Who has the most punishments in Impractical Jokers?

why was impractical jokers cancelled

why was impractical jokers cancelled - win

Assorted trivia about several champions' developments you might not have heard of!

I am fascinated by champion design and am excited to learn about what champions didn't become as much as what they did, not because I believe that their initial designs were better, but there's just so much damn creativity and awesome ideas that I believe should've been allowed to exist to some degree in a better world.
I don't have trivia on every single champion because Riot doesn't publicly disclose every idea they tried out (they "icebox"/"put on hold" rather than outright cancel, as some ideas may be revisited in the future, so they like to keep their better ideas under wraps), but here's a list of some of my favorite ideas from the champions Riot has spoken up about.
(note: these might be common knowledge to some, but I felt like making this post on the offchance you don't because chances are that nobody's aware of all of these. If you do, congrats!)
AATROX: For his 2018 VGU, a few abilities were tested:
AHRI: From Riot's ORIGINS post:
AKALI: For her 2018 VGU, they considered letting her "ride" projectiles from other champions (say, a Jinx rocket), but it was too impractical and annoying to work with. They also made it so her smoke bomb created a dragon-shaped billow in the center (which was shown in her rework's teaser image), but it was cut for clarity.
APHELIOS: From Riot's Champ Insights post:
AURELION SOL: As some of you might know, ASol was originally planned to be a different champ: a long, serpentine storm dragon named Ao Shin. He was reworked because Riot had a lot of trouble with the technical aspects of the idea -- He was apparently "10-12 Teemos in length" and they wanted him to be able to wrap his body around enemies, but this made it hard for him to hide in bushes, and it consumed a ton of his power budget (he needed to be fast enough to move around enemies and tanky enough to survive them fighting back).
AZIR: Lotttttt of stuff from his ORIGINS post, too much to include here. the tl;dr version was that he was envisioned as a sand mage named Seth since 2013-14, and was reworked countless times due to technical and creative issues.
BARD: Originally for his passive, Riot gave him the ability to go through several different color versions of Meeps that would boost his abilities, and they would all continuously follow behind him like Pikmin. Testing made them prefer simpler upgrades to basic attacks over his abilities, resulting in his passive's current state.
DIANA: Yknow how that recent rework where they made her Moonfall (circle-surrounding ability) her ultimate? It turns out this was (kind of) the original plan when she was first made: it was a channeled AoE that dealt true damage based off a resource called "Scorn", but was replaced for being "toxic and nearly impossible to counter."
EKKO: They wanted to make his ultimate be able to properly rewind enemies along with him, but no matter what they tried, it was considered too busted and confusing. Also, they were developing Bard alongside him, and during a phase in playtesting, Bard had an ultimate where he would globally silence enemies, making games with both of them being globally annoyed no matter what.
EVELYNN: From her Champ Insights revolving her 2017 VGU, Riot originally wanted to make her scarier and demonic, with "spider legs, cracked porcelain skin with shadows pushing their way out, the cavity of a missing eye you could peer into and see three eyes within." They thought it was too much.
GALIO: One idea for a passive in his 2017 VGU was the ability to roost on top of turrets (or the remains of one), allowing him to cast spells at an increased range. When he jumped off, he could also chain it into his ultimate.
GANGPLANK: One tested idea for his 2015 VGU was an ultimate nicknamed "Pirate Gundam", summoning a giant, tanky unit that would either fire cannonballs or do a nerfed version of Malphite's ult. It didn't work out since it felt too powerful and required a ton of additional focus in visuals to implement it in game.
GNAR: Originally, Mega Gnar's ult had him swallow a unit whole, and was directly said to have inspired Tahm Kench's entire "devour" mechanic. This is a case of a good idea being reused for later -- the ability tested well, but they preferred it be the core mechanic to a new champion than tacked onto someone as uncontrollable as Gnar.
JHIN: From his Champ Insights, Jhin was originally envisioned as a "mysterious robot cowboy bounty hunting sniper" codenamed Deadeye. His design was fragmented, but while Jhin became a new psycho artist gunman, the design inspired his High Noon skin.
JINX: From her ORIGINS post:
KAI'SA: She was always meant to be a marksman, but went through different ideas in ideation. Concepts included an ex-Purifier (Lucian's faction), a Vampire hunter that became a vampire, a Zaunite life-essence-drainer, and even an idea that she was part of a new breed of void monster trying to imitate humans.
KAYN: Originally they wanted Kayn to be Xayah and Rakan's nemesis (and was codenamed during development as "Nemesis"), but they decided to cut this because his relationship with Zed and conflict with Rhaast was more interesting.
MISS FORTUNE: Riot toyed with giving her a new voiceover around 2018 (around the same time they recorded the voiceover for her Gun Goddess skin), but it was scrapped after they tested some lines out and internal feedback was mixed; nobody could really agree on what they were looking for from her characterization, and they concluded that changing it was a worse decision than leaving it be.
MORDEKAISER: Lots of really cool ideas were thrown around for his 2019 VGU:
MORGANA: For her dual VGU with Kayle, they tested some new abilities on her just to see if there was anything worth changing. One significant ability was making her ult have tiers like with Kayle, with each rank giving her new stats, but the only one that stuck was giving her bonus movement speed.
RAKAN and XAYAH: The two were conceived as a "botlane duo", so different ways they could do duo mechanics were tested:
RAMMUS: The reason Rammus is so quiet is because when Riot (very early on in the game's life, to remind you) did try to give him a proper voiceover, but it sucked and they recorded a new one in 15 minutes. The rest is history!
RIVEN: From her ORIGINS post, Riven went through a lot of kit experimentation, especially with her ultimate. The descriptions of what they tried with her are much funnier than anything I can relay.
RYZE: Not exactly to do with the champion himself, but for his "Call to Power" short, there exists an unused model of a Zaunite assassin and concept art of him with a little girl (who I believe is Daisy from Annie's short?)
SHACO: Sometime around 2017, they tested giving him a rework. One of the tested abilities was an ultimate where he turned himself into a missle that fired in a direction. When he collided with Yasuo's Wind Wall, he never came back. "The entire design team stood up and gave the Yasuo player a standing ovation."
SYLAS: He was envisioned as a "copycat" champion since the beginning, but went through different ideas:
TALIYAH: From her Champ Insights:
URGOT: A few, kind of wacky ideas were tested for his 2017 VGU:
VI: One early stab at her "Piltover Enforcer" idea was that she was a steampunk capoeira fighter with dreads and robot legs. It apparently sounds cooler than it actually looked.
WARWICK: One idea for his 2017 VGU was to be able to turn other allies into werewolves, allowing them to roam around the map as a wolf pack. Not exactly "Warwick", but very cool.
YORICK: One ability was tried out for his 2016 VGU where could resurrect allies, with one version of them exploding like Kog'Maw. It was cut because 1) there wasn't a way to make it fun, and 2) this meant Yorick's power relied on his team dying.
submitted by Number9Robotic to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

I am 27 years old, my partner is 29 years old and we make a joint annual salary of $190,118

