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First Listen: Jerry Garcia Band Plays a Smokin' Show at Club Casino Ballroom in Hampton Beach - 8/13/1984 Full Show SBD

First Listen: Jerry Garcia Band Plays a Smokin' Show at Club Casino Ballroom in Hampton Beach - 8/13/1984 Full Show SBD submitted by marketplicity to gratefuldead [link] [comments]

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Gamble with your STEEMIT rewards →STM SBD← [steem casino method] luckyga... submitted by brains1cktv to steemit [link] [comments]

First Listen: Jerry Garcia Band Plays a Smokin' Show at Club Casino Ballroom in Hampton Beach - 8/13/1984 Full Show SBD

First Listen: Jerry Garcia Band Plays a Smokin' Show at Club Casino Ballroom in Hampton Beach - 8/13/1984 Full Show SBD submitted by marketplicity to jgb [link] [comments]

ive got like a years worth of content for you Sam

1. Ching Shih

She was a Chinese prostitute who married a pirate and took over his fleet when he died. She ran her ships with an iron fist and took no shit and was super successful, to the point that the Chinese government sent out an armada to stop her. She kicked their asses and captured 63 of their ships. They fought for two years and even brought in Dutch and British ships before they gave up and offered amnesty to her and her 17,000 crewmen. She got to keep ALL of her loot, spent her later years running a brothel/casino and lived to be 69.

2. Jack Churchill

He was a WW2 Commando who served with distinction in a number of theaters, his exploits earned him the Military Cross. He was known as ‘Mad Jack’ by his men and his fellow officers for his ferociousness in combat. Unlike his more conventional peers his weapons of choice were not the traditional British fire arms of the period, instead he chose to rush in to combat with a fucking long bow, a fucking sword and his trusty bag pipes. In 1943 him and a corporal infiltrated a German held town in Sicily capturing 42 men and a mortar position. With only his bagpipes, sword and bow. When the war ended in 1945 after the dropping of the bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, he was extremely disappointed and was quoted as saying “If it wasn’t for those damn Yanks, we could have kept the war going another 10 years.”

3. Khutulun

This Mongolian Princess insisted that any man who wished to marry her must defeat her in wrestling, forfeiting horses to her if they lost. She gained 10,000 horses defeating prospective suitors.

4. Genghis Khan

“I am the punishment of God. If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me to you.” Only someone badass enough to know they are badass enough to say that can be considered the baddest ass in history.

5. Simo Häyhä

The White Death

6. “Tank Man”

Tank Man, of Tiananmen Square fame. We tend to think that you need an army at your back to be a badass, but when you’re a true badass you face the army in front of you even when there’s no one behind you.

7. Rasputin

Trusted advisor to the Romanov family and was nearly impossible to kill (poisoned, shot, drowned).

8. Christopher Lee

*worked in military intelligence during WW2, the character of James Bond is supposed to be part based on him (Ian Fleming was his cousin.) About his war service (from wikipedia): Lee spent time with the Gurkhas of the 8th Indian Infantry Division during the Battle of Monte Cassino. -While spending some time on leave in Naples, Lee climbed Mount Vesuvius, which erupted three days later. – During the final assault on Monte Cassino, the squadron was based in San Angelo and Lee was nearly killed when one of the planes crashed on takeoff and he tripped over one of its live bombs. *played Count Dracula in a string of popular Hammer Horror films; a James Bond villain in The Man with the Golden Gun; Lord Summerisle in The Wicker Man; Saruman in The Lord of the Rings films and The Hobbit films; and Count Dooku in the final two films of the Star Wars prequel trilogy. *released a Heavy metal album at the age of 88; has won awards for his metal music; the single he released in his 90th birthday made him the genre’s oldest performer; he had a song in the Billboard Hot 100 in December 2013 making him — at 91 — the living oldest performer to ever chart; released an EP earlier this year, at 92. If he’s not the world’s baddest ass, he might still be the worlds most interesting man.

9. Subutai

Subutai, Ghengis Khan’s primary military strategist. Tore through Eastern Europe like tearing toilet paper, with only a scouting force. Check out the wiki link, because he was unbelievable.

10. Roy P. Benavidez

“Sergeant Benavidez’ gallant choice to join voluntarily his comrades who were in critical straits, to expose himself constantly to withering enemy fire, and his refusal to be stopped despite numerous severe wounds, saved the lives of at least eight men. His fearless personal leadership, tenacious devotion to duty, and extremely valorous actions in the face of overwhelming odds were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service, and reflect the utmost credit on him and the United States Army.” – Medal of Honor citation

11. Anne Boleyn

I’ll always stand by Anne Boleyn – she manipulated an infamous king into turning away from his beloved religion, kill his supporters who objected (Cardinal Wolsey), and broke with the church to marry her. She’s usually seen as conniving, a witch and evil, but in a male dominated world she cut out her own path and went from low born to the queen of England. She’s such an interesting person in my opinion

12. Frederick the Great

Frederick the Great is one of the most underrated badasses in history. The guy took on Austria, France, Russia, Poland, Sweden, and a bunch of smaller German and Italian states and won with his tiny kingdom-Prussia. He turned a small obscure German state into the nation that would end up uniting Germany and guide it on its path to evoking the most powerful country on Earth…until WW1. He was also a very wise monarch. He was friends with Voltaire and passed reforms that helped out the serfs and Jews.

