade Cary’s 10,000-seat WakeMed Soccer Park for Carter-Finley Stadium in Durham, home of the NC State Wolfpack and 57,583 of their closest friends. The move is a whopping 3.1 miles, thanks to the close-knit hub that exists between Cary, Durham and Raleigh. Carter-Finley might be my favorite of the stadium moves in this exercise. The field is grass, but the sidelines are artificial turf. Weird, right? Either way, it was good enough for Juventus to play a friendly against Chivas de Guadalajara there in 2011. Maybe the move would be pushed for by new owner and medical magnate Dennis Gillings, whose British roots might inspire him to get involved in the Beautiful Game. Straight up, though, I couldn’t find a net worth for current owner Steve Malik, though he did sell his company MedFusion for $91 million in 2010, then bought it back for an undisclosed amount and sold it again for $43 million last November. I don’t know if Malik has the juice to meet D1 requirements, but I suspect he’s close.
Candidate: Pittsburgh Riverhounds SC
Location (Metro population): Pittsburgh, Penn. (2,362,453)
Time zone: Eastern
Stadium (playing surface, capacity): Heinz Field (Grass, 64,450)
Potential owner: Henry Hillman (reported net worth $2.5 billion)
Notes: I don’t know a ton about the Riverhounds, but this move in particular feels like depriving a pretty blue-collar club from its roots. Highmark Stadium is a no-go from a seating perspective, but the Steelers’ home stadium at Heinz Field would more than meet the requirements and have a grass surface that was large enough to be sanctioned for a FIFA friendly between the U.S. WNT and Costa Rica in 2015. As for an owner, Tuffy Shallenberger (first ballot owner name HOF) doesn’t seem to fit the USSF bill, but legendary Pittsburgh industrialist Henry Hillman might. I’m sure you’re asking, why not the Rooney Family, if they’ll play at Heinz Field? I’ll tell you: I honestly can’t seem to pin down a value for the family. The Steelers are valued at a little over a billion and rumors persist that Dan Rooney is worth $500 million, but I’m not sure. I guess the Rooneys would work too, but it’s a definite departure from an owner in Shallenberger who was described by one journalist as a guy who “wears boots, jeans, a sweater and a trucker hat.”
Candidate: Saint Louis FC
Location (Metro population): St. Louis, Mo. (2,807,338)
Time zone: Central
Stadium (playing surface, capacity): Busch Stadium (Grass, 45,494)
Potential owner: William DeWitt Jr. (reported net worth $4 billion)
Notes: Saint Louis has some weirdness in making the jump to D1. Current CEO Jim Kavanaugh is an owner of the MLS side that will begin play in 2022. The club’s current ground at West Community Stadium isn’t big enough, but perhaps a timely sale to Cardinals owner William DeWitt Jr. could see the club playing games at Busch Stadium, which has a well established history of hosting other sports like hockey, college football and soccer (most recently a U.S. WNT friendly against New Zealand in 2019). The competition with another MLS franchise wouldn’t be ideal, like Charlotte, but with a big enough population and cross marketing from the Cardinals, maybe there’s a winner here. Wacko idea: If Busch doesn’t pan out, send them to The Dome. Sure, it’s a 60k turf closed-in stadium, but we can go for that retro NASL feel and pay homage to our nation’s soccer history.
Candidate: Tampa Bay Rowdies
Location (Metro population): Tampa, Fla. (3,068,511)
Time zone: Eastern
Stadium (playing surface, capacity): Raymond James Stadium (Grass, 65,518)
Potential owner: Edward DeBartolo Jr. (reported net worth $3 billion)
Notes: This one makes me sad. Despite having never been there, I see Al Lang Stadium as an iconic part of the Rowdies experience. Current owner Bill Edwards proposed an expansion to 18,000 seats in 2016, but the move seems to have stalled out. Frustrated with the city’s lack of action, Edwards sells to one-time San Francisco 49ers owner Edward DeBartolo Jr., who uses his old NFL connections to secure a cushy lease at the home of the Buccaneers in Ray Jay, the site of a 3-1 thrashing of Antigua and Barbuda during the United States’ 2014 World Cup Qualifying campaign.
Breather. Hey, we finished the Eastern Conference teams. Why are you still reading this? Why am I still writing it? Time is a meaningless construct in 2020 my friends, we are adrift in the void, fueled only by brief flashes of what once was and what may yet still be.