Everything is in AUD but here’s the current exchange rate for a few currencies:
1AUD = 0.68USD
1AUD = 0.52GBP
1AUD = 1.04NZD
1AUD = 0.62EUR
Location: Melbourne (we moved to Australia almost 3 years ago and have been here the whole time)
My job: Development Manager
My income: $100,118
My partner (A)’s job: Programmer
A’s income: $90,000
Section One: Assets and Debt
My Retirement Balance: $29,500 (employer contribution to my superannuation fund)
A’s Retirement Balance: $15,000 (employer contribution to his superannuation fund)
Joint Emergency account balance: $7,000
Joint Fixed Bills account balance: $3,400
Joint Variable Expenses Account: $1,050
Credit card debt: $0 (always pay off my credit card within a few days of charging anything to it)
Student loan debt: $0 for me - luckily, I went to university in Scotland as an EU citizen and got free tuition. I also worked part-time and summers throughout my degree to pay my way, with some generous help from my parents too. Very grateful to be in such a privileged position.
A has £13,200 left on his student loan and we pay it off monthly from our joint account.
Joint P2P investment account: $13,500
Car loan: $10,000 approx left - due to be paid off by August 2021
Section Two: Income
Main Job Monthly Take Home: $6,021 (after deducting $30 pre-tax for workplace giving)
A’s Take Home Pay: $5,552
Section Three: Expenses
A and I keep $120 per week each to spend on ourselves - things like make-up, clothes, wine nights with the girls, video games, beers with the guys etc - basically, things that are only for us and not for the other person. The rest goes into a few different joint accounts to cover the below fixed costs and our variable costs for food/entertainment/etc. Throughout various salary fluctuations we’ve used this system since combining our money when we moved to Melbourne. Everything will be paid from our joint accounts unless otherwise specified.
Rent: $2,350 (2 bed, 1 bath)
Emergency Savings contribution: $775
P2P Investment contribution: $3,640 (We contribute here for both mid-term investments and travel savings as the return horizon is 60 days)
A’s student loan: $300
Donations: Other than my workplace giving, our donations are all ad hoc, but we do make quite a few
Electric: $75
Gas: $30
Water: $25
Wifi/Cable/Landline: $75
Cellphone: Work covers mine; L’s is $30
Netflix: $15
Spotify: $20 for a family account
Gym membership: $230 (we go to the same gym)
Car payment: $500
Health insurance: $260
Who Gives A Crap subscription: $56 every 3 months
Car insurance and registration: $2,080 annually (all paid up front)
Work parking permit: $460 annually
On-street parking permit at home: $83 annually
Day 1 - Friday
6:50am - I begrudgingly drag myself from bed - always made harder by the fact that A gets to stay in bed until 8 if he’s not going to the gym. I shower, do my simple skincare routine (Fresh Soy Face Cleanser, Kiehls Ultra Face Cream and SuperGoop SPF), throw on some clothes and kiss my sleeping zombie goodbye.
7:20am - Grab some food for breakfast and lunch from the fridge and hop in the car to work, listening to true crime podcasts en route. I’m so glad to see that the rain has cleared some of the bushfire smog - though when I get to work my colleague tells me that the rain didn’t reach her sisters house out in a fire affected area which makes me really sad.
8am - Get through some emails and work on a proposal for a really interesting project
10:00am - Stop for a quick breakfast (banana and yakult that I brought from home) and get back to the proposal.
12:30pm - Lunch - the highlight of my work day! I heat up my curry and join the big table in our common area. Our team does the quiz in the three daily newspapers at lunchtime and it’s such a fun, energising activity for the middle of the day (we’re pretty raucous quizzers). I get an obscure one right and the crowd goes wiiilllldddd (at least that’s how I remember it).
1pm - Some more writing, mapping and strategic planning for the upcoming year. Out the door at 4 on the dot. This was my first week back to work after 4 weeks off travelling SE Asia - the return to reality has been TOUGH y’all.
5:00pm - Get home and head to the gym to squeeze in a quick HIIT before tonight’s festivities. Our friends G & C are leaving Oz to go travelling and move to Canada so we have a lot of drinking to do. They stayed at our apartment while we were overseas and for the last week, so it’s been great getting in extra quality time (and it’s been nice to let them end their time in Oz rent-free so they can save more for their travels!)
6:00pm - Back home, have a shower and throw on some makeup (elf concealer, Nars orgasm blush, Rimmel eyebrow wand, Rimmel kohl and MCo mascara). Have a couple drinks at home with A and C while we wait for G to get home from her work send-off and officially commence funemployment!
7:15pm - G gets home and we head down to the bar where she’s booked a couple tables. We order some food (I get a vegan bowl and feel like an absolute health kween) and quite a few cocktails ($87). A leaves around 9:30 as he has a video conference at 8am tomorrow (the joys of working for a startup that has an office in a vastly different time zone!). I get a few more drinks ($30 on my individual acc) and stroll home around 12:30 (I retire my health kween crown and get chips on the way home - $5 again on my own card). I’m snuggled up in bed with A by 1am.
TOTAL: $122
Day two - Saturday
8:30am - I’m woken up by A getting home from the office. His video call was cancelled at 7:59 when he was ready and waiting at the office! I commiserate with him and then he heads to the gym to make the most of the situation. I have no such ambitions for productivity and go back to sleep.
11:00am - A new bar is opening in our neighbourhood and we’ve been invited in for a first look and some drinks. The perfect hair of the dog! We manage 4 rounds of drinks while the free booze is flowing and leave feeling very merry.
1:30pm - We head on to our favourite brunch place and keep the party going with mimosas. C suggests we start with nachos for the table and we all hail him as a genius. A gets fried chicken & kimchi waffles and I get a panko cauliflower burger. It’s an insane amount of food but it’s incredibly delicious, so no complaints here. We get another round of mimosas in for good measure and pay our half of the bill ($93). We decide to stop in to a pub for a drink and a game of pool ($12) but the quantity of drinks so early in the day hits us and we don’t stay for long.
4:15pm - On our way home we pick up some whiskey, beers, chips & dip ($97) and head back for a quick disco nap.
6:00pm - A few of our friends have arrived so A wakes me from my slumber and makes everyone a whiskey & ginger beer. Some of the guys haven’t been to our place since we moved and I find it really amusing that they’re complimenting our decor - it was the last thing I expected to hear from them! We order a few pizzas to prepare for the night ahead and send G our share ($20).
9:00pm - We rally the troops and walk down to a nearby pub where a bunch of our friends are. We have a few drinks and a bit of a dance while catching up with some friends we haven’t seen since before the holidays ($30)
11:00 - We head home FULL of drink and not able to handle another drop. Asleep by midnight.
TOTAL: $252
Day 3 - Sunday
9:30am - We get up and say goodbye to G & C. We feel pretty emotional afterwards because it feels like the end of an era. They stayed with us for their first month in Melbourne two years ago so it felt really “full circle” for them to stay with us for their last month too. We start to contemplate if it might be time for our next adventure soon too...
11:00am - I’m starting a 90-day fitness program tomorrow so need to go shopping and do some meal prep. I always find the first shop so expensive because you’re buying random things like chickpea flour and flaxseed meal. A and I head to the market to get veggies and eggs ($44.80), then on to Aldi to get the things we couldn’t find at the market ($57.78). While walking around we split a mini quiche, cauliflower pie and baklava because honestly there’s just too much delicious food to resist ($12.40)! We swing by A’s office to pick up our Who Gives A Crap delivery on the way home.
2:00pm - Watch some tv and try to find the will to start some of the meal prep I need to do. I eventually start, but all I really make is the breakfast granola as I know I’m having a catered lunch at work tomorrow.
8:00pm - Run down to Coles and grab some fancy bread, marinated goats cheese, pizza, ravioli and tomato sauce to make ourselves an Italian feast ($30). We had intended to go out for dinner tonight (hence why I didn’t buy dinner stuff earlier at the market) but decided a night in watching Sex Ed and drinking red wine sounded better.
9:00pm - Talk to my mum on the phone and get excited for her upcoming visit. It’s her first time visiting Australia so we have ambitious plans for all the things we’ll see and do. I’ve taken on a contract at a festival the week before she gets here which should net me around $1,000 which I’ll use to treat her while she’s here - hopefully that will cover a good few day trips and nice dinners!
10:00pm - In bed early after an alcohol-fuelled weekend
TOTAL: $144.58
Day 4 - Monday
6:30am - Up and at ‘em. I jump in the shower, do my skincare routine and put a quick slick of mascara and brow gel on. I get my breakfast ready to take to work and hop in the car.