13. Boudicca

The Queen of the Iceni tribe of ancient celts, she led a ragtag army of Celtic tribes against the invading and highly organized roman army. She burnt Londonium (modern day London) to the ground and wiped out a decent portion of Roman forces. And, oh yeah, this is after the Romans came and ignored her rule, beat her up, and raped her two daughters. Boudicca didn’t mess around.

14. Albert “Hard” Jacka

On the morning of 7 August 1916, after a night of heavy shelling, the Germans began to overrun a portion of the line which included Jacka’s dug-out. Jacka had just completed a reconnaissance, and had gone to his dug-out when two Germans appeared at its entrance and rolled a bomb down the doorway, killing two of his men. Emerging from the dug-out, Jacka came upon a large number of Germans rounding up some forty Australians as prisoners. Only seven men from his platoon had recovered from the blast; rallying these few, he charged at the enemy. Heavy hand-to-hand fighting ensued, as the Australian prisoners turned on their captors. Every member of the platoon was wounded, including Jacka who was wounded seven times; including a bullet that passed through his body under his right shoulder, and two head wounds. Fifty Germans were captured and the line was retaken; Jacka was personally credited with killing between twelve and twenty Germans during the engagement.” And that was the second time he had done something like that. I suspect he was a terminator sent back to save some historically important grandfathers.

17. Daniel Inouye

Second longest serving Senators in US History (representing Hawaii since it gained statehood in 1959) and a WWII vet with this remarkable story to tell: “On April 21, 1945, Inouye was grievously wounded while leading an assault on a heavily-defended ridge near San Terenzo in Tuscany, Italy, called Colle Musatello. The ridge served as a strongpoint along the strip of German fortifications known as the Gothic Line, which represented the last and most unyielding line of German defensive works in Italy. As he led his platoon in a flanking maneuver, three German machine guns opened fire from covered positions just 40 yards away, pinning his men to the ground. Inouye stood up to attack and was shot in the stomach; ignoring his wound, he proceeded to attack and destroy the first machine gun nest with hand grenades and fire from his Thompson submachine gun. After being informed of the severity of his wound by his platoon sergeant, he refused treatment and rallied his men for an attack on the second machine gun position, which he also successfully destroyed before collapsing from blood loss. As his squad distracted the third machine gunner, Inouye crawled toward the final bunker, eventually drawing within 10 yards. As he raised himself up and cocked his arm to throw his last grenade into the fighting position, a German inside the bunker fired a rifle grenade that struck him on the right elbow, severing most of his arm and leaving his own primed grenade reflexively “clenched in a fist that suddenly didn’t belong to me anymore.” Inouye’s horrified soldiers moved to his aid, but he shouted for them to keep back out of fear his severed fist would involuntarily relax and drop the grenade. While the German inside the bunker reloaded his rifle, Inouye pried the live grenade from his useless right hand and transferred it to his left. As the German aimed his rifle to finish him off, Inouye tossed the grenade into the bunker and destroyed it. He stumbled to his feet and continued forward, silencing the last German resistance with a one-handed burst from his Thompson before being wounded in the leg and tumbling unconscious to the bottom of the ridge. When he awoke to see the concerned men of his platoon hovering over him, his only comment before being carried away was to gruffly order them to return to their positions, since, as he pointed out, “nobody called off the war!”

18. Stanley “Swede” Vejtasa

He was an American pilot during WWII. At the Battle of the Coral Sea, he shot down two Japanese Zeroes in an SBD Dauntless – a dive bomber – and rammed a third. Upon learning of this, the Navy transferred him to a fighter wing flying F4F Wildcats. Later, at the Battle of Santa Cruz, he became an “ace in a day”, shooting down seven Japanese planes in a single sortie. At least one of these kills was accomplished after running out of ammunition; he charged an enemy plane (which was also out of ammunition) head-on at low altitude and forced it to crash. He survived the war, as well.

19. Grainne Mhaol (known as Grace O’Malley by the English)

16th Irish noblewoman, when she was a child her father (the chieftain of the Uí Mháille clan) refused to take her to sea and she cut off all her hair to embarrass him into taking her (her nickname means Bald Grainne). She was born at a time when the Tudor conquest of Ireland was picking up the pace. Throughout her life she was a pirate, she was leader of fighters, under her leadership castles and forts were taken and withstood sieges, she was a revolutionary and war-leader and when Elizabeth I captured her sons and brother, she came to the royal court and negotiated their release in Latin, as she spoke no English and Elizabeth spoke no Irish. Her life would seriously fill about ten books.