Candidate: Austin Bold FC
Location (Metro population): Austin, Texas (2,168,316)
Time zone: Central
Stadium (playing surface, capacity): Darrel K Royal – Texas Memorial Stadium (FieldTurf, 95,594)
Potential owner: Michael Dell (reported net worth of $32.3 billion)
Notes: Anthony Precourt’s Austin FC has some unexpected competition and it comes in the form of tech magnate Michael Dell. Dell, were he to buy the club, would be one of the richest owners on our list and could flash his cash in the new first division. Would he have enough to convince Darrel K Royal – Texas Memorial Stadium (I’m not kidding, that’s its actual name) to go back to a grass surface, like it did from ’96-’08? That’s between Dell and nearly 100,000 UT football fans, but everything can be had for the right price.
Candidate: Colorado Springs Switchbacks FC
Location (Metro population): Colorado Springs, Colo. (738,939)
Time zone: Mountain
Stadium (playing surface, capacity): Falcon Stadium (FieldTurf, 46,692)
Potential owner: Charles Ergen (reported net worth $10.8 billion)
Notes: Welcome to Colorado Springs. We have hurdles. For the first time in 12 candidates, we’re back below the desired 1 million metro population mark. Colorado Springs actually plans to build a $35 million, 8,000 seat venue downtown that will be perfect for soccer, but in our timeline that’s 7,000 seats short. Enter Falcon Stadium, home of the Air Force Academy Falcons football team. Seems perfect except for the turf, right? Well, the tricky thing is that Falcon Stadium is technically on an active military base and is (I believe) government property. Challenges to getting in and out of the ground aside, the military tends to have a pretty grim view of government property being used by for-profit enterprises. Maybe Charles Ergen, founder and chairman of Dish Network, would be able to grease the right wheels, but you can go ahead and throw this into the “doubtful” category. It’s a shame, too. 6,035 feet of elevation is one hell of a home-field advantage.
Candidate: El Paso Locomotive FC
Location: El Paso, Texas
Time zone: Mountain
Stadium (playing surface, capacity): Sun Bowl (FieldTurf, 51,500)
Potential owner: Paul Foster (reported net worth $1.7 billion)
Notes: God bless Texas. When compiling this list, I found so many of the theoretical stadium replacements were nearly serviceable by high school football fields. That’s insane, right? Anyway, Locomotive don’t have to settle for one of those, they’ve got the Sun Bowl, which had its capacity reduced in 2001 to a paltry 51,500 (from 52,000) specifically to accommodate soccer. Sure, it’s a turf surface, but what does new owner Paul Foster (who is only the 1,477th wealthiest man in the world, per Forbes) care, he’s got a team in a top league. Side note: Did you know that the Sun Bowl college football game is officially, through sponsorship, the Tony the Tiger Sun Bowl? Why is it not the Frosted Flakes Sun Bowl? Why is the cereal mascot the promotional name of the football game? What are you doing, Kellogg’s?
Candidate: Las Vegas Lights FC
Location: Las Vegas, Nev. (2,227,053)
Time zone: Pacific
Stadium (playing surface, capacity): Allegiant Stadium (Grass, 61,000)
Potential owner: Sheldon Adelson (reported net worth $37.7 billion)
Notes: Sin City. You had to know that the club that once signed Freddy Adu because “why not” was going to go all out in our flashy hypothetical proposal. Thanks to my narrative control of this whole thing, they have. Adelson is the second-richest owner in the league and has decided to do everything first class. That includes using the new Raiders stadium in nearby unincorporated Paradise, Nevada, and spending boatloads on high profile transfers. Zlatan is coming back to the U.S., confirmed.
Candidate: New Mexico United
Location: Albuquerque, N.M.
Time zone: Mountain
Stadium (playing surface, capacity): Isotopes Park – officially Rio Grande Credit Union Field at Isotopes Park (Grass, 13,500 – 15,000 with expansion)
Potential owner: Maloof Family (reported net worth $1 billion)
Notes: New Mexico from its inception went deep on the community vibe, and I’ve tried to replicate that in this bid. The home field of Rio Grande Cr---I’m not typing out the whole thing—Isotopes Park falls just within the expansion rules we set to make it to 15,000 (weird, right?) and they’ve found a great local ownership group in the Lebanese-American Maloof (formerly Maalouf) family from Las Vegas. The only thing to worry about would be the metro population, but overall, this could be one of the gems of USL Prem.