8:00am - Arrive in work and have the normal Monday morning banter about the weekend not being long enough etc. etc. I text with my friend who’s just finished her final night shift - she’s about to move into an exciting new role with dreamy hours and is on a high.
11:00am - I get a text from A to say he’s looked at our health insurance policy and realised that it advises we get separate cover for emergency ambulance transport - which we’ve had for the past 2 years before we got full health insurance. We’re still trying to figure out what the insurance DOES cover as it seems to have a lot of exemptions...A organises it because he’s a life admin legend ($96.70)
1:00pm - A new colleague has started in our team so we have a welcome lunch for her and it’s catered. She seems lovely and I think she’ll be a great addition to the workplace!
3:00pm - A few people at work are talking about BlazeAid - an organisation I’ve never heard of that helps communities rebuild fences after bushfires, floods and drought. I get really excited because it’s the exact thing I’ve been looking for! I text A and a few friends to organise for everyone to go to a camp and help next weekend.
4:00pm - Hop in the car and head home. Just as I leave, the skies open and it absolutely tips it down. I get in the door and get ready for the gym. As I’m walking to the kitchen to fill my water bottle, I notice the small lake that has formed in the hallway. It appears we have a leak! I call my landlord and enjoy one of the few moments I’m glad to not own my place.
5:30pm - I brave the storm to get a workout in and feel very #newyearnewme
6:30pm - Home from the gym and looking like a drowned rat. I have a shower and A and I make homemade falafel for dinner. I swear these fitness & meal programs just make you spend so much time cooking food so you don’t have time to drink or eat things that are off-plan! We watch more Sex Ed while eating dinner.
10:00pm - Absolutely wiped out, so it’s an early night with a bit of reading (Cork Dork) and lights out by 10:30pm
TOTAL: $96.70
Day 5 - Tuesday
6:30am - A was planning on going to the gym at 6 so he’s snoozed 6 alarms by the time mine goes off, meaning I feel well and truly ready to wake up, which makes a nice change. Get in the shower, do skincare and get dressed, then toddle off to the kitchen to quickly put my breakfast and lunch together. It takes much longer than I anticipated and I make a mental note to stop leaving this task for the morning! Even though I leave 5 minutes later than usual, I’m still in work by 8:02.
9:20am - Our landlord calls and says there’s a plummer 5 minutes from our apartment who can come and look at the leak. I think he’s been retired for too long because he’s pretty surprised that we can’t get there so quickly with no notice. Ah to be retired! I call A to see if he can make the 15 minute cycle down but he’s got back-to-back meetings so I bite the bullet and drive home. At least the traffic has subsided so it’s only 35 minutes each way.
11:00am - I get back to the office and am starving, so inhale my breakfast and get into my meetings.
2:00pm - My last meeting ran over so I’m eating lunch during this casual meeting with a colleague because otherwise the hanger will become too distracting. Rocket, lentils, red pepper, cherry tomatoes and halloumi salad - so good!
4:30pm - I stay a little later because of my plummer call-out, but not too late because I didn’t take a lunch break. On the way home I notice I’m running on fumes and stop for petrol ($30).
5:45pm - Get home, put my gym gear on and head right back out the door before I can come up with any excuses.
6:15pm - A calls me while I’m at the gym and asks if I need anything from the shops. I ask him to pick me up nail polish remover and cotton wool because my nails are so chipped it’s an actual disgrace ($7.48)
6:30pm - Feeling very grateful that I made double falafel last night so I can just heat and eat. It’s the first nice evening in a while so A and I decide to go for a walk along the beach and watch the sunset. On our walk we talk about our plans to go the Australian Open with H & T on Saturday and decide to go camping on Sunday & Monday for Australia Day. I haven’t been camping since before Christmas and can’t wait to get back out in nature!
9:00pm - Home and try watching a new tv show a colleague recommended (Game Face). Not too sure about it...asleep by 10:30pm
TOTAL: $37.48
Day 6 - Wednesday
6:30am - Normal morning routine. Pat myself on the back for packing my breakfast and lunch last night so I’m out the door on time and in work before 8am.
8:30am - My youngest brother, who’s living in Barcelona, is moving to a new apartment and needs help with the security bond. I transfer him 600EUR but I know I’ll get it back - he’s usually pretty good with money but our 4 week trip to SE Asia wiped his funds a bit!
10:00am - Breakfast of yakult, homemade granola and yoghurt that I brought from home. At 12:30 I have the same lunch as yesterday and leave at 4:00 again. This week has been groundhog day-esque.
6:30pm - On my way back from the gym I realise we need more rocket and I also get vege crisps because I can never say no to them ($6.80)
6:45pm - Get home and start making butternut squash risotto which takes me way longer than I thought it would. Eat it while watching Season 9 of Shameless (didn’t realise it had come out!) with A. I know my Mon-Wed has been boring and repetitive but my god I needed this after 3 months straight of either travelling or having friends stay with us. Little bit of reading Cork Dorks before bed and asleep by 11:00pm.
TOTAL: $6.80
Day 7 - Thursday
7:30pm - I’m working from a different office today so I can take the tram and start at 9 instead of 8. I love love love working from this office! I get up, shower and get ready and head down to the tram stop.
8:15am - I missed the tram I wanted by about 30 seconds and the next one is 10 minutes away. I decide to experiment by taking a combination of two other trams. The experiment was unsuccessful and I arrive at work at 9:04. (Used my Myki which had money on it)
10:00am - Usual breakfast of yakult, granola and yoghurt.
12:30pm - Have lunch of an avocado, charred corn and rocket salad. I often give in to the temptation of getting lunch out when I’m at this office (it has way better options than my usual office!) so I have to make sure the lunch I bring from home is filling and delicious so I’m actually excited to eat it. I head out to an external meeting which goes really well and could lead to some really exciting things if it all eventuates!
5:10pm - I leave the office and head down to the arts precinct. Chicago is on at the Arts Centre and I’m hoping to score some $30 tickets through the tixatsix program and then grab some cheap early bird deal.
6:25pm - I’m 5 people from the front when they shout they’ve sold out of discounted Chicago tickets. Dammmmmm I really regret my lackadaisical stroll over here because I definitely could have gotten here in time to be further up the queue. Oh well, I’ve only wasted an hour of my life and I’ve learned for next time to be here earlier! A arrived just in time to hear the disappointing news so we go back-and-forth on where to go next and decide to just head back towards ours.
7:00pm - On our way home I check the EatClub app and see that our favourite pizza place is 20% off so we dip in for a pizza each, a wine for me and a beer for A ($42.45)
8:30pm - Get home and watch some Impractical Jokers because it's always good for a laugh. I decide to start booking some things for my mums visit as it’s pretty soon. I book us an Airbnb on the Great Ocean Road ($312.89) and three tickets on a wine tour in the Yarra Valley ($390). That’s a good chunk of my $1,000 gone already! But now I’m getting really excited about doing all this fun stuff with her! I finish the day with a bit of reading in bed and am asleep by 10:00.
TOTAL: $745.34
At the end of each day please tally up your daily expenses. Then at the end of your diary please tally up all expenses in the following categories:
Food + Drink = $548.23
Fun / Entertainment = $702.89
Home + Health = $96.70
Clothes + Beauty = $7.48
Transport = $30
Total = $1,404.90
(Excluding the prepayments for things during my mums visit, this was $35 on my individual account and $333.50 for my half of our joint spending = $368.50 for my part of spending on things for this actual week)
Our weekends tend to be pretty Jekyll and Hyde where one weekend (like this one) we go out tonnes, drinks heaps and spend a lot of money and then the next we’ll head out camping, hiking and eating picnics and spend almost no money. This just happened to be a very exy weekend! And we’ll usually try pull it back during the week - both in terms of spending and healthiness. It’s only in the last year that we’ve really got a handle on our finances and I’m happy enough with where we are and excited about what we’ll achieve this year! I’m also happy I was able to take on a side contract to be able to treat my mum a bit and not dip into our other savings and send everything out of whack. We used all our savings to move to Australia and our salaries in the first year were half what they are now, so it’s been a real journey money-wise over the last 3 years. I’m babbling now sorry!
submitted by hihelloformyMD to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