20. Audie Murphy

Audie Murphy, aka real life Captain America. He was 16 in 1942, weighing 110 pounds and standing 5’5″. He applied to both the Marines and Air Force, but was turned down by both, and eventually managed to get into the Army, where he passed out halfway through training but insisted on going to fight. He contracted malaria in Italy, but was still sent into France in 1944, where he found a German machine gun crew who pretended to surrender, then shot his best friend. Murphy flipped shit, killed everyone in the gun nest, then used their weaponry to kill every Nazi in a 100-yard radius. 6 months later, his company (down to 19 men out of the original 128) was tasked with defending a critical region in France. The Nazis showed up with a ton of guys, so Murphy and his men sent out their M-10’s, which didn’t do much. They were about to be overrun when the skinny short kid with malaria ran to one of the burning M-10’s, grabbed the machine gun, and started mowing down every enemy he could see. He kept going for an hour, until he ran out of bullets, then walked back to his men as the tank exploded behind him.

21. Leo Major

For starters, he was part of the D-Day invasion. That very day, he killed a squad of German soldiers and captured a half-track that was loaded with intelligence information. Quite a while later, he ran into 4 SS soldiers and killed all of them. However, one hit him with a phosphorous grenade, blinding him in one eye. He refused discharge, saying that as long as he could see through the scope, he had enough eyes. During the Battle of the Scheldt, Major single-handedly captured 93 German soldiers and was offered a Distinguished Conduct Medal. He refused, saying that the man awarding it, General Bernard Montgomery, was an incompetent, so any award from him was worthless. In the beginning of 1945, he was in a vehicle that struck a landmine. He broke both ankles, 4 ribs, and fractured 3 vertebrae. He still continued, refusing evacuation. In April of that year, his unit came upon the Dutch city of Zwolle. His commander asked for two volunteers for a reconnaissance mission. Major and his friend Willie volunteered. They were expected to go see how many German soldiers were in the town. Shortly into their mission, Willie was killed, and the plan changed. Major was out for blood. He went down the street guns blazing and throwing grenades while yelling in French to convince the Germans that the Canadians had sent their whole force into the town. He captured nearly one hundred German troops who went fleeing from their cover. Later that night, he came upon the Gestapo HQ and burned it to the ground. He barged into the SS HQ later that same night, killed 4, and ran the other 4 out of town. At 4:30 a. m. He discovered that the city belonged to the Dutch again, and the Germans had been run out. He received a Distinguished Conduct Medal for single-handedly liberating the town of Zwolle. But he still wasn’t done. In the Korean War, he was asked to lead a strike team of elite snipers to support an American division. He and his twenty men took the hill single-handedly and held it while nearly 20,000 Chinese soldiers attacked their position. He was ordered to retreat. Instead, he held the hill for three days until reinforcements arrived. For this action, he received a bar to his DCM.

22. Hugh Glass

While the story is probably embellished some, it’s still amazing. While on a fur trapping expedition, he was mauled by a grizzly bear, which he killed with some help, then passed out. Later, he woke up to find his party abandoned him and he had no equipment. So he cleaned his multiple wounds, used the bear’s skin as a bandage, and spent the next six weeks making it back to civilization. Along the way he fought off wolves, made his own raft to travel down a river, and with the help of natives sewed the bear skin in place to replace his own.

23. Witold Pilecki

Witold Pilecki was a Polish soldier and resistance member who volunteered to get imprisoned in the Auschwitz concentration camp in order to gather intelligence and escape. While in the camp, Pilecki organized a resistance movement and as early as 1941, informed the Western Allies of Nazi Germany’s Auschwitz atrocities. He escaped from the camp in 1943 after nearly 3 years of imprisonment.

24. Louis Zamperini

To elaborate, he was a tiny guy that ran track for the US Olympic team in Germany. He got cleated up so bad by the other runners he was bleeding all over the place and he busted it down the final stretch, didn’t win but the crowd was going nuts for the guy so much so that hitler asked to shake his hand after the race. Plane gets shot down in ww2, survives longer a drift than anyone has ever survived while fighting off sharks. Washes ashore a Japanese prison camp, much badassery ensues here. Gets tortured for a couple years and after he’s released, this cat returns to japan to tell his torturer that he forgives him, the coward won’t meet him. This guy even died on the Fourth of July. Oh and some say he was actually the first to run a mile in under four minutes, in the sand.

25. General John J. Pershing

If Commanding General of the American Expeditionary Forces in WWI, John J. Pershing was alive today, he would probably say the following on how to deal with suicide bombers and deter Islamic terrorists: further action can be taken once they blow themselves up; there is an effective substance that can deter these bombers. Its pork, and it will deny any Muslim extremist what they seek after death. During the Philippine Wars 1899-1913, we fought another Islamic terrorist group called the Moro’s, which were decisively quelled by John J. Pershing. One tactic he employed is said to have happened in 1911, when Pershing was serving as commander of a garrison. Following numerous Islamic terrorist attacks, Pershing captured fifty of the Moro’s, and used their religion against them. Forced to dig their own graves, the terrorists were all tied to posts, for execution by firing squad. American soldiers then brought in pigs, slaughtered them, and then coated their bullets with the blood and fat from the pigs. Pershing turned the tables, and terrorized these terrorists; he ensured they saw that once struck by the firing squad’s bullets, they would be contaminated with the pig’s blood. Even worse, their bodies would be dumped in a grave with a pig carcass, meaning that they could not enter Heaven, even if they were engaged in a Jihad. Pershing followed through with the operation. Forty-nine Moro’s were shot, their bodies dumped into the graves, and the dead pig carcasses and entrails poured all over them. The Fiftieth Moro was spared, and allowed to return to his camp, to spread the word to his fellow Jihadists what happened to the others. He must have made it clear what fate awaits any Jihadists caught by the Americans from that point forward, as it brought an end to terrorism in the Philippines for the next 50 years.