Candidate: Oklahoma City Energy FC
Location: Oklahoma City, Okla. (1,396,445)
Time zone: Central
Stadium (playing surface, capacity): Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark (Grass, 13,066)
Potential owner: Harold Hamm (reported net worth $14.2 billion)
Notes: There’s a bright golden haze on the meadow and it says it’s time to change stadiums and owners to make it to D1. A sale to oil magnate Harold Hamm would give the club the finances it needs, but Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark (home of the OKC Dodgers) actually falls outside of the boundary of what would meet capacity if 1,500 seats were added. Could the club pull off a move to Gaylord Family Oklahoma Memorial Stadium in Norman, Oklahoma – home of the Oklahoma Sooners? Maybe, but at 20 miles, this would be a reach.
Candidate: Orange County SC
Location: Irvine, Calif. (3,176, 000 in Orange County)
Time zone: Pacific
Stadium (playing surface, capacity): Angels Stadium of Anaheim (Grass, 43,250)
Potential owner: Arte Moreno (reported net worth $3.3 billion)
Notes: You’ll never convince me that Rangers didn’t choose to partner with Orange County based primarily on its name. Either way, a sale to MLB Angels owner Arte Moreno produces a fruitful partnership, with the owner choosing to play his newest club out of the existing Angels stadium in OC. Another baseball conversion, sure, but with a metro population of over 3 million and the closest thing this hypothetical league has to an LA market, who’s complaining?
Candidate: Phoenix Rising FC
Location: Phoenix, Ariz. (4,857,962)
Time zone: Arizona
Stadium (playing surface, capacity): State Farm Stadium (Grass, 63,400)
Potential owner: Ernest Garcia II (reported net worth $5.7 billion)
Notes: We’re keeping it local with new owner and used car guru Ernest Garcia II. His dad owned a liquor store and he dropped out of college, which is making me feel amazing about my life choices right now. Casino Arizona Field is great, but State Farm Stadium is a grass surface that hosted the 2019 Gold Cup semifinal, so it’s a clear winner. Throw in Phoenix’s massive metro population and this one looks like a lock.
Candidate: Reno 1868 FC
Location: Reno, Nev. (425,417)
Time zone: Pacific
Stadium (playing surface, capacity): Mackay Stadium (FieldTurf, 30,000)
Potential owner: Nancy Walton Laurie (reported net worth $7.1 billion)
Notes: The Biggest Little City on Earth has some serious barriers to overcome, thanks to its low metro population. A sale to Walmart heiress Nancy Walton Laurie and 1.6 mile-move to Mackay Stadium to split space with the University of Nevada, Reno makes this bid competitive, but the turf surface is another knock against it.
Candidate: Rio Grande Valley FC
Location: Edinburg, Texas (900,304)
Time zone: Central
Stadium (playing surface, capacity): McAllen Memorial Stadium (FieldTurf, 13,500 – 15,000 with expansion)
Potential owner: Alice Louise Walton (reported net worth $45 billion)
Notes: Yes, I have a second straight Walmart heiress on the list. She was the first thing that popped up when I googled “McAllen Texas richest people.” The family rivalry has spurred Walton to buy a club as well, moving them 10 miles to McAllen Memorial Stadium which, as I alluded to earlier, is a straight up high school football stadium with a full color scoreboard. Toss in an additional 1,500 seats and you’ve met the minimum, despite the turf playing surface.
Candidate: San Antonio FC
Location: San Antonio, Texas (2,550,960)
Time zone: Central
Stadium (playing surface, capacity): Alamodome (FieldTurf, 64,000)
Potential owner: Red McCombs (reported net worth $1.6 billion)
Notes: I wanted to keep SAFC in the Spurs family, since the franchise is valued at $1.8 billion. That said, I didn’t let the Rooneys own the Riverhounds based on the Steelers’ value and it felt wrong to change the rules, so bring on Clear Channel co-founder Red McCombs. Toyota Field isn’t viable in the first division, but for the Alamodome, which was built in 1993 in hopes of attracting an NFL franchise (and never did), San Antonio can finally claim having *a* national football league team in its town (contingent on your definition of football). Now if only we could do something about that turf…
Candidate: San Diego Loyal SC
Location: San Diego, Calif. (3,317,749)
Time zone: Pacific
Stadium (playing surface, capacity): SDCCU Stadium (formerly Qualcomm) (Grass, 70,561)
Potential owner: Phil Mickelson (reported net worth $91 million)
Notes: Yes, golf’s Phil Mickelson. The existing ownership group didn’t seem to have the wherewithal to meet requirements, and Phil seemed to slot right in. As an athlete himself, he might be interesting in the new challenges of a top flight soccer team. Toss in a move to the former home of the chargers and you might have a basis for tremendous community support.