I found a Grassy Corruption Agency

Dankity doo Grassy/@comment-36057984-20191201174757/@comment-40165208-20191202163152 got corrupted by Grassy (Not G. U. 2020) cuz he is senpai!~♥ And hekilled Naily." Dis userpage/article is conquered by Grassy, along with Wacky Workbench, UmbraSnivy, whose ego will ensure this will stay near the top, because youtube is where the poop is, All character userboxes, Vsauce, Palm Tree Panic Will Venable busting a move on top of the dougout with Mr. Met, the letters Q, A, K, H, P, and Y, Work That Sucker To Death by Xavier (ft. George Clinton and Bootsy Collins), George W. Bush, Jeb Bush, Crazy Hand, Ampullae of Lorenzini, my sword, my bow, and my axe, The Onion, Gregorio's Tightie Whities Company, Flipnote Hatena, The 1997 World Series, Jet fuel, someone who should have been the one to fill your dark soul with LIGH-GHT! That one annoying Mets fan who interfered with a live ball and gloated by waving his mitt at David Dahl, ʎɥdʎlƃnɹəɔ Cameradancer100 singing "Hit me baby one more time," George Carlin saves President Obama from bad Indie Music, Lazytown, Mother 3, Quadrupedal Dolphins, The Miami Dolphins, Miami Heat, Miami Marlins, University of Miami's Basketball Team, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Space Jam, Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80's, Samsung, Six Flags, Laffy Taffys, Donald Trump, Italian people who live in Japan and have the last name Baldelli, the italian knock off of baldis basics called baldellis basics, the real Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning, Supreme, LemonMouthTheCat, Flamer, "Don't You Evah" by Spoon, Carlos Guevara's Tweets that say "It's a good night" 90 percent of the time, the rest of Carlos Guevara's Tweets including the one where he got really really really mad because his food at Chili's was too cold or something (he even put a picture of his food with a caption saying "this angers me every time"), a runabout (She stole it! NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!) Toontown Online, ShamWow, Derpyunikitty, All of MrFlamerBoy's OCs, Ruhmoat, Tubbybloxian the robloxian teletubby, Reater the Cheater, Bomby, Tim Lincecum's hair, Taylor Swift's hit single "Delicate", Houses, Tanline666 and his blog post announcing he is unblocked, asdfmovie, pineapples, Thunderstruck by ACDC Other Real Estates, The creator Takeo Ischi singing about chickens, Geno, People who release boring songs as their debut singles, Hypseleotris compressa, That spider you killed back when you were 8, A fruit fly corpse, Mr. Moseby's lobby, Flying Battery Zone, softwaregore, Paul Blart Mall Cop 2, Steel beams, laser beams, pretty much every other kind of beam there is, "Counting Stars" by OneRepublic, Katajrocker, Dehumidifiers, XXXTentacion's Death P.A.C.T, Tzipi Shavit, Yogurtslavia, Hiccory, Benny No, Cavendish Bananas, LeAlgae, octahedrons, Crash Twinsanity, F-Zero, Io, SpongeBob SquarePants (The Show), people who put anything before Wacky Workbench, Coiny, your pests, Super Smash Bros Brawl, Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, An electric guitar made out of acryllic and is filled with liquid and glitter to make a cool snow globe, two Number 9's, a Number 9 Large, a Number 6 with extra Dip, a Number 7, Two Number 45's, one with Cheese, and a large Soda. squid eyeballs, Eraser, Svalbard, Nickelodeon, Game Shakers, Oshawott, Snivy (And Tepig) SNSD Gee, An Oxi Clean Container autographed by Billy Mays, My absence from this wiki, Vsauce, Nappa, The UK, KarateMario4Life, the Illuminati, Windows 10 Shop, The Battlecats, All of the squirrels in the universe, the color Amaranth, Warioware Gold, people who follow every page they edit, Mario Kart Wii, Bothus the flounder, Joanna Newsom, SammyNWIKI (and all sockpuppets thereof), a heckin y e l l o w house, Asian Carps, 8-Ball's Fumes, Some Firey hater or something, USERNAME Template, Selene vomer, Fartnut Bottle Royalty, The muffin that wants to die die die, Spicy Af Roblox Memes, The Impractical Jokers, the people who are waiting for BFB 13, People who believe that this might be offensive and want it deleted but are actually good people that mean well but please listen to me we just want to make a funny joke and we aren't trying to be offensive, Fake Smash ultimate Leaks, 4 dozen eggs, A crazy Asian guy by the name of Kenji Johjima who is on the loose trying to steal mashed potatoes from your local Popeye's, Foxtrot comics, Chiaotzu's death scene, The now closed trollpasta wiki,Roblox Creepypasta, scrampled egg, phyllo dough, Greg Heffley's nickname "Bubby", Picross 3d Round 2, Tide pods, The Safety Dance by Men Without Hats, the ugliest myna bird in existence, PediaSure, Super Mario Odyssey, Gay People, Puzzle Body: Beware! Invading bigs! Yag People, The Elite Beat Gaents sequel that has yet to release, various kinds of loach (including but not limited to Pangio incognito, Nemacheilus selangoricus, and Chromobotia macracanthus), The numbers 47, 99, 519, 24, 963, 8, 69, 658, and 82, Nokia, Rude Buster, ₯, その言語のエスペラント, Some really dumb joke, Yuri's death scene, Three Nights At Harry's, Sony Pictures, SMG4, doggo's of all sizes, ppl who write him/her instead of them, Autism, Swordfish antlers, The people that have made Despacito a meme, The fact that i barely protect the meme from straying too far from my vision, The Disrespectoids, "You Say Run" from My Hero Acadamia, badly coded Minecraft mods, Pen Island (no spaces all caps), the Cat-Bear-Burger, Schaffrilas Productions, this mailbox, this triagonal sign, Fries’ fries, whatever the heck is on top of Bell’s string, Despacito, Despacito 2, Despacito (Justin Bieber remix), Despacito (Mini Pop Kids version), Johnny Johnny, Baconator, Son of Baconator, Baconator Fries, Crocs, Princess Stapy, Become Woody from Roblox, Leafy, Evil Leafy, Metal Leafy, FOOTBALL, people who use the 😂 emoji unironically, Macarons, Emplemon, Macaroons, Macaroni, Pirates of the carribean 5 dead men tell no tales, kazoos, that song that goes "bee-boo-boo-bop, boo-boo-beep”, blue houses, blue windows, blue corvettes, 10 million fireflies, Picross 3D, the word “bland”, that old time rock and roll, fake news, real news, fortnite dances, flan fans, non-slip shoes so ha, The Powerpuff Girls Movie, Activison, Skylanders, Tambourines, Pokemon Crystal, Club Penguin Rewritten, yay, Nickelback, the Orion Nebula, Vyond, the leg of the table you banged your toe on 5 days ago, Mistaphone, That one flavor of chip that nobody likes and is always left in the industrial-size bag, softwaregore videos, The Cheez-it off brands you saw at the grocery store once, Beep (the word, not the team), Sonic Advance 2, Foldy, Africa by Toto, Detective Pikachu, the person who invented the Fidget Spinner (Catherine Hettinger), congle, the Pancreas, t h e b a t h , Tomodachi Collection (the Japan exclusive), Get to the top in 500 steps, Get to the top although there is no top, Cloudy Eggs, a blob fish, jokes about various flatfish, you'er uncle, the thing she owns that you will just forget is there, you're uncle, your uncle, Catworld, people named Claudia, People born on the 22nd of any month, the Yanny or Laurel debate, 11/1/18, The slowing of editing on this template, Kleenex, Atheism, that one meme (ya'll know the one i'm talking bout ;), Flappy Bird, The Angry Birds Movie, Eggy, overly complicated descriptions of simple everyday objects, Really long lists, Fanny, Oganesson,Tomodachi Life, Any shade of Green, SAW 3D, this, all dead and/or overused memes (including but not limited to Darude - Sandstorm, Despacito, Knuckles The Echidna, Spaghet, Protegent Antivirus Scam Thing, Nano's key, Evil Patrick, Patrick Corbin, the word "pizzaz", Hide The Pain Harold, that weird dancing hot dog, Fireflies by Owl City, All Star by Smash Mouth, and Fidget Spinners, Non-Slip Shoes So Ha!, Fries, French Fries, those waffle shaped fries from chick fil a, those paper wristbands you get at festivals that you can’t take off without using scissors, jacksfilms’ forehead, katajrocker's forehead, Love Handel, VY Canis Majoris and UY Scuti, particle man, triangle man, universe man, Goku's muffin button, Four, person man, the board game Not Canon-dy Land, anything that Fanny hates, that offbrand coca-cola you buy solely because it’s cheap, FNAF 3, the 2015 film “Cool Cat Saves the Kids,” Adventure time being cancelled, The Nations of the World (brought to you by Yakko Warner), the word “snazzy,” b-swag's "crazy eyes" he made at you when he saw you playing with mighty beanz in the middle of class, people who disrupt the order of the meme which is bad, Deltarune Battle Theme, the “i don’t like sand” scene from attack of the clones, YEET, Taco Bell (the restaurant chain), Taco Bell (the ship/pairing consisting of two characters from Battle for BFDI, Taco and Bell), the girly song from that target commercial which is also used as joc pederson's walkup song, candy canes, Smeargle, Rocky, The great BBIEAL Wiki Vandalism war, The Counterfeit Catworld Caper, A soft chair that looks like it