26. Leroy Jenkins

submitted by Woptoppop to SamONellaAcademy [link] [comments]

Nightfall RP: Rally

(RP: Konrad Vhel, Location: Bralsin, Mandalore)
“Hello, helloooo! What can I do for you three men?” A very intoxicated Paarn Stark blabbers under a flickering florescent light.
Xyton taps the butt of his blaster against his hand. “Paarn, Paarn, Paarn. Very odd for a politician of your esteem to be spending his nights in the alleyway outside this possibly-Hutt aligned casino rather than with his family.”
Paarn nervously chuckles as Xyton, our partner Jokim Hendar, and I slowly begin to encircle him. “H-how do you know who I am?” Paarn says to our masked faces.
“Well Paarn, you may know me as Xyton Scorch, Mandalorian Civil War Veteran. But the Organization knows you as an embezzler, tax-evader, abuser, and the corrupt Major of Bralsin.”
“Y-you must be mistaken for someone else… I have credits, here, take them!” Paarn frantically says, fingering through his pockets for a few monetary notes.
Jokim, far less articulate and far more brutish than Xyton butts in. “We’ll be adding ‘briber’ to that list, Paarn.”
As the three of us draw our weapons, Paarn’s negotiation gets more panicky. “C’mon, look, I have friends in high places, you will be sorry if you—If you do whatever you’re going to do.”
Xyton howels like a wild Anooba. “Ha! The pacifist Duchess? Oh, what is she going to do? Yell at us?”
Paarn finds himself backed against the durasteel wall of the dank and musty alleyway. “Well, there is her. B-but there are others, others who will fight you.”
“Who might that be?” Xyton levels his blaster at Paarn’s right eye.
“The Krayt Crusaders,” Paarn explains. “Y’know, shouldn’t you? You said yourself you’re a Scorch. We both know Clan Scorch is allied to the KC. They’ll have a pro—” Paarn is cut short by a violent blaster bolt from Xyton’s blaster. As the shot echoes throughout the urban expanse of Bralsin, I holster my blaster. I can see passive anger boil through Xyton’s helmet.
Purify Mandalore.” Figuring it best not to ask his superior about his family dynamic, Jokim simply and soberly notions. Xyton and I repeat the line as we pick up the limp body of the crooked politician.
(RP: Konrad Vhel, Location: Sundari, Mandalore, 02:23)
The door of Jaster Hendar’s office slides open. Xyton walks out of the room, clad in beskar up to his neck, with his Powertech-style helmet at his side. As the door slides shut behind him, Jokim Hendar asks. “How’d your meeting with ole Jaster go?”
Xyton punches the metallic wall, slightly denting it with his thick beskar-mesh gloves. “We’re helping the kriffing Hellion Collection and I’m leading the corvette we’re sending to help them defeat the Republic.”
“Bloody Hell.” Jokim curses. “That’s—we’re better than cutting deals with pirates. Jaster’s my cousin, maybe I can negotiate with him to call off our forces.”
As I blush underneath my helmet, Xyton rants on. “That wouldn’t do us any good. Jaster’s set on this, and as much as I’d like to be the one fighting against those pirate scum, Jaster has ordered me to support them with Buurenaar.
Jokim sighs. “It’ll have to be done then. I’ll go run and prep a squadron of Shereshirs. Konrad, you’re a pilot, you’ll be with me.”
I nod, wondering where Ksskar is at the moment and what that bastard Qx’nath Acara got himself into this time.
(RP: Konrad Vhel, Location: Buurenaar)
Buurenaar and her compliment of fighters emerges from hyperspace outside Pho Ph’eah in front of a CIS fleet. Xyton surveys the CIS forces from his bridge, stroking the bottom of his helmet as he does so. The CIS has already jammed coms, however a Shereshir fighter could easily use it’s hyperdrive to get reinforcements if needed.
Xyton says. “The CIS has a Recusant-class Light Destroyer, and what looks to be three squadrons of Vulture droids already deployed. Konrad, get Jokim and get in your fighters. We need to be ready for the Venator and possibly enemy reinforcements to arrive.”
“Reinforcements?” I question.
“Yes.” Xyton relishes in informing me of his thoughts. “HC had jammed coms at Vulcar, we know that. However, to my knowledge there is no way they could’ve jammed coms on the Venator as it is and was journeying through hyperspace. Either way, we should be ready for a fight.”
• 1 Recusant-Class Light Destroyer (larger Variant) with a complement of 1,000 B1 battle droids and 1,000 modified B1 pilot droids (for gift to the HC as crew for the captured venator. -200,000C from the fund)
• 3 HMP Droid Gunships, each with full complement of 12 SBDs (Super Battle Droids). Additionally I request 3 squadrons of Vulture Droid Starfighters be aboard the Recusant in lieu of the full 40,000 battle droids and a droid lander.
1 Marauder-class Corvette
12 Shereshir Fighters
submitted by xX_FIIINE_DUCK_Xx to LSWRP [link] [comments]