Candidate: FC Tulsa
Location: Tulsa, Okla. (991,561)
Time zone: Central
Stadium (playing surface, capacity): Skelly Field at H.A. Chapman Stadium (FieldTurf, 30,000)
Potential owner: George Kaiser ($10 billion)
Notes: I’m a fan of FC Tulsa’s rebrand, but if they want to make the first division, more changes are necessary. A sale to Tulsa native and one of the 100 richest men in the world George Kaiser means that funding is guaranteed. A move to Chapman Stadium would provide the necessary seats, despite the turf field. While the undersize population might be an issue at first glance, it’s hard to imagine U.S. Soccer not granting a waiver over a less than a 10k miss from the mark.
And that’s it! You made it. Those are all of the independent/hybrid affiliates in the USL Championship, which means that it’s time for our…
VERDICT: As an expert who has studied this issue for almost an entire day now, I am prepared to pronounce which USL Championships could be most ‘ready” for a jump to the USL Prem. A reminder that of the 27 clubs surveyed, 0 of them met our ideal criteria (proper ownership $, metro population, 15,000+ stadium with grass field).
Two of them, however, met almost all of those criteria: Indy Eleven and Miami FC. Those two clubs may use up two of our three available turf fields right from the outset, but the other factors they hit (particularly Silva’s ownership of Miami) makes them difficult, if not impossible to ignore for the top flight.
But who fill in the rest of the slots? Meet the entire 14-team USL Premier League:
Hartford Athletic
Indy Eleven
Louisville City FC
Miami FC
North Carolina FC
Pittsburgh Riverhounds SC
Tampa Bay Rowdies
Saint Louis FC
San Antonio FC
New Mexico United
Phoenix Rising FC
Las Vegas Lights FC
Orange County SC
San Diego Loyal SC
Now, I shall provide my expert rationale for each club’s inclusion/exclusion, which can be roughly broken down into four categories.
Firm “yes”
Hartford Athletic: It’s a good market size with a solid stadium. With a decent investor and good community support, you’ve got potential here.
Indy Eleven: The turf at Lucas Oil Stadium is no reason to turn down a 62,421 venue and a metro population of over 2 million.
Louisville City FC: Why doesn’t the 2017 & 2018 USL Cup champion deserve a crack at the top flight? They have the market size, and with a bit of expansion have the stadium at their own SSS. LCFC, you’re in.
Miami FC, “The”: Our other blue-chip recruit on the basis of ownership value, market size and stadium capacity. Yes, that field is turf, but how could you snub Silva’s chance to claim victory as the first division 1 club soccer team to play in Miami?
Pittsburgh Riverhounds SC: Pittsburgh sacrificed a lot to be here (according to my arbitrary calculations). Their market size and the potential boon of soccer at Heinz Field is an important inclusion to the league.
Saint Louis FC: Willie hears your “Busch League” jokes, Willie don’t care. A huge market size, combined with the absence of an NFL franchise creates opportunity. Competition with the MLS side, sure, but St. Louis has serious soccer history and we’re willing to bet it can support two clubs.
Tampa Bay Rowdies: With a huge population and a massive stadium waiting nearby, Tampa Bay seems like too good of an opportunity to pass up for the USL Prem.
Las Vegas Lights FC: Ostentatious, massive and well-financed, Las Vegas Lights FC is everything that the USL Premier League would need to assert that it didn’t intend to play second fiddle to MLS. Players will need to be kept on a short leash, but this is a hard market to pass up on.
Phoenix Rising FC: Huge population, big grass field available nearby and a solid history of success in recent years. No brainer.
San Diego Loyal SC: New club? Yes, massive population in a market that recently lost an absolutely huge sports presence? Also yes. This could be the USL Prem’s Seattle.
Cautious “yes”
New Mexico United: You have to take a chance on New Mexico United. The club set the league on fire with its social media presence and its weight in the community when it entered the league last season. The market may be slightly under USSF’s desired 1 million, but fervent support (and the ability to continue to use Isotopes Park) shouldn’t be discounted.