has Knuckles the Echidna on it, Sherk, Mad Catz, Life After People, Tin Cans, Bracelety's signs, Osmosis Jones,Some Idiot, Free Vandalism Wiki, Tree, TWOW, a fake guy, the 4th dimension, Animorphs, Emuparadise, Loom Bracelet Kits, The Flat Earth Society, Moon Truthers, the following emoji: 🅱️,🤔, and 👏, Pink Gold Peach, the Oxford Comma (meaning the highly variable quotation mark), Oxford Comma (meaning the Vampire Weekend song), ¶, Team Ice Cube!, Rock Lobster by B-52's, JUST MONIKA, dummie Cool for Cats by Squeeze, BuzzFeed, נמר הכסף, The Klasky Csupo Robot, the statement of "I hate myself", The Leg-Powered Recovery Center, Bubsy, GameCube, The Spongebob Episode "The Paper", flan, verbose, lungfish, Nailey, Tack, Florence + The Machine, Sarcastic Bro, The person that made this joke (Lemonmouththecat), his joke Sonic OC ALEXX THE EHCINDA, Lady and the Tramp, Sweden, North Korea memes, Homestar Runner, TV Tropes, Bandicam, Bunkbeds, Gorillaz (both the band and the album), Ol' Reliable, Cloudchaser, The Story of PrettySilverFlower, The story about a little guy that lives in a blue world and all day and all night and everything he sees is just blue like him inside and outside, Abandonment, me, Jakks-Pacific Spongebob Plug-N-Play from 2003, Never Gonna Give You Up, the Patapon series, that blue balloon, the 21st night of september, The Boulevard of Broken Dreams (wherever that is), yesn’t, that one scene from bfb 6 where tb and gb are staring at each other while rapidly moving their eyebrows up and down, Ggggkkyfjugjjoigtt, the rains down in Africa, any bad joke that has to do with Eraser farting on 8-Ball, all the memes that have been popular on the Internet, that fourth Chaos emerald, NORMIES, Funky Kong, FЯED, Book eating Doritos, The song "and the day goes on" by Bill Wurtz, ВИD of Doom, FCO, the entire universe as we know it, Alemagno12, you're mom gayest lmao, 👌😂💯, NEW FUNKY MODE, the 2016 republican debate, your mom, The bad clones of this meme including MARKER OWNS YOU, bat and all of her ocs, the Disney movie "Mars Needs Moms", NailyLovesYou, bomby not finishing his banana, everything THICC, Yuli Gurriel's "Asian Eyes", Guile, bow, BTS, Monsta X, BFDI The Show, Micheal's bleached hair, Adam Lind's bleached hair, repetition, repetition, The Netflix Original "True And The Rainbow Kingdom", The time when Free Vandalism Wiki was shut down, MrFlamerBoy's demotion, Mr Perfect Cell, Kalen Spagatini didn't get his up to bat, a bronze exclamation mark sideways 90° that's rainbow and has spots where the spots invert the rainbow and has a left square bracket on it, ur own squad fam, Hopsin, FUNK VOLUME, Undercover Prodigy, Ill Mind Of Hopsin 8, Hopsin's hit "Sag my Pants", Charmx's intro song "Hey Mami", The Vamparina theme song, cockatiels, benny worm, dame tu cosita, baka-chan, buffsuki, trollface, being globally blocked, a red blanket, Hong Kong 97, poopy mayonnaise, noo noo from teletubbies, [[User:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]] ([[User talk:{{{1}}}|talk]] · [[Special:Contributions/{{{1}}}|contribs]]), natsuki, Hatsune miku, red glasses, BoCo the Diesel Engine, Mike wazowski, meowstic, Kittenwolfie's edgy furry oc, Super Saiyan soup, ramen noodles, woosh, BRIGHT SIDE, youareanidiot.com, Cloudy eggs, Mad Mew Mew, Annoying orange, Spoilers, 4our, Any form of parrot, The mandela effect, Numberjacks, Cubeez, Whenever cary swears, The Episode of Annoying Orange: "Incognito Burrito", Ali-A, a banana next to a banana, eggs with legs, GMO, My singing monsters and all its monsters, mushroom soup, Somebody toucha my Spaghet, dropping by Squidward's house, World of Light memes, Linus the Lionhearted, The TATRK episode Zappy Cling, Daniel Lenz's Hit "Groovin' Now" which he stupidly sold to 2K Sports (bad move Daniel!), Dumb Subliminal Transformation videos, YTP, Bleh, ToonMarty, Prism Entertainment, Digiview Entertainment, Doritos, Mountain Dew, Pepsi, NOT Coke, High-Fructose Corn Syrup, Sugar, Kool-Aid, Tart Like Cherries, Sweet Like Chocolate, the Mr. Bean game for the PS2, Jayfeather's stick, Elf on the shelf, BFDIA 6, Cristali, Some edgy furry, Roblox memes, Vaporwave, Everyone who is pangender, Tumblr, Limp bizkit, Joshua and the promised land, Exactly 36 tumblr genders, that one kid who inhaled a peanut, Shiny cowards, Man eating food, The return of applesmack, Daisy Cruiser, Where's the chapstick 4am freestyle, Ratboygenius, Cyriak, Google deep dream, indian tech support scammers, Ralsei, People who still say "Swag", Biggie Smalls and Tupac, Everybody Loves Raymond, Starkit's prophcy, Poopsy the killer, SCP-999, santa.exe bloodfinger, Exploding human J, Jason vorhees, Dnd starter sets, Thornclaw the patrol guy, HeyHowdyHey05, FurAffinity, People who post aesthetic stuff too much, Rhyme city, Fiddy cents, Fluffy rabbits who look like cloudy, Unironic TikToks, Putting cold spoons on your eyes to make them look bigger, Wikihow, EvanTubeHD, The cinnamon challenge, People who say "Styoobid", THIS USER HAAAATTEES NICKEL AND WANTS TO KICK HIM IN HIS OOBILY GOOBILY WEEZER BEEZERS UNTIL HE'S HOLY-ROLY-POLY GUACOMOLE DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!, The words "Freestyle, Goofy," and "Teapot", Boops, Dutch angel dragons, Everything deltarune jevil owns, that fact this account exists, Kids who sign up for neopets in 2019, Blue budgies and blue budgies only, Sonichu, thathappened, Fake van gogh paintings, Hobbykids TV, The cat from edukayfun's "Ding dong bell", People who think LOL means "Lots of love", Logitech speakers, Bootleg Gucci clothing with peppa pig on it, Quality meats, Four but in the body of dovewing from warrior cats, Pikachu mains (not pichu), That one botched art resoration, The My little pony episode "Lesson Zero", OwnagePranks, Somalia, Blixemi's "What they can't see", People who put "Xx" In their names inironically, The few people who still play bin weevils, That one instagram egg, IMVU, People who's names are "Greg Fisher" who are also 67 year old blueberry farmers with pet wombats, Chipotle, oldpeoplefacebook, People who stick voice control signs on a microwave, FGteev, T-series, Supreme, Watermelon Steven, That one image of the two legged cat with no ears, Billystorm, Skyclan's Names, Starclan, FANBOYS/FANGIRLS!!!!, Rocky & Bullwinkle, Chester Cheetah: Too Cool To Fool, Tec Toy, LJN, Felix the Cat, True: Happy Hearts Day, BEST GIRL TSUYU, Tenya Iida, Tony Tony Chopper and his depressing backstory, Monkey D. Luffy and the other strawhats, all 1000 or so One Piece episodes, Dendy, Russian Genesis Bootlegs, Cool Spot, Ramu Enterprises, Speedy Gonzales, Mr. Nutz, Awesome Possum, Tricky Quiky Games: Die Suche nach den verschollenen Seiten II, Spot Goes to Hollywood, people hating Scratch 3.0, Ow the Edge, Art Alive, Woody Woodpecker, McKids (NES) Game & Watch, Eriru, GrassFire shippers and Rouxls Kaard(+pretty much everything) LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL XD ROFLMFAOMGAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH IM LITERALLY DYING RIGHT NOW HAHAHAHAHAHLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOXDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD pfffffft HAHAHAHAHAHHXDDDLLOLOLOLOL W H O D I D T H I S boi aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaa aaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa the naily cant be sotped aa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof but seriously this meme has been in danger please protect it Spread The Word! what has this gone into... Anyway, where were we? Oh yeah, Naily also owns some meme thing IDK, a copy of the Bee Movie and won't let you watch it because it's hers, Sophie, another Sophie and another Sophie. WATCHTHE VIDEO VERSION HERE!!!!!11!!!!ONE!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcHL42j_2X81 User:LavenderSyrup User:KokomiKitten and User:PeriwinklePopcakeCat are silly girls , This is Fairy Godmother,Also who tf would dislike this m2asterpiece, oh yeah now I remember who it was it was that (censor) good for nothing (censor43) (censor)taaru. What. The Flip. hi hello hello marker owns you is a ripoff and sho7uld die itself her father isd deltarune jevil who owns the sun as well as fortnut an her siblings are starkit, ObjectMaster, Tree, subscribe to ceru ;glyphy on youtube, 🅰️, 🅱️, ©️, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, BFDI, BFDIA, IDFB, BFB, Inanimate Insanity, Inanimate Insanity II, BOTO, Object Lockdown, NOT GMO, An idiot, A creative boi,caillou grounded party, Shrek singing despacito, Club penguin KISHKA DETON, Moqo, hi, Moto Moto, Stephen from DanPlan, Star Zone, Eddsworld stinksKISHKA DETON, KISHKA DETON, APARRI and finally (For the love of Naily keep this at the bottom) The Naily Estate Building. The pride and joy of all of nailkind. Wow, that's a lot of stuff, ain't it? That's why Naily needs this template as a list, you hacks wait never mind I’m the hack I’m so stupid!
SUB TO PEWDIEPIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
submitted by Chilln0 to BattleForDreamIsland [link] [comments]