[Meet Report] USAPL Northeast Regional Championships - Norwich, CT (707.5kg @ 89.5kg | 452.952 Wilks - 35)

Background and Training
Meet Prep
For a taper, I just followed the RTS intermediate program. I had a week to spare, so I did the 9th week of the program, which included basically a mock-meet format Monday and Friday leading up to a week out. I hit a 575 squat, and 335 bench on the Friday, but had nothing in the tank and only (barely) hit a 625 deadlift, even though I Monday I'd smoked it. The week prior to the meet, I went in on Wednesday to the gym and worked up to 2x3 at 315 on the squat, and 225 on the bench.
I didn't have a handler.
The Lifts
Final thoughts
submitted by omrsafetyo to powerlifting [link] [comments]

[Meet Report] USAPL Northeast Regional Championships - Norwich, CT (707.5kg @ 89.5kg | 452.952 Wilks/683.60 IPF points - 35M)

Background and Training
Meet Prep
For a taper, I just followed the RTS intermediate program. I had a week to spare, so I did the 9th week of the program, which included basically a mock-meet format Monday and Friday leading up to a week out. I hit a 575 squat, and 335 bench on the Friday, but had nothing in the tank and only (barely) hit a 625 deadlift, even though I Monday I'd smoked it. The week prior to the meet, I went in on Wednesday to the gym and worked up to 2x3 at 315 on the squat, and 225 on the bench.
I didn't have a handler.
The Lifts
Final thoughts
submitted by omrsafetyo to weightroom [link] [comments]

DEMOLITION_D Informational Post

I wish I could rename titles, shoulda named it "DemoD Related Channels" or something.
Although most already know this information, I think not everyone knows these channels. I'd ask for this post to be stickied or to be moved to the sidebar, but I don't think the . This post is also pretty awful and I should clean it up like on monday or something. I'm probably going to compile some playlists into a single playlist as well. Please comment what I need to change as well otherwise I think I'm gonna hold off on updating until I figure everything out.

►Main Channels◄


Douchebag Chocolat, more commonly known as Demolition D, is an anime reviewer who was #2 on WatchMojo's Top Ten Anime Reviewer Channels. He's made videos since 2011, with his latest video being in 2016. Due to numerous actions against his account such as: copyright strikes, takedowns, SSD Failure, and even moving houses, he has taken an indefinite hiatus from his YouTube channel.
KnowYourMeme Page:
"DouchebagChocolat (more commonly referred as Demolition D+) is a popular youtuber who is interested in reviewing animes, video games and their culture often representing the reviews in his own satirical way."
YouTube Channel: (^ same links)
Secondary YouTube Channel:
His Book:


DemolitionD+'s friend who lives together with him. I don't know what else to put here.
YouTube Channel:

►Reupload Channels◄

•Jay Folk•

Has their own content, but I think he primarily reuploads the fullstreams and clips from DemolitionD+'s twitch.
YouTube Videos DemolitionD Posted and Videos Relating to him DemoD+ Archive Gravity Saga [Demoliton_D+] (GravityRush Clips) Demo Grouplove Demo's Mixtapes (Favorited Music) Demolition_D+ plays Bloodbourne Demo plays Monster Hunter World Nier: Automata Saga [Demo_D+]


Seems to have their own content, but I think their channel is inactive
YouTube Demo's full streams Highlights of demo's streams

•Bigboy Fargo•

Stream Highlights and has own content on a separate channel I think. As far as I can tell, the channel is inactive.


UStream Highlights
YouTube ustream higlights n Videos Demo D plays Gravity Rush 2


Channel is filled with random videos, but I made a playlist of the highlights of Demo playing Nekopara. YouTube Nekopara Highlights

•Demolition_D Streams•

Dead channel with only 8 uploads. It's better taken by the other channels I listed, but I'll put the channel link below. YouTube

►Content using DemolitionD's stuff◄


Uploads some good highlights with editing
YouTube Playlist Cloversteel's Bizarre Adventure Pt 1 (LoZ:BoW)

•Volatile Carbon•

Makes their own animations inspired by DemolitionD, with him being a blue hair catgirl with a fang. You can see a video of DemoD watching one of Volatile's videos here: [link]




Koality Content

YouTube Technically it's only the first two videos of the playlist, but GawsHawg seems to follow DemoD's style and starts deviating towards his own style on the latter two.