North Carolina FC: Carter-Finley’s mixed grass/turf surface is a barrier, to be sure, but the 57,000+ seats it offers (and being enough to offset other fully-turf offerings) is enough to put it in the black.
Orange County SC: It’s a top-tier club playing in a MLB stadium. I know it seems unlikely that USSF would approve something like that, but believe me when I say “it could happen.” Orange County is a massive market and California likely needs two clubs in the top flight.
San Antonio FC: Our third and only voluntary inclusion to the turf fields in the first division, we’re counting on San Antonio’s size and massive potential stadium to see it through.
Cautious “no”
Birmingham Legion FC: The town has solid soccer history and a huge potential venue, but the turf playing surface puts it on the outside looking in.
Memphis 901 FC: Like Birmingham, not much to dislike here outside of the turf playing surface at the larger playing venue.
Austin Bold FC: See the other two above.
FC Tulsa: Everything’s just a little bit off with this one. Market’s slightly too small, stadium has turf. Just not enough to put it over the top.
Firm “no”
Charleston Battery: Small metro and a small potential new stadium? It’s tough to say yes to the risk.
Charlotte Independence: A small new stadium and the possibility of having to compete with an organization that just paid over $300 million to join MLS means it’s best for this club to remain in the USL Championship.
Colorado Springs Switchbacks FC: When a club’s best chance to meet a capacity requirement is to host games at a venue controlled by the military, that doesn’t speak well to a club’s chances.
El Paso Locomotive FC: An undersized market and a turf field that meets capacity requirements is the death knell for this one.
Oklahoma City Energy FC: Having to expand a baseball field to meet requirements is a bad start. Having to potentially play 20 miles away from your main market is even worse.
Reno 1868 FC: Population nearly a half-million short of the federation’s requirements AND a turf field at the hypothetical new stadium makes impossible to say yes to this bid.
Rio Grande Valley FC: All the seat expansions in the world can’t hide the fact that McAllen Memorial Stadium is a high school stadium through and through.
Here’s who’s left in the 11-team Championship:
Birmingham Legion FC
Charleston Battery
Charlotte Independence
Memphis 901 FC
Austin Bold FC
Colorado Springs Switchbacks FC
El Paso Locomotive FC
Oklahoma City Energy FC
Reno 1868 FC
Rio Grande Valley FC
FC Tulsa
With MLS folding the six affiliates it has in USL League One, the league is a little bit thin (especially considering USSF’s requirements for 8 teams for lower level leagues), but seems definitely able to expand up to the necessary numbers with Edwards’ allusions to five new additions this year:
Chattanooga Red Wolves SC
Forward Madison FC
Greenville Triumph SC
Union Omaha
Richmond Kickers
South Georgia Tormenta
FC Tucson
Format of Assorted Leagues – This (like everything in this post) is pure conjecture on my part, but here are my thoughts on how these leagues might function in a first year while waiting for additional expansion.
USL Premier – We’ll steal from the 12-team Scottish Premiership. Each club plays the other 11 clubs 3 times, with either one or two home matches against each side. When each club has played 33 matches, the top six and bottom six separate, with every club playing an additional five matches (against each other team in its group). The top club wins the league. The bottom club is automatically relegated. The second-bottom club will enter a two-legged playoff against someone (see below) from the championship playoffs.
USL Championship -- 11 clubs is a challenge to schedule for. How about every club plays everyone else three times (either one or two home matches against each side)? Top four clubs make the playoffs, which are decided by two-legged playoffs. The winner automatically goes up. I need feedback on the second part – is it better to have the runner-up from the playoffs face the second-bottom club from the Premiership, or should the winner of the third-place match-up get the chance to face them to keep drama going in both playoff series? As for relegation, we can clearly only send down the last place club while the third division is so small.
USL League One – While the league is so small, it doesn’t seem reasonable to have the clubs play as many matches as the higher divisions. Each club could play the other six clubs four times – twice at home and twice away – for a very equitable 24-match regular season, which would help restrict costs and still provide a chance to determine a clear winner. Whoever finishes top of the table goes up.
And there you have it, a hypothetical look at how the USL could build a D1 league right now. All it would take is a new stadium for almost the entire league and new owners for all but one of the 27 clubs, who wouldn’t feel that their property would be massively devalued if they got relegated.
Well that’s our show. I’m curious to see what you think of all of this, especially anything that you think I may have overlooked (I’m sure there’s plenty). Anyway, I hope you’re all staying safe and well.
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