Analysis of Cancelled WWE Network Originals

As someone who has had the WWE network since its inception, I’ve noticed, as I’m sure most others have, that the turnover rate for WWE original programming is very high. Of the 26 new content, original programs created in the past 3 years for the Network, only 9 are considered current or not cancelled. I went through each of the higher profile shows to see if there was any common theme in why some of our favorite shows are cancelled.
Talking Smack- Let’s begin with the fresh one, Talking Smack. WWE issued an official statement regarding its cancellation, which is rare for when an original show isn’t renewed or cancelled. The statement alluded to multiple factors, including ratings. However, per WON, as of April 1st, 2017, Talking Smack was the 2nd most watched show on the Network, behind NXT Weekly. The ratings argument doesn’t hold much water. Having listened and read WON, TS has been in the top 5 rated WWE network shows since its inception, up until at least Mania. Verdict: Too early to tell
Legends House- The first original program on the network. Legends House was the most viewed show on the Network during its run during 2014. It garnered mainstream attention for the new WWE Network via positive feedback from social media and other platforms. Legends House was filmed before the Network’s inception. After it became a huge hit, season 2 was planned to be filmed in October 2014 in Florida. However, WWE’s stock plummeted in Mid 2014 and the company started making budget cuts. The choice was made to spend the money on a new season of Tough Enough instead of producing another Legends House
Verdict: Budget cutting measure, despite it being very popular. An odd move, considering the Network was in its inception, and they were desperately trying to keep fans from cancelling their free subscription. Instead, WWE went on to waste money in a new TE season that was a commercial and critical failure.
Legends with JBL: Critically popular show where JBL sits down to interview various retired wrestlers. Randomly cancelled after first season with no reason given. Verdict: This was a surprising cancellation, as it was a critically acclaimed, cheaply produced show. Verdict is out on this
Holy Foley: Critically panned fake reality show with Mick, Noelle and her fucking idiot clown boyfriend. However, it was also somehow the top rated original programming when it first aired after Summerslam 2016. Its first week of airing, it was streamed MORE than Summerslam, which some attribute to SS16’s run time. Per an interview with Mick with Lillian Garcia, the show cost too much to make. Verdict: Cost
Countdown/The List: 2 things wrestling fans love: 1) waiting in lines and 2) lists. Countdown was a ranking show in the vein of “best finisher ever!” It was then cancelled and replaced with, basically, the exact same show with a different name an Q from Impractical Jokers. Verdict: Quietly died without an explanation. Popular, and cheaply produced.
Stone Cold Podcast: Per WON, this show was scrapped after the Dean Ambrose interview. There hasn’t been a new episode in a year. Probably the best thing put out on the network other than NXT, it was the most buzzworthy show since its inception in 2014, and was also its most popular. Verdict: Most likely cancelled due to Vince not being able to control Austin’s content
There isn’t a real trend with the programming cancellation that can be easily pinpointed. Many of the shows that were cancelled were highly rated, including Talking Smack. This is especially odd, since WWE still gives away a significant amount of free memberships to the network, and network retention has been its priority since April 2014.
submitted by DrGeraldBaskums to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

My opinion on the pod

While TESD has definitely gone downhill, it's not bad. I think the last really funny episode was 400 with Makin Hay 3.
Has TESD sold out with the Patreon and ads? Maybe, but they kind of have to since Comic Book Men ended.
I do wish the Patreon stuff was more entertaining and less forced at times, which is why I canceled it recently (like the scripted Father Flanagan or their attempt at doing MST3K). The patreon felt kind of haphazard at times, and I would have rathered 3 consistent pod episodes every two weeks than 10 spread across the whole month. I felt they were doing too many test pilots that didn't really go anywhere. Although the first episode of Q and Walt's comic show was promising.
I will say Q has kept it real thoughout the whole thing, and is still as entertaining as the old episodes. He remains a bright spot on the pod, and while there is a lack of TESD games, he keeps the episodes engaging by bringing up topics or current events. He's also the most relateable I think, and where TESD might have gone gone downhill, Impractical Jokers is still as hilarious as ever.
submitted by Jameskirk10 to tesdcares [link] [comments]

If you didn't know, Tom Scharpling, voice of Greg, hosts a radio show/podcast called The Best Show! I thought I'd post a guide for people who want to check out the show!