Videos that have DemolitionD in them

My playlist is just videos from people who don't really have a ton of demo related content. This might be a little unorganized because all this formatting is making me confused i need help.
My Playlist DemolitionD+'s "other videos im in"
Hopefully this is enough. if i missed anything post a comment
submitted by DestroyedClone to Douchebagchocolat [link] [comments]

Today of the Dead: 3/26

Academy of Music on 1972-03-26

Greatest Story Ever Told, Cold Rain & Snow, Chinatown Shuffle, Black Throated Wind, You Win Again, Mr. Charlie, Jack Straw, Loser, Looks Like Rain, Big Railroad Blues, Big Boss Man, Playin' In The Band Truckin'-> Drums-> The Other One-> Me & My Uncle-> The Other One-> Wharf Rat, Not Fade Away-> Goin' Down The Road Feelin' Bad-> Not Fade Away
SBD -> Master Reel -> Apogee AD500 -> Dat (48k) / Transferred by Charlie Miller
Mr. Miller and everyone else responsible for getting this out is a godsend. What a fantastic show. Check out the Looks Like Rain (not one of my favorite songs). Great tempo and groove, a bit slower than usual. Phil instead of Donna on harmonies work really well here. The coolest thing is that Jerry sounds like he is playing the pedal steel, and it is perfectly magical for this song. I wish he would have played it more. My favorite version of LLR by far. One of the best Cold Rain and Snow versions as well. The entire show is strong. Phil introduces Keith as the new piano player. The sound quality is absolutely fantastic. I can tell that a lot of love and effort went in to making this possible. I love the energy here. The show is as good as any night in Europe later in the year. Maybe even worth mentioning in the same sentence as the Creamery gig.

Baltimore Civic Center on 1973-03-26

Promised Land, Mississippi Half Step, The Race is On, Wave That Flag, Jack Straw, Sugaree, Mexicali Blues, Box Of Rain, Row Jimmy, Beat It On Down The Line, Brown Eyed Women, El Paso, China Cat Sunflower-> I Know You Rider, Looks Like Rain, Don't Ease Me In, Playin' In The Band Ramble On Rose, Big River, Here Comes Sunshine, Greatest Story Ever Told, Candyman, Me & My Uncle, He's Gone-> Truckin'-> Weather Report Suite Prelude-> Wharf Rat, Me And Bobby McGee-> Eyes Of The World-> Morning Dew, One More Saturday Night
SBD -> Master Reel -> Dat (44.1k) D / Transferred by Charlie Miller
Wow! Forgive me father for I have sinned. I am guilty, as many of you, for listening to more fall shows than spring shows from 1973. Well that just changed. This is a monster show with almost everything you could ask for in the first set.The Playing is incredible. Then you get a taste of some '73 commercialness with an unlikely appearence of Wolfman Jack, if you have to ask continue reading on. The second set is one masterpiece.Ramble On works quite well as the opener followed by a driving Big River that rips.Next is an early rendition of HC Sunshine, a taste of the fall to come, the band is excited to play the "new" material and explores it well. This show does have a relaxed pace but all songs are played with focus and passion but with many surprises. A smokin version of Greatest Story that is off the hook is a perfect example. A rarely played Candyman is also very sweet too. A quick cowboy song and then it is onto a 79 minute masterpiece of music that begins with He's Gone. I will fast forward to Wharf Rat which is stellar, fragile and brimming with conviction. This flows effortlessly into a beautiful Bobby McGee, which I love, then into a slower paced Eyes that is exciting and dynamic with Phil really adding much to it.Keith is on big time too. It all ends at where it should, with an amazing reading of Morning Dew.I like the tranistion into it,it is unique too. Jerry is passionate, subtle and full of conviction. His solo at the bridge is like being on an warm summer night breeze. Phil closes it out with a powerful ending note too.

Ace's Studio on 1975-03-26

sbd> ?> PCM> SEK'D Prodif96Pro> wav> SHN
Diamond in the rough... Sure, I could do without the ten minutes of mostly inaudible banter at the beginning of track one, but once they get into that first they're smokin'!

Aladdin Theater on 1983-03-26

Jack Straw, Friend Of The Devil, Little Red Rooster, Brown Eyed Women, Mama Tried-> Mexicali Blues, Althea, My Brother Esau, Deal-> Promised Land Scarlet Begonias-> Fire On The Mountain, Estimated Prophet-> Eyes Of The World-> The Other One-> Drums-> The Other One-> Stella Blue-> Around & Around-> One More Saturday Night, E: Touch Of Gray
Trippin' on the strip Ok, a little story from the attics of my life. Was supposed to make Tempe the night before, but flight problems from Mich., blah blah. I got into Vegas the night before, and stumbled onto the Strip with nothing but a back plan at all. Ran into a fellow Head who turned me onto his Uncle 'Cid. He also had some of those prism glasses with him.....I walked the Strip with a 6 pack of Heineken on acid looking through these glasses. Mind blowin' fun. We eventually met this girl working in a Dennys that was a Dead Head and she let us stay at her apartment. Can you imagine such great fortune meeting this kindred spirit? The next day I met my friends and we prepared for the show at hand. Someone has me on video brushing my teeth with a Heineken (didn't have any water) and got kicked out of the Aladdin casino for not having any shoes on. People were paging Jerry over the casino intercom. It was a sight...Dead Heads in a sea of tie dye amongst the pristine lawns of the Aladdin. This was my sixth Dead show and it was a total blast. Every song was well played and the selection very nice. Man the doses in those days sure were good. We were treated to some of the now legendary 4 way black stars from Texas........those were the daze my friends! Thanks to every one who made this a memorable evening.

Hartford Civic Center on 1987-03-26

Midnight Hour, Cold Rain & Snow, CC Rider, Row Jimmy, My Brother Esau, When Push Comes To Shove, Desolation Row-> Bird Song, Promised Land China Cat Sunflower-> I Know You Rider, Looks Like Rain, He's Gone-> Jam-> Drums-> Space-> I Need A Miracle-> Black Peter-> Around & Around-> Good Lovin', E: The Mighty Quinn
Ultra Matrix SBD > Cassette Master (TDK MA-R90) / Transferred by Charlie Miller
Mr. Charlie Told Me So! Wow, only 1 review of this beauty?!? Excellent capture of a great show! Can't believe 31 years ago today; sat 2nd row in front of JG. Spectacular first set, one of my fav Desolations right into a stunning Birdsong. Row Jimmy pretty noteworthy too! That old Hartford magic at some of its finest! Great work with this one. Next night pretty killer too!

Coliseum on 1988-03-26

Hell In A Bucket-> Sugaree, Stir It Up, Minglewood Blues, Peggy-O, Mexicali Blues-> Big River, Row Jimmy, Memphis Blues, Might As Well China Cat Sunflower-> I Know You Rider, Playin' In The Band-> Uncle John's Band-> Drums-> Jam-> Gimme Some Lovin'-> The Wheel-> All Along The Watchtower-> Black Peter-> One More Saturday Night, E: Knockin' On Heaven's Door
Matrix mix (SBD/AUD) / Transferred by Kevin Tobin
Spring '88 was a great run... ...and if you happen to be skimming though the list and come across this show, I say download it for this reason: It is as good as any representitive example of any of the Spring '88 run that I saw myself or have heard since. Yes, I was there, and I saw better shows than this one. But this is still a show I put on to listen to (and to broadcast to the entire village when I place my speakers in my parlor windows facing out) because it puts me in that groove, that good old Grateful Dead groove. And if the people in the village don't like it, well, then that's just tough shit. I like it, and so do my friends. And likely so wil you.

Knickerbocker Arena on 1990-03-26

Hell In A Bucket, Dupree's Diamond Blues, A Little Light, Black Throated Wind, Big Railroad Blues, Picasso Moon, Row Jimmy, Blow Away Built To Last, Victim Or The Crime, China Cat Sunflower-> I Know You Rider-> Women Are Smarter-> Drums-> Jam-> I Need A Miracle, Dear Mr. Fantasy-> Gimme Some Lovin'-> Morning Dew, E: Brokedown Palace
SBD -> Dat -> Cassette Master (TDK MA-R90) D / Transferred by Charlie Miller
One of the Best of best (underrated) shows of 1990 Night 1 of the Kickerbocker run gets all the clout. 3/4 of the Dozin' At The Knick release. Then Night 2 has all of those songs that they released on Without a Net. The last nigth seems to be overlooked. I do declare it has one of the best setlists of 1990, some stellar energy, and at its finest, BRENT MAGIC!! Just look at that goddamn setlist and tell me why it didn't get as much hype, as far as the releases go. It's kind of whack since they released the Dozin' Disks, you can't get this show on the archive, it's lost in limbo! You only get the first three tracks from this show on any release. BUMMER! Thanks for this incredible recording and re-master Charlie! It sounds as good if not better than the relese. I Love you!

The Omni on 1995-03-26

Cold Rain & Snow, Little Red Rooster, Ramble On Rose, Me & My Uncle-> Big River, Lazy River Road, Eternity, Don't Ease Me In Samson & Delilah, It's All Too Much, Crazy Fingers-> Estimated Prophet-> Terrapin Station-> Drums-> Space-> The Other One-> Morning Dew, E: Johnny B. Goode
SBD > MC > DAT > CDR / Transferred by c. ladner
Brings a smile to my face! From the first notes of Cold Rain and Snow, I was hooked. This was a great show. I remember calling the CR&S opener only to be laughed at by me friends. "But it's sunny and beautiful, dude!" Possibly, but there's your weird Dead logic for you. Down and dirty Rooster, and a well-played Ramble. I really the dug the "It's All too Much," much to my own surprise. Whatever, it's all in good fun. Another strong Space - always a pleasure - and then the solid Other One > Dew. The Terrapin is not the best I've ever witnessed, but let's be honest, it was always great just to bear witness to these guys at all, especially in these years. Just when you thought the gas was running out, boom! "I guess it doesn't matter anyway!!!!"
submitted by revjurneyman to gratefuldead [link] [comments]

Help me plan my XC! CNO-IFP

Help me plan my XC! CNO-IFP
Hi All,

I recently joined this wonderful community and it keeps me entertained at work. Little back ground, I'm a PPL based in Central America with abut 500~ hours, mainly on 182's, 172's and an Ovation II. Never cared for getting a CPL as I didn't want do it as a job (not just now) or an IR since well, here when you're flying IFR it's because you're bang in the middle of the storm in a CB, so no flying in that. I did do all of my IFR training and put it into use in VFR (ILS Approaches, in the clouds dual with Instructor etc) but never cared for the check ride since there isn't IFR here anyway.