So I'm a pretty big Best Show fan. I actually discovered it because of Steven Universe! I wanted to see what else the guy had voiced Greg had done, and while there weren't a lot of voice acting roles, there was this huge body of work on the radio! It was my first podcast, and the one that got me into other ones. The Best Show will always hold a special place in my heart! (By the way, Rebecca Sugar has said that The Best Show is why she offered the part of Greg to Tom!)
A lot of times when I recommend it, people say that they'd like to get into the show, but aren't sure where to start. And I get it! It's a 3 hour weekly show, with over 16 years of archives! So if you're looking for some clips or episodes to get you started, I'd like to help.
One of the reasons I love the show is because The Best Show has a much different tone compared to a lot of other comedy podcasts. It's not 2 standups talking about how they got started or what their process is, and it's not 4 dudes sitting around shooting the shit. (Not that those are necessarily bad! I just think they've been overdone.) For most of its lifespan, it was a call-in radio show on the legendary free-form station WFMU, and the only real difference now is that it's not actually on the airwaves, and only plays live online. But just about every week, Tom's comedy partner Jon Wurster calls in to perform a 20-40 minute pre-written sketch framed as an actual call, typically as a citizen of the fictional, Springfield-esque town of Newbridge, NJ.
In a way, the show is almost 2 shows in 1: the call in segment with Wurster, and the rest of the show. These calls usually start slow and conversationally, but tie together hilariously at the end, where Wurster tends to become unhinged, sometimes signing off with an over the top death threat. There's quite a few running gags and references, but for the most part, Tom & Jon do a good job of letting the calls stand on their own even if it's the first time you've heard one.
First, some clips. These range from relatively recent to closer to when the show began.
-Rot, Rock, and Rule The very first Wurster call! Jon calls in as Ronald Thomas Clontle, the author of a coffee table book known as 'The Ultimate Argument Settler', with definitive (and completely arbitrary) answers as to whether or not a band Rots, Rocks, or Rules. Tom basically plays pure straight man in this one, while actual callers are the ones getting upset and questioning his reasoning. I love this call because up until this point, the show had been purely music with some call-in aspects, and zero comedy. No one but Tom and Jon had any idea what was happening.
-Tom breaks down Billy Crystal's Comic Relief set A solo Tom goes line by line through Billy Crystal's borderline racist stand-up set for a charity in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. If you've ever wondered why Tom calls a toilet a 'turlet', prepare to be informed!
-H Jon Benjamin calls in as a Smirnoff Ice Rep One of a few non-Wurster calls. H Jon Benjamin is a Smirnoff Ice rep trying to get Tom to enjoy Smirnoff Ice. A little longer but I quite enjoy this one.
-Tom talks with Kevin Corrrigan This is less of a comedy clip and more of a conversation. I thought it was great though, and it really encapsulates why I love The Best Show so much, it just has so much variety! Tom and Kevin gelled really well it seemed.
-Tom's brother Ron calls in Jon calls in as Tom's brother Ron. They've done quite a few calls from Jon pretending to be people in Tom's family, and they're always great. I love it because Ron just gets weirder with every call. Patton Oswalt and Lisa Jane Persky are also in this one too!
-Philly Boy Roy!!! Philly Boy Roy is one of the longest running Wurster characters, and definitely a fan-favorite. He's loud, abrasive, unabashedly Philadelphian, and hilarious. Honestly, I just picked a clip with him in it that I happened to like, but he's got so many calls that it is really hard to choose.
-Tom and Paul F. Tompkins discuss the Gathering of the Juggalos One of the most popular clips. Tom is pretty good about not breaking or laughing when he does his bits, but hearing both him and Paul break down laughing while doing a Teaser Freezer on a Gathering of the Juggalos commercial is downright cathartic.
-Dueling Woody Allens This is the most recent clip. At the end of a really great episode with Julie Klausner, Tom is about to end the show, but ends up in a 15 tangent with Julie where they riff on what Woody Allen's next movie might be. This video was compiled by the fantastic R. Reynolds, who is an amazing source of Best Show clips!
So that's just a few clips, and if you're looking for some more, you should check out the Best Show Bests, which are released weekly. They help get the show into something that's probably a little easier to listen to that a 3 hour show. But they're no substitute for the real thing, so let's get into it! Here's some episodes I enjoy very much.
-JULIE KLAUSNER! HAYES DAVENPORT! DICK NORTON! Julie Klausner of Difficult People and Hayes Davenport of Hollywood Handbook are in studio, and it's great. They are probably the two guests with the best chemistry with Tom. Top-notch Wurster call, and the Brad Garrett impression and Impractical Jokers discussion is golden!
-PAUL SCHEER AND ROB HUEBEL! MIKEY FROM SOUTH WEST NEWBRIDGE! NEW DOCTOR WHO! Paul Scheer is a big fan of the show, and has called in/been in studio many times! Rob Huebel is great too; hearing their story about Al Roker hanging them out to dry was amazing.
-MARTIN COURTNEY! GAIL BENNINGTON! THE NEWBRIDGE WALL! This is what I love about the new format. Tom used to do some live music at WFMU, but it's been happening much more since the revival, and it's great. Gail is a fun guest, and Jon calls in as Darren from Work, Tom's coworker who has found a copy of their old CD they recorded as kids. Truly fantastic call.
-TOM CANNOT COMPLAIN! THE VANCE AND GARY SHOW! ANDY BRECKMAN! For the first portion of the show, Tom has pledged to give money to charity if he complains. If you've listened to really ANY other episode of the show, you know why that's such a big deal. Hearing the callers get under his skin was a treat. This episode is probably better if you've already listened to a few, as the things that bother Tom make much more sense with context.
-SWEET SPIRIT SONG DEBUT! REPLACEMENTS STEVE! PAUL SCHEER! ANDY KINDLER! CLARE O’KANE! JAKE FOGELNEST! MUCH MORE! This is one of my favorite new episodes. Tom announced during the day that Replacements member Tommy Stinson would be on the show, but then gets an email about 30 minutes into the show that he canceled. The rest of the show could easily have been a downer, as Tom had been dealing with some personal troubles that this only made worse. Instead, he turns it into radio magic. I particularly like the call where he finds out that Tommy's not going to show, and the fact that the Wurster call ended up being fairly improvised, which is rare.
Although it's not a particular episode, I will suggest checking out episodes from November 2015/2016! Tom does something called Nodudevember, where only people who don't identify as dudes can call in. (excepting Jon, of course.) It's a really cool thing and there's been some great feedback from people who have said how it gave them the courage to call in!
Those are some shows from the new format, but I also wanted to throw up some favorites from the old one. It's off WFMU's archives, and the episodes don't have titles, so I'm just going to put the date and the guests as the title.
-TODD BARRY calls in. Jon calls in as Bruce Springsteen Biographer
-Holiday Party Episode, with JOHN HODGMAN, DAVID REES, and TED LEO. Jon calls in as Darren from Work
-CHRIS ELLIOT and JASON WOLINER in studio. MARC MARON and JIM GAFFIGAN call in. Yet another Darren from work call. Plus, Gary the Squirrel! Gary is Tom's squirrel puppet with an almost unintelligible voice. He's part insult comic part Hollywood wannabe. It sounds so dumb, but I think Gary is one of my favorite segments.
So there you have it! This doesn't come close to everything the show has to offer, and there are PLENTY of 10/10 episodes I haven't covered, but if you're just wanting to check it out, these are some great places to start! If you have any questions, feel free to ask! And if you're looking for more clips or discussions, check out /Newbridge, the Best Show fan subreddit!
submitted by invisobill42 to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

How can we get our shows back?

I'm not sure about you, but I like this show. I'm not sure why people aren't that comfortable with it, there are a few issues, but nothing that should really make people want to not watch it.
Long History of Previous Batman Cartoons
I am a huge fan of Batman. I love the character, although I've recently been reading and discussing the impracticality of the psychology of his origin and his creation of his own villains, but I still love the notion of a masked vigilante, fighting crime, and arguably more important, solving crime.
Since I do enjoy Batman's story and idea, I have watched almost all the animated Batman shows that have aired. (I haven't read a whole lot of the comics unfortunately, but I'd like to consider myself a fairly intelligent fan regardless) BTAS was also one of the greatest Batman shows ever. I don't know if I've meet a single person who can argue that BTAS or TNBA were not some of the most badass cartoons of their time.
Of course after BTAS ended(rather unsatisfactorily, I might add) there was Batman Beyond, still with the amazingly talented Kevin Conroy to voice Bruce Wayne, but with a new Batman entirely. And this too, was another great Batman show that so greatly encapsulated everything we love about the hero. Then there was Justice League, which continued to carry on the escapades of the Caped Crusader.
Then came a Batman show which some of the more hardcore Batman fans/fans of the previous programs I mentoned did not quite agree with: The Batman. First of all, someone else was the voice of Batman, which to some may not seem like a very big deal, but to us, the people who grew up with Kevin Conroy as Batman(literally Batman, Kevin Conroy was not the voice of Batman, he was Batman!) this was a weird shift.
Secondly, the style of the show was different, it didn't seem quite as dark as other shows had. The villains were different from those of the previous cartoons, but a lot of that can be attributed to the different drawing style for The Batman. Despite there being a few flaws in the show, it wasn't really that bad. Batman still kicked ass, there were still dangerous criminals and there was still Gotham City. (And the movie Batman vs. Dracula, although being a bit silly, helped to make up for the lack of darkness in the show)
And now we come to the only animated Batman show I haven't watched: Batman: The Brave and the Bold. When this show aired I had kind of lost touch with animated cartoons at the time, I wasn't super interested in this show or any show for that matter. Of course when I finally got around to looking it up, it looked super cheesy. Absolutely incredible the amount of cheese this show looked like it had, an Adam West Batman except animated.
So, simply because the show didn't look or feel like the dark Batman I had grown accustomed to, I never watched it. Although I have heard that a lot of people like the show because of the obscure villains that have been used, Bat-Mite's breaking of the fourth wall, the portrayal of certain comic book story lines not portrayed in other shows (i.e. Emperor Joker) and so on.
Beware the Batman Discussion
When I first heard of Beware the Batman, I was a little wary of a few things that I'd heard about it
  1. Alfred running around with guns, playing sidekick
  2. Katana actually being the new sidekick(I've always liked Robin, and I especially like Dick Grayson because I love Nightwing and I was hoping that the new Batman show would see some more play from him, but unfortunately that's not the case)
  3. How this new CGI animation would look
Well, I have not been watching the show as it airs, or used to air, on Saturdays, but I have been keeping up online, through various streaming sites. And I have to say, I love this show. It has successfully achieved the darkness that I wanted, definitely more so than BTAS. Katana doesn't seem like that bad of a choice for a sidekick and Alfred(thus far) hasn't being shooting anyone with guns.
In addition to those pros, the voice actor for Bruce Wayne is surprisingly good. He's no Kevin Conroy, but he pulls off a very nice Bruce Wayne and Batman. This show also delivers on its original promise of using villains that no one has ever heard of. To me, that's a truly great mark of show, still being able to implement original ideas despite the overall concept being somewhat recycled. I haven't seen a single villain in this show that I have in any other show and I think that's fucking awesome.
Another absolutely stunning facet of BTB is that Batman is actually a detective. Bruce Wayne in this show can actually make observations, deduce things, and form reasonable conclusions based on the evidence presented to him. To be completely honest, no other Batman did this, well perhaps the Batman from Brave and the Bold did, but I have no way of knowing.
Batman is always described as being the world's greatest detective, but no show/movie has made a real effort to show that he deserves such a reputation, besides BTB. Bruce Wayne has a sense of almost hyper-observance in this show, and it's demonstrated in quite a few episodes, and personally I think it's stupendous. At several points, while watching this show, when Batman/Bruce makes an observation or proves a claim, I've thought My god, he's fucking Sherlock Holmes! and that's what you want Batman to be.
If you haven't watched the show Young Justice, do it now. Seriously, do it now, this post will be back for you when you're done(also if you've actually read this post for this long then I commend your patience) Young Justice is, in my humble opinion, the greatest culmination of visual, auditory, spiritual, and thought-provoking content ever produced in the twenty first century, or possibly in all of mankind's history.
To use a different description other than that does not do the show justice(pun, ehh, kind of) I'm not going to rant anymore about it, because I could, for days, but I do want to tell you that it was cancelled. I can assure you I'm not crazy, and many people feel the same way about this show that I just expressed to you, and yet, this critically acclaimed, Emmy-award winning show was cancelled.
YJ was cancelled along with Green Lantern: The Animated Series on DC nation, both shows technically finished, as in, their conflicts were resolved, but it was evident that there could've and would've been more episodes if the writers had had a chance to make more. I cannot vouch for the popularity or content of GTAS because I have never watched it, but I can tell you that YJ should not have ever been considered for cancellation, it was too good a show.
There's been numerous attempts to get the show back, but to no avail. One might ask "Well, since YJ got cancelled it obviously didn't have very good ratings and must not be as popular as you claim, right?" Wrong. Young Justice received excellent ratings, the writing for the show warranted these excellent ratings. However, these DC shows are not about ratings, they're about toy sales.
When the community asked writers Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti why YJ was cancelled if the ratings weren't that bad, and more importantly how could we as the community get the show back, they replied by saying that these shows are rarely about the ratings. They said that to get the show back we should buy the Young Justice toys, because that's where the real money is made.
The Actual Point
Beware the Batman appears to be close to cancellation. The voice actor for the show Anthony Ruivivar has tweeted that the show will return in January after the break that it's on now. This is the exact same thing that happened to YJ and GTAS before they were cancelled.
I cannot watch Cartoon Network throw away another perfectly good series. But I don't know how it prevent it.
I would say "Quick, buy some BTB toys!" except for the fact that you probably don't want to, I know I won't. And this isn't my attempt to use some sort of reverse psychology bullshit to make you feel pity on this show or me and get you to buy toys, in case you were thinking about that, I know I was, as I was typing that sentence I thought Wow, I sound kinda like a whiny bitch here
Anyway, ratings for these shows DO matter, but not as much as toy sales. Unfortunately this show has worse ratings than Batman: The Brave and the Bold did, that coupled with the fact that toy sales are probably not doing great and the show will repeat the pattern of two other cancelled shows means that it itself will probably be cancelled.
At this point, I don't know how to stop this, I just wanted to voice my(incredibly long) opinion and let those of you who didn't already know that toy sales really matter to these shows.
Your Opinions/Spread the word
So, in finality, I want your opinion on this. I know that there's only 17 people subscribed to this subreddit, and probably less than that number actually check it regularly, but I want your opinion on both my rant, and, if you don't like Beware the Batman, let me know why.
It's quite possible there are some big flaws in this show that I just can't see because I'm being blocked by my Batman fandom. So feel free to leave a comment of disagreement with what I've said.
And also, spread the word. Let people know about these great shows, and about the toy sales thing. Tell your friends about these shows, form/join groups online to discuss the shows, do something, anything. E-mail the writers, e-mail DC, e-mail Cartoon Network, start a Kickstarter, pitch in somehow.
This may seem like a lot for just wanting to watch some cartoons, but what else can I say, I'm passionate.
TL;DR Help find ways to stop our shows from being cancelled. Besides toy sales that is.
Edit: I just re-read this post and realized that I didn't really articulate my thoughts with as much clarity as I originally thought I did, so my apologies for that. I've been making a few grammatical/practical edits in an attempt to increase readability.
submitted by OmnicideFTW to BewareTheBatman [link] [comments]

why was impractical jokers cancelled video

Why did impractical jokers get Cancelled? It was cancelled after Series 2 in April 2014, mainly due to its unpopularity. However, more recently, Comedy Central and Channel 5 picked up the rights to co-produce a third season of Impractical Jokers UK with Yalli Productions, starring Late Night Gimp Fight. Who is the richest impractical Joker? The Binghamton tour stop on the Impractical Jokers' tour has been postponed due to an "unforeseen medical issue." According to a statement from a representatives from Floyd L. Maines Veterans ... Joe Gatto and a couple of non-Jokers friends host the PBR Podcast, and in 2015, they included AT&T girl (and Impractical Jokers fan) Milana Vayntrub as a guest. She was supposed to appear in a ... For those who don't know, 'Impractical Jokers' is an improv comedy series that follows the adventures of four real-life friends who compete ridiculous challenges designed to embarrass each other. The show first began airing in 2011, completed its 8th season in 2019 and spawned a feature-length movie that was released on February 21, 2020. Impractical Jokers TV show cancelled or Season 9 renewed?Impractical Jokers TV series ratings? The cancellation reaper is stalking all the latest cancellation and renewal updates, so keep this page to hand to track Impractical Jokers Season 9 status and release date news.. Impractical Jokers Canceled Or Renewed? After a lengthy hiatus, the Impractical Jokers are finally returning to TV. Cable network truTV has announced that Impractical Jokers Season 9 will premiere in early 2021, almost two years after ... Thousands of Impractical Jokers television show fans have long been seeking confirmation on whether Sal Vulcano is gay or straight. The actor is one of the four founders of the show, the others ... Four longtime friends compete to embarrass each other with a series of hilarious dares. If they refuse, they lose. At the end, the big loser must endure an epic punishment. YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (WKBN) – The Impractical Jokers’ Cranjis McBasketball World Comedy Tour at the Covelli Centre has been canceled. The comedy tour starring The Tenderloins was supposed to come ... It was cancelled after Series 2 in April 2014, mainly due to its unpopularity. However, more recently, Comedy Central and Channel 5 picked up the rights to co-produce a third season of Impractical Jokers UK

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