In 2013 right after I got my PPL I went back to my home in LA (I was born in LA but lived most of my life down here) and flew from WHP-SBA XC and WHP-IFP XC solo for recreation (i guess).

In November I'm back in the area and I'm renting an Arrow out of CNO to fly to IFP and if the weather is good Vegas and back. I'm planning on a early start (6am ish) and back by 5PM, only going for lunch and a walk and back.

I don't necessarily have to go to IFP, but it's a good place with casino's to visit, a good walk at the riverfront and a couple of airports along the way I could do a low pass at or visit.

Here's my current routing outbound:

PDZ-HEC-GFS at 9500. Keeps me clear of terrain and away from MOAs. I can transition through Ontario or swivel around near RAL and RIV class C and then fly over SBD's Delta. I'm planning on asking for flight following out of CNO, so if I accomplish that then I'll just fly through ONT direct HEC and fly near Hesperia so I can do a smooth climb out.

Alternative for even more flight seeing:

PDZ-TNP-PKE-HII-EED DCT IFP. This would take me through Turtle MOA and if I have Flight Following then I should be fine at 9500 and if not then I'll call in on LA Center on .15 and talk to them. I guess the question is how much scenic is it? Is it better than just desert on my original routing?

Return leg:
This is the fun part, I can boringly take off from IFP and do the reverse home (GFS-HEC, DCT) or I can do the following:

Take off from IFP towards 1L4. I can't legally land with the rental at a non asphalt airstrip but I'd like to do a fly over. Since it's a fly in community I doubt they'll let me do a low approach but I'll call in and ask. After that, land at 1L3, and take off again. Don't judge me, these are all airstrips I saw when I was a kid and we would drive to Laughlin and Vegas. These were road trips in the days before GPS. After this I've thought about flying over Hoover Dam, but put off by the amount of Helicopter traffic I would expect there to be, so if you feel it's doable, encourage me. After this ideally I would like to fly over to HND but not land there, and do the numbers transition over LAS that they've mentioned a couple of times here which I've seen and understand several times. After the numbers transition, low approach into VGT, then ask for the rocks transition out towards Jean dct DAG and bring it in home.

I'm thinking about 5-6 hours flying time total which is a bit tiring but doable with a few stop overs. We can stop at DAG on the way back if we need a pee break or something to drink eat. For the return I'm thinking 10.5k so I can be in radar coverage and get flight following back to CNO. Not a fan of switching between RCO's and self announcing specially coming into the LA basin.

Sorry for the lack of imagery, but here's what it would potentially look like:

Feel free to suggest other destinations. I'm doing Avalon after my rental check out, so that's one of the list. But happy to listen to other destinations or suggestions. I'll have Foreflight on 4 devices, ADS-B out and in and a back up GPS.

submitted by Redwood839 to flying [link] [comments]

Elevator Assassin

[WP] You are an assassin with a unique way of killing silently. by JerretM
As I stepped into the elevator, I smiled shyly at the gorgeous woman already within. She quirked an eyebrow and lifted her plump lips into a smile of her own. I tapped the button for the sixteenth floor and stepped away from the controls.
"You in town for that big convention?" I asked casually.
"Oh, no. I'm visiting the casino with my husband."
She was hanging up the Do Not Disturb sign. That was good. Not good enough, though.
"But your husband is still in Cabo."
Her eyes narrowed and the smile disappeared like snow on water. She flicked her eyes to the elevator controls.
"It's too late for that," I explained calmly, as I pulled a miniature gas mask from my pocket and fitted it over my nose and mouth. Then I relaxed my sphincter, allowing the toxic gas to flood the enclosed space.
"Oh, yuck!" she exclaimed, covering her nose. "Did you really just --" She suddenly coughed, but seemed unable to get any air back into her lungs. Her hands clutched at her neck, then fluttered wildly as she struggled to breathe.
"You really shouldn't have married for money," I said to her conversationally. "Count Ronson finally found the real woman of his dreams. They'll be married within the month. She's ugly as sin, but he doesn't care. They're happy."
The elevator dinged to announce the sixteenth floor just as the woman collapsed to the checkered tile floor. I stepped over her body and grinned as I exited the elevator.
"Oh, please do excuse me," I murmured. "I believe they call that an SBD. Silent, but deadly."
submitted by busykat to busykat [link] [comments